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Tripwire - Sig Mapping Tool

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Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#421 - 2015-01-26 17:06:13 UTC
Tripwire news 1/26/2015 - Servers and beyond!

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Sonny Mogwai
Dreaming Tree
#422 - 2015-02-02 15:38:58 UTC
I noticed TW has a problem with 0.45 sec systems often classifying these incorrectly.
Please have a look at attached screenshots. In these cases incorrect sec status applies to Erila and Galeh.
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#423 - 2015-02-02 16:23:47 UTC
Sonny Mogwai wrote:
I noticed TW has a problem with 0.45 sec systems often classifying these incorrectly.
Please have a look at attached screenshots. In these cases incorrect sec status applies to Erila and Galeh.

This issue is fixed in the development version of Tripwire and will be live once I get the new servers up and get everyone switched. Only days away now so bare with me just a bit longer on this bug :)

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Archeras Umangiar
Snuffed Out
#424 - 2015-02-03 07:33:50 UTC
im using (or trying atm^^) to use tripwire for lowsec and found the following issues, some system show up 3 times... without a chain connected to it.. and that chain to thera... im not again having it... but can we have it "collapsed" so it doesn take so much place? and only shows the said k-space connections?
Mathieu X
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#425 - 2015-02-03 11:23:14 UTC
Just sent an email about it. I am very happy to read that you consider it "buggy" in the current state.

Mussah Yacoub wrote:
Daimian, I pm'ed you a couple of weeks before this most recent update, asking for a complete description of how automatic wormhole names (like C2a, C5b, etc) were calculated. You answered that the backing algorithm was going to be changed in the update, presumably (according to this post) to ensure that there would be only one of a given name in a chain at a time.

Have you made that change yet? If so, could you describe how the naming algorithm works? As I said before, it would be nice to have an automatic naming tool, to save time. But, if I can't do the same algorithm in my head to properly name my bookmarks if I don't have access to Tripwire for whatever reason, I would prefer to simply give all my systems unique names. I appreciate very much that we can now rename systems manually; but it does take a bit more time to do.

In the same vein, are system names, once given, persistent? If I assign system J140112 the name "Cottonmouth", and then the chain dies, and then J140112 is rediscovered later, will "Cottonmouth" show up in Tripwire? I don't really have a preference either way; I just want to know the behavior.

Sonny Mogwai
Dreaming Tree
#426 - 2015-02-03 22:51:31 UTC
Archeras Umangiar wrote:
im using (or trying atm^^) to use tripwire for lowsec and found the following issues, some system show up 3 times... without a chain connected to it.. and that chain to thera... im not again having it... but can we have it "collapsed" so it doesn take so much place? and only shows the said k-space connections?

The way TW shows Thera connections is IMHO one of the most annoying TW features. Why is it showing in K-space? Can we not have separate tab for Thera connections? I guess most people have very little interest in Thera on everyday basis. At least I do but still these occupy massive portion on valuable screen space. Double clicking is not a solution:
Unless I am missing something???
Unfortunately more not always means better.

Since Daimian expecting user suggestions here they are:

- Please, please remove "???" when editing WH type. You can't even imagine how many times a day we have to press backspace/delete key.
- Change the order cursor jumps after pressing tab key from ID - > Type -> Wormhole
- WH rename feature would be brilliant if... we could rename WHs we didn't jump through (but we only pasted signature for). I personally see no reason to rename existing connection. Would love to rename the one I didn't jump through to easily identify bookmarks.
- New notes editor is much better but painfully slow to load. Again more doesn't mean better.

Please let me say that I really love your work. My criticism is not meant to bash anyone but to improve it. In my opinion it would be better to focus on correcting things which do not work properly rather than adding new features.

And the last the most delicate question:
Do you share TW data with anyone?
I own you the explanation where my question is coming from. There are people who publicly advertise their services of finding specific wormholes. These people use TW and I know that you guys were in contact. When asked directly that person decided to ignore my question. I bet you know who I am talking about?
I am not suggesting anything, I simply would like to hear the straight and simple answer from yourself.
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#427 - 2015-02-04 02:09:30 UTC
Thanks for the feedback! I do appreciate it and value it (even repeated feedback lets me know how important something is).

The way Tripwire is showing's Thera chain is going to be changed, and relatively soon too.

"???" for wormhole type is there for a reminder that the information is needed to be entered. After speaking with you we found out that some code needs to be added so you can more easily highlight the field contents for faster editing.

The ability to rename wormholes is very new and after some feedback I will be making some improvements soon :)

The new notes section editor initially loads slow because it is not loaded when Tripwire first loads - I will be turning on more caching so it won't need to be completely loaded every time.

Bugs are always a high concern - along with security and stability. I understand that wormhole corps depend on Tripwire to survive.

Thank you for your compliments! I understand your concern, but I have no incentive or motivation to compromise anyone's privacy. I do not give out any information that is not already publicly available, if at all. The level of interaction I have with my users are instructional and in troubleshooting.

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Catalytic morphisis
Moonlit Marshmallow
No Therapy
#428 - 2015-02-04 09:09:41 UTC
Brilliant tool, Makes Wormhole life so much easier, I highly recommend

Actual Link free and scout free solo PvP'er

Mathieu X
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#429 - 2015-02-05 13:43:32 UTC
Hi Daimian !

Would it be possible to remove the Jumps / Pod Kills / Ship Kills / NPC Kills graph with an option (or even by default) ?
The other data in this widget are useful, but the graph does not work in WH Space, since the API change.

Also I know that a lot of EVE Veterans LOVE EVEkill, but we, as noob, much prefer the zkillboard display :)
According to Alexa, this is the same for the majority of players.

Thank you for you work.
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#430 - 2015-02-07 00:05:03 UTC
Final testing of new Tripwire servers tonight, expect news tomorrow about when the switch will occur

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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#431 - 2015-02-07 07:34:26 UTC
Everytime I add a connection to "Egghelende" Tripwire adds it as a high-sec link when it is actually a low-sec system (0.4)

Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#432 - 2015-02-07 16:17:33 UTC
witchking42 wrote:
Everytime I add a connection to "Egghelende" Tripwire adds it as a high-sec link when it is actually a low-sec system (0.4)


Will be fixed with the new server switch.

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#433 - 2015-02-07 16:18:19 UTC
Tripwire is now an official EVE fansite! \o/ Thanks CCP!

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#434 - 2015-02-07 23:40:47 UTC
Just out of curiosity I was wondering what happens if after you sign up for tripwire, and you switch Corps, will your login automatically switch as well, since it drives off the API? In addition what happens with any notes put in the system? Will they follow me over or if not is there a way to get those out of the system?
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#435 - 2015-02-08 00:10:25 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Just out of curiosity I was wondering what happens if after you sign up for tripwire, and you switch Corps, will your login automatically switch as well, since it drives off the API? In addition what happens with any notes put in the system? Will they follow me over or if not is there a way to get those out of the system?

Every 3 minutes Tripwire performs a public API query on all characters registered for Tripwire to check if they changed corp and update as needed. Since Tripwire does not story anyone's API keys you don't have to worry about that, what corp your in is public info and can be pulled from EVE API without an API key.

Actually your notes stay with the Tripwire mask you use. If you use your private character API then your notes will follow you forever. If you used the corp mask then you will lose those when you change corps.

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#436 - 2015-02-08 17:38:52 UTC
Tripwire source code is now in a private git repo. This means that I can make Tripwire fully open source at the flip of a switch.

This makes it much easier for me to work on several features at the same time while only releasing the ones that are ready. Also makes it so I can revert changes if a major bug is found.

Why the delay? Simply put it required a bit of time that I had to take away from development, when you have a list of hundreds of changes to make, spending 1-2 hours on something with no real client impact can be hard.

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Valder Ripley
Event Horizon Excavations
#437 - 2015-02-09 10:48:25 UTC
I fly solo and use it for a quick overview, when I enter an unknown system.
Which class, recently kills.

Awesome Pirate

Do not go gentle into that good night,

though wise men at their end know dark is right,

rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Thea Yulivee
Hobbs End Industries
#438 - 2015-02-10 12:09:57 UTC
Not sure if someone else already brought this up and i missed it - we were recently discussing what we missed after switching to tripwire from our old mapper and a minor, although annyoing point was, that there was no option to see how far certain systems are away from an empire system

Would be usefull to just have a short information in the system information giving you the distance to like the major trade hubs - just a little thing that would speed up shopping trips
Veldin Ostus
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#439 - 2015-02-10 21:29:00 UTC
Thea Yulivee wrote:
Not sure if someone else already brought this up and i missed it - we were recently discussing what we missed after switching to tripwire from our old mapper and a minor, although annyoing point was, that there was no option to see how far certain systems are away from an empire system

Would be usefull to just have a short information in the system information giving you the distance to like the major trade hubs - just a little thing that would speed up shopping trips

Mark the systems you're interested in as favorites, then click the star icon on the map to show favorites. For individual systems, search for it, then click the eye icon to add the currently viewing system to the map. It shows the distance as a number at the bottom of the added system(s).
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#440 - 2015-02-10 23:42:03 UTC
OK, the day has finally come to switch Tripwire to the new server cluster. This requires me to transfer all the of the data over so I will be taking Tripwire down for between 10-20 minutes @ 01:00 EVE time.

Once I finish switching the servers over I will post here and also there will be a page that says Tripwire has moved with the new URL.

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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