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Requesting Time Extension on gift selection

Section 8.
#41 - 2011-12-22 07:59:18 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
KrakizBad wrote:
I was on an EVE break when Quafe Zero was released. I demand CCP extend the redeem time so I get mine. I'm only a little late.

Do you mind not turning this topic into a joke?

#1 I am not demanding anything. I am requesting and stating my reasons why I think an extension is fair in this situation.

#2 Quafe Zero and a Neural Remap are two completely different things. Losing that bonus remap will hit me hard in the 2nd half of 2012. Losing some ammo or fuel or consumables is no issue compared to the value of a remap at the right time.

It was a joke when you started it, so no. Also, thanks for pointing out the reporting flag; reported for begging.
Eve Cluster Explorations
#42 - 2011-12-22 08:20:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Crumplecorn
Joz Yavavich wrote:
It is a free gift. you snooze you loose. Stop crying and asking CCP for an extension due to you not reading the entire article. I had no problem finding out that I needed to and going to my account management..
There was an article? I only heard it mentioned on the forum. But I for one don't mind as I have missed stuff before due to being unsubbed at the wrong time. IDGAF at this point.

Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Let me state it again. Game UTC makes scene to coordinate in game events.

This is an account related thing and for most it ended up ending well before most could get home from work. UTC does NOT make sense in this case.
UTC is the only thing which makes sense for anything which affects people in more than one time zone. Hence the U in UTC.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

pixum mixum
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#43 - 2011-12-22 08:42:12 UTC

You'll only be hurting these people by giving them an extension, they need to learn to PAY ATTENTION and not make silly assumptions like that everyone should use only the timezone they live in as a reference, when EVERYTHING eve related has ALWAYS been UTC.

Please, teach them a valuable life lesson about not being so extrememly dumb and relying on someone to turn back the clock so they can clean up. It will only be to their ultimate benefit, both in eve and in real life.
Endeavour Starfleet
#44 - 2011-12-22 08:58:45 UTC
pixum mixum wrote:

You'll only be hurting these people by giving them an extension, they need to learn to PAY ATTENTION and not make silly assumptions like that everyone should use only the timezone they live in as a reference, when EVERYTHING eve related has ALWAYS been UTC.

Please, teach them a valuable life lesson about not being so extrememly dumb and relying on someone to turn back the clock so they can clean up. It will only be to their ultimate benefit, both in eve and in real life.

This isn't some school or life lesson this is a product that we pay for.

Also the reason some of us have not "paid attention" as in looking at every detail of articles to see something as obscure as needing to use the account management is because we have been BUSY as hell during the holidays. A thing called a job and responsibilities. During this time we have kept our accounts active and paid and training but have not had time to watch every detail.

Hurting us? What hurt us was having a VERY short in game notice that didn't involve clicking on news links. That is reason enough to grant a short extension and give a better notice in my opinion.

Also how does us getting an extension affect you? It does not at all so your involvement in this topic is not wanted.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2011-12-22 09:02:30 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Yet I am imploring them to sympathize and atleast grant a short extension with warning in game.

in theory new client launcher/patcher is getting ready. One of its functions is: showing news while it patches and starts client.
Maybe it will help a bit?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Endeavour Starfleet
#46 - 2011-12-22 09:03:07 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
Joz Yavavich wrote:
It is a free gift. you snooze you loose. Stop crying and asking CCP for an extension due to you not reading the entire article. I had no problem finding out that I needed to and going to my account management..
There was an article? I only heard it mentioned on the forum. But I for one don't mind as I have missed stuff before due to being unsubbed at the wrong time. IDGAF at this point.

Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Let me state it again. Game UTC makes scene to coordinate in game events.

This is an account related thing and for most it ended up ending well before most could get home from work. UTC does NOT make sense in this case.
UTC is the only thing which makes sense for anything which affects people in more than one time zone. Hence the U in UTC.

It does not make sense for the majority of the EVE base on something as important as this. For most of the playerbase it ends up being midnight UTC at extremely off times such as during peak work hours or sleeping times. One of the main reasons downtime is not at midnight UTC.

So why not pick a REAL universal eve reference which is downtime?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#47 - 2011-12-22 09:20:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
So why not pick a REAL universal eve reference which is downtime?
Because UTC is an equally real and universal EVE reference — it's EVE time.

Downtime would just be unclear and create the same problems you've had: for some, the “downtime on the 22nd” will not happen on the 22nd, so they'll make the same mistake you did.
For most of the playerbase it ends up being midnight UTC at extremely off times such as during peak work hours or sleeping times.
That's why they gave you several weeks to do it. It's not really their fault that you decided to do it at what you assumed would be the very last second.
Vyl Vit
#48 - 2011-12-22 09:25:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Vyl Vit
Unicorn Slayer wrote:

p.s. its "lose"

I love valiant acts of futility.

Valiantly futile acts I love?

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Tyburn Stannis
Xenon Salvage Inc.
#49 - 2011-12-22 09:36:48 UTC
OK kids you've had PLENTY of warning and instruction on how to do this. Anyone who left it 'til 23:59 their local time is a freaking idiot, EVE announcements and events always run on UTC. And the whole "I didnt know what to do so I did nothing" cry-line just reeks of lazy spoon-fed imbecility. How in the hell do some of you survive in the real world?

It started with:

Eve newsletter #69 30/11/12, e-mailed to all account owners(unless YOU chose not to recieve it)

"Players with an active EVE Online subscription are finding a nice surprise in Account Management this week. The holiday gift page has been added, with over a dozen different gifts to choose from. The gift that you select will be stored in our system until December 22nd, when all selected gifts will be distributed to the players after downtime. The holiday gift selection ends December 21st. Be sure to choose your gift before then!"

Since then there have been multiple dev blogs, multiple news articles, multiple reminders on the log-in screen. If the info is right in front of your eyes when you enter the game and you fail to read it, thats YOUR problem.

All the way through to:

Yet another message on the log-in splash leading to an article, on the 19/12/11 as a last reminder and in BIG WORDS it says REMINDER: GIFTS MUST BE SELECTED BY DECEMBER 21ST, 2011

All these differengt ways of trying to get the message across - all saying the same thing.

Gift selection window is (was) 12th-21st.
Items will be available to be redeemed from the 22nd.
Select your gift via Account Management.

If you've managed to somehow miss all that AND the info being sent to your inbox... congratulations.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#50 - 2011-12-22 09:50:56 UTC
Tyburn Stannis wrote:
OK kids you've had PLENTY of warning and instruction on how to do this. Anyone who left it 'til 23:59 their local time is a freaking idiot, EVE announcements and events always run on UTC. And the whole "I didnt know what to do so I did nothing" cry-line just reeks of lazy spoon-fed imbecility. How in the hell do some of you survive in the real world?

It started with:

Eve newsletter #69 30/11/12, e-mailed to all account owners(unless YOU chose not to recieve it)

"Players with an active EVE Online subscription are finding a nice surprise in Account Management this week. The holiday gift page has been added, with over a dozen different gifts to choose from. The gift that you select will be stored in our system until December 22nd, when all selected gifts will be distributed to the players after downtime. The holiday gift selection ends December 21st. Be sure to choose your gift before then!"

Since then there have been multiple dev blogs, multiple news articles, multiple reminders on the log-in screen. If the info is right in front of your eyes when you enter the game and you fail to read it, thats YOUR problem.

All the way through to:

Yet another message on the log-in splash leading to an article, on the 19/12/11 as a last reminder and in BIG WORDS it says REMINDER: GIFTS MUST BE SELECTED BY DECEMBER 21ST, 2011

All these differengt ways of trying to get the message across - all saying the same thing.

Gift selection window is (was) 12th-21st.
Items will be available to be redeemed from the 22nd.
Select your gift via Account Management.

If you've managed to somehow miss all that AND the info being sent to your inbox... congratulations.


What dont you understand?

And why the **** is a Christmas gift a limited time offer in the first effing place??

RollRollRollWoot for the 10 days fo Christmas RollRollRoll
Sunshine and Lollipops
#51 - 2011-12-22 09:56:22 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
What dont you understand?
The part where you assume that it would differentiate between the 21st and 22nd depending on your time rather than the server time.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2011-12-22 10:16:12 UTC  |  Edited by: RougeOperator
I have a problem with this because CCP mass mailed everyone in game with a NEX store BS mail.

Yet could not be bothered to do so for this X-MAS gift.

I new about it cause im on the forums and told my corpies about it.

This whole gift thing and the first implant thing were botched from top to bottom communications wise by CCP.

I can get into it more but im sure its just lots of wasted breath at this point seeing the track record.

I dont think they should get the same offer as was out there for everyone else. But I see no harm in Player centric remap that can not be traded or sold being given vie a petition.

Also the way they handled that TIME LIMIT warning was rather poor as well.

I may have gotten all my free stuff cause i pay attention but that does not me i cant see how this was a failure from a practical standpoint on CCPs part.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2011-12-22 10:17:08 UTC

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Kryptonian Atomic Reclamation Agency
#54 - 2011-12-22 10:43:57 UTC
Welcome to Eve.
CCP will not hold your hand because you somehow managed to miss the literal flood of reminders and hints they released in the lead up to the Christmas Giveaway.
And on a side note, there were a number of reasonably long threads devoted to it on the forums, and you somehow managed to miss those as well.

If you're stupid enough to not even realise there was a deadline, you dont deserve free stuffs. As has been stated before, this is Eve. You lose it, you lost it, live with it.
Alexandros Balfros
Liberty Rogues
Aprilon Dynasty
#55 - 2011-12-22 11:02:22 UTC
Conrad Lionhart wrote:
Ai Shun wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Aldee wrote:
I just logged on and it says the ca-2 implant and holiday gift are available until midnight tonight...... so where are they? Its not midnight its only 4:58 UTC. Midnight is still 19 hrs away................

It's the 22nd UTC... Again confusing choice of time in my opinion as it pertains to account and RL.

And yet, all the times in your account management interface is in UTC, isn't it? All in-game times are in UTC. So why would this be any different?

I agree with the idea of an extention because apparently the player base have difficulties with basic time calculation and punctuality; but honestly?

You couldn't have done it before now?

I didn't know there was a time limit.

See to all claiming they didn't know there was a time limit

Learn to read dev blogs this was posted on the 12th and states the time limit quite clearly and how to redeem the items, the information was given you were just too silly to not read it.
Cletus Graeme
Shai Dorsai
#56 - 2011-12-22 11:47:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Cletus Graeme
Alexandros Balfros wrote:

See to all claiming they didn't know there was a time limit

Learn to read dev blogs this was posted on the 12th and states the time limit quite clearly and how to redeem the items, the information was given you were just too silly to not read it.

Poor communication from CCP is the problem.

CCP posted a devblog titled the genolution ca-2 implant is yours to redeem.
They also gave us 2 implants which were redeemable in-game - which is how gifts were given out in the past.
They didn't advertise the fact that this year they were doing something EXTRA and DIFFERENT (which needed you to visit your Account Management).

You have to look for this paragraph in the above blog (supposedly about the CA-2 implant) to get that info:

"As an added bonus, we will also be unveiling the 2011 Holiday Gift during the same period. This will work just a bit differently than prior holiday gifts. There will be a list of items in your Account Management queue. You can choose one, and only one, gift from the list. That gift will then be made available in the redemption system on Dec 22nd."

Q: Should players read all the devblogs and keep up to date?
A: Ideally, yes, of course, but in reality people are busy in RL and some will inevitably get missed/overlooked.

Q: Was CCP as clear as they could've been about these additional, special "Holiday Gifts"?
A: No - They at least deserved their own, separate devblog. Also, when players redeemed the implants in-game it would have been helpful to provide them with a message (popup/evemail) reminding them about the other gifts.

Q: Was there any reason to expire these gifts BEFORE Xmas?
A: None that I can see and no explanation for doing this was given. Everyone knows that players logon much more over the xmas break so why not give people at least until New Year's EvE (pun intended!) as was the case in the past.

I think further confusion was caused by the separate gift of the 2 implants (CA-1 and CA-2) which were redeemable in game. Most players would assume that these were the xmas gift, so they'd redeem these but look no further.

EDIT: Also, as you can see here the gifting of the Attribute Remap is going real smoothly Big smile I bet you wish you'd chosen the destroyer now!
Endeavour Starfleet
#57 - 2011-12-22 13:04:17 UTC
Again all of these forum topics dev blogs and etc... Rely on the fact that we have to view them IN DETAIL. During the holidays.

The little bit I had time to read did NOT indicate the need to go to the account page. I had every intention of waiting patiently for it to appear in the gift selection on login.

All I am personally requesting is the ok to petition for the bonus remap from a CCP dev or GM. That has NOTHING to do with with you that feel the need to come in and rub it in our faces that we don't slobber over the forums 24/7 during the holidays.
Endeavour Starfleet
#58 - 2011-12-22 14:03:40 UTC
UPDATE (I will copy and paste from another topic)

CCP Navigator wrote:
If you did not claim your gift you can submit a petition and the GM's will look at each petition on a case by case basis. This is not a promise that you will get a gift but it never hurts to ask.

Customer support will NOT be changing gifts at this stage. If you picked one thing and want to change it to something else then that is, unfortunately, not possible.

He then indicated in yet another topic that it needs to be petitioned under billing and its subsection reactivation offers.
Alexandros Balfros
Liberty Rogues
Aprilon Dynasty
#59 - 2011-12-22 14:20:22 UTC
Cletus Graeme wrote:
Alexandros Balfros wrote:

See to all claiming they didn't know there was a time limit

Learn to read dev blogs this was posted on the 12th and states the time limit quite clearly and how to redeem the items, the information was given you were just too silly to not read it.

Poor communication from CCP is the problem.

CCP posted a devblog titled the genolution ca-2 implant is yours to redeem.
They also gave us 2 implants which were redeemable in-game - which is how gifts were given out in the past.
They didn't advertise the fact that this year they were doing something EXTRA and DIFFERENT (which needed you to visit your Account Management).

You have to look for this paragraph in the above blog (supposedly about the CA-2 implant) to get that info:

"As an added bonus, we will also be unveiling the 2011 Holiday Gift during the same period. This will work just a bit differently than prior holiday gifts. There will be a list of items in your Account Management queue. You can choose one, and only one, gift from the list. That gift will then be made available in the redemption system on Dec 22nd."

Q: Should players read all the devblogs and keep up to date?
A: Ideally, yes, of course, but in reality people are busy in RL and some will inevitably get missed/overlooked.

Q: Was CCP as clear as they could've been about these additional, special "Holiday Gifts"?
A: No - They at least deserved their own, separate devblog. Also, when players redeemed the implants in-game it would have been helpful to provide them with a message (popup/evemail) reminding them about the other gifts.

Q: Was there any reason to expire these gifts BEFORE Xmas?
A: None that I can see and no explanation for doing this was given. Everyone knows that players logon much more over the xmas break so why not give people at least until New Year's EvE (pun intended!) as was the case in the past.

I think further confusion was caused by the separate gift of the 2 implants (CA-1 and CA-2) which were redeemable in game. Most players would assume that these were the xmas gift, so they'd redeem these but look no further.

EDIT: Also, as you can see here the gifting of the Attribute Remap is going real smoothly Big smile I bet you wish you'd chosen the destroyer now!

See the problemn here is not that CCP didn't tell you but that you were too lazy to read the entire blog, i bet you're one of those people that miss the small print in offers aswell ;)
J Kunjeh
#60 - 2011-12-22 15:08:08 UTC
I swear, some Eve players live to mock and ridicule others just for the sake of it. Like really, what does it hurt you if CCP decides to be fair and say "you know, putting a time limit on redemption was lame...if you were subbed as of Dec 12-22, you should be able to redeem your gift whenever you damn well please"? I thought so.

"The world as we know it came about through an anomaly (anomou)" (The Gospel of Philip, 1-5)