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Fleet Tempest is a Flavourless Redumbdancy

Ultramar Independent Contracting
#81 - 2015-03-13 12:26:04 UTC
Capt Sephiroth wrote:
In bigger scale fights where dps of a ship doesnt matter that much when you have hundreds of pilots involved If you fit the same armor buffer tanks on TFI, mach and Foon FI you will see that TFI wins by 14k ehp without boosts. If mach wants to be able to fit that much buffer tank it has to remove one gun which brings its dps and volley on par with (actually is lower than that of TFI in both) however mach has a better projection cause of that falloff. We are of course talking about arty. Now if we were to go for Foon FI which has the same 14k ehp lower tank than a TFI without boosts and able to hit at range meaning usage of CMLs without rage of course cause well damage application TFI still has a higher volley by more than 1k plus missiles can be countered with smartbombs. In any case TFI has its place and role that it does better than both Foon FI and mach so if it was to be buffed then mach and Foon FI would become obsolete.

No, they wouldnt. Take a look at my suggested changes. It would make the TFI way more viable then it is now, in both big and small fleets. It would still be abit low on dps for a bs, balanced with a strong tank, with a very good alpha strike for arties. The fleet phoon has the advantage that it can hit anything within its lock range with cruises, kill smaller stuff with RHML or do great dps with a very nice alpha with torps. Basically, the phoon would be more for agressive playstiles, trading tank for more dps, while the pest would be more of an enduring gunboat.

You amplify a very niche role (big ass blob alpha doctine) and use that to say the ship is fine. While that may be so, it could use some tweaking to be viable in a broader sense.
Avenger Mercenaries
Space Brutality
#82 - 2015-03-13 13:59:25 UTC
I love it when people compare apples and oranges, 1 is navy and very easy to get, 1 is a pirate ship which requires a rare drop or sacrifice all of your empire standings and your ships to run the missions to get the lp in null. ofcourse mach is going to be better since its harder to get.

Also pirates are obligated to legalizing the tech they use.

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Ultramar Independent Contracting
#83 - 2015-03-13 15:24:34 UTC
Agondray wrote:
I love it when people compare apples and oranges, 1 is navy and very easy to get, 1 is a pirate ship which requires a rare drop or sacrifice all of your empire standings and your ships to run the missions to get the lp in null. ofcourse mach is going to be better since its harder to get.

Also pirates are obligated to legalizing the tech they use.

So thats why the current market prices are so close?
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2015-03-13 20:18:48 UTC
Kalihira wrote:
Agondray wrote:
I love it when people compare apples and oranges, 1 is navy and very easy to get, 1 is a pirate ship which requires a rare drop or sacrifice all of your empire standings and your ships to run the missions to get the lp in null. ofcourse mach is going to be better since its harder to get.

Also pirates are obligated to legalizing the tech they use.

So thats why the current market prices are so close?

The reason why the mach has dropped a lot and TFI has stayed much the same is the 2run BPCs for pirate hulls.
Tusker Crazinski
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#85 - 2015-03-14 02:59:06 UTC
Capt Sephiroth wrote:
. If mach wants to be able to fit that much buffer tank it has to remove one gun which brings its dps and volley on par with (actually is lower than that of TFI in both).

ahh no, the DPS and volley are exactly the same with -1 gun mach and has a lower sig, and Much better projection with arty, Howitzers are pretty much ACs with an actual optimal range. so 50 percent falloff is actually really good for arty.
Stitch Kaneland
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#86 - 2015-03-14 17:22:35 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:

Check your numbers, they're completely wrong. You'll never apply full dps to a HAC even if it's scrammed with cruise missiles.

You're a terrible EFT warrior who doesn't actually take into account actual mechanics.

Yet you provide no info, or how they're wrong? This is your argument, you should be able to support it. I've flown the ship, and regularly get 2k vollies on HACs (assuming i've got the right ammo loaded). You seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that 2 heavy neuts will mean that they can't run their tank very effectively, if at all. Or that dual webs, tp, crash and sig bloom from MWD will make his sig the size double of a BS.

You've obviously never flown or been attacked by a missile ship that's setup for application and immobilization.

Arthur Aihaken
#87 - 2015-03-16 06:12:50 UTC
Chris Winter wrote:
Wingy bits.

Don't forget the rust!

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.