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Character Bazaar

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WTS 129+ mil sp char

Shadowwalker Fox
the brotherhood of eternal
#1 - 2015-03-13 20:19:31 UTC
WTS this char


+ 129.3 mil sp

+ some industry, mostly to support mission running.

+ Can Run level 4s with SoE.

+ Will have no assets nor isk left on wallet.

+ 4 clones:
- clone #1, comes with a full set of +5s with some booster implants
-clone #2, comes with a Full set of High Grade crystals including the omega and several 5% boosters for gunnery and missiles
- clone #3, comes with a full set of High Grade Slaves including the omega and several 5% boosters for gunnery and armor.
- clone #4, comes with crappy +3 implants, NOT complete and some 3% booster implants.

+ Starting price is 45 billion isk, B/O 55 Billion isk. Or best offer. Will NOT entertain holds till you get your isk. Have it ready or don't offer isk you ain't got.

+ I reserve the right to cancel this sale up to the moment of transfer at which point ill return the isk paid if any.

+ I pay transfer fee
+ I get the iskies
+ positive wallet
+ 1 kill right expiring in 2.5 days against me.
+ I am on a NPC corp.

+ Will run this sale until I sell of get tired of bumping the thread.
Peastrel Leporidae
#2 - 2015-03-13 23:42:01 UTC
i offer 50b
Shadowwalker Fox
the brotherhood of eternal
#3 - 2015-03-14 02:04:18 UTC
up it goes

50 bil offer noted, very tempted to accept

Eletari Atolii
Extant Holdings
#4 - 2015-03-14 02:41:06 UTC
boy you really don't like frigates do you ^^

All battleships 5, all T2 weapons. only 2 frigates to 5 hehe.

Anywho, I can't match 50b sadly.

But if that offer falls through, I'll do you 40b
Peastrel Leporidae
#5 - 2015-03-14 06:23:48 UTC
my offer will stand until downtime today at that point i will look for another toon

free bump
Aragi To
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2015-03-14 11:28:32 UTC
51b b/o
Peastrel Leporidae
#7 - 2015-03-14 13:19:58 UTC
i will match your b/o 55b
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2015-03-14 13:27:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Murixo
Peastrel Leporidae
#9 - 2015-03-14 13:28:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Peastrel Leporidae
ill stick with my valid offer of 55b not time wasting like the other take it or leave it
Shadowwalker Fox
the brotherhood of eternal
#10 - 2015-03-14 14:19:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Shadowwalker Fox
Peastrel Leporidae wrote:
ill stick with my valid offer of 55b not time wasting like the other take it or leave it

Peastrel Leporidae 55 b/o accepted
Peastrel Leporidae
#11 - 2015-03-14 14:29:15 UTC
ty sir isk sent and account details
Peastrel Leporidae
#12 - 2015-03-14 14:32:54 UTC
Character Name: Shadowwalker Fox

Will be completed after: 3/15/2015 12:32:03 AM
Shadowwalker Fox
the brotherhood of eternal
#13 - 2015-03-14 14:35:44 UTC
isk received, char transferred.

enjoy !!