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Fix the patching-process allready!

#1 - 2015-02-17 12:38:40 UTC
It's getting very tedious.

Everytime there's a new patch I need to run the download and patching-process atleast two times before the patch finally installs correctly.

Right here's the problem...

(3/3): APPLYING EVE_ONLINE_861477-862956_WIN.PATCH: 5.0%

... it allways get's stuck in this process, and allthough I've set the launcher to NOT delete the patches, the patches are nowhere to be found after they've downloaded.

So get this fixed allready, or even better, give us the old offline-patches back.
#2 - 2015-02-17 13:26:59 UTC
After downloading the second time I'm now stuck at 2.5%.

Frikkin fantastic... NOT.
Stradd Fehrnah
Newbie Friendly Industries
CeskoSlovenska Aliance
#3 - 2015-02-17 14:54:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Stradd Fehrnah
Same problem, download process are painfuly slow and when it get back to normal after few second are stopped in 7,5% - thats my second try. For first time the launcher stoped responding when I tried to close it and re open :/

EDIT: Second account in different directory and different HDD works fine. Strange. But first client stopped responding again

EDIT: Second account works but painfuly slow... :/
Castelo Selva
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#4 - 2015-02-17 15:29:14 UTC
I already post in the issue thread, but I reposting here to get more chances to be solved.

What the hell!?!
Patch was about 900+MB, and then, suddenly, it just reset to zero and start all process again!
And no, my connection do not dropped. I am still here, reading the forum and news on the net. Everything is fine with my connection.
Therefore, I am now very anxious if it will keep failing repeatedly…
I think I probably live in a far place to one of the CCP CDN, since it takes me more than 2 hours to download the 1Gb patch.
If the reset to start keep happening, I may not be able to play today…
Is there any way to get the patch file from other forms, so I can just import it with the launcher?

Heimdall Midgard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-02-17 15:41:29 UTC
Everytime the same.... now its stucking at 0,2% .... On my PC and on my Laptop too. Fix this stuff. I dont pay 3 Accounts for clicking an half hour on the launcher again and again.
CoreHound Industries
DOOM Alliance
#6 - 2015-02-17 20:55:33 UTC
(2/3): CREATING EVE_ONLINE_861477-862956_WIN.PATCH: 0.0% - DOWNLOADING 218.37 MB / 1.12 GB

I've been stuck here for about 4 hours now. I've gotten from 216.53 to 218.37 where i am right now in the last 90 minutes with 6 restarts of the launcher.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-02-17 21:08:06 UTC

Update your launcher via that thread, and use the repair tool to update EVE.
CoreHound Industries
DOOM Alliance
#8 - 2015-02-17 22:39:11 UTC
Wormm wrote:

Update your launcher via that thread, and use the repair tool to update EVE.

Well after downloading and running that my launcher doesn't function, nor does Repair tool. I am probably going to have to wipe and reinstall. Argh.
Bruce Destro
Global Dominance Initiative
#9 - 2015-02-17 22:52:14 UTC
repair tool stalled, stopped at (3/7) Downloading recipes: 14.2%, 526.26 KB/3.62 MB, 12.22 KB/s, 04m20s

Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_AMARR.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_ANGELCARTEL.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_BLOODRAIDERS.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_CALDARI.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_CONCORD.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_GALLENTE.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_GURISTAS.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_MINMATAR.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_ORE.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_QUAFE.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_SCOPE.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_SERPENTIS.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\cq\LOGO_SISTERSOFEVE.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\hacking\bgLoop_alpha.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
Updating mode of C:\Games\CCP\EVE\res\video\origins_intro.bik from 0x81b6 to 0x8124
(2/7) Hashing files: 100.0%, 03m06s
(3/7) Downloading recipes: Initializing ...
FuriousF Asques
KMC Corporation
#10 - 2015-02-17 23:40:08 UTC
Repair tool doesn't even ******* work.
How the **** can a game that has been released for such a long time still have issues patching. I delete and reinstall the game twice already. If the third time doesn't ******* work I quit
CoreHound Industries
DOOM Alliance
#11 - 2015-02-17 23:54:33 UTC
Had no other option to get the patch installed. Attempted to delete everything and reinstall. Reinstall not even working. Stalls at 128kb of 5.4 gig
Sabrez Haklar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2015-02-17 23:57:21 UTC
Ive been trying to install this 1 gb path for the last 12 hours....Im loving the new update of watching the progress bar standing still 10/10 would patch again
CoreHound Industries
DOOM Alliance
#13 - 2015-02-18 00:11:25 UTC
Had a friend send me the installer file, currently re-downloading EVE at 5kb a second.

UGH. I might get to play by Christmas.
Intar Medris
KarmaFleet University
#14 - 2015-02-18 00:24:26 UTC
Hideously ******* slow. At the rat e it is downloading I might be able to log on TOMORROW. How is it that I can download games from steam, origin, or D2D at a solid almost unwavering 7.0 mb/s, but EVE I at most get 2.5-3 mb/s or 10 MB per minute like now. Not like all 500K+ of us are downloading it all at once.

I try to be nice and mind my business just shooting lasers at rocks. There is just way too many asshats in New Eden for that to happen.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2015-02-18 01:30:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Treyah
I'm unable to get the patch process to initialize. I love the game, am only mildly mad, but am going to demand 1B isk and/or limited edition ships because of the annoyance. CPP: Patch the patcher percolating past this peculiar, perma-patch perdition pretty please.
Balian Ibelin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2015-02-18 02:11:15 UTC
I wish CCP would acknowledge or answer this issue. Even just acknowledge they've seen it and are working on it.

"Tiamat has deployed succesfully"

Um... not for those of us who can't patch to it. Oops
FuriousF Asques
KMC Corporation
#17 - 2015-02-18 02:53:48 UTC
Haha after the 3rd reinstallation, guess what guys? still not able to patch. **** this im done haha
Minmatar Citizen 92500388
#18 - 2015-02-18 03:40:55 UTC
There were people thinking it was just in Florida, its not happening in Ny either, I've tried to repair the entire thing, didn't work, re downloaded eve. no dice, and then I factory reset the entire computer thinking it was my computers fault on the issue. negative no go on this. Can we get a working date at least until the issue is solved? its also hard as heck to find this without typing the word exactly as describing the problem in order to find the forum. Also tried to open a ticket with the info for you guys and the error message was there. No dice again.
Grierson Kain
Unchained Alliance
#19 - 2015-02-18 04:07:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Grierson Kain
I too have downloaded twice; the first was 1.2GB and the DL was slow then the next thing I see I'm back at the beginning downloading another 1.1GB patch!
(3/3): APPLYING EVE_ONLINE_861477-862956_WIN.PATCH: 0.0%

Now I'm not stressing about getting to play today, I'm unhappy because I'm downloading this update over 3G (as I have done for over a year) and I'm paying good money to do so.
CCP should get this sorted and provide some sort of redress for the shear amount of bandwidth used to DL a patch I'm not much interested in!
I've just noticed my sub is to be renewed today as well; seriously tempted to skip it...

In training since January 2007...

Minmatar Citizen 92500388
#20 - 2015-02-18 04:25:02 UTC
Hey guys hold the phone There is a manual download link that avoids the launcher. Try this

I have gotten farther than ive ever been with this thing.
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