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EVE General Discussion

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First post
State War Academy
Caldari State
#41 - 2015-02-07 16:53:32 UTC
I have duel auto reject turned on. Problem solved...
Vol Arm'OOO
Central Co-Prosperity Union
#42 - 2015-02-07 18:24:11 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
Godfrey Silvarna wrote:
There are no fair fights in EVE. Get better intel on you target so you can anticipate and counter the tricks he is pulling.

How does one gather intel on whether or not someone has had neutral RR during a previous duel? Is there a right click "get info" on that someplace?

Seriously, eve is about making decisions. Making decisions requires information. If there is no reasonable way to get that information, then maybe game mechanics need to be changed to make the information available, or make it unnecessary.

There you go.

And therefore, without that information, the correct decision to make is not to duel. End of story, content does not happen because "anything to be leet".

It should be possible that when someone challenges you to a duel, you should be able to pull up information on how many corpies they got in the system. One might imagine that the challenger should have this information, but a challenger has time on his hands and can do this before he makes the challenge. The Challengee, taking the same "right click on everybody in local" measure is going to look stupid taking a long time to respond.

There is simply not enough time for someone who is not a full time duelist - meaning that we are just one hair away from "area play" anyway.

Nobody says that you have to instantly accept a duel before you do your due diligence - beside you can tell how many corp mates a guy has in system almost instantly - just add contact for his corp and boom there you go. OFC that doesn't tell you how many out of corp friends they have. But if you want to deal with that - just convo the guy and tell him you wont duel unless you are fleeted together and at a safe spot. Not perfect but at least you know that when he drops fleet during the duel that help is inbound.

I don't play, I just fourm warrior.

Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#43 - 2015-02-07 18:34:08 UTC
I guess you will have to get a couple logi alts as well. Don't forget the OGB alt. I am sure CCP is having a deal on opening up new accounts right now. They always are. Give them more money so you can play the game properly, this is a P2W game after all. Don't forget to buy a few PLEX and sell them for the ISK to buy your high grade slave set.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2015-02-07 18:38:12 UTC
Shailagh wrote:
Harrison Tato wrote:
Why even accept duels? Just go to lowsec, somebody will fight you without asking permission first.

2 days ago was stalking some war targets killing time asking anyone thar undocked to duel. A freaking covetor accepted, then continued to warp to the belt. He must have had a bookmark cuz when i followed him to belt he was real far away. I then afterburn like 50k over to him, then blow him and pod for over 65mill.
Dude said "uhhh whoops ment to click no. This aint fair"

Lol seriously i get a lot of kills just duel spamming. If they cant read the "u mat die, ARE YOU SURE? U COULD DIE U KNOE, BE careful! U super duper sure u wanna duel??" And click yes/hit enter, game on, i win. Loser

I just turn on autoreject, unless I'm charged with webbing a freighter somewhere. It saves me the headache of clicking no all the time.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

Serene Repose
#45 - 2015-02-08 00:27:40 UTC
Jazminum Conehead wrote:
He is right though. Information is power and advantage. Nothing is, 'unfair'.

Edit: And people will exploit any kind of power in many inventive and possibly sadistic ways that are allowed here.
If nothing was unfair, as you say, we'd be allowed to gank in the starter zones.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Nevil Oscillator
#46 - 2015-02-08 02:51:09 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Jazminum Conehead wrote:
He is right though. Information is power and advantage. Nothing is, 'unfair'.

Edit: And people will exploit any kind of power in many inventive and possibly sadistic ways that are allowed here.
If nothing was unfair, as you say, we'd be allowed to gank in the starter zones.

You can't gank in Starter zones ?
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#47 - 2015-02-08 13:33:47 UTC
Nevil Oscillator wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Jazminum Conehead wrote:
He is right though. Information is power and advantage. Nothing is, 'unfair'.

Edit: And people will exploit any kind of power in many inventive and possibly sadistic ways that are allowed here.
If nothing was unfair, as you say, we'd be allowed to gank in the starter zones.

You can't gank in Starter zones ?

Correction... You are not allowed to bug newbro's in starter/tut zones.

You can gank that hulk mining in the belt.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Moonlit Raid
#48 - 2015-02-08 22:42:16 UTC
Shailagh wrote:
Harrison Tato wrote:
Why even accept duels? Just go to lowsec, somebody will fight you without asking permission first.

2 days ago was stalking some war targets killing time asking anyone thar undocked to duel. A freaking covetor accepted, then continued to warp to the belt. He must have had a bookmark cuz when i followed him to belt he was real far away. I then afterburn like 50k over to him, then blow him and pod for over 65mill.
Dude said "uhhh whoops ment to click no. This aint fair"

Lol seriously i get a lot of kills just duel spamming. If they cant read the "u mat die, ARE YOU SURE? U COULD DIE U KNOE, BE careful! U super duper sure u wanna duel??" And click yes/hit enter, game on, i win. Loser

Until you're typing into a chat box and find you just closed a window you have no idea the contents of.

If brute force isn't working, you're just not using enough.

Please Note: Any advice given comes with the caveat that nothing will be suitable for every situation.

jurgen b
Papal Zouaves
#49 - 2015-02-08 22:57:05 UTC
Hemoroids wrote:
On several occasions I have both been invited and have invited other
players to duel. I don't see the point of having a duel if the
opponents fleet or corp members can just jump in and help with armor and
shield reppers. I really enjoy the the game but pvp play seems to be open
for improvement. Is there any way to ensure a fair duel or do I just need
to adapt my style of play?

D-scan: press button to scan or spam alot, we live in a futuristic space sim, but our ships can not auto-scan.
fleet boosts: we live in a futuristic space sim but yet we have magic which strengten our ships and buffs us with power.
The answer and counter to this type of magic, get a wazzard alt and start to perform the same magic.

somehow i believe the mind and creators behind eve wanted to let his game grow equal to the tech available at all times possible, but somehow we got stuck with magic :)

jurgen b
Papal Zouaves
#50 - 2015-02-08 23:19:42 UTC
Cancel Align NOW wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
Godfrey Silvarna wrote:
There are no fair fights in EVE. Get better intel on you target so you can anticipate and counter the tricks he is pulling.

How does one gather intel on whether or not someone has had neutral RR during a previous duel? Is there a right click "get info" on that someplace?

Seriously, eve is about making decisions. Making decisions requires information. If there is no reasonable way to get that information, then maybe game mechanics need to be changed to make the information available, or make it unnecessary.

Define reasonable.

I believe recording log in log out times of people who frequent my local is reasonable.
I believe d-scanning gates when some one new appears in local is reasonable.
I believe checking corporate history of everyone in local is reasonable.
I believe checking killboard history of everyone who appears in local is reasonable.

yes idd, zkillboard, eve who, dotlan, eve market, API etc. all part of a true sandbox.
Primus Societas
Crimson Interstellar Alliance
#51 - 2015-02-09 15:00:56 UTC
Most engagements are won before the first lock is ever made. This is due to that PvP is a game of deception. Any conflict engaged in with the intent of winning over another generally is. So fair does not really excist here.

The biggest obstacle you'll encounter doing anything is yourself.

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2015-02-09 15:04:35 UTC
Hemoroids wrote:
Is there any way to ensure a fair duel or do I just need
to adapt my style of play?

lowsec fw systems...

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
#53 - 2015-02-10 11:35:45 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
Godfrey Silvarna wrote:
There are no fair fights in EVE. Get better intel on you target so you can anticipate and counter the tricks he is pulling.

How does one gather intel on whether or not someone has had neutral RR during a previous duel? Is there a right click "get info" on that someplace?

Seriously, eve is about making decisions. Making decisions requires information. If there is no reasonable way to get that information, then maybe game mechanics need to be changed to make the information available, or make it unnecessary.

There is nothing wrong with the mechanics of PvP and they don't need to be changed. Every decision you make cannot be an "informed" decision. You roll the dice..or you use your gut and/or experience. Is he baiting me? Does the duel seem fishy? Should I accept the dual on station or the market hub? These are all decisions you must make. There ARE tools you can use to determine risk..check their killboard for one. Unless you're completely new at the game, one should know better..and knowing better IS an informed decision. Remember, what's good for the goose is good for the too (I don't direct it at you personally) can use neutral logi and boosts. So in reality, it's not unfair. The one who works to have the advantage is usually the one who will win. There is no such thing as fair. Twisted

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

#54 - 2015-02-13 20:36:08 UTC
Ok understood. Just like in real life expect to be anal raped and be the first to the Vaseline. Very good.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#55 - 2015-02-13 20:42:55 UTC
Hemoroids wrote:
Ok understood. Just like in real life expect to be anal raped and be the first to the Vaseline. Very good.

Your name is Hemoriods, you should be ok.
#56 - 2015-02-13 21:14:43 UTC  |  Edited by: HeXxploiT
CCP needs to set up a system where if two people decide to duel then they cannot be repped as long as the duel is going. If the dueling system actually worked it would get used thousands of times per day. I personally would love to engage in this type of pvp.
I can just imagine that it would look like an underground dogfighting pit with many pilots waiting around for their fair turn. Honestly I'll bet that in allowing a 1v1 or 2v2 or whatever pvp environment that the participants agreed upon were allowed to take place in highsec it would turn into a massively popular type of gameplay and I know I personally would happily put my faction ships on the line. The current system however sucks and nobody with a brain or sober would dare put expensive ships on the line because without a doubt the fight will be unfair as soon as the cheaters accomplices show themselves.
Here's to hoping that someday CCP will see the light and allow the actual fun to begin.
Yige Shen
Zhi Zheng
#57 - 2015-02-14 12:06:49 UTC
Hemoroids wrote:
On several occasions I have both been invited and have invited other
players to duel. I don't see the point of having a duel if the
opponents fleet or corp members can just jump in and help with armor and
shield reppers. I really enjoy the the game but pvp play seems to be open
for improvement. Is there any way to ensure a fair duel or do I just need
to adapt my style of play?

Win by a mile. If you want intel pick your fights specifically towards your ammo and what not.

dont make me call miku bjj

Celise Katelo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#58 - 2015-02-14 13:26:17 UTC
Shailagh wrote:
Harrison Tato wrote:
Why even accept duels? Just go to lowsec, somebody will fight you without asking permission first.

2 days ago was stalking some war targets killing time asking anyone thar undocked to duel. A freaking covetor accepted, then continued to warp to the belt. He must have had a bookmark cuz when i followed him to belt he was real far away. I then afterburn like 50k over to him, then blow him and pod for over 65mill.
Dude said "uhhh whoops ment to click no. This aint fair"

Lol seriously i get a lot of kills just duel spamming. If they cant read the "u mat die, ARE YOU SURE? U COULD DIE U KNOE, BE careful! U super duper sure u wanna duel??" And click yes/hit enter, game on, i win. Loser

I have the "Duel" option turned off for this very reason, getting spammed with "Duel" is a pain at times when ya trying to jump P

EVEBoard ...Just over 60million skill points, each skill was chosen for a reason. I closed my eyes & clicked another skill to train... "BINGO...!!!" ... "This time i got something usefull"

Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2015-02-14 15:59:47 UTC
OP, I reccomend learning PVP out of highsec.

Highsec has it's own special rules and some of them are a bit weird.

Best to just take all that out of the equation while you're learning the basics of ship combat.

In lowsec you'll find many that will honor a 1v1 (if you explicitly ask before engaging). Several corps, such as my own, require their members to honor agreed 1v1s.

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Agent Unknown
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#60 - 2015-02-17 20:30:22 UTC
Haedonism Bot wrote:
Barbara Nichole wrote:
dueling already exists. drop a can and trust to your opponents sense of honor to uphold the terms of the duel. Much more realistic then a forced dueling mechanism.

I think you may have failed to notice something in the devblogs like 2 years ago or so.

Shhh, don't tell him. He'll learn next time he takes from someone's can to "duel". Twisted