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Add audio npcs? Expanding missions?

Amarr Empire
#1 - 2015-02-25 17:20:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Tatyana3033
A lot of games similar to eve have audio connected with npcs which gives them a unique personality and gives the player an idea into what kind of people they are fighting. (See recent seeker trailer video). I am sure newer players will watch these videos and be disappointed when they find that most missions are highly generic. Doing missions for gallente is no different than doing them for Caldari for example apart from the npcs change.
I'd like ccp to add an optional audio dialogue between the players and npcs/agents and not just a photo and long line of text that I'm sure most players have no inclination to ever read.

I feel like new players should have the chance to feel involved with the story and be able to interact with the npcs to try to understand the world. I feel like doing missions is purely a grind instead of an enjoyable experience where the story expands with every mission towards some greater goal and you have the feeling your helping the amarr and becoming more involved in a deep interesting story.

CCP pleas take note you are falling behind many other games:
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2015-02-25 17:25:01 UTC
I think Warframe is falling behind in terms of massive scale fights and a totally player driven economy with almost no NPC input.

I guess the Warframe devs should change the nature of their game then hu?
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2015-02-25 17:29:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Tatyana3033
So your saying new players should all go to nullsec instead because there is nothing in highsec for them? Missions are the first thing you ever do in eve and they have some audio added to them so why not carry this on to the rest of the missions?
Iain Cariaba
#4 - 2015-02-25 17:30:00 UTC
Because there are hundreds of agents, CCP would either have to hire voice actors for them all in every supported language, which isn't feasable money wise, or we have "Generic (Gender) NPC Voice" reading off the mission text, which would be so boring and repetitive that no one will listen to three hours after they start running missions.
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2015-02-25 17:33:34 UTC
Tatyana3033 wrote:
So your saying new players should all go to nullsec instead because there is nothing in highsec for them? Missions are the first thing you ever do in eve and they have some audio added to them so why not carry this on to the rest of the missions?

Actually the tutorial is the first thing you do in EVE. And it does have an audio voice over.
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2015-02-25 17:52:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Tatyana3033
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Because there are hundreds of agents, CCP would either have to hire voice actors for them all in every supported language, which isn't feasable money wise, or we have "Generic (Gender) NPC Voice" reading off the mission text, which would be so boring and repetitive that no one will listen to three hours after they start running missions.

There are 100s of nps in Skyrim and they all have audio dialog, imagine if skyrim had long walls of test where you had to do the same kind of mission over and over to afford some a decent weapon, thats pretty much how eve feels right now.

Plus whats the point in commenting if you live in nullsec and never need to run a mission. Also there seems to be a trend that only older players are allowed to make game play suggestions.. .shrugs
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2015-02-25 18:00:58 UTC
Actually I was a hisec mission runner for many years. And I don't feel that audio voice overs would add anything to the mission experience. Smarter and more dynamic NPC AI, EWAR rules that work more like those used in PVP, and missions that require team work would do much more good. Incursions were a good start but too easily farmed and the burners where interesting but too niche.

Heck more missions in general would be great. I ran each mission so many times I had them all memorized. The amount of variety from any one agent is really small. And since the number of agents worth running missions for is very small it doesn't take long for missions to become completely boring.
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2015-02-25 18:15:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tatyana3033
Look how games like x3 handle ai missions though great audio graphics immersive combat. I'm sure people will cry out 'Why do missions!! eve is about huge titan battles and running around nullsec fighting 100 man gangs of faction ships' But its not really possible to just log in and join a huge battle at any time of day unless your part of a huge alliance who is constantly at war. If you just want to log in mid week for an hour or so and do some missions your pretty much left with repetitive boring missions than never change or have any kind of variety. Really needs updating.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2015-02-25 18:27:56 UTC
Tatyana3033 wrote:

I feel like new players should have the chance to feel involved with the story

missions arent the story in EVE, they are errands to get ISK

the story of EVE is between players, and after youve played awhile youll realize they have the best interactions and some very impressive voice work, not a single one sounds like a 12 year old little girl.

and this isnt me saying "pvp or leave" this is me legitamately saying, FACTUALLY, that the story of EVE is player-based, player-centric, and is about player-interactions.
Iain Cariaba
#10 - 2015-02-25 18:34:36 UTC
Tatyana3033 wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Because there are hundreds of agents, CCP would either have to hire voice actors for them all in every supported language, which isn't feasable money wise, or we have "Generic (Gender) NPC Voice" reading off the mission text, which would be so boring and repetitive that no one will listen to three hours after they start running missions.

There are 100s of nps in Skyrim and they all have audio dialog, imagine if skyrim had long walls of test where you had to do the same kind of mission over and over to afford some a decent weapon, thats pretty much how eve feels right now.

Plus whats the point in commenting if you live in nullsec and never need to run a mission. Also there seems to be a trend that only older players are allowed to make game play suggestions.. .shrugs

Actually, you'll find that most of the NPC dialogue in Skyrim falls into the "Generic Male NPC #3" and "Generic Female NPC #5" category. Then again, Skyrim and X3 are solely designed around PvE and the guided storylines, so NPC dialogue is pretty important in that setting. NPC dialogue is not very important in EvE.

But, then again, you'll probably just ignore me because I only spent years in highsec grinding missions, not once wishing there was boring, repetitive voice acting for me to skip through. Nope, my opinion is seemingly null and void because I discovered I can make far more isk with far less irritation in null. Roll
Colette Kassia
Kassia Industrial Supply
#11 - 2015-02-25 18:50:08 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Because there are hundreds of agents, CCP would either have to hire voice actors for them all in every supported language, which isn't feasable money wise, or we have "Generic (Gender) NPC Voice" reading off the mission text, which would be so boring and repetitive that no one will listen to three hours after they start running missions.

He's right. There are many, many NPCs in EVE than in Skyrim. And even if they do a generic-archetype-voice-actor this there are still many more (and that's before you get into all of the languages that EVE supports). I'm not a fan of CCP diverting the resources to this.

However, I would support a Morrowwind like interactive text dialogue system (same as later Elderscrolls games, but without the audio). It would also be interesting if you occasionally stumbled across friendly NPCs within complexes and while in missions that you could speak to and receive slightly more challenging (and more rewarding) side missions. And maybe roving merchants who carry both rare items (faction BPCs, etc) and common ammo.
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2015-02-25 22:22:03 UTC
Tatyana3033 wrote:

CCP pleas take note you are falling behind many other games

Why the **** do people keep saying this? It's your ******* opinion...
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2015-02-25 23:31:09 UTC
Celthric Kanerian wrote:
Tatyana3033 wrote:

CCP pleas take note you are falling behind many other games

Why the **** do people keep saying this? It's your ******* opinion...

Its especially funny considering how much I'm hearing that the SC crews are starting to question the actual mechanics of the game they shelled out so much money to wait for (theyll likely all be playing Half-Life 3 to pass the time before SC is released)

and the elite dangerous forums is just one giant clusterfuck of everyone claiming this or that is broken, this or that is fake and just a coverup for nothing being implemented, or this and that is being catered to, X or Y is a terrible playstyle killing the game

Its like it became EVE after 10 years in only 2 months, if not even worse because their community is TOXIC (forums are real fun to read when I cant be arsed to play because trading in open is basically putting a "gank me I cant fight back" sign on your head)

and these were supposed to be the games "leagues ahead" of EVE
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#14 - 2015-02-26 10:25:41 UTC
Tatyana3033 wrote:
There are 100s of nps in Skyrim and they all have audio dialog,

...all done by the same 8 people. What "Skyrim" are you referring to?


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Amarr Empire
#15 - 2015-02-26 11:17:47 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Tatyana3033 wrote:

I feel like new players should have the chance to feel involved with the story

missions arent the story in EVE, they are errands to get ISK

the story of EVE is between players, and after youve played awhile youll realize they have the best interactions and some very impressive voice work, not a single one sounds like a 12 year old little girl.

and this isnt me saying "pvp or leave" this is me legitamately saying, FACTUALLY, that the story of EVE is player-based, player-centric, and is about player-interactions.

The reason they are just quick ways to make isk is that they are just repetitive side lines that are only there to fuel other activities in eve. Not everyone wants to pvp all the time and these players wont turn to eve for their enjoyment, they will play for a short time and discover that eve is not fun for pve focused players and will unsubscribe and never come back.

CCP is taking note since you might have noticed since mid last year many many patches have focused on graphics, audio and not just tweaking game mechanics to suit the hardcore vets who always play zoomed out and with audio off.
The point being people don't join games based solely on player interaction, not everyone has friends in brave newbies or some big alliance willing to get them into nullsec flying rifters in huge titan battles. For many people this comes a lot later for others not at all. A lot of the people posting will be the ones who developed their game by making friends and doing things other than pve and this is all well and good until eve totally stagnates because the focus is not on new players but on the people who shout loudest about sov rebalancing and nerfing ishtars which many new player have 0 interest in.