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Customs Office being taken over as normal by big corps

Jojo Jackson
Dead Red Eye
#141 - 2011-12-12 11:19:57 UTC
2 man is realy a bit low. But on the other hand .... 6000 in one ally is simply to much. If you take all the blues, you get even 15000 which doesn't let much air for other.

So we have 15000 on the left side, 15000 on the right side, some x000 in the north who play EVE with real money investments (buy capital for $) and a bunch of whatever in the south.

Play vis Friends is cool ... but this has nothing to do with "friends" anymore. Some of the so called big-player-allys use the game EVE as real money job.
And that's terrible terrible WRONG!

CCP should do everything needed to destroy this behavior.
First step should be:
- limit member count peer corp
- limit corp count peer ally
- limit blue standing count

Best would be:
- limit controled constelation peer corp to ONE

With the above limits one Ally might be able to control ONE region and not the hole east/weast/north/south of EVE.

Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

Rakshasa Taisab
Sane Industries Inc.
#142 - 2011-12-12 13:03:12 UTC
Jojo Jackson wrote:
2 man is realy a bit low. But on the other hand .... 6000 in one ally is simply to much. If you take all the blues, you get even 15000 which doesn't let much air for other.

So we have 15000 on the left side, 15000 on the right side, some x000 in the north who play EVE with real money investments (buy capital for $) and a bunch of whatever in the south.

Play vis Friends is cool ... but this has nothing to do with "friends" anymore. Some of the so called big-player-allys use the game EVE as real money job.
And that's terrible terrible WRONG!

CCP should do everything needed to destroy this behavior.
First step should be:
- limit member count peer corp
- limit corp count peer ally
- limit blue standing count

Best would be:
- limit controled constelation peer corp to ONE

With the above limits one Ally might be able to control ONE region and not the hole east/weast/north/south of EVE.

OMG, you've solved EvE!


March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#143 - 2011-12-12 13:37:34 UTC
lab geek011 wrote:
Dorian Wylde wrote:
lab geek011 wrote:

yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore

You may want to open a newspaper from anywhere in the last 30 years.

still think there should be a limit on how many can be had

1. As small corp you have no chance to defend customs anyway
2. Eve is a sandbox. There is no need to make unnecessary limits.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#144 - 2011-12-12 13:43:09 UTC
Lone Gunman wrote:
Yes, maybe you can set up in Low/Null.

• Maybe you can get a better tax rate than 10% Same as High
• Maybe you can make enough to using the pittance cargo of a blockade Runner
• Maybe you can get by the Low Sec choke points gate camps
• Maybe you can avoid the pirates camping the Customs office
• Maybe you can avoid the pirates camping the Low Sec Station Exit.
• Maybe you can Hire Mercs at a Billion ISK a day
• Maybe you can Buy a Jump Freighter for about Six Billion

Or you can just PI in High security and not have to deal with this bullshit.

lol, that's why we have a shallow end - for people like you.
Enjoy and remember, no peeing in the pool!
L Salander
All Web Investigations
#145 - 2011-12-12 13:49:02 UTC
Just move into wormhole space and put up your customs offices in there. Easier to defend and better isk than horrible lowsec anyway.
APEX Unlimited
APEX Conglomerate
#146 - 2011-12-13 22:59:37 UTC
How is it hard to get past any camps in low sec and pick your PI stuff? Train for a blockade runner and fit it with expanded cargo rigs and modules. If you get caught you made a mistake.

Lone Gunman
Forhotea Corporation
#147 - 2011-12-14 03:13:20 UTC
Tippia wrote:
You keep trying to make this out to be some drastic change before and after the patch. “To make this work now” requires the exact same thing as making it work before, and the risk vs. reward is the same as ever.

No it isn't. Before the patch no matter what, you knew you would always have access the NPC customs office. Now with the PCO's you could spend hours tearing up your High Sec PI operations and move to low only to be denied access. How is the risk vs. Reward the same as before?
Lone Gunman wrote:
No one would set up a new installation in low under these conditions.
Tippia wrote:
…and yet, that's exactly what has happened.

Sure the big Alliances have moved from Null into Low, we all knew that was going to happen. I am talking about the High Sec PI miners where the vast majority of the PI materials come from. None of them would be caught dead moving their High Sec PI operations to low knowing they could get cut off at any time.

This changed nothing for HI sec Pi miners there is still no incentive to move to low. The Low Security independent PI miners that were my .1 Low Sec system have moved away to lesser yield low sec systems or back to high.

All this did was give one corner of the sandbox that used to be an even playing field and tilted it towards the Alliance’s just like the Tech 2 lottery that CCP said was a mistake.

Cloora wrote:
How is it hard to get past any camps in low sec and pick your PI stuff? Train for a blockade runner and fit it with expanded cargo rigs and modules. If you get caught you made a mistake.

Using a blockade runner is not fool proof and have laughable capacity, you can get through gate camps most of the time. I once jumped into a 12 man gate camp and was placed 2500 meters from a corpse of all things and couldn't cloak. Gotta love EvE game mechanics.
#148 - 2011-12-14 03:31:16 UTC
CCP hates small corps. I'm not sure I care if they ever figure out that such a policy is bad for business.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

#149 - 2011-12-14 03:31:33 UTC
I skim read some posts page to page, and read the OP. There is no *impossible* way to solve it.

Working as intended.

On serious note, look if you have a problem with another corp with a orbital station your solution is wardec and destroy.. I guess you got sh-t on by a far superior established players that are capable of self defense, holding anything they`re able (as intended).

Here, you could explore new planets and systems, venture beyond the red-line into WH space, or relocate.

gl with your resource problem that happens to be your (or corp) own fault. If you can`t beat them, consider joining them or join the aggressing side via diplomatic connections.

Abandon your quest for PI if you`re that pitifully weak.
#150 - 2011-12-14 03:39:22 UTC  |  Edited by: mkint
I skim read some posts page to page, and read the OP. There is no *impossible* way to solve it.

Working as intended.

On serious note, look if you have a problem with another corp with a orbital station your solution is wardec and destroy.. I guess you got sh-t on by a far superior established players that are capable of self defense, holding anything they`re able (as intended).

Here, you could explore new planets and systems, venture beyond the red-line into WH space, or relocate.

gl with your resource problem that happens to be your (or corp) own fault. If you can`t beat them, consider joining them or join the aggressing side via diplomatic connections.

Abandon your quest for PI if you`re that pitifully weak.

CCP initially made PI with the intent that anyone would be able to access it, every single rookie. That was the promise. They did that in lieu of it being a big ticket activity. Now CCP is taking it away from the masses and putting it in the hands of a few. Why? (same reason bad businesses ever betray their customers... money.)

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Tamiya Sarossa
Resistance is Character Forming
#151 - 2011-12-14 03:45:31 UTC
My local lowsec POCO's are all owned by small corps, they haven't had any trouble so far. It's not that hard to do if you know what you're doing and put your mind to it.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#152 - 2011-12-22 16:28:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Hoohnzy
Terrorfrodo wrote:
Never seriously tried PI myself, but most of my corpmates earned almost a PLEX every month with very little effort and virtually no risk by doing PI. I assume that was unsustainable for CCP, so they had to take it away.

They should take bot-miners or bot-ratters away at first then.
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#153 - 2011-12-22 17:05:01 UTC
Hoohnzy wrote:
Terrorfrodo wrote:
Never seriously tried PI myself, but most of my corpmates earned almost a PLEX every month with very little effort and virtually no risk by doing PI. I assume that was unsustainable for CCP, so they had to take it away.

They should take bot-miners or bot-ratters away at first then.

The horse is dead already, leave it alone.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Fishstick Heavy Industries
#154 - 2011-12-22 21:58:56 UTC
keep blowing the pocos up without putting up your own, see how long til they get tired :P
Jack Traynor
#155 - 2011-12-22 22:01:00 UTC
lab geek011 wrote:
I love eve but its always the same the 2 man corp stands no chance against the big ones, As you prob notice the customs offices are being taken over and its always the big corps that are having them

sure there may be the odd 1 or 2 smaller corps that have a couple but in my system alone there is one corp with numbers over 90+ and they have taken over all the customs offices, when speaking it was told plain and simple, if you put on up you will lose it.

there is no way to compete against it, i know i will be flamed for this but dont care, there should be a cap limit on the amount a corp can have as with most things in eve there are limits what you can do, that way

- it gives everyone chance to own some
- the big corps will challenge the high income areas
- they cannot then just put as many as possible up
- makes it fair

as a exampe the corp that has taken over my system has also taken over my friends which is over 12 jumps away and i would assume there are alot more system they have taken over. The income they will get is massive so its in there interest to get as many as possible

yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore

Good troll (because you can't possibly be serious)... 2/10
APEX Unlimited
APEX Conglomerate
#156 - 2011-12-22 22:23:57 UTC
mkint wrote:
I skim read some posts page to page, and read the OP. There is no *impossible* way to solve it.

Working as intended.

On serious note, look if you have a problem with another corp with a orbital station your solution is wardec and destroy.. I guess you got sh-t on by a far superior established players that are capable of self defense, holding anything they`re able (as intended).

Here, you could explore new planets and systems, venture beyond the red-line into WH space, or relocate.

gl with your resource problem that happens to be your (or corp) own fault. If you can`t beat them, consider joining them or join the aggressing side via diplomatic connections.

Abandon your quest for PI if you`re that pitifully weak.

CCP initially made PI with the intent that anyone would be able to access it, every single rookie. That was the promise. They did that in lieu of it being a big ticket activity. Now CCP is taking it away from the masses and putting it in the hands of a few. Why? (same reason bad businesses ever betray their customers... money.)

You can access it. It is called high sec. Stop throwing hissy fits because you don't want to put up your own POCO. Come to my neck of low sec, the tax on neutrals is 10% same as high sec.

J Kunjeh
#157 - 2011-12-22 22:55:01 UTC
Olleybear wrote:
Sorry OP and everyone thinking like the OP. You want a Customs Office, your gonna have to take the risk of it getting shot by those stronger than you and taking it from you. Just like anyone else that puts these up.

If you want to limit the number of Customs Offices someone holds, then you need to start shooting them or get someone to shoot them for you. Many other people have previously said these same things.

It never ceases to amaze me how much RL seeps into Eve. People all over the planet want someone to take care of something for them too, just like in Eve. God forbid they actually, you know, work for it themselves.

It is possible to solo Eve and be successfull. It requires more than warping to zero and pressing F1-F8. Use your brain, learn game mechanics, if one thing your try doesnt work you try something else.

Why is it someone elses fault you cant do something? Just freaking do it.

God, some people just don't understand the meaning of game balance. Roll (capitalism is good, hyper-capitalism is not)

"The world as we know it came about through an anomaly (anomou)" (The Gospel of Philip, 1-5) 

APEX Unlimited
APEX Conglomerate
#158 - 2011-12-22 23:07:32 UTC
J Kunjeh wrote:
Olleybear wrote:
Sorry OP and everyone thinking like the OP. You want a Customs Office, your gonna have to take the risk of it getting shot by those stronger than you and taking it from you. Just like anyone else that puts these up.

If you want to limit the number of Customs Offices someone holds, then you need to start shooting them or get someone to shoot them for you. Many other people have previously said these same things.

It never ceases to amaze me how much RL seeps into Eve. People all over the planet want someone to take care of something for them too, just like in Eve. God forbid they actually, you know, work for it themselves.

It is possible to solo Eve and be successfull. It requires more than warping to zero and pressing F1-F8. Use your brain, learn game mechanics, if one thing your try doesnt work you try something else.

Why is it someone elses fault you cant do something? Just freaking do it.

God, some people just don't understand the meaning of game balance. Roll (capitalism is good, hyper-capitalism is not)

There is no such thing as hyper-capitalism. There is only pure capitalism and what percentage of pure capitalism is implemented. EVE is about pure capitalism don't bring your RL Marxism into this.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#159 - 2011-12-22 23:49:09 UTC
Jojo Jackson wrote:
2 man is realy a bit low. But on the other hand .... 6000 in one ally is simply to much. If you take all the blues, you get even 15000 which doesn't let much air for other.

So we have 15000 on the left side, 15000 on the right side, some x000 in the north who play EVE with real money investments (buy capital for $) and a bunch of whatever in the south.

Well look at you not knowing what you're talking about. So cute!

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Munio J Makeanen
United Starbase Systems
#160 - 2011-12-23 16:09:30 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Jojo Jackson wrote:
2 man is realy a bit low. But on the other hand .... 6000 in one ally is simply to much. If you take all the blues, you get even 15000 which doesn't let much air for other.

So we have 15000 on the left side, 15000 on the right side, some x000 in the north who play EVE with real money investments (buy capital for $) and a bunch of whatever in the south.

Well look at you not knowing what you're talking about. So cute!

Well bit simplified but you have to give him the point that this is pretty much it :D
Names change the location change but this is how the null sec is looking like for LOOOOONG time.