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[CSM Blog] December CSM Summit Report

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Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#1 - 2011-12-22 12:33:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Seleene
Hi folks. It's been a pretty busy last couple of weeks but I finally managed to put together a worthy summary of CSM 6's December Summit. I tried to do more than just write a small blurb about each session. There's pics and a lot of general information about what went down. The CSM's session with Hilmar was particularly interesting this time around. As for the rest, while I couldn't go into specific details on some things, there are a few nuggets of info in all this that you should find interesting. The official minutes are being worked on and should hopefully be out shortly after the holidays.

CSM 6 December Summit Report

I could have written more but I wanted to get this thing out before Christmas. I hope you enjoy the write up. Feel free to ask questions and I'll keep an eye on this thread and try to reply as time allows. Cool

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2011-12-22 12:51:09 UTC
Nice but link is empty :) (btw clicking your signature do it
Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#3 - 2011-12-22 12:57:58 UTC
Link is fixed now. It's these dumb forums, honest. Pirate

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#4 - 2011-12-22 14:21:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Read the whole thing, pretty interesting stuff.

Up side: it's good to see CCP going back to excellence, FiS and nullsec stuff. Warms my heart to remind me why i love this game.

Down side: you all forgot about the WiS crowd (alone in a CQ? That's all?), hiseccers (you know, that people who stubbornly refuse to play your game your way) and don't even are aware that soloers do exist in your pretty MMO.

Crucible did nothing for any of the above and all we get is "moar Crucible" + "WiS/NEx wall of silence". Straight

Not very engaging.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2011-12-22 15:21:44 UTC
I found it very engaging, as it shows that CCP are continuing the trend set by crucible of actually improving EVE, rather than beating it silly with a lead pipe, as was the trend up to crucible.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Draco Rosso
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-12-22 15:24:31 UTC
Fix FW.......that is all.
Plus 10 NV
#7 - 2011-12-22 15:24:54 UTC
Thanks for posting this. On FW you say:

"Factional Warfare & Wormholes

This was all about one feature that could have been amazing and a feature that is already amazing but could use more love. Both are front and center in terms of things that CCP wants to iterate on in the coming year. FW will most likely start with a series of minor tweaks before introducing some new elements that breathe new life into the feature. The Wormholes discussion focused a lot on what it's like to live there and how the economic opportunity scales with other EVE 'lifestyles'."

Is the "one feature" the fw plexing mechanic?

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#8 - 2011-12-22 15:26:16 UTC
Draco Rosso wrote:
Fix FW.......that is all.

Yep, this was discussed but isn't something I can comment much on. It's not going to sit as is forever.

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#9 - 2011-12-22 15:29:53 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Thanks for posting this. On FW you say:

"Factional Warfare & Wormholes

This was all about one feature that could have been amazing and a feature that is already amazing but could use more love. Both are front and center in terms of things that CCP wants to iterate on in the coming year. FW will most likely start with a series of minor tweaks before introducing some new elements that breathe new life into the feature. The Wormholes discussion focused a lot on what it's like to live there and how the economic opportunity scales with other EVE 'lifestyles'."

Is the "one feature" the fw plexing mechanic?

No, I was saying 'feature' as it relates to FW and WH. Those are both 'features'. But, yes, what you're talking about is also known and came up as one of many issues during the PLEX discussion.

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Plus 10 NV
#10 - 2011-12-22 15:41:28 UTC
Seleene wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Thanks for posting this. On FW you say:

"Factional Warfare & Wormholes

This was all about one feature that could have been amazing and a feature that is already amazing but could use more love. Both are front and center in terms of things that CCP wants to iterate on in the coming year. FW will most likely start with a series of minor tweaks before introducing some new elements that breathe new life into the feature. The Wormholes discussion focused a lot on what it's like to live there and how the economic opportunity scales with other EVE 'lifestyles'."

Is the "one feature" the fw plexing mechanic?

No, I was saying 'feature' as it relates to FW and WH. Those are both 'features'. But, yes, what you're talking about is also known and came up as one of many issues during the PLEX discussion.

Oh, I see thanks. Yeah I misunderstood.

By fw plexing I meant doing the fw occupancy thing. Not "30 day pilot license" plex.

Anyway I know no one on the csm is really into fw but any information you can provide here or in the minutes would be appreciated.

There have been no dev blogs on it since apoc 1.5 as far as I remember. And apoc 1.5 update dev blog openly admitted it wasn't a "fix" and more needed to be done.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Internet Explorers
#11 - 2011-12-22 15:44:04 UTC
Thanks for the info. It all sounds promising.

I'm particularly glad to hear the "Stone Tablets" method of developing software requirements is going away.
Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#12 - 2011-12-22 15:46:16 UTC
Cearain wrote:
By fw plexing I meant doing the fw occupancy thing. Not "30 day pilot license" plex.

Anyway I know no one on the csm is really into fw but any information you can provide here or in the minutes would be appreciated.

There have been no dev blogs on it since apoc 1.5 as far as I remember. And apoc 1.5 update dev blog openly admitted it wasn't a "fix" and more needed to be done.

Heh, seems like we misunderstood each other.

FW is the poster child for 'Unfinished Features'. It sits right above the Dominion sov system in terms of, "Was supposed to do X and ended up doing something not even worthy of a letter."

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#13 - 2011-12-22 16:11:22 UTC
DK VISA for entering Iceland, WTF!?! They severed ties ages ago and are a sovereign nation as far as I know, we only have Greenland still under our thumb today .. most peculiar. Guess it has to with a shared embassy kind of thing.

You are right, the Hilmar bit was good'ish.

Almost sounds like he was forcefully woken up by his company stuck idling with offices filled with unhappy/disgruntled workers and had to prevent the inevitable arson attack at the water-cooler.
Hope they don't shelve the Jesus features completely as there is some great stuff in "The Vision™", but how they got to the point where they thought that a game of Eve's size/complexity could go for years with no real maintenance is beyond me.

My wishlist, in order:
- Fix null sov. (Death to timers/EHP grinds!)
- Balance (ongoing process)
- Make combined FW/Lowsec "feature" (YARR!)
- Balance (still ongoing)
- Fix passive incomes (Moon the Moons!)
- Balance (still puttering along)
- Everything else.
Temba Ronin
#14 - 2011-12-22 18:18:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Temba Ronin
Thank you for posting this! Excellent, well done, kudos to you for taking the time an effort to spill some non "NDA Barred" info over the many of us really wanting to know which direction things seem to be heading.

I found one of your quotes to be quite encouraging

"Will CCP stay the course? Based on what we've seen recently I'd say, for at least the next year, yes. What will happen over the next year is anyone's guess but, aside from the 20% layoffs stuff, morale within the office is way up primarily because folks are getting a chance to work on the things they've been banging their heads against the wall about for years. I'd say we're looking at a solid 12 months of full throttle EVE EVE EVE before CCP takes their foot off the gas. That's fine with me for now because when the people working on the game are doing stuff that they WANT to do and actually have the resources and mandate to do it on a level that's never existed before, we'll probably see EVE evolve quite a lot in the next year.

I'm not all starry-eyed and rainbows about it all, but the immediate future looks good and we should all do everything we can to use this opportunity to help get the game where we want it to be."

I hope someone would recognize that this successful business model within CCP will also bear fruit if applied within the game of EVE. For example allowing designers to do stuff that they want makes for happier employees and a better game hopefully, allowing players to do stuff they want will (could, it is my opinion, not an indisputable fact) make players happier and increase the possibility of retention and recruitment of their friends to join and play along with them.

The death of the "Jesus/ Awesome" concept has from all accounts released both creativity and productivity inside of CCP, i do here put forth the idea that the death of the "Do it the way i did or you are doing it wrong/ nullsec must be dominated by huge Alliances that seek ever larger battles that everyone must submit to" concepts will unleash a flood of more players into regions of the game that remain heavily stacked against newer players. Give us a path to take the risks that differ from those now dominated by the players with multiyear advantages.

I readily acknowledge that vets know a lot more about gameplay then i do but i know a lot more about competing against people with a 9 year head start then they do and to improve retention this imbalance needs some love from the CSM and CCP.

The Best Ship In EVE Online Is "Friendship", Power To The Players!

Aineko Macx
#15 - 2011-12-22 21:34:06 UTC
Thx for writing.

Can't wait to see the minutes and the dozens of devblogs you alluded to.
Imigo Montoya
Triglavian Outlaws and Sobornost Troika
#16 - 2011-12-22 23:09:39 UTC
Awesome. Information!

We also saw some pretty cool stats about numbers of subscribers over different periods of time which really need to go into a dev blog soon.

Yes please! Making generalised guesses based on nothing more than eve-offline is infuriating.

Hilmar was extremely blunt in stating, (I'm paraphrasing here), "It was a fundamental breakdown in the growth of our company... After doing the same things, people want to design new game play... the 'Jesus' features start... When you keep doing the impossible... when you keep doing things over and over that people tell you, 'Oh, no you can't do that! It's crazy', and you keep succeeding... you believe that you can do the impossible and no one can tell you any different.. You become married to your own opinion."

That's very reassuring to hear.

Really looking forward to seeing the finalised minutes. Hopefully "tone" won't be an issue this time. Big smile
XS Tech
#17 - 2011-12-23 12:42:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Velicitia
Seleene for CS... wait Big smile

Absolutely brilliant Seleene! It's great to hear that they're gonna stick to the "EVE basics" for the next expansion or two.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

thoth rothschild
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2011-12-23 14:47:27 UTC
it makes me pleased to hear that the UI got it's own block.
Eve UI is the most scary in any games i have ever seen ^^
Tore Vest
#19 - 2011-12-23 23:51:05 UTC
CCP should not listen to CSM.
See what happend to super carriers.

I cant see any reason for resub.

Good blog tho

No troll.

Baidol Veris
Caldari State
#20 - 2011-12-24 00:08:07 UTC
Tore Vest wrote:
CCP should not listen to CSM.
See what happend to super carriers.

I cant see any reason for resub.

Good blog tho

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