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[PVE Content] Horde mode mission

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-03-23 13:17:45 UTC
With the inclusion of new AI for the drifters which allows them to persue a pilot, or even apparently call in reinforcements I propose (via people on Twitter) a horde mode mission.

The idea is simple. You warp your ship in to a group of low level frigates. You blap them, another wave spawns... based on what you used to kill the first wave, the waves keep increasing in difficulty and numbers until a player either bails, or dies.

This could be used to scale up in groups, the more players on grid, the more NPCs warp in as reinforcement. NPCs could even drop a carrier on the players for logistical or offensive support.

During a wave warpouts would not be possible (a warp scrambler effect on everything on grid) this would make each wave an all or nothing affair.

Rewards would be LP and ISK linked to the number you kill. Loot drops would scale increasing in value. You only receive the reward if you are able to warp out and dock up. If you die, you get nothing.

To reduce the farmability of these missions they would be storyline style missions (one in every 16 normal missions)
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2015-03-23 13:19:31 UTC
You do know that this would be insanely easy to farm, right?
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#3 - 2015-03-23 13:22:29 UTC
That's exactly the point :)
I'm tired of warping around from L4 to L4.

Invalid signature format

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#4 - 2015-03-23 13:35:53 UTC
every 16 missions like a storyline sounds pretty good, although if you do it solo
1 EW is going to be pretty heavy on the ship targeted, depending on rats ie guristas or serpentis, you wont even be able to target scramblers unless yout in a marauder.
2 while it could be farmed by a fleet, the isk and lp would be spread out, and itll probably stick with the usual mission turn in of max 10 pilots

question is would it be pay as they die, or pay as mission is complete, the 2nd one would be easier to manipulate for higher payment fyi

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Ice Fire Warriors
#5 - 2015-03-23 13:57:15 UTC
I remember this being a thing long, long ago.

I believe it was a static DED complex. And people farmed it for HOURS in perma-RRing Dominixes and or Ishtars (this is where "tinker tanks" became a thing too).

CCP didn't like this because there was simply no possible way to stop people from excessively farming indefinitely (did you know there are NPCs outside of Drifters that deal 20k volleys?).
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#6 - 2015-03-23 14:19:03 UTC
MainDrain wrote:
To reduce the farmability of these missions they would be storyline style missions (one in every 16 normal missions)

You obviously have not done much mission running lately. Lets see, blitz fit on a level 3 Mach, running 16 normal missions would take about 25 - 30 minutes and then on to farm land. Yes it may be level 3's but with the continued escalation the ISK and LP possibilities just boggle the mind.

So make it level 4 only you say. Great that adds maybe 20 minutes to the time required to get through the 16 missions if your solo, blitz them as a fleet of 2 or 3 and the time required would drop back to about 25-30 minutes and then off to farm land again.

Nice idea in theory, but in reality this would simply turn into another easily farm able activity. While I do not agree with those who think it is to easy to make huge amounts of ISK in high sec I would agree that the game does not need another easy to farm ISK machine in high sec.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-03-23 14:20:34 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
You do know that this would be insanely easy to farm, right?

Hey, i'm just throwing an idea out there.

Every content is going to be farmable - it just needs to be worked in such a way to reduce it. There are many smarter players out there who can suggest a fix
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2015-03-23 14:22:06 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
CCP didn't like this because there was simply no possible way to stop people from excessively farming indefinitely (did you know there are NPCs outside of Drifters that deal 20k volleys?).

I did not! Is that not including sansha bombers?
Zan Shiro
#9 - 2015-03-23 14:45:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
Agondray wrote:
every 16 missions like a storyline sounds pretty good, although if you do it solo
1 EW is going to be pretty heavy on the ship targeted, depending on rats ie guristas or serpentis, you wont even be able to target scramblers unless yout in a marauder.
2 while it could be farmed by a fleet, the isk and lp would be spread out, and itll probably stick with the usual mission turn in of max 10 pilots

question is would it be pay as they die, or pay as mission is complete, the 2nd one would be easier to manipulate for higher payment fyi

unprobable tengu says hi (edit: well now hard to find to be accurate) .....talons, eccm, sensor backup array and sub skill 5 with dissolution. It makes gurista where I don't even bother to worry about trigger rats sequences. I shoot everything and let God sort it out. I want them all there in fact...line em up, knock em down. ATM missions are what they are to me. I see jams once in blue moon.

TP a pain but said tengu low sig to start. And speed tanks nice. AE I don't sweat much.

Serp blockade is a joke mission. Rush the rats, kill the rats. I actually blitzed this calling on almost every wave at once. Only wave I wiped was the first one. Was too many for my comfort levels. now waves 2 through what 5?......bring it to get the trigger bs rat spawned faster and call her done if motivated.

To cater to small crews these would need less than a 10 man sign up. I was in real player corps where 10 people never on at same time. Or spread out. CCP gave the mass fleet pve need setup. Incursions. Also if you want to be nitpicky I can scare up a few friends and with 2-3 alts between us farm.

You see Its not only solo farming you have to worry about, it can be the couple buddies farmers This for example was how havens and sanctums and higher end ca's were farmed before carrier ratting became a thing. Same with 10 DED's. 3 buddies who knew the system and if when the good stuff dropped the gentlemans agreement richest guy would pay out the other 2 from his wallet and get his cut on sale.

Broken record...incursions are cop's only real success story for mass player hard as hell to farm pve. Why? it nerfs an entire system (and harder rats) so you need the numbers. Key here is system wide nerfing of ship stats. Feed hard rats but my ship is still uber....nom nom nom is all I can say.