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[Lottery] Lottery Complete - Thanks for Playing!

Standards Contracting
Pandemic Horde
#1 - 2011-12-18 20:31:54 UTC  |  Edited by: LaPickle
Navy Fleet Fun
Lottery information

Lottery sold out and numbers have been revealed on the Dice listed below! Winners are listed below!

Thanks for playing everyone and congrats to the winners!

Somer will be contracting the prizes to the winners soon!!!

ISK sent after the last tickets were purchased is also now refunded.

80T celebration is kicking off on Somer Blink though, so it might be a slight delay :)

Tickets only cost 1,000,000 ISK!!!!!

This is a Somer Secured Lottery and the prizes have all been contracted to her.

*- This lottery will consist of 4700 tickets
*- Tickets for this Lottery are 1mil ISK each
*- Lottery numbers will be unlocked once all tickets are purchased.
*- To purchase tickets, send ISK to in game character LaPickle with the reason field of lapickle01
*-All prizes are located at Jita IV – 4.
*-Each ticket bought can win only one prize
*-Each player can win multiple prizes.

For one ticket you send 1,000,000 ISK
For ten tickets you send 10,000,000 ISK
For 100 hundred tickets you send 100,000,000 ISK



1 Caldari Navy Invulnerability Field 1230 E1's Wingwoman
2 Apocalypse Navy Issue 796 Detonator24
3 Armageddon Navy Issue 1895 Shady Smurf
4 Dominix Navy Issue 4444 Bakuhz
5 Megathron Navy Issue 3407 Bakuhz
6 Raven Navy Issue 4564 Bakuhz
7 Scorpian Navy Issue 3091 Bakuhz
8 Tempest Fleet Issue 4443 Bakuhz
9 Typhoon Fleet Issue 3469 Bakuhz
10 Augoror Navy Issue 4696 Bakuhz
11 Caracal Navy Issue 2543 Bakuhz
12 Exequror Navy Issue 4012 Bakuhz
13 Omen Navy Issue 330 midnight4
14 Osprey Navy Issue 246 Kallista Aleth
15 Scythe Fleet Issue 2608 Bakuhz
16 Stabber Fleet Issue 488 midnight4
17 Vexor Navy Issue 619 midnight4
18 Cruor 3113 Bakuhz
19 Daredevil 2060 Bakuhz
20 Dramiel 3047 Bakuhz
21 Succubus 90 Min0ka
22 Worm 1194 E1's Wingwoman
23 Caldari Navy Hookbill 2858 Bakuhz
24 Caldari Navy Hookbill 2003 Bakuhz
25 Federation Navy Comet 188 Mike Hibbert
26 Federation Navy Comet 4509 Bakuhz
27 Imperial Navy Slicer 1377 E1's Wingwoman
28 Imperial Navy Slicer 1336 E1's Wingwoman
29 Republic Fleet Firetail 2002 Bakuhz
30 Republic Fleet Firetail 23 Kallista Aleth
Somerset Mahm
Cognitive Distortion
#2 - 2011-12-18 20:46:56 UTC
LaPickle wrote:
1. Caldari Navy Invulnerability Field
2. Apocalypse Navy Issue
3. Armageddon Navy Issue
4. Dominix Navy Issue
5. Megathron Navy Issue
6. Raven Navy Issue
7. Scorpian Navy Issue
8. Tempest Fleet Issue
9. Typhoon Fleet Issue
10. Augoror Navy Issue
11. Caracal Navy Issue
12. Exequror Navy Issue
13. Omen Navy Issue
14. Osprey Navy Issue
15. Scythe Fleet Issue
16. Stabber Fleet Issue
17. Vexor Navy Issue
18. Cruor
19. Daredevil
20. Dramiel
21. Succubus
22. Worm
23. Caldari Navy Hookbill
24. Caldari Navy Hookbill
25. Federation Navy Comet
26. Federation Navy Comet
27. Imperial Navy Slicer
28. Imperial Navy Slicer
29. Republic Fleet Firetail
30. Republic Fleet Firetail

Confirming I hold all these prizes and will contract them to all the winners. (I should have trained Corp Contracting V, I see.)

SOMER Blink Microlotteries that finish in minutes! Running for over 2 years :)

Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2011-12-18 21:43:20 UTC
bought a few keep it up nice prizes as a starter.

really thought you allready had contract stuff at V by know somer ^^

Standards Contracting
Pandemic Horde
#4 - 2011-12-20 20:42:30 UTC
4441/4700 available - Get your tickets now for a chance at these great ships!!!
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-12-21 07:21:37 UTC
bought a few:) gl to all! BUMP
E1's Wingwoman
The Initiative.
#6 - 2011-12-22 02:23:30 UTC
friendly bump bought tickets
Standards Contracting
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2011-12-22 03:54:40 UTC
3317/4700 tickets left!!!

Hurry and get your tickets now!!!
Shady Smurf
#8 - 2011-12-24 04:52:29 UTC
Free bump and good luck :)
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2011-12-24 07:23:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Bakuhz
bump bought a small amount of tickets again :P

now fill my contracts with nice presents ^^