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Ship for lvl 4 missions

Lim Kim
Cisco Systems
#1 - 2015-02-26 18:29:32 UTC

I know that there is one trilion thread's about this, but I want to buy a pilot and I can't decide whos gonna be more capable for lvl4 mission's nowadays.

- All lvl 4 mission types with full room clear, salvage, loot etc as fast as it possible
- warp/jump best time to mission area
- all New Eden high sec area's ( one day in Caldari zones, other Minmatar )

My types :

- GIla
- Tengu HAML

*after CNR ;]

or mayby New Eden pilot's can advice something else ?

I prefer rather weapon's then drones as a main damage output.

Thanks !

#2 - 2015-02-26 18:47:32 UTC
Golem. If that is all you want to do, a marauder does the trick. I like the Vargur but that's just me. This whole thing lately of warp speed mattering much is goofy. Missions are all about gank followed by gank.

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Charlie Jacobson
#3 - 2015-02-26 19:18:35 UTC
Orlacc wrote:
Golem. If that is all you want to do, a marauder does the trick. I like the Vargur but that's just me. This whole thing lately of warp speed mattering much is goofy. Missions are all about gank followed by gank.

That whole thing about warp speed mattering is about blitzing missions quickly for the LP reward. Only clearing what you need to in order to complete the mission, and not looting+salvaging. Warp speed is highly relevant then.

Since the OP is not asking about blitzing, warp speed doesn't matter so much, though. I'd probably also go with a golem if those 4 ships were my only options. Personally I prefer sentry boats, though. Ishtar, Dominix, Rattlesnake are all sweet.
#4 - 2015-02-26 19:23:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Waaaaaagggh
The current most efficient ships for full room clears (not including salv and not blitzing) are the Vargur, Rattlesnake, Paladin, Golem.

Paladin unfortunately is restricted to Amarr space. Vargur and Rattlesnake are tied for first imo. Get some standard Lvl 4 mission fits for them and play around with the dps graphs in EFT for various rats.

Rattlesnake does more dps outside 50km than the Golem or the Vargur. Vargur does the most DPS within 20km but the damage drastically falls off past the 20km mark. From 0km to 40km, the Vargur's damage averages out to about the same as the Rattlesnake using Bouncer or Garde. Using Gecko's on the Rattlesnake within 0-40km would yield approx 200-350 more dps than the Vargur.

Rattlesnake hands down does more dps to battleships than any other lvl 4 ship with a Gecko/Bouncer combination drone compared to the Vargur and Golem across it's full engagement range of ~94km. But there's more micromanaging of drones. Vargur is a simpler press F1 to win kind of ship. But it does considerably lower dps between the 45-100 km range.

I usually contract out my looting/salvage because I'm too lazy to do it myself.

Here's some stats on the isk/hour of a Vargur:

With my Rattlesnake I get around the same if not a bit more depending on which missions I get. The missions with more battleships are the most lucrative for me. Gecko op

EDIT: I didn't include any hybrid ships (Kronos) because of the crappy engagement range. You don't want to to have to burn or slowboat to get to your gun range when it only hits 20-30km out.
Lim Kim
Cisco Systems
#5 - 2015-02-26 20:10:41 UTC
Thanks for all opinions!

To be honest, Iam running misions with my old tengu HML setup. It's fine, unbreakable omni tank with some 80kk isk shield booster and t2 fit ... No need to swap hardeners, but this 550 dps with EM fury missiles makes me mad ...
Thats why Iam thinking about swap to HAML pilot, but Tengu still have only scourge dmg bonus.

Anyway salvaging is a waste of time with one account, only MTU makes some extra profit, but Tengu cargo is so tiny.

Even now, when I'am typing, my tengu got like 25 reds on it in like 15km orbiting, and still shields are full ;)

I never tried bigger ships like BS and Marauders, thats why I'am asking for a bit of help here.
#6 - 2015-02-26 20:19:05 UTC
Tengu's are great as long as you deal with or avoid missions with web.

I used to use a 40km HAMgu pumping 875 DPS and it was decent, but there's not much more progression you can get out of a tengu. BS are the natural progression upwards
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-02-26 21:00:30 UTC
you'd be be better off running 2 accounts, one combat only ship to do the killing and the salvaging alt in a destroyer hoovering behind you.

Carry a few of the best MTUs in hold and just go to town.
Ambusher Ituin
Roughneck Raiders
#8 - 2015-02-26 21:17:28 UTC
My progression was slightly different than what you mentioned in the OP. I went CN Raven, omni-tanked Tengu and then Golem with bastion. I still fly all three, but the Golem has become the mainstay because I'm not missioning for Caldari agents right now.

When I took out the Golem for the first time, it was like "Whee!" The Golem was like a Tengu on steroids. The other ships mentioned all have merit, but I promise you: You won't be disappointed with a Golem.

Don't panic now … there'll be plenty of time to do that later.

#9 - 2015-02-26 21:36:13 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
you'd be be better off running 2 accounts, one combat only ship to do the killing and the salvaging alt in a destroyer hoovering behind you.

Carry a few of the best MTUs in hold and just go to town.

If you have an alt, use it to salvage until you can use it to also fly DPS. I used to run Tengu + Domi, and now two Rattlesnakes. Full clear missions crazy fast
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#10 - 2015-02-27 03:46:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Donnachadh
Just another opinion, not to argue with the others.

Since you will be running in all areas of space the turret based systems will be at a disadvantage in at least half of the missions due to their restricted damage type availability so in a general sense the missile boats are a better option.

For level 4's I fly a rattlesnake and a Golem.
If the mission plays into the therm/kin bonuses on the snake it is hands down the best of the two.
For the other missions the Golem is actually slightly more efficient but the snake is still very capable.
If you prefer drones then the Rattlesnake is the ship for you.

With the Golem you will have a decision to make on how to fit. I have tried all 3 of these and personally I find the Cruise fit to be the best compromise across all missions and all areas of space.

Torp with missile speed and flight time rigs. Great against the BC & BS when they are in range but suffers significantly due to explosion radius issues with the smaller ships. Range is limited to about 70k max without implants which you can work around with a MJD.

Torp with rigor catalysts and a MJD to compensate the short range. Hands down my favorite way to torp fit a Golem. It still suffers from explosion radius issues but not nearly to the same degree as the fit above.

Cruise missiles with rigor catalysts and suing the fury tech 2 missiles, this is my favorite Golem fit. It will take 1 or sometimes 2 more volleys on the BS than the torp fits but makes up for it on the smaller sized ships. Normally 1 volley for the destroyers, cruisers and many of the BC where the torp fits usually take 2 volleys to kill these ships.

So there you have it my opinions on the whole lvl 4 mission ship thingy.
Garrett Osinov
#11 - 2015-02-27 07:17:46 UTC
I think the best ships for lvl4 are Rattlesnake or Machariel. They have one very important ability - insta pop cruisers and frigs. Unfortunately pure missile ships don't have such ability. Also Machariel has got good speed and warp speed bonus.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#12 - 2015-02-28 05:06:15 UTC
Garrett Osinov wrote:
They have one very important ability - insta pop cruisers and frigs. Unfortunately pure missile ships don't have such ability. Also Machariel has got good speed and warp speed bonus.

Mac is a good ship and it would be a good choice for lvl 4's. I have a disagreement with your statement here as it simply does not hold true to any of my experiences. Frigs can be problematic for missiles but then your large guns have serious trouble hitting them as well so it probably balances out. Besides that the frigs usually do not last long enough for me to need missiles anyway the drones tend to have them gone by then.

My cruise Golem single volley every destroyer, cruiser and most battle cruisers in all of the missions I have run over the last 2 years so I do not know where you are getting this from, perhaps a poor fit or poor skills, or bad luck who knows.
Ambusher Ituin
Roughneck Raiders
#13 - 2015-02-28 16:42:58 UTC

I have corp mates who swear by the Mac and the Snake. Each has it's charm. I think the transition for the OP from a Tengu will be easier if he moves to the Golem.

OTOH, variety is the spice of life and he may enjoy flying something completely different.

However, I can perceive no difference in efficiency between my corp mates with their ships and me with my Golem. They are all superb mission-clearing hulls. I use precision missiles in conjunction with my drones in the few cases where the web and scram frigates are numerous, such as the Angel room of Worlds Collide. Works fine.

Don't panic now … there'll be plenty of time to do that later.

#14 - 2015-02-28 20:56:03 UTC
Lim Kim wrote:
- All lvl 4 mission types with full room clear, salvage, loot etc as fast as it possible
- warp/jump best time to mission area
- all New Eden high sec area's ( one day in Caldari zones, other Minmatar )

My types :

- GIla
- Tengu HAML

*after CNR ;]

Golem is the only choice given your criteria. Run with 3-4 TPs and 2 Rigor Is plus Fury ammo.


or mayby New Eden pilot's can advice something else ?

I prefer rather weapon's then drones as a main damage output.

Vargur meets all your requirements, plus Vargur > Golem for various reasons.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Synth Tech
#15 - 2015-03-01 11:37:02 UTC
Donnachadh wrote:

Frigs can be problematic for missiles but then your large guns have serious trouble hitting them as well so it probably balances out.

Large guns do not have "serious trouble" with hitting frigs once you get comfortable with the mission's rats. Large guns can destroy several standard frigates at once with a single rack cycle. Spider drones can cause occasional problems. There are also some missions where the frigs start under your guns, but the vast majority of frigates are easily destroyed in less then a full rack cycle. There is really no comparison.
Garrett Osinov
#16 - 2015-03-01 12:05:06 UTC
Donnachadh wrote:
Garrett Osinov wrote:
They have one very important ability - insta pop cruisers and frigs. Unfortunately pure missile ships don't have such ability. Also Machariel has got good speed and warp speed bonus.

Mac is a good ship and it would be a good choice for lvl 4's. I have a disagreement with your statement here as it simply does not hold true to any of my experiences. Frigs can be problematic for missiles but then your large guns have serious trouble hitting them as well so it probably balances out. Besides that the frigs usually do not last long enough for me to need missiles anyway the drones tend to have them gone by then.

My cruise Golem single volley every destroyer, cruiser and most battle cruisers in all of the missions I have run over the last 2 years so I do not know where you are getting this from, perhaps a poor fit or poor skills, or bad luck who knows.

I guess you never used Machariel with autocannons...

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#17 - 2015-03-02 03:42:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Donnachadh
See the post below by Ambusher Ituin.
I deleted the content of this post as it was placed in the wrong thread.

Apologies for the confusion and thanks to Ambusher Ituin for pointing this out.
Ambusher Ituin
Roughneck Raiders
#18 - 2015-03-02 08:16:23 UTC
Donnachadh wrote:
Gents the phrase whatever applies here.
I state things that I have experienced and I clearly label them as such.
You state things as if they were scientifically proven facts, which they are not,, they are simply your experiences.

As to the request for a mission video that will not be happening.

1 because I do not have the desire to do so, people will asses what I say and act on it according to their interpretation of it's value and how it sets against their own experiences. If it works for them that is great, if they read it and think it is a pile of crap well that's OK with me as well.

2 since there are 5 different flavors of worlds collide some of them I have run once in 5 years who knows when or if I will ever get that one again.

Umm… This responds to posts in the "What rigs to use on a golem" topic. Might want to copy it to that topic.

Don't panic now … there'll be plenty of time to do that later.

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#19 - 2015-03-02 08:48:05 UTC
chaosgrimm wrote:
Large guns do not have "serious trouble" with hitting frigs once you get comfortable with the mission's rats. Large guns can destroy several standard frigates at once with a single rack cycle. Spider drones can cause occasional problems. There are also some missions where the frigs start under your guns, but the vast majority of frigates are easily destroyed in less then a full rack cycle. There is really no comparison.

I was going to let this one go with no comment but the more I thought about it the more I realized that was just not going to happen.

At first you tell us that your large guns do not have "serious trouble" hitting small fast targets.
Yet in the same paragraph you go on to tell us that you have trouble/cannot hit spider drones and frigates that "start under your guns".

So one has to wonder which of these contradictory statement is the truth?
The way I see this if you do not have serious trouble hitting targets then the spider drones cause no problems because you can hit them easily, and there is no such thing as a ship "getting under your guns".
If you cannot hit a class of ships because they are to fast or they get under your guns then you are having "serious trouble" trying to hit them.

Try cruise with the tech 2 fury they hit as hard as your guns.
For the small fast stuff switch to precision and they hit stuff with near large gun level damage but the increased explosion velocity and decreased explosion radius in effect make them track like small to medium turret weapons. So there is yet another of those advantages to the missile platforms. Not only can we tailor our damage to hit the resist holes (something that is not always possible with turrets) but we can tailor it to the specific needs to efficiently kill all classes of ships.

Garrett Osinov wrote:
I guess you never used Machariel with autocannons...

As they say been there and done that.
And the Amarr laser BS, Gallente blaster ships, artillery ships and drones ships, even tried the Nightmare cause I was told it was the boss when it comes to level 4's. But in the end since I run missions in all 4 factions space against all of the NPC and I really do not like hauling multiple lvl 4 ships all over the EvE universe the extreme versatility of the missile platforms is hard to say no to.
So when a player asks about which ship is best and we do not know where they will be running mission, what type of ship they like to fly(turrets,drones, missiles) or whether they want to blitz or clear and salvage it is hard not to recommend the most versatile of them all the missile platforms.

So I will repeat myself if you like turret based ships then fly them and have fun.
#20 - 2015-03-02 10:10:33 UTC
Donnachadh wrote:
chaosgrimm wrote:
Large guns do not have "serious trouble" with hitting frigs once you get comfortable with the mission's rats. Large guns can destroy several standard frigates at once with a single rack cycle. Spider drones can cause occasional problems. There are also some missions where the frigs start under your guns, but the vast majority of frigates are easily destroyed in less then a full rack cycle. There is really no comparison.

I was going to let this one go with no comment but the more I thought about it the more I realized that was just not going to happen.

At first you tell us that your large guns do not have "serious trouble" hitting small fast targets.
Yet in the same paragraph you go on to tell us that you have trouble/cannot hit spider drones and frigates that "start under your guns".

So one has to wonder which of these contradictory statement is the truth?
The way I see this if you do not have serious trouble hitting targets then the spider drones cause no problems because you can hit them easily, and there is no such thing as a ship "getting under your guns".
If you cannot hit a class of ships because they are to fast or they get under your guns then you are having "serious trouble" trying to hit them.

Try cruise with the tech 2 fury they hit as hard as your guns.
For the small fast stuff switch to precision and they hit stuff with near large gun level damage but the increased explosion velocity and decreased explosion radius in effect make them track like small to medium turret weapons. So there is yet another of those advantages to the missile platforms. Not only can we tailor our damage to hit the resist holes (something that is not always possible with turrets) but we can tailor it to the specific needs to efficiently kill all classes of ships.

Garrett Osinov wrote:
I guess you never used Machariel with autocannons...

As they say been there and done that.
And the Amarr laser BS, Gallente blaster ships, artillery ships and drones ships, even tried the Nightmare cause I was told it was the boss when it comes to level 4's. But in the end since I run missions in all 4 factions space against all of the NPC and I really do not like hauling multiple lvl 4 ships all over the EvE universe the extreme versatility of the missile platforms is hard to say no to.
So when a player asks about which ship is best and we do not know where they will be running mission, what type of ship they like to fly(turrets,drones, missiles) or whether they want to blitz or clear and salvage it is hard not to recommend the most versatile of them all the missile platforms.

So I will repeat myself if you like turret based ships then fly them and have fun.

As it has been already stated above all your preferences are YOUR PREFERENCES and only. They are based on your preferences and are correct taking into account your preferences Blink But if you state that one ship type is the best and the only one worth to be used, then you can't be more far away from truth - with all the due respect.

I do not run missions very often right now, because it's mostly solo activity and I get bored to hell very fast with it. I prefer other sources of income where I can use advantages of multiplayer game and teamwork. But last Saturday I had some time when there were no fleets running and I offered one friend to run some missions together just for the sake of fun. He pilots HAML Tengu and based on your statements he should be much more effective against small and fast ships than me, piloting Machariel. But the result was quite opposite - he eventually stopped even targeting frigs as they were turned into the wrecks by the time his missiles reached them. Actually there are very few places where frigs spawn "under the guns" and then it's no problem to pop couple of them using the pack of light drones. But usually I am able to shoot down all frigs and even most of the cruise size before they reach me and that taking into account, that I usually start burning toward NPC with AB switched on as soon as I land in the site. I pilot Minmatar ships, and Machariel now almost all the time I played EVE (I have alts that can pilot missile and hibrid ships, but still my first and only love is projectiles) and I never regretted it. But this is MY PREFERENCES and only. They are based on my preferences and are correct taking into account my preferences Blink To support my preferences I can tell, that the next day I logged into the game I found my friend, whom I missioned with, discussing with other player how fast they could swap their Tengus for Machariels, as my friend really liked what he saw. Never the less I warned them, that once they change missile boat for projectile one they might not like what they get as it's quite different experience and if you are not used to projectiles and used missiles on and on, tanked with Caldary OP shield tanking and so on, you might get uncomfortable in Minmatar ships.

Best example is that my other friend who used to do missions with dual account Tengu setup decided to try Machariel, as he was really attracted by almost twice higher theoretical DPS of Machariel. But eventually he said that he feels more comfortable with his old and proven Tengus.

So it's really personal and there is no "one and only best ship for lev 4 missioning". There are many good options and which one of them will be the best depends on the person who is choosing and his play stile.

I think, that the best for OP would be missile boat as he's already spoiled by that game stile. But it's not because other options are worse - they are just different and require bit different play stile, skills and attitude.
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