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Save the Super and Buff the Titan

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Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2015-03-08 22:24:14 UTC
Dear CCP:

Thanks for making the "end game" in this game worthless. Something that takes years and years to train for and tens of billions of isk to obtain and fit is going to be made into a "niche" ship that is rarely taken out and has no offensive means to defend itself.

And don't tell me a 14x skill and tens of billions of isk is not end game, because it is. Stop seeing these ships as the problem, when it is YOUR LACK OF IMAGINATION THAT IS THE PROBLEM. I don't play the game to have an Ishtar as my ultimate goal; I play the game to have the sickest and most powerful ship to be in with the most to lose if I die. And if I die, I'll will lose tens of billions of isk in the hull alone and billions in implants.


Jenshae Chiroptera
#2 - 2015-03-08 22:31:04 UTC
This is a troll thread right? So many locked ones, so many people even Super and Titan pilots saying they shouldn't be in the game ....Straight

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

LT Alter
White Squall.
#3 - 2015-03-08 22:32:01 UTC
While I don't disagree with you, as to supers should remain at least similar to how they are and not become useless fleet boosters. I feel it's pertinent to say this. CCP have been known to listen to reason and ignore ranting, if you truly want to change their mind I suggest talking about it without caps lock and without a temper.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2015-03-08 22:35:16 UTC
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
This is a troll thread right? So many locked ones, so many people even Super and Titan pilots saying they shouldn't be in the game ....Straight

Not a troll, but coming from someone who probably does not own one or never will, your opinion is of little value.
Iain Cariaba
#5 - 2015-03-08 22:42:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Iain Cariaba
Tykonderoga wrote:
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
This is a troll thread right? So many locked ones, so many people even Super and Titan pilots saying they shouldn't be in the game ....Straight

Not a troll, but coming from someone who probably does not own one or never will, your opinion is of little value.

No idea suggested in OP.
Usage of all caps to denote yelling.
OP totally disregards opinions that differ from his, for [reason].
Reported as rage/troll thread.

Edit: Delete all supers. Refund SP and isk, except to those who feel the urge to rage on forums.
Madd Adda
#6 - 2015-03-08 22:44:51 UTC
there is no end game in EVE, your logic is flawed.

Carebear extraordinaire

Murkar Omaristos
The Alabaster Albatross
Unreasonable Bastards
#7 - 2015-03-08 22:45:18 UTC
LT Alter wrote:
CCP have been known to listen to reason

What? Since when? I'll believe this when they tone down the proposed sov changes.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2015-03-08 22:51:34 UTC
CCP does not listen to reason. They follow the path of least resistence, which means the easiest and simplest answer. Oh, and I am over reasoning with them. I want them to hear my rage and understand what I care about.
#9 - 2015-03-08 22:52:31 UTC
Having personally seen supers steamroll a system *cough PL cough* I think that supers are fine getting their usage nerfed. EVE has and will always be a game of numbers. When you go all Starcraft in EVE and amass an utterly ridiculous number of supers that exponentially compliment each other, there is no longer opposition. Super corps are the Walmart of EVE. They deal in bulk so large that it chokes out all other smaller businesses. "Oh look, that small alliance just built their second super. We can't have that! *roflhotdrop 100 super fleet in system and annihilate every POS that poses a threat.*
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2015-03-08 22:53:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Tykonderoga
So your answer to not having the same thing the other side has is to take away that thing? Ok, then,,, Oh, and PL has been playing the game and accumulating sp and isk for years and years. Because you are new, you are NOT INSTANTLY ENTITLED TO THOSE THINGS. You have to work for them, pubbie.
Arla Sarain
#11 - 2015-03-08 23:01:07 UTC
Tykonderoga wrote:

Colette Kassia
Kassia Industrial Supply
#12 - 2015-03-08 23:08:06 UTC
So you're asking for a little imagination to be applied to making titans and supers more useful under the new paradigm...

I foresee these ships functioning more as portable bases from which to launch and sustain an offensive and less as huge weapons that do most of the fighting.

To do this, CCP could steamline the process of making clones in the clone-bay, boarding a cheap ship from the hangar, flying it into and loosing it in a battle, (getting podded), waking up in the titan, and doing it again. The side that could launch wave after wave of attacks would have a massive advantage over the side that can not.

Alternately, perhaps you could dock you pod at a titan. Then you remain inside the titan and remotely fly ships launched from the hangar (without you pod actually inside them). Call it a "Super Mind Link" or something. The range would be limited to the same system as the titan, and ships controlled this way would not be able to use gates or cynos (as these would result in the ship going out of range). When these ships get blown up there is no pod; you just appear back at the control center, ready to launch another one. If the titan gets blown up or leaves the system then any ships that were being controlled from it go inert (and can be boarded and stolen). Needs more thought as to what happens if the titan pilot logs off during this.

Supercarriers would differ from titans in that practical limits (hangar bay size, "Super Mind Link" bandwidth limits, etc) would effectively limit this mechanic to smaller ships.

See, imagination isn't that hard.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2015-03-08 23:11:12 UTC
Colette Kassia wrote:
So you're asking for a little imagination to be applied to making titans and supers more useful under the new paradigm...

I foresee these ships functioning more as portable bases from which to launch and sustain an offensive and less as huge weapons that do most of the fighting.

To do this, CCP could steamline the process of making clones in the clone-bay, boarding a cheap ship from the hangar, flying it into and loosing it in a battle, (getting podded), waking up in the titan, and doing it again. The side that could launch wave after wave of attacks would have a massive advantage over the side that can not.

Alternately, perhaps you could dock you pod at a titan. Then you remain inside the titan and remotely fly ships launched from the hangar (without you pod actually inside them). Call it a "Super Mind Link" or something. The range would be limited to the same system as the titan, and ships controlled this way would not be able to use gates or cynos (as these would result in the ship going out of range). When these ships get blown up there is no pod; you just appear back at the control center, ready to launch another one. If the titan gets blown up or leaves the system then any ships that were being controlled from it go inert (and can be boarded and stolen). Needs more thought as to what happens if the titan pilot logs off during this.

Supercarriers would differ from titans in that practical limits (hangar bay size, "Super Mind Link" bandwidth limits, etc) would effectively limit this mechanic to smaller ships.

See, imagination isn't that hard.

I commend this, but I don't want a 30bil boosting ship and if they just boost, you don't need as many.
Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2015-03-08 23:11:45 UTC
How many super caps hulls in game? Really, maybe couple of thousands in total. How many supercap pilots? Let's say 7k in total, those tears are peanuts and nothing to worry abouf. Just wait another 2-4 years when they bring them back.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

LT Alter
White Squall.
#15 - 2015-03-08 23:12:06 UTC
Murkar Omaristos wrote:
LT Alter wrote:
CCP have been known to listen to reason

What? Since when? I'll believe this when they tone down the proposed sov changes.

The proposed sov changes are going to be good for the game, and reasonable input from the player base is being listened to (Such as CCP making it so you cant fit the entosis link on an interceptor)

CCP do listen to reason, and raging is just going to get this thread locked too.
Aran Hotchkiss
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#16 - 2015-03-08 23:14:06 UTC
Posting what makes you feel good and posting what's persuasive are two different things.

You chose to post this nice little rant and then to sneer at the first disagreement, which has turned the already skeptical attitude most people have on this forum into downright disdain and now you've got everyone pissed of at you. Me included. So I expect this thread will be locked for either trolling, flaming or ranting.

EvE is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.

The largest opinion here (or at least the most vocal one) is Death to All Supers. Even if you made a new thread with a less-ranty more substantive argument, I expect people will still disagree with you.

You should have enough control over your herd of cats to make them understand. If they constantly make misstakes, get better cats.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2015-03-08 23:15:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Tykonderoga
LT Alter wrote:
Murkar Omaristos wrote:
LT Alter wrote:
CCP have been known to listen to reason

What? Since when? I'll believe this when they tone down the proposed sov changes.

The proposed sov changes are going to be good for the game, and reasonable input from the player base is being listened to (Such as CCP making it so you cant fit the entosis link on an interceptor)

CCP do listen to reason, and raging is just going to get this thread locked too.

It's not reasonable to make Supers and Titans a niche ship THAT COST THE MOST AND TAKE THE LONGEST TO TRAIN FOR. And it is not a good change to have to play four hours a day defending a sov seven days a week.

And yes, lock something that you don't agree with.
#18 - 2015-03-08 23:34:32 UTC
Tykonderoga wrote:
So your answer to not having the same thing the other side has is to take away that thing? Ok, then,,, Oh, and PL has been playing the game and accumulating sp and isk for years and years. Because you are new, you are NOT INSTANTLY ENTITLED TO THOSE THINGS. You have to work for them, pubbie.

Lol if 08 is new than so are you pubbie.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#19 - 2015-03-09 00:49:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco


You, sir, are hilarious and I thank you for the amusement you have provided me today.

Your attitude, however, is insufferable and I suggest you unsub immediately. You pay a subscription and think it makes you CCP's overlord even though nothing could be further from the truth.

Yet another "buff supercaps" thread, except that this one is treading right on the line of "abusing CCP employees will not be tolerated" as well. What will the ISD's verdict be?

One more thing: If you're this upset, you can always unsub. It's not like anyone will miss your supercaps.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2015-03-09 00:58:43 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:


You, sir, are hilarious and I thank you for the amusement you have provided me today.

Your attitude, however, is insufferable and I suggest you unsub immediately. You pay a subscription and think it makes you CCP's overlord even though nothing could be further from the truth.

Yet another "buff supercaps" thread, except that this one is treading right on the line of "abusing CCP employees will not be tolerated" as well. What will the ISD's verdict be?

One more thing: If you're this upset, you can always unsub. It's not like anyone will miss your supercaps.

Says the person who has never owned one or does not own one and lives in high sec. Thanks for not knowing what you are talking about.
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