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WTB ARCHON PILOT/Moros DREAD PILOT. High and Heavy Budget.

Anu Parvi
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2015-02-27 04:58:10 UTC
Title says most of what I want, what I also want

Triage module tech 2 or no go.
At least the Moros trained to 5
Support skills to level 4-5 ( armor compensations etc.)

Kudo points for ( NOT REQUIRED.)
Interdiction pilot
T3 Pilot( with support obviously)
Great missile skills ( torps, lights level tech 2)
Has good PVP support skills in more than 1 empire

Post your price and skill sheet on this post, will love to see them!
Hard budget of 65 Bil.( this is debatable if the pilot is " just what I want ")

Pilots age doesn't matter.