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Titan as mobile battlefield stations

Lugh Crow-Slave
#21 - 2015-03-21 04:22:44 UTC
Catherine Laartii wrote:
How about a halfway measure that lets people literally dock their ship in it like a station, with a special environment and everything? This would extend to any capital with a maint bay, but unlike stations you still have to adhere to the capacity limit. That being said, you could carry a bunch of pods in the bay.

does everyone in the bay get a Jump timer if the ship jumps and do they get it if they are offline and what happens if the pilot logs off
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2015-03-21 04:27:00 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
everyone in the bay get a Jump timer if the ship jumps and do they get it if they are offline and what happens if the pilot logs off

Of course they get a jump timer, even if they are offline. If they don't want it, they should climb out of the ship. If the pilot logs off, the ship disappears as normal, if someone on board it logs on, they are popped out. Problems? Work it out with the management in your corp.

Of course I'd like to see supercapitals never disappear from space, so then people could just come and dock/undock all they like while the pilot is offline, provided they have access. Now before you say it puts undue pressure on the pilot, I say the pilot should be able to eject from the titan and lock it, and allow corp or alliance to limit/control access to the pilot seat.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Colette Kassia
Kassia Industrial Supply
#23 - 2015-03-21 05:13:00 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
Supercapitals as semi-mobile, anchorable, destructible stations seems like one of the best directions in which to take them at this point in the game. When the Supercapital ship anchors, the pilot ejects and the station then becomes like any other station...

Here's a silly thought...

What if you could do the reverse with player constructed Outposts? Load it up with lots and lots of isotopes and fly away Stargate Atlantis style. The new sovereignty system is going to result in some sprawling alliances having to consolidate their territory. This may mean loosing control of things they invested huge amounts of ISK and material into. They aren’t going to be happy about loosing what they worked so hard to build, Maybe they shouldn't have to...
Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2015-03-21 11:40:38 UTC
if that's an attempt to bring a fresh breath into a Titans and made them flying POS's it's simply no no.

Titan - is a biggest destructive weapon in game. Let it stay as is but taking into the mind coming changes it is require to fit htat weapon into new meta frames.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Neo Digital
#25 - 2015-03-21 12:29:21 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
So what happens when the immobile station-titan eats a dozen doomsdays and explodes while a load of people are inside it?

Their minds could be transferred to their clones in their respective home stations, and the assets would be gone with the now wreckage titan.

o7 ~Neo Digital

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2015-03-21 18:26:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
Tiddle Jr wrote:
Titan - is a biggest destructive weapon in game. Let it stay as is but taking into the mind coming changes it is require to fit htat weapon into new meta frames.

I can't help but feel like the reason it was made into a destructive platform originally was simply because CCP did not currently have any actual plans for its use. Since then the doomsday device has been nerfed hard and titans are currently mostly used for bridging fleets. They are powerful enough to be worth taking into combat but because of their high value, people mostly just keep them locked up instead.

It seems to me like a logical projection of the titan's logistical capability to allow it to act like a temporary station. It could also hold a jump bridge and be a way to setup a makeshift jump bridge network at higher cost when you don't have the time to set up a POS-based jump bridge network.

Maybe it could be all about putting your titan in danger can allow you to bypass the force projection limits somewhat. That will encourage people to put their titans out there and possibly lose them, instead of have them just sit around all day and not really get used.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2015-03-21 21:56:19 UTC
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Tiddle Jr wrote:
Titan - is a biggest destructive weapon in game. Let it stay as is but taking into the mind coming changes it is require to fit htat weapon into new meta frames.

I can't help but feel like the reason it was made into a destructive platform originally was simply because CCP did not currently have any actual plans for its use. Since then the doomsday device has been nerfed hard and titans are currently mostly used for bridging fleets. They are powerful enough to be worth taking into combat but because of their high value, people mostly just keep them locked up instead.

It seems to me like a logical projection of the titan's logistical capability to allow it to act like a temporary station. It could also hold a jump bridge and be a way to setup a makeshift jump bridge network at higher cost when you don't have the time to set up a POS-based jump bridge network.

Maybe it could be all about putting your titan in danger can allow you to bypass the force projection limits somewhat. That will encourage people to put their titans out there and possibly lose them, instead of have them just sit around all day and not really get used.

That's exactly the case. For me it's sounds really strange to use multi-billion asset for bridging and semi-pos role. Not worth untill titans lose at least half of their price.

And i'm not sure where is the biggest problem is or what's wrong with Titans or pilots who own them and do nothing other than bridging and keep them at the safe spot fow week and months.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2015-03-21 22:27:54 UTC
Tiddle Jr wrote:
And i'm not sure where is the biggest problem is or what's wrong with Titans or pilots who own them and do nothing other than bridging and keep them at the safe spot fow week and months.

There's not much they can do with them. People don't want to bother supporting a titan on the field and trying to defend it when it's so much easier to just bring in a small dreadnought group and get a lot more net DPS.

Maybe titans are too expensive, but it's pretty certain that they don't have enough functionality to justify their value.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

#29 - 2015-03-21 23:01:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Lienzo
There is a lot to find troublesome about both titans and stations. From CCP's perspective, they are both just containers or database tables with vexing rulesets.

From the players' perspective, we should concern ourselves with roles, and how they help us. We can thus analyze any object into subcomponents based on the various roles they perform. f.ex., for most people a station is just a place to hold infinite stuff and go afk between timers.

Titan pilots aren't going to want random spies docked inside of them, and able to undock at any inconvenient moment, which is most of the time.

If we want capital ships to be a kind of fleet anchor, then we need better ways to get fleets to capitals, rather than away from them. That might mean a new concept of cynosural fields, one that doesn't create a bridge to somewhere else, but is more of a "come to me little ducklings" sort of mechanism.

Looking at the current system, it's clear that CCP wanted capital ships to have lots of their tenders clearing the path for them, and then landing on their objectives. However, I don't think they foresaw player's annoyance with hotdropping, or that supers would mainly focus on structures. I think this approach would work well for more complex environments, such as very deep deepspace environments where cynoes are enabled. So in such a case, fast subcaps could go deeply into those sites, assuming there was something of value or significance there, and then bring in the capitals.

A different focus puts the capital ship as determining where the fight is. Under that model, we want capitals to be able to bring ships with them as well as have a reason for being there. That might mean opening something like a wormhole that is effectively a two way portal that even neutrals could use.

Now that we have jump fatigue as a mechanism, it isn't so unreasonable that every ship could be able to move to a friendly cyno beacon. We're a bit spoiled on disposable cyno alts, but we also don't want to give up valuable capital ship slots for support modules. Perhaps it could be rolled into another module, such as the seige module, or something involved with a capital version of entosis.

The ability to move an entire piloted ship to itself is more useful than a clone vat, especially in a flagship role. What we want from stations is fast formup times for fleets. If caps will no longer have a structure centric role, then treat hull classes like part of a more general ecology. Let supers have friendly cap ships cyno directly to them, and cap ships have battleships cyno to them, and battleships have anything up to battlecruisers warp to them, etc. If supers can't jump directly to anything, then they'll just have to be lonely at the top.

This will sort of work in the new constellation context, since ships will need to move around, and not just by gates. By spreading out capital assets, the mobility of fleets will be enhanced, while the fatigue mechanics will enforce discipline. This action is a risk assessment.

Having larger ships sport more fleet hangars is not a bad idea. However, they have to serve some clear purpose. I think we should reverse the ammo and magazine volume reduction changes. DSTs have adequate buffer to make themselves fleet viable, but they'd probably need some kind of direct role like sporting energy transporters, warfare links, or probing equipment. If we started looking at subcaps and wanted to engage in a new form of force projection, we would make more modules require charges. Entosis modules would be a good example of a module that needs to use specialized charges. It would keep an interceptor quite close to home if afterburners and mwds used charges just as a saar does. Warp disrupt probes are also a good candidate for a volume increase. There isn't a whole lot of cargo space difference between frigates and cruisers, so it would be advantageous to stretch these differences even as we create small form factor fleet hangars for every hull class heavier than a destroyer. Stealth bombers already have strong logistical need for additional bombs, especially if they aim to have flexibility in loadouts. Perhaps some of the recons could get a specialized fleet hangar in this regards, aimed mainly at hosting bombs.

Under that model, it would need to be easy for a cruiser to support the logistical needs of a squad of frigates, but not for ships of its own class for a long duration excursion. Likewise, a carrier should easily support the needs a squadron of battleships. If necessary, we could focus on the logistics class ships, like bantams and scimitars. They will also need extended access range, reasonably a minimum of ten kilometers.

Ships could still operate in a solo capacity so long as they are close to a base of operations, if true soloists can even be said to exist these days.

If titans are supported by supercarriers, and thus lacking in easy support from something larger that isn't a structure, then we just have to look at making more of the modules require charges. The lack of easy obliges them to rely on a more vulnerable logistics chain away from home space. It's a pity that most of those that do use supplies use ice ions, but we can't do much about that travesty. What would could look at at are charges for capital repair modules. That has the added benefits of interruptions in repair chains. Ideally, they should included low level moon mins in their build costs. In the new proposed ecology of structures, it would be nice if they could only be rearmed at a structure, but that is veering off the subject of intertwining capitals and logistics. Other abilities could be derived from existing ship abilities. For example, super cap ewar immunity could be vested in a module which itself uses charges. Perhaps fighters and bombers could need to be supplied with their own exhaustible resources or munitions.
Insane's Asylum
#30 - 2015-03-24 12:34:04 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Janeway84 wrote:
they loose their pods ofc! It will be awesome! Big smile

And what happens when it or they log off?

They login and find themselves in a random class wormhole in their rookie ship with a t1 cloak and t1 probe launcher?
J/k I dunno maybe they can have ejected in a random ship that was inside the cap? Or just be in their pod or wake up in station?
Ship destruction is a pretty common thing to happen in eve.. Big smile
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