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Dear Santa, all I want for Xmas is my two front teeth and subsystem targeting

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-12-22 04:08:11 UTC  |  Edited by: NaturalBeast
Dear Devs,

Look I know you guys are busy. I know things are tight. But you want this game to rise to the next level?

We need subsystem targeting. Engine, Weapons, Life Support modules that can be disabled or destroyed.

Think it over. You know it would make PVP epic. Imagine a hauler getting a lucky hit on a HAC and taking out his engines and running away. You know that would rock. You know we need that. You know it will reduce blobbing because you won't need a million ships to gank a single target.

Note: Alright, I admit the threat of starting my own company was a bit over the top. Sorry folks no plans to biomass my character because of single forum thread.

However in the spirit of Christmas, I invite all of you to Rens for some hearty Quafe and entertainment. Lots of gifts to be had!

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-12-22 04:13:26 UTC
Failling at trolling will not make them implement your suggestion. Lol
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2011-12-22 04:23:01 UTC
LeHarfang wrote:
Failling at trolling will not make them implement your suggestion. Lol

Trolling? Are you mad bro? Seriously?

I have a good idea and I am giving CCP a little incentive. Motivation is the spice of life.

C'mon man, you telling me you wouldn't like subsystem targeting? You wouldn't like to tackle a Vaga by shooting its engines and watch the helpless piilot cry as you get a final blow in your Thorax? Of course you would. Think of the possibilities. Can't break his tank? Kill his engines and wait for backup.

Everybody who loves PVP but is sick of blobbing to tackle a single target wants subsystem targeting. It is the perfect solution.

Afterall I am in the right section to give my ideas. You on the other hand should come to Rens for free Quafe. I will set you up with a nice little hostess in top station. Come be my guest.
Jask Avan
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2011-12-22 04:35:13 UTC
NaturalBeast wrote:
See what I just did?

Making an attempt at wit?

Also, no@idea.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2011-12-22 06:21:06 UTC
NaturalBeast wrote:
LeHarfang wrote:
Failling at trolling will not make them implement your suggestion. Lol

Trolling? Are you mad bro? Seriously?

I have a good idea and I am giving CCP a little incentive. Motivation is the spice of life.

C'mon man, you telling me you wouldn't like subsystem targeting? You wouldn't like to tackle a Vaga by shooting its engines and watch the helpless piilot cry as you get a final blow in your Thorax? Of course you would. Think of the possibilities. Can't break his tank? Kill his engines and wait for backup.

Everybody who loves PVP but is sick of blobbing to tackle a single target wants subsystem targeting. It is the perfect solution.

Afterall I am in the right section to give my ideas. You on the other hand should come to Rens for free Quafe. I will set you up with a nice little hostess in top station. Come be my guest.

NO, it is NOT a good idea, but unlike everyone else, i will give you a nice little SCENARIO that WILL play out within minutes of it being released

warp into system, see nice target, instead of killing it, just blow up its weapons and web/scram it, there you go, you just permanently captured a ship without giving it the ability to ever fight back, meaning a group of 3 friagets could more then just KILL a faction-fit vindicator moronically patroling low-sec (though they ARE ncie pinatas to find) but they coudl effectively CAPTURE it by forcing the player to eject or stay there forever, since i do believe the aggression preventing logoff applies to subcaps too.

basiclally you will see a HUGE DROP in MATERIAL SINKS in the game as expensive shiny ships and modules stop ebing destroyed in favor of this ******** capture-steal tactic.

it would effectively destroy the market.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2011-12-22 06:27:09 UTC
I apologize for bumping this thread mere moments ago. i read the first part of OP's post adn thought it was a true misguided proposal that needed a gosh-golly-gee-honest response, went back to amke sure i addressed all important points of reference...
saw the part about OP starting his own interwebz gaming company...

feel ashamed and sorry my only goodwill post of the jolly season was wasted on a mean-nasty grinchy-troll Cry
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2011-12-22 15:01:25 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
I apologize for bumping this thread mere moments ago. i read the first part of OP's post adn thought it was a true misguided proposal that needed a gosh-golly-gee-honest response, went back to amke sure i addressed all important points of reference...
saw the part about OP starting his own interwebz gaming company...

feel ashamed and sorry my only goodwill post of the jolly season was wasted on a mean-nasty grinchy-troll Cry

For the last time I am not trolling and I was trying to have some fun while introducing a feature that I really think could add value.

Obviously some don't like the idea, fine. State your reasons and let CCP decide. That's how it works.

As per the starting my own game company to offer this feature. Yes, maybe one day if I get the funding I would. Look I grew up playing Elite, watching Star Wars and all those space type genres. I love the concept of targeting a subsystem and what that entails. Yes it would require balance and thought and testing.

But I still don't get how a little pathetic Ceptor could tackle a Battleship or Capital Ship but thats what we have and I live with it. I don't like it and offered my own suggestion.

But trolling for offering a feature and dangling a carrot by saying somebody will eventually offer that feature is not trolling. Its called incentive and motivation.

Haters gonna hate!
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#8 - 2011-12-22 15:56:09 UTC
NaturalBeast wrote:

Just do it already. I will be waiting. You have 1 year or I will begin my company. I am not kidding and I am not drunk either.

Please don't wait a year. Start now. Biomass your character(s) to make sure you are not tempted to return when you inevitably fail.
Man Eating Bears
#9 - 2011-12-22 23:36:15 UTC
Though your idea is a good one, i dont think it fits with this game and its mechanics. just look at the three layers of defence; the sheild covers the ship and prevents most all damage from hitting the armor. if this system was put in motion then armor tankin would go absolete, because you would have to destroy the sheilds before even being able to target a subsystem.

I always thought there could be more interesting and unique forms of ewar, which is the current method of targeting a subsystem. you can disrupt their targeting, their sensors, their propulsion.

so, im sorry but i dont think this should be implemented. but i do think its a great idea.
Alternative Enterprises
#10 - 2011-12-23 00:47:12 UTC
No need to start your own and install WOT.

play the always fun tracking game (if they cna't kill you...they take out treads to annoy)
have that radioman die in seconds flat
start to lose mods making your tank a paperweight
if german lines, have your tank set on fire every other hit (when I played swore they were coated in gasoline)
then when your tank is a zombie (its not dead, but nothing is working on it) exit battle because you cna't do a damn thing in the game

This isn't all the fun you think it is. may have changed in 9 months since last I played but I doubt it.
Atrament Inc.
#11 - 2011-12-23 11:17:39 UTC
This has been on the to-do list of CCP since I started looking at production notes.

The problem cited by CCP was the speed at which PvP occurs. It's too fast and this would just muddle and complicate it.

I think the real issue is that you can affect these systems. You can slow down a ship and even stop it from warping. That's the main thing people would want to target. Communications? Life support? Not applicable in Eve. Weapons? Maybe, but again, EW and killing drones does the same thing.

And that leaves the devs trying to figure out how to apply a good idea to a system that it doesn't fit in. Hence why it has been on the drawing board since forever. It just doesn't work in Eve.