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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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A Dozen+ UI suggestions, and some new map suggestions

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-03-01 01:41:42 UTC
Ship Mechanics

The ability to drag Warp-to, Keep-at-distance, and orbit down to the F1, F2... Hot keys.

The ability to assign to F1, F2... drones engage, return, whatever(even if other hot keys work).


Drag from overview to watch list.

Drag from chat to watch list.

Is there even a way to open the watch list window without adding someone first?


Show the cost per material in the industry UI along with the total (Right now it's annoying to figure out if the cost is close enough to the real market value or not, so you know if you need to go to your spread sheet or now).

The ability to set the "cost of materials" used by the automatic industry calculator thingy.

In industry to double click a blueprint, rather than only being able to click+drag or right click.


Ability to drag system names into title/name text box(IE book marks). Currently requires you to drag system name to normal chat, then copy and paste.

Ability to drag a celestial name into title/name text box. (New Work flow, create new book mark. write TAC, drag stargate (inspace celestial) to the title book mark, write space, drag system name from top left to the title, write dist+location... Old work flow would require steps to drag both of those to a chat box to copy and paste, or write it out manually)

Auto pilot boxes(the ones in the top left) to have the ability to have their color change be based on "standings"/"soviernty", rather than just secuirity status.


If in station or character select screen you should not get "are you sure you want to log out now" message box.

The ability to easily trade notes(EvE's notepad APP).

Some stats not intuitive if they're going up or down, or whether if that up or down is good. Recommend changing increases to green and decreases to red(with up/down arrow for color blindness next to it). Or clearly labeling in descriptions that something is a draw back(rigs do a really good job at).

Can't find a search button for mailing lists.

For exploration the ability to center/anchor probe/probe-group onto a celestial/signature.


New map suggestions

Ability to pan the map. Preferably with right click

After map has already been open, does not remember current view location. Zooming in close to the current, so close you can't even see adjacent systems.

No difference in size/Intensity for map stats(1 jump is the same size as 200 jumps).
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#2 - 2015-03-01 09:05:43 UTC
One more cup of coffee and you'll have it all!
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-03-01 09:50:00 UTC
for the map
1.) show jump range bubble like in the old map
2.) highlight systems in jump range (the 3d map occasionally proves a little difficult to work with i have a few times gone to a system to find out it was actually outside the said bubble
3.) show me where the cyno beacons are on the map
4.) hover over system star to show distance from current location in LY

for the launcher
log in multiple accounts and keep em logged in switching characters when you have multiple accounts becomes a pain very quickly

just give me an add another account rather than just switch that way all id have to do is press lunch not redo the whole login everytime. (alot of us have multiple accounts)

Adrie Atticus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2015-03-01 11:08:36 UTC
permion wrote:
Ship Mechanics
Ability to pan the map. Preferably with right click

That's a design choice, no panning for anyone.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-03-01 13:47:36 UTC  |  Edited by: permion
Adrie Atticus wrote:
permion wrote:
Ship Mechanics
Ability to pan the map. Preferably with right click

That's a design choice, no panning for anyone.

It's a feature that actually made me angry at not having.

Maybe makes sense for the 3d map so you have an "anchor" to rotate around and zoom. But for the 2D map, I initially felt stupid for not knowing how to do something so basic, and then I was angry when the feature didn't exist at all.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#6 - 2015-03-01 17:39:30 UTC
Adrie Atticus wrote:
permion wrote:
Ship Mechanics
Ability to pan the map. Preferably with right click

That's a design choice, no panning for anyone.

i thought they only removed that temporarily because it was causing some bugs?

as for this thread the devs have a UI and a Map one already open you will have a better chance of your ideas being seen there
Iain Cariaba
#7 - 2015-03-01 18:24:20 UTC
permion wrote:

  1. press escape, click on shortcuts tab, assign shortcuts. You have to remove the currently assigned setting for the function keys, but it can be done.
  2. Your watchlist is in the People and Places window. They're the ones with green or red dots in their entry.
  3. Go here.
  4. Unsure why you would need to drag system and celestial names more than is already possible. If you need to bookmark it, just right click it and save location, object's name already becomes default.
  5. Tagging the route planner by standings/sov is pretty pointless. In all the years I've been here, I've never been attacked by a system. Simply treat everywhere as the hostile space it is.
  6. I play in window mode and often hit the x to close the window by accident. Also, I have been known to accidentally hit quit instead of close window in the esc menu. I guess it's just not that difficult for me to hit that enter key that one extra time when exitting the game.
  7. Notes can easily be traded with ctrl-a, ctrl-c, and ctrl-v.
  8. A few stats are ambiguous if you don't know what you're looking at. The rest only need Reading Comprehension trained to level 1.
  9. Ok, a search feature for mail would be nice.
  10. You can already center the camera on celestials and signatures that have been scanned to a red dot. Takes all of 1 second to center probes from that point.
  11. Map suggestions go in the map thread. I don't use the in game maps, so I have no opinion there.