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docking insisde a capital

solrac lara
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-03-22 20:39:07 UTC
Im new at eve and i was watching videos abaut capital ships and stuff how they are like moble battle stations so i wondered is posible to dock a subcapital ship inside a titan like i have my algos and im in an alliance with a titan am i able to dock inside the titan and stuff ,also its posible to dock a capital like docking a titan and if you dont then what are you suposed to do fly the titan forever like some sort of space coffin or there is some sort of special dokcing bay for titans
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#2 - 2015-03-22 20:44:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
You can store your current ship inside a ship hangar. You can also board any ship stored in that ship hangar if you are in a pod. Or do both and exchange ships.

However you cannot dock like at a station. You remain in space when using a ship hangar.

Supercaptials (supercarrriers / aka motherships, and titans) cannot dock. Carriers and dreadnaughts can dock.
solrac lara
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-03-22 20:49:07 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
You can store your current ship inside a ship hangar. You can also board any ship stored in that ship hangar if you are in a pod. Or do both and exchange ships.

However you cannot dock like at a station. You remain in space when using a ship hangar.

Supercaptials (supercarrriers / aka motherships, and titans) cannot dock. Carriers and dreadnaughts can dock.

A Supercapital Ship Maintenance Array exists, but is rarely used because of the risk of theft.

thats cool also there is some sort of special station for cap ships like somewhere they can dock or you just fly the cap ship forever tiill is destroyed
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#4 - 2015-03-22 20:51:03 UTC
Wait... I may be wrong on that size.

Checking facts now.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#5 - 2015-03-22 20:56:57 UTC
Confirmed: supercapitals cannot fit in an X-Large SMA.

I seem to recall some theft in the news, along with CCP mentioning something about having introduced an array at a POS. I'll have to do some more searching for that. I am getting old though, so may be losing my mind.
Ice Fire Warriors
#6 - 2015-03-22 22:04:25 UTC
solrac lara wrote:
is posible to dock a subcapital ship inside a titan

Currently, as I type this post... it is not possible to dock in a capital ship.

Like Tau said, you can...
- "store" your ship in a capital (resulting in you being left in space in a Pod that you can fly around in)
- remove your ship from the capital and jump into it (assuming you are part of the capital pilot's fleet and he/she has given you the proper permissions)

solrac lara wrote:
also its posible to dock a capital like docking a titan and if you dont then what are you suposed to do fly the titan forever like some sort of space coffin or there is some sort of special dokcing bay for titans

Okay... you have 2 types of capitals:

- Capitals: Carriers and Dreadnoughts.
---- dreadnoughts cannot carry or store any ships. They are strictly siege weapons that deal a massive amounts of damage... at the cost of being vulnerable to everything battleship sized and lower.
---- carriers CAN store and carry ships and extra equipment. In addition, they offer a "mobile refitting service" that allows you to tinker and change the fit of your ship on the fly. Like, dreadnoughts they are vulnerable to anything smaller than a battleship... unlike them, they focus on remote repair support.
---- both of the above ships CAN dock in regular stations like regular ships.

- Supercapitals: Supercarriers and Titans
---- Titans are basically souped up versions of dreadnoughts with added capabilities (think carrier + dred + extras). They can "doomsday" other capital ships, sometimes wiping them out in one shot... and they have the ability to "teleport" fleets of ships to certain locations (see: cyno mechanics). However, they have little to no ability to defend themselves.
---- Supercarriers are souped up versions of carriers... but with less emphasis on remote repairing and more on dealing damage with fighter drones. All other aspects of the carrier are present in a Supercarrier but in larger amounts.
---- both of the above ships are dubbed "flying coffins" for a reason; they can NOT dock anywhere. This means that a player either has to leave it exposed within a starbase (found around moons) where it might be stolen... or train dedicated characters to sit in them at all times.

Do note that NONE of the above ships are really "solo friendly." They require support from allies for defense.
In a sense... all of the above ships are "force multiplier" type assets.

Sorry if this bursts a long term goal of yours. Blink
But hey... look at it this way... if you encounter a capital ship you won't be afraid of it. Just pin it down with a warp scrambler and scream in local chat for help.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-03-22 23:27:20 UTC

Superscapitals (Supercarriers + Titans) are flying coffins.

Usually 2 situations are used by people using them:

A, They have a fully dedicated alt that lives in that ship and never leaves it. They also tend to only be logged in when they are needed.

B. They have a dedicated "babysitter" alt for the ship. Their main uses it and when (s)he is done with it, he ejects and the babysitter quickly jumps in it (usually done inside the safety of a POS that only the babysitter + main can enter) and then logs off.

The latter has slightly more risk to it as your ship is vulnerable to theft for a split second.

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Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2015-03-23 01:03:39 UTC
With in the past couple days fan fest has been going on and CCP announced a total revamp of all structures and a new moaring mechanic. I've not seen any details on size limits and what not yet also the details of those changes are not written in stone only suggested abilities are even being discussed at this point. So it is not impossible that in the future you might be able to moar a super but I'm not certain of that.

As far as launching from a capital ship CCP currently has a sub game called Valkyrie where you can fly fighters using some type of 3D headset called oculous rift or something like that. In the videos for that game they show pilots launching from what looks like carriers or super carriers. So it may also be possible that in the future you could do that as well.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

solrac lara
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2015-03-23 02:52:27 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
solrac lara wrote:
is posible to dock a subcapital ship inside a titan

Currently, as I type this post... it is not possible to dock in a capital ship.

Like Tau said, you can...
- "store" your ship in a capital (resulting in you being left in space in a Pod that you can fly around in)
- remove your ship from the capital and jump into it (assuming you are part of the capital pilot's fleet and he/she has given you the proper permissions)

solrac lara wrote:
also its posible to dock a capital like docking a titan and if you dont then what are you suposed to do fly the titan forever like some sort of space coffin or there is some sort of special dokcing bay for titans

Okay... you have 2 types of capitals:

- Capitals: Carriers and Dreadnoughts.
---- dreadnoughts cannot carry or store any ships. They are strictly siege weapons that deal a massive amounts of damage... at the cost of being vulnerable to everything battleship sized and lower.
---- carriers CAN store and carry ships and extra equipment. In addition, they offer a "mobile refitting service" that allows you to tinker and change the fit of your ship on the fly. Like, dreadnoughts they are vulnerable to anything smaller than a battleship... unlike them, they focus on remote repair support.
---- both of the above ships CAN dock in regular stations like regular ships.

- Supercapitals: Supercarriers and Titans
---- Titans are basically souped up versions of dreadnoughts with added capabilities (think carrier + dred + extras). They can "doomsday" other capital ships, sometimes wiping them out in one shot... and they have the ability to "teleport" fleets of ships to certain locations (see: cyno mechanics). However, they have little to no ability to defend themselves.
---- Supercarriers are souped up versions of carriers... but with less emphasis on remote repairing and more on dealing damage with fighter drones. All other aspects of the carrier are present in a Supercarrier but in larger amounts.
---- both of the above ships are dubbed "flying coffins" for a reason; they can NOT dock anywhere. This means that a player either has to leave it exposed within a starbase (found around moons) where it might be stolen... or train dedicated characters to sit in them at all times.

Do note that NONE of the above ships are really "solo friendly." They require support from allies for defense.
In a sense... all of the above ships are "force multiplier" type assets.

Sorry if this bursts a long term goal of yours. Blink
But hey... look at it this way... if you encounter a capital ship you won't be afraid of it. Just pin it down with a warp scrambler and scream in local chat for help.

no it doesnt im just impresed with the game mechanics of this game like is posible to steal a titan from someonne else like have this ever happened that a titan got stoled because that would be fun,also i dont like cap ships as least for now my fav ships for now are battleships but mostly because aesthetics they look cool and arent complicated as caps i guess
Phig Neutron
Starbreaker and Sons
#10 - 2015-03-23 03:32:24 UTC
It would be tricky to steal one. Ransoming one might be more likely -- if you can catch a Titan pilot doing something stupid like leaving his POS, and tackle him, his alliance might pay you to not call in their enemies.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2015-03-23 13:42:56 UTC
Stealing Titans has definitely happened. Chribba has made a lot of isk acting as a thrid party in super purchases. See the problem is that since you can't dock a Titan or super Carrier that means that you can't sell on on the market or via contracts. So to buy a Titan, which people do buy and sell them, there needs to be either a lot of trust involved or some type of checks and balances.

The way that you have to buy one is that the sell and the buyer both meet at some area that they can both agree on and the seller has to leave the ship and the buyer has to enter the ship and then leave system. At any point during that transaction the seller could cyno into a trap and get blown up without selling the ship. The buyer could jump in the ship and leave without paying. The buyer could buy the ship and get blown up in a trap. There are more ways than that I'm sure that things could go not as planed at least for one of the parties

Because of this various people have become known as a thrid party in transactions of this sort. So the third party accepts the payment from the buyer and notifies the seller that he has it. Then the seller exits the ship and the buyer enters it and cyno's off. When the buyer is safely out of system the seller is given the isk from the third party. There is of course a commission involved in this.

Another way that I am sure Titan have been stolen is that Titian I assume are rarely if ever purchased by an individual. I would imagine as a rule they are purchased by the Alliance or corporation. So the titan pilot is often entrusted with this very valuable corp asset that he has completely in his possession. So once a person is sitting in a Titian as you can guess it's not that difficult to enter another fleet and cyno dozens of Billions of isk worth of corp assets out of system.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli