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Claiming your Holiday Gift

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Gallente Federation
#81 - 2011-12-22 22:23:07 UTC
Allant Doran wrote:
Having said that, however, I don't get why this has even occured. This has never been the way things were given out before so why has that changed?

This. This so hard that I want to punch the sun and kickbox Chuck Norris.

There's a great menu in the game for redeeming gifts and the like in game and it's worked just fine the entire time it's been there.

Then suddenly the rules are changed and we get told we had to do it another way this time and by the time the mistake has comes to light it's too late to correct.

I think I'm probably more annoyed now than when I lost my faction gear fitted Thanatos + pod. This sucks so very badly.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2011-12-22 22:24:33 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Is there a time limit on the redemption. I chose the +3 implants for one of my accounts, and since I'm in nullsec currently, I'd rather not redeeem until I get back to Jita (which may not be for a week or two.)

^^^ If a dev/gm is around, an answer please, sir/madam. ^^^

Allant Doran
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#83 - 2011-12-22 22:28:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Allant Doran
No matter when this ended, there would still have been people missing out.

If you missed it, you only have yourself to blame. It was a free gift - CCP placed it on the news feed. They shouldn't have to message you individually to make sure you don't miss out. Take some responsibility. You had long enough to sort it out....

People missing out is one thing but there should not be this many people feeling uninformed.

Yes, lots of people knew about it and successfully claimed it but there are too many people, it seems, who were screwed out of being informed.

My banner didn't show up because of a ''New client Build is available'' menu that cannot be manipulated. When OK'ing that it restarts the client and, due to whatever circumstances i was put in, was never shown to me again.

My E-mail address never got an E-mail from EVE or CCP in general explaining that this was a thing. Yes i have checked my spam and trash folders. The only stuff in there is in regards to a Petition I filed a short while ago about some technical issues.

As I said before, the only reason I am irritated is because I missed out on my warning due to a client update, my E-mail wasn't contacted for whatever reason AND they changed the way the gifts are handed out without an announcement.

Had there been a post a month ago saying Redeemable items would be selected in a new way come Christmas, i'd suck it up as a miss. No amount of successful redemptions by people can change the fact that lots of us were gimped out of our warnings and heads-ups.

I don't necessarily even want a chance at the gifts, I can happily go without, I'm just irritated that this seems to be have been handle clunkily and rather hush-hush. I can handle that the gifts were given out differently, i just would loved to have known they would be WELL in advance of the actual deal.

Either way, your comment ''take some responsibility'' kinda rings hollow. It's a christmas gift in a videogame of all things. It's not about responsibility, it's about wishing I had been able to get a gift from CCP, whom I do love, without feeling like I was uninformed of it or limited for time.

It's like getting to be 12 years old and learning that your parents never told you about Christmas, they just got your sibling gifts and cards so you 'should have known'.
Mistrala DeLegra
Novus Alba FerrumSus
#84 - 2011-12-22 22:45:18 UTC
I also never recieved any email's and like many others who actualy have a life outside EVE have been busy with the lead up to christmas that the few times i did log in over the last week or so have also only gotten the update patch screen so never saw anything about any christmas gift, im just baffled at the stupidity off CCP's sometimes.
#85 - 2011-12-22 22:54:11 UTC
Mistrala DeLegra wrote:
I also never recieved any email's and like many others who actualy have a life outside EVE have been busy with the lead up to christmas that the few times i did log in over the last week or so have also only gotten the update patch screen so never saw anything about any christmas gift, im just baffled at the stupidity off CCP's sometimes.

Eve Online Newsletter vol.70 was sent out on 12/17/11 at 2200 GMT. Included in the first paragraph: "The holiday gift selection ends December 21st."

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Feanor Sill
Chimeiteki Koumuru
#86 - 2011-12-22 22:58:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Feanor Sill
I just logged in, and read the news about a gift to choose, but all I got was a chnce to choose a client update,
It's not like I am greedy for stuff (well I am a bit) but if you promise an otion to choose, the please give it.
Instead I was automatically assigned a bonus remap, which I don't want and don't need,
It would be a nice of you CCP, to redo from start and actually allow us to choose :)
Cheers everybody!

I just check the email account, the newsletter came indeed on the 17'th, pity I don't check this account too often.
Still it would be nice to actually get that option. Somehow the giftbox didn't appear an my login screen,
and I tend to see freebies when they come :)
The Greater Goon
#87 - 2011-12-22 23:06:05 UTC
Feanor Sill wrote:
I just logged in, and read the news about a gift to choose, but all I got was a chnce to choose a client update,
It's not like I am greedy for stuff (well I am a bit) but if you promise an otion to choose, the please give it.
Instead I was automatically assigned a bonus remap, which I don't want and don't need,
It would be a nice of you CCP, to redo from start and actually allow us to choose :)
Cheers everybody!

the bonus remap is due to a change in the remap system, it is NOT YOUR GIFT!
so don't think you got something, you got what everyone got by default (and what every new account will get in the future)
Weed smokers HQ
#88 - 2011-12-22 23:19:29 UTC  |  Edited by: indig0F10w
Hello everybody.

I have to ask why did I get x50 missiles of each type and the gift said x5000?

Thx for reply Big smile

Edit: this is an issue to a lot more accounts.
Feanor Sill
Chimeiteki Koumuru
#89 - 2011-12-22 23:20:39 UTC
You are right indeed Morganta:)
(Just catching up on the news)
I guess I missed the newsletter,
So I missed on "the gift"
I'm almost sorry for that....
Xavier Keelan
Century Mining Corporation
#90 - 2011-12-22 23:24:07 UTC
Why am i not beeing given the full 1000 blocks of fuel of each type, but only a wastefull 25 in quantity ?!?
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#91 - 2011-12-22 23:25:03 UTC
so, how long will the aurum tokens sit in the redeeming box? because a couple hours after i accepted the aurum as my gift choice, my computer DIED, and for the last few days ahve had no way to fix it... will the aurum tokens still be in their later this month (possible early january?) because i dont think my computer will be fixed anytime soon (and the area i live in, my computer was the only real eve-capable computer for 100 miles, as in, no other computer HAS a hard drive all business computers using cloud-based servers that have restrictions to the types of files you can save to them, so no EvE)
Xavier Keelan
Century Mining Corporation
#92 - 2011-12-22 23:27:57 UTC
Can confirm this is the same on all my 6 accounts! ONLY 25 fuel blocks of each type, when 1000 was promised..
Xavier Keelan
Century Mining Corporation
#93 - 2011-12-22 23:37:26 UTC
Xavier Keelan wrote:
Can confirm this is the same on all my 6 accounts! ONLY 25 fuel blocks of each type, when 1000 was promised..

Problem SOLVED!

Seems its a text thing.. they multiply so when you accept the offer they doub up to the amount they are supposed to be at!
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#94 - 2011-12-22 23:49:05 UTC
Dear CCP

Whoever does your PR should be sacked.

There should be a default gift for all those players who couldn't make it online to request one.

Do they even celebrate Christmas in Iceland? Not sure you're understanding the whole "giving spirit" at Christmas.

Actually kinda funny if I think about it.,"You're only getting a Christmas gift if you ask." I'd be sleeping on the sofa at Christmas if I used that on my wife.

In fact CCP, ignore this comment as you've given me a good laugh, the best gift of all.

Merry Christmas CCP !!!!!! Keep up the good work. Big smile
Atomic Core Industries and Science
#95 - 2011-12-22 23:55:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Zevina
Thank you very much! I really liked the new Aurum token. Just hope there will be more items to spend them on in the near future. :)

PS Dont mind the whining of some people. There was more than enough time to choose an item and isnt it odd that those people forgot about it the past few weeks and just on the 22. realize they are too late? What a coincidence! :D
Mistrala DeLegra
Novus Alba FerrumSus
#96 - 2011-12-23 00:13:37 UTC
RubyPorto wrote:
Mistrala DeLegra wrote:
I also never recieved any email's and like many others who actualy have a life outside EVE have been busy with the lead up to christmas that the few times i did log in over the last week or so have also only gotten the update patch screen so never saw anything about any christmas gift, im just baffled at the stupidity off CCP's sometimes.

Eve Online Newsletter vol.70 was sent out on 12/17/11 at 2200 GMT. Included in the first paragraph: "The holiday gift selection ends December 21st."

I don't play eve to read newsletters! If there was a gift then it should be on the login screen, and I never saw the login screen because of the patches, makes me laugh though that those who got the gift act all smug and self righteous on the forums lol .....but anyways.
Mistrala DeLegra
Novus Alba FerrumSus
#97 - 2011-12-23 00:16:24 UTC
Zevina wrote:
Thank you very much! I really liked the new Aurum token. Just hope there will be more items to spend them on in the near future. :)

PS Dont mind the whining of some people. There was more than enough time to choose an item and isnt it odd that those people forgot about it the past few weeks and just on the 22. realize they are too late? What a coincidence! :D

Nothing odd about it, I and many others with actual RL's only saw the news that was posted WHEN we logged in, it was only published today.
Contra Ratio
#98 - 2011-12-23 00:33:44 UTC
Wow, thanks CCP!
First, I'd like to say that I missed the whole "redeem before Dec. 21" like many others. I have 6 accounts, and a free Neural Remap on each is great. It doesn't matter if I could have eked out a slightly greater gain some other way. I appreciate the free gifts, and I think that there's a bunch of whining going on by people who feel entitlement...

I WOULD like to know when the Bonus Remap expires if ever.

BTW, this is just a game. If your life sucks so much that you have to cry because you didn't get something for free, your problem is in RL and not the fault of CCP.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Allant Doran
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#99 - 2011-12-23 00:36:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Allant Doran
Zevina wrote:
Thank you very much! I really liked the new Aurum token. Just hope there will be more items to spend them on in the near future. :)

PS Dont mind the whining of some people. There was more than enough time to choose an item and isnt it odd that those people forgot about it the past few weeks and just on the 22. realize they are too late? What a coincidence! :D

People didn't forget. Some of us just weren't aware to begin with. I still never got an E-mail but then again I don't get the EVE Newsletter at all so maybe that's why.

My only issue here, at the end of the day, is that it doesn't matter if other players feel we have a right to complain or not. Fact is, people are complaining. Had the gifts just been made redeemable, as they always have been, then literally NONE of these issues would be present. There would be no newsletter missing, banner-defying client updates and no account management misses. It could have just gone through as the gifts always have done and CCP would be seeing none of these complaints, no matter how minor they may be.

THAT'S why i'm irritated. Change for the sake of change and it's left some people feeling bitter. And not even in the usual EVE-style ''haha, we dicked you!'' kinda way but in more of a general ''We literally had NO clue we were missing out to even choose to ignore it if we wanted to'' kinda way.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#100 - 2011-12-23 00:45:42 UTC
Zevina wrote:
Thank you very much! I really liked the new Aurum token. Just hope there will be more items to spend them on in the near future. :)

PS Dont mind the whining of some people. There was more than enough time to choose an item and isnt it odd that those people forgot about it the past few weeks and just on the 22. realize they are too late? What a coincidence! :D

it is not coincidence, CCP posted news about redeeming items on main page today, choosing gift hardly was so important thing that is should have posted on front page news.

CCP fails again on their communication with players, they will never learn anything no matter how many mails they send to prove they are changed.

Even when they give gift they make numerous amount of unhappy customers.