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Are You Sick and Tired of the Tyrant James 315 and his New Order/CODE?

First post
Held der Finsternis
Highsec Corporate Services
#261 - 2015-03-06 09:26:58 UTC
New blog post up. It has plot twists!

You can always find me on the forum section of :o)

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#262 - 2015-03-06 12:14:39 UTC
quite a good post, knowing a few people who have came to me because they have been scammed for various out of game services. shame that people do this sort of stuff for services, oh well more business for me \o/

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Held der Finsternis
Highsec Corporate Services
#263 - 2015-03-09 07:20:03 UTC
A few blogs posts later... We have an alliance!

"Heroes of Highsec Alliance"

Also, shareholder funds have been moved to Caretaker Held, of the "Heroes of Highsec" corp, where shareholder funds will be kept segregated. Funds will be invested as originally stated, but instead of waiting until final victory for profit, around or about 50% of profits will get paid directly out to shareholders, with the other half going into a special fund just for fighting the New Order. This sort of structure will help keep funds separate for their intended purposes. A mechanism to allow shareholders to easily choose whether they want dividend reinvestment on or off will be coming soon.

Everything is being done above board and as we settle into what will become routine processes and procedures, I will post API's and do regular shareholder reports. We are just under 5 billion isk in funds.

Over the course of the next week or so, focus will be on getting the investment funds in the market and recruiting individuals and corps into the official alliance.

While I have personally invested over a billion isk to make this all a reality, I have not awarded myself any shares for personal profit. I will of course need to fund PLEXes and such for running this operation, but everything will be done in the most transparent and fair way possible. We may hold 10% out as an "operating expense" fee and split the remaining 50/50 between shareholders and the endowment fund, but that is yet to be decided.

Now, as far as actionable ideas for defeating the New Order, as I know you all want to hear, particularly when it involves spaceships, I was thinking of some ideas earlier and would like some feedback.

1. Would there be interest in the Heroes of Highsec funding Deathstar POSes sprinkled throughout major mining systems for the purpose of a place for Heroes to keep their boosting orcas safe?

2. Seeding Anti-ganking ships and modules in major ganking systems? Any seeding of rebel equipment would be done at a good profit so as to deter the New Order from simply buying out our supplies.

3. New Player Training corp for the purposes of getting new players up to speed and safe?

You can always find me on the forum section of :o)

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#264 - 2015-03-09 10:46:11 UTC
Held der Finsternis wrote:
A few blogs posts later... We have an alliance!

Does this mean CODE can expect a wardec from you? Big smile

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Black Drake
#265 - 2015-03-09 21:54:44 UTC
Tisiphone Dira wrote:
"It would help for those that have been wronged by CODE to share their stories"

*sniffs* this one time, I was out miiiiining, and then the new order agent came, and said that that was enouuuuuugh, that I had to leave some for the other childreeeeen. I said noooo, I wasn't dooooone, but then then agent said I was, and he pushed me off the asteroiiiids, waaaaahaaahaaaa.

Totes read this in Cartman's voice.
Noobshot Elongur
Goonswarm Federation
#266 - 2015-03-13 00:49:43 UTC
I will formerly state that I love the CODE. Especially when they flush out poorly tanked solo miners. I get to sell the victims new retrievers at marked up prices! I sold retriever #58 to some solo doofus who got himself splatted even after the CODE member spammed the local channel for a good 45 minutes. Talk about not paying attention to the situation.....
Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#267 - 2015-03-13 08:46:54 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Held der Finsternis wrote:
A few blogs posts later... We have an alliance!

Does this mean CODE can expect a wardec from you? Big smile

doubt it, he is too busy trading to be wardeccing his targets

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Held der Finsternis
Highsec Corporate Services
#268 - 2015-03-15 21:06:06 UTC
Blog is updated with a major development!

You can always find me on the forum section of :o)

Held der Finsternis
Highsec Corporate Services
#269 - 2015-03-17 18:23:40 UTC
Due to popular demand, the Heroes Code has now been released!

You can always find me on the forum section of :o)

Karla the Careless
Beyond Reproach
#270 - 2015-03-17 22:08:31 UTC
- Heroes may, from time to time, declare war on carebear corporations that violate the terms of this agreement. It is expected that such carebear corporations either improve their ways or dissolve to join the Heroes of Highsec Alliance so as to better themselves. Carebears will be expected to bear the cost of all war-related expenses for the Heroes. Furthermore, carebears will be expected to buy some shares to “get right” with the organization and show that they want to be better. Heroes will suggest the proper level of investment.

Please inform me where I agreed to the agreement that is quoted from your website. Pending irrefutable evidence that I personally informed you that I have in fact agreed to this steaming pile, there is no agreement between you and I.
Held der Finsternis
Highsec Corporate Services
#271 - 2015-03-18 02:55:19 UTC
Karla the Careless wrote:
- Heroes may, from time to time, declare war on carebear corporations that violate the terms of this agreement. It is expected that such carebear corporations either improve their ways or dissolve to join the Heroes of Highsec Alliance so as to better themselves. Carebears will be expected to bear the cost of all war-related expenses for the Heroes. Furthermore, carebears will be expected to buy some shares to “get right” with the organization and show that they want to be better. Heroes will suggest the proper level of investment.

Please inform me where I agreed to the agreement that is quoted from your website. Pending irrefutable evidence that I personally informed you that I have in fact agreed to this steaming pile, there is no agreement between you and I.

You were invited to vote for the rebel leader. You did not show up. Please try to catch up and not pick things out of context. Thanks. I look forward to your participation in making HIghsec better.

You can always find me on the forum section of :o)

Kalishka Ashkulf
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#272 - 2015-03-18 09:18:06 UTC
Held der Finsternis wrote:

I have decided to defeat the New Order by starting a Rebel movement that doesn't suck like all those that have come before. I would like to ask all of the kind players here in general discussion to brainstorm ideas to defeat this criminal organization. The best will be considered for implementation.

It would help for those that have been wronged by CODE to share their stories here along with what they are willing to do to help the cause.


Why, thank you, Thing!

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#273 - 2015-03-18 11:32:24 UTC
Held der Finsternis wrote:
Karla the Careless wrote:
- Heroes may, from time to time, declare war on carebear corporations that violate the terms of this agreement. It is expected that such carebear corporations either improve their ways or dissolve to join the Heroes of Highsec Alliance so as to better themselves. Carebears will be expected to bear the cost of all war-related expenses for the Heroes. Furthermore, carebears will be expected to buy some shares to “get right” with the organization and show that they want to be better. Heroes will suggest the proper level of investment.

Please inform me where I agreed to the agreement that is quoted from your website. Pending irrefutable evidence that I personally informed you that I have in fact agreed to this steaming pile, there is no agreement between you and I.

You were invited to vote for the rebel leader. You did not show up. Please try to catch up and not pick things out of context. Thanks. I look forward to your participation in making HIghsec better.

AnsLOL would like a word with you.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Shelom Severasse
Legion Ascending
#274 - 2015-03-18 11:55:38 UTC
Held der Finsternis wrote:

I have decided to defeat the New Order by starting a Rebel movement that doesn't suck like all those that have come before. I would like to ask all of the kind players here in general discussion to brainstorm ideas to defeat this criminal organization. The best will be considered for implementation.

It would help for those that have been wronged by CODE to share their stories here along with what they are willing to do to help the cause.

i have a feeling that the best way to get anything done is to not blab your intentions to the forums. you need to get a solid group of guys together on your own and work your way from there.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#275 - 2015-03-18 12:17:20 UTC
admiral root wrote:

AnsLOL would like a word with you.

You misspelled Waaahnslo.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

roberts dragon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#276 - 2015-03-18 13:33:02 UTC
with players who loose their ships to gankers build them new ships and they supply the mats and the costs would say for new players without much experience like me.
I go 1 step further I will build the venture and 2 of the mining barges and some haulage ships that I have bpos for and most frigates if you been seal clubbed I lost my iterlon this way to a seal clubber so know how this feels that's why I make the offer for newer players loose you ship if I have the bpos I make you new one you supply the mats and cost I make for you.

many thanks
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#277 - 2015-03-18 13:43:08 UTC
roberts dragon wrote:
I go 1 step further I will build the venture and 2 of the mining barges and some haulage ships that I have bpos for and most frigates if you been seal clubbed I lost my iterlon this way to a seal clubber so know how this feels that's why I make the offer for newer players loose you ship if I have the bpos I make you new one you supply the mats and cost I make for you.

That "sentence" is certainly a crime. Punishment to follow.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Held der Finsternis
Highsec Corporate Services
#278 - 2015-03-18 14:07:06 UTC
updated ipo thread with some important shareholder news. tl/dr- temp loan from shareholder funds to myself for fun community event this weekend in which profits will be split with shareholders and funds paid back in full after weekend.

I invite everyone to fly over to Uedama this weekend. I'll be there for at least 8 hours personally on saturday and we'll do some fun fleets.

You can always find me on the forum section of :o)

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#279 - 2015-03-18 14:08:27 UTC
I kinda like the term 'seal clubber'
Of course I'm thinking of something completely

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#280 - 2015-03-18 19:27:49 UTC
roberts dragon wrote:
with players who loose their ships to gankers build them new ships and they supply the mats and the costs would say for new players without much experience like me.
I go 1 step further I will build the venture and 2 of the mining barges and some haulage ships that I have bpos for and most frigates if you been seal clubbed I lost my iterlon this way to a seal clubber so know how this feels that's why I make the offer for newer players loose you ship if I have the bpos I make you new one you supply the mats and cost I make for you.

many thanks


Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.