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[New structures] Administration Hubs and Advertisement Centers

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Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn
Department 10
#21 - 2015-03-23 17:47:59 UTC
+1 to corpses being a part of the advertising billboards or something else. Corpses have been neglected for far too long.

" They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out. " Rick. " Find out what ? " Abraham. " They're screwing with the wrong people. " Rick. Season four.   ' The Walking Dead. ' .

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#22 - 2015-03-23 17:53:05 UTC
fluffy jo wrote:

Is it possible for CCP to think about reusing the current POS gun turrets, missiles, ecm , shield hardeners and warp / web modules as the new modules to be used in the new Structure fitting process.

The material can be changed as needed.

This will save refunding all the blueprints, and all the existing modules, for all the existing POS guns / missiles etc.

This will also save pilots from having to buy all the new blueprints for the new structure modules and spending time researching them.

I accept the fact that the existing POS tower blueprint and modules will be removed and replaced with all new structure, but to minimise the transition it would be nice to reuse as many existing POS modules as possible.

While I have never been a big fan of reimbursement for changes, I agree that it could save a huge amount of time, as well as database entries, to simply convert the existing POS weaponry and defense structures to structure modules. You wouldn't even have to change the recipes. Leave them as is.

Ofc, it would save even more time to simply delete them all. But then PI would crash. So converting them to structure modules seems like a good choice.

Alexis Nightwish
#23 - 2015-03-23 18:05:58 UTC
"Service module possibilities: territorial Sovereignty flag, modifiers to change the security status of a solar system, to change NPC agents spread in the solar system, to switch NPC faction control or NPC security forces."

Woah. I'm already imagining the abuse potential. Be very, very careful if you implement any of these, or related ideas. EVE players will absolutely game the living **** out of these to print ISK.

"Everyone who wants to use a structure, does: We want structures to be as widely used as possible, by removing artificial barriers or mechanics that may be in the way. This has to stay within a reasonable risk versus reward scope, of course, and as such the most rewarding structures should always be vulnerable to attack."

At the very least!

Questions: How do you plan to balance the billboard's accessibility with potential spamability? Will they be freely attackable, and go into RF similar to mobile depots?

What kind of content can you put up on these? Pictures? Movies? I'd love to see more cats, but I know some douche is going to put pics of his **** on there.

CCP approaches problems in one of two ways: nudge or cludge

EVE Online's "I win!" Button

Fixing bombs, not the bombers

Beta Maoye
#24 - 2015-03-23 19:59:59 UTC
I understand the advertisement will be text base, but I don't want an advertisment just like a wall of plain text. Please provide selection of fonts, size, colour, position, text animation like powerpoint slides. An advertisement may need 1-10 slides of contents.

I remotely hope that images and videos will be allowed.
Circumstantial Evidence
#25 - 2015-03-23 20:56:29 UTC
Querns wrote:
The administrative hub's potential ability to modify solar system security status is very exciting. I hope that you guys can nail down some specifics on this and share. Nullsec has an average truesec of -0.3 or so, so the prospects of being able to improve the swathes of crap space that infest New Eden has a lot of promise.
This would affect status quo game balance, which is designed to have rich and poor areas, and if you are stuck with a poor area that can't be improved, you are supposed to "covet thy neighbor's space." To preserve some of that, I don't think sec should be improvable by more than .2, add some costs or taxes, and limit it to -.5 and worse.
Somatic Neuron
Masterwork Productions Inc
#26 - 2015-03-23 22:04:58 UTC
Since I don't see a practical use for Advertisement structures (unless you remove the ability to rename deployable structures that currently litter highsec and lowsec)...

I would suggest a "plant the flag" type of structure instead. You deploy a destroyable beacon structure, and defend it. The longer you defend it, the more Reputation points you get. Can be personal or corp or alliance, depending upon deployment.

It would be visible and warpable from the entire system, and would show up on the starmap (listing the type, and length of time deployed).

For every hostile that you drive away/destroy, you gain Reputation points, much like FW loyalty points are generated for combat. For every additional pilot defending the beacon, you split the reputation points.

If you lose the combat and the beacon is destroyed, you lose a percentage of reputation points based on how many you have gained from that structure, which the winning pilot(s) would get to split equally.

This type of Reputation would be more "e-peen" in my humble opinion. It would also give small-gang objectives that would be fund and guarantee combat situations.

Just throwing it out there ;)
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#27 - 2015-03-23 22:15:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Bienator II
i don't see the real use of the advertisement center. I believe EVERY station should have a way to display some form of ads to players. Billboards, holographs whatever. Just watch bladerunner for inspiration.

even if its some form of world-wonder thing. How would you make it look unique? Having the same thing in every second system would be bad. Why would a player do the work and maintain it?

IMO its the weakest of all structure proposals.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Zloco Crendraven
Shadow Cartel
#28 - 2015-03-23 22:27:03 UTC
xttz wrote:
With all due credit to a Meta Show idea a couple of weeks ago, what about an Administration Hubs upgrade that introduces wormhole-like effects system-wide? It allows sovereign space to be customised around the owning alliance and introduces opportunity to break the global meta.

Let's say hypothetically there's a very commonly used ship doctrine based around shield-tanking and long-range missiles. A defending alliance about to be invaded could fit their Admin Hubs with system-wide effects that negatively affect shield HP / missile damage, and/or effects that boost their armour-based fleets / EM damage weapons.

This further opens up new room for strategic options or new ship roles on both sides. For example, an attacker could nullify the effect by bringing a Titan along in their fleet, or temporarily disable the structure at a key moment. Defenders could swap the effect unexpectedly and pick a complementary fleet composition.

This is damn good. I like it very much.

BALEX, bringing piracy on a whole new level.

Aureus Ahishatsu
Deadspace Knights
#29 - 2015-03-23 22:29:21 UTC
I'm asking similar questions for each of the structures but will the ones mentioned in this thread have any function in wormhole space? focusing on the administrative hub obviously. I think we all understand the advertisement part.
Kenneth Skybound
Gallifrey Resources
#30 - 2015-03-23 22:38:15 UTC
==Admin Hubs==

First things, PERSONNEL!

Just how a ship is limited by PG, CPU, Calibration, Drone bay, Cargo space, that kind of thing... structures in a system can be limited by Personnel! But where do they all get enlisted?

At your admin hubs.

When it comes to upgrading structures, and having the room to plonk down many large structures in a sov-like environment, the Admin hubs can be the "power source" to it all!

With various influences set by the Admin Hub, it can determine the types of NPC attracted and dissuaded, be the backbone for various bonuses to structures in system, but most importantly be the life blood of the structures! Anything which can be run needs people to run it, and instead of having to deliver a cargo hold full of people to the structures all the time, a hub which broadcasts a desire for NPC's to come flocking in themselves is the ideal means imo.

Then of course there's option in how you manage such a hub. Civ in Space, gather resources (people/livestock or whatever you wanna call them) and put the resources to work in various positions for varying degrees of effect and success.


Ideally I'd like to see the ability to plant down objects which advertise through customisable means provided by building block tools.

There can be simple logo boards with text in the show info. The logo hologram could be corp or ally logos, custom symbols from a CCP made list (eg shapes, objects such as asteroids or wormholes), or icons such as holograms of ships or modules.
There could be cheap consumable beacons for advertising locations of stuff such as "1v1 Honorbrawl" or "Free wrecks from The Score", warpable like a cyno is. Such a beacon would be very cheap, short lived and very small.
There could be letterbox holograms displaying scrolling neon text (choosing colours, display type etc from a neat interface).

Smaller and simpler ones should be cheaper and physically smaller, whilst bigger ones more defended.

In sov space, a system owner could place a tax on such deployables.

Adverts could be hacked in some way to change the message or turn off the advert (destroying in some cases, simply disabling in others hence not warranting concord intervention).

Everything from the poster stuck to a tree, to the fireworks set off in the distance, to the gigantic hovering billboard with 50ton megaphones attached.

But without sound. You can turn away from an advert, but sound would NOT go down well.
Brain Gehirn
Tr0pa de elite.
#31 - 2015-03-23 22:58:51 UTC

How the system security status modifier is going to work? I assume that there is going to be a limit or something.
What are you going to do to help balance the factions bounty/loots to avoid people choosing just 1/2 factions to work with?
How exactly these NPC security forces are going to work? What are their respawn rates/amounts and things like that?
Is the amount of anoms going to be reviewed at some point?
Is the faction change thing going to affect exploration aswell? Maybe officer spawns?
handige harrie
Vereenigde Handels Compagnie
#32 - 2015-03-23 23:01:25 UTC
territorial Sovereignty flag

Yes, let us plant them near gates and really big so make clear who owns what.

modifiers to change the security status of a solar system

Interesting, is this turning High Sec into lowsec, vice versa . awesome and risky.

or making a -0.2 system a -0.3 without the ability to change them across low/high/null sec bands.

to change NPC agents spread in the solar system

Please let SOV Nullsec alliances hire agents which can give out Alliance LP or something funky

to switch NPC faction control or NPC security forces.


Baddest poster ever

Gallente Federation
#33 - 2015-03-23 23:21:39 UTC  |  Edited by: SilentAsTheGrave
xttz wrote:
With all due credit to a Meta Show idea a couple of weeks ago, what about an Administration Hubs upgrade that introduces wormhole-like effects system-wide? It allows sovereign space to be customised around the owning alliance and introduces opportunity to break the global meta.

Let's say hypothetically there's a very commonly used ship doctrine based around shield-tanking and long-range missiles. A defending alliance about to be invaded could fit their Admin Hubs with system-wide effects that negatively affect shield HP / missile damage, and/or effects that boost their armour-based fleets / EM damage weapons.

This further opens up new room for strategic options or new ship roles on both sides. For example, an attacker could nullify the effect by bringing a Titan along in their fleet, or temporarily disable the structure at a key moment. Defenders could swap the effect unexpectedly and pick a complementary fleet composition.

I'm not against it, but that idea has been around for years. Blink

Originally it was brought up in the old forums. A dev started a thread asking for players to submit non-combat ideas for new ships. One of them was the idea of a ship that does a grid wide effect similar to unknown space effects. I believe it also had different modules depending on what effects you wanted.

A few years ago someone suggested adding the same idea to the i-hub grids and you could install them so when the battle would happen the defenders would have an advantage. Well unless the attackers did some tests to figure it out.

Also from the old forums was the original idea of slowing everything down so the requests to server could be processed and no one would end up with black screens and unresponsive clients

The old forums are a gold mine for ideas, but navigating them is hell.
Manfred Sideous
#34 - 2015-03-23 23:39:51 UTC


Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#35 - 2015-03-24 00:01:06 UTC
I assume I'm reading this wrongly somewhere, but the thought of posting a structure in Uedama to drop it to 0.4 sec status fills my heart with glee. (I do, however, assume this is probably not possible and that these may be null only).

Third party character faces on billboards would be hilarious. I'm just imagining a Goonswaffe member who is actually a spy loyal to N3 causing a diplomatic incident by reinforcing a few structures (easily done now), and posting billboards saying 'The Mittani sends his regards' with the Mittani's face on them.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Gallente Federation
#36 - 2015-03-24 00:05:20 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:

CCP removes the ability to rename structures and watch PL disband. P
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#37 - 2015-03-24 03:29:15 UTC
Bienator II wrote:
i don't see the real use of the advertisement center. I believe EVERY station should have a way to display some form of ads to players. Billboards, holographs whatever. Just watch bladerunner for inspiration.

even if its some form of world-wonder thing. How would you make it look unique? Having the same thing in every second system would be bad. Why would a player do the work and maintain it?

IMO its the weakest of all structure proposals.

i agree every XL structure should have flashy things and bill boards, but as mentioned, an advertisement centre isn't meant to have a 'use'.

Just build one as a tribute to your favourite deity.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Catherine Laartii
#38 - 2015-03-24 03:55:15 UTC
"Service module possibilities: territorial Sovereignty flag, modifiers to change the security status of a solar system, to change NPC agents spread in the solar system, to switch NPC faction control or NPC security forces."

For security status changes for systems, does this mean that nullsec systems could become lowsec, and potentially hisec? Will people finally be able to make their own hisec systems in deep null?
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#39 - 2015-03-24 04:03:21 UTC
If we are going to put mission agents in player made structures, they'd serve better in market hubs than admin hubs.

An admin hub can then determine what faction the agents within its constellation belong to (gallente, ammatar, mordus, serpentis) and could become the LP store for the area (if we dont put the LP store in market hubs as well). This would also affect the rats typically encountered in such missions.

I like the idea of having admin hubs giving out minor WH affects to its constellation as well.

Any more details as to what NPC security forces maybe? im hoping that at most they might replace the passive defence system of POS guns for defending structures.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Persephone Moonsbane
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#40 - 2015-03-24 05:03:44 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Hello people,

We would like your feedback on the various new structure lines presented during Fanfest and on our latest structure blog.

This particular thread is going to focus on Administration Hubs and Advertisement Centers.

  • Administration Hubs affect solar system control and ownership as a whole, like territorial Sovereignty flag, solar system security status modifiers, NPC agent spread and spawn behavior, NPC faction switching or NPC security / police forces.
  • Advertisement Centers have no practical purpose except to show the rest of the universe how big your e-peen is. They focus on text advertisement, billboard functionality, deploying gigantic monuments, and could possibly involve frozen corpses.

+1 to NPC security / police force been discussing this on another thread doesn't seem like people like the idea of NPC helping someone owning a piece of space.

How would they spawn? Does corporation provide the ships does it cost isk to employee these forces? Will there be a limit to how many can or will spawn in a system? Are these types of Interactive NPCs limited to one system or can they jump into other systems? Will NPC be doing work for the players are they providing "Free Labor"?

These are a lot of the questions and concerns I am hearing from other people. I personally think that this would add a very interesting spin on things.