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Your Best - or Worst - EVE Confession

First post
Chenguang Hucel-Ge
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#201 - 2015-03-18 05:36:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Chenguang Hucel-Ge
Whittorical Quandary wrote:
I fell asleep mining in a retriever once...

Needless to say an embarrasing killmail and waking up to be sitting in a pod.

Did same thing on procurer, lost it to minor highsec rat and got pod killed by a guy on the frig.

Also, got my first PvP right after saying "Hello" in WH local.

But damn, this fruit just keeps on giving. Lost procurer to dictor-assisted Ishtar SHOOTING GODDAMNED ISHTAR INSTEAD OF DICTOR. Died with fast response fleet being two jumps away, just because I considered telling about being attacked while being deep in structure.
Also, lost Helios in Curse shortly after. Yes, Helios in goddamned Curse.
Alavaria Fera
#202 - 2015-03-18 06:26:37 UTC
I bought stupidly expensive ships that can't dock just to shoot structures at best. In fact, they spend so long logged off it's ridiculous.

My most used ships are bombers,

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Don Purple
Snuggle Society
Pandemic Horde
#203 - 2015-03-18 07:27:00 UTC
I trained industrial capital ships V.

I am just here to snuggle and do spy stuff.

Vicky Somers
Rusty Anchor
#204 - 2015-03-18 08:26:43 UTC
Losing expensive frigates to gate guns/faction police due to not paying attention to sec status/aggression timer. What?

Logging out in CVA space while in ratting battlecruiser, leaving game, coming back a few months later and logging in to be surrounded by bubbles and gate camps, with no sight of CVA anywhere in provi. Lol

Losing a Legion to rats. Oops

Failing to gank a Hulk in a Brutix. The target was not showing much in a way of sportsmanship over his victory. Sad

As for the best, it's a draw between expensive faction drops in quick and easy exploration sites, landing right at the edge of a poorly placed bubble in a billion+ ship and making someone rage in local over spare change losses like a retriever.
Lia Mandel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#205 - 2015-03-18 08:38:15 UTC
In our WH Corp, I bookmarked a sleeper site "WH5 -> HS", for fun.
It was not very much appreciated, when the transporter with 3 weeks worth of loot from C5 escalations got blown up by the sleepers Cool
Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#206 - 2015-03-19 02:35:29 UTC
- First 2 minutes ever in Eve, I aggro Concord in rookie ship and get blapped, and security status goes negative. Somebody in local immediately chimed in local "Dalto Bane, your blinky and bad security status already?? Impressive!!"

- I lost my first 10mil of Isk in game to a hauling scam. Well, less of a scam and more of a lack of knowledge and understanding of what a "contract" was in game. I figured the request he made that I pay him collateral for hauling MY stuff was completely on the up and up. Still don't know how I survived adolescents when this is the type of critical decision making skills I was blessed with.

- After years of playing Eve, the overview settings remain a mystery to me. All would be lost if it wasn't for Sarah Overview pack. It gets me me 98% there. I tweak the last 2% and then pat myself on the back and strut around my computer like I have decoded some ancient cryptic manuscript. Sad, but true What?

- I have, in past corps/alliances/fleets fit my ship and have linked to others a wrong fit if where the actual doctrine fit originated from someone who was a blow hard know-it-all or just plain annoying just to spite that person... don't judge me... cause you know the guy I'm talking about.. the one-upper, strict to form types,, always critical of any fits other than something they unicorned up despite only maybe seeing it in a twitch strwam, maybe? Not the FC but likes to bark.. oh yeah, I jacked his comps all sideways.. Armor Drakes, check.. T2 hulls with T1 guns and mods, double check... I actually think this classifies as more of a mental illness than embarrassing.

Well there more.. but that is really all I care to share without my lawyer present. o7

Drops Mic

Tusker Crazinski
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#207 - 2015-03-19 02:46:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Tusker Crazinski
My first solo kill mail was solely do to the gate guns. I had 1.2 or some odd percent damage on the actual mail.

came across a really weird camp. 1x armor plate Tornado 2x kesterals 1x Arazu. the tornado red boxed me so I hit the orbit at 500 button and spin to win, I thought I was doing really good but apparently barrage in 425s doesn't track well when orbiting at 500. I got just over a percent damage in the mail the gate guns did the rest. I even forgot to launch drones.

regardless the rest of the gang did not bother following suit and stayed on gate. they never even locked me.

the gang was bickering between each other in local....... To this day I'm not sure if they all forgot what fleet chat was, had no TS, or what. but it was hilarious none the less.
#208 - 2015-03-19 12:50:27 UTC
I was scammed in Jita for 550 million isks station trading for a PLEX but it was an empty container named "30 Days Pilot License"
Desimus Maximus
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#209 - 2015-03-19 16:51:46 UTC
I reassigned ownership of 3 Billion ISK in assets from my last corp due to severe lack of activity. I was loyal, dedicated, active and excited... then after being virtually the only corp member on for 3 weeks I assumed ownership of the items and made use of them.

You may see this as a corp theft/heist but it was an asset reassignment.

Sorry Sory, nothing personal. Just business.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#210 - 2015-03-19 16:55:19 UTC
Desimus Maximus wrote:
I reassigned ownership of 3 Billion ISK in assets from my last corp due to severe lack of activity. I was loyal, dedicated, active and excited... then after being virtually the only corp member on for 3 weeks I assumed ownership of the items and made use of them.

You may see this as a corp theft/heist but it was an asset reassignment.

Sorry Sory, nothing personal. Just business.

I disagree with your logic, but I vehemently support you doing this and the ability to do so.

"Lykouleon wrote:


State War Academy
Caldari State
#211 - 2015-03-20 01:14:54 UTC
I lost my Marauder in the first day of having it... Got stabbed and neuted by some PVE frigs and couldn't escape. It was a slow death. :(