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EVE General Discussion

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A list from a bitter veteran. [Upppdated]

Sallaria Gengod
#101 - 2011-12-20 01:59:46 UTC
Xoria Krint wrote:
Sallaria Gengod wrote:

But, if Eve were a game that was that simple, it wouldnt appeal to the audience that it does. Would it? And it would be a very empty game. Well, it would be emptier. Besides, Eve is thankfully NOT that simple. It would be boring. I applaud that CCP has tried to mix up the ships by giving some of them specific roles that dont fall along the simple lines of Attack Vs Defense. It means that you are required to adopt different strategies. I are looking at EVE far too simply.

Wow.. Now you are mixing things up. There is difference between Eve being complex. And ship balancing being complex. And even how complex it now can be (rocket scienceShocked). We have not seen any progress on even trying to balance it, some things has been broken for years and nothing changes, but new features comes out. Quite frustrating.

So, what you would prefer is maybe a Rock, Paper, Scissors style of balancing?

We have that, its called nearly every other MMO out there. Including WoW. What you want would bring about a game that makes every character feel generic. There will be one way to properly equip a ship. All the miners from a race would all be in the same ships, with the same modules, the same skill sets. Fleets of battlships would roam through nulsec, doing battle with fleets of identical battleships with the same modules. No, you can work balance like that in a game like eve. It actually REQUIRES that there be some imbalances in the game in order for it to work. It requires that there be numerous ways of doing things to keep it from feeling like every character is just a clone of every other.

WoW has this problem. Every Shaman is the same, and in the same gear. Every Paladin is the same...and in the same gear...etc, etc.
Xoria Krint
The Angelic
#102 - 2011-12-20 02:06:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
Sallaria Gengod wrote:

So, what you would prefer is maybe a Rock, Paper, Scissors style of balancing?

I think you need to read this whole thread again. That's your homework.

Sallaria Gengod
#103 - 2011-12-20 02:09:03 UTC
Xoria Krint wrote:
Sallaria Gengod wrote:

So, what you would prefer is maybe a Rock, Paper, Scissors style of balancing?

I think you need to read this whole thread again. That's your homework.

I dont need to, I have read it and understood it. I dont think I have misinterpreted anything that has been said. You believe that the ships are unblanaced and that it should be attack Vs coutner, which is a Rock, Paper, Scissors style of blanacing.

Ahhh well, suffice to say, I think CCP are doing a good job. Sleep well, hoefully you wont be as grumpy tomorrow old man. Twisted
Xoria Krint
The Angelic
#104 - 2011-12-20 02:14:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
Sallaria Gengod wrote:

I dont need to, I have read it and understood it. I dont think I have misinterpreted anything that has been said. You believe that the ships are unblanaced and that it should be attack Vs coutner, which is a Rock, Paper, Scissors style of blanacing.

Ahhh well, suffice to say, I think CCP are doing a good job. Sleep well, hoefully you wont be as grumpy tomorrow old man. Twisted

The problem is that you focus on this question like its the most important one. Classic trolling stuff to get off topic and destroying the thread. Please answer my questions to you as well, my little butterfly, and my quotes. If you do so we will have a better conversation and a more fulfilling love life.

Much love.
Sallaria Gengod
#105 - 2011-12-20 02:27:44 UTC
Xoria Krint wrote:
Sallaria Gengod wrote:

I dont need to, I have read it and understood it. I dont think I have misinterpreted anything that has been said. You believe that the ships are unblanaced and that it should be attack Vs coutner, which is a Rock, Paper, Scissors style of blanacing.

Ahhh well, suffice to say, I think CCP are doing a good job. Sleep well, hoefully you wont be as grumpy tomorrow old man. Twisted

The problem is that you focus on this question like its the most important one. Classic trolling stuff to get off topic and destroying the thread. Please answer my questions to you as well, my little butterfly, and my quotes. If you do so we will have a better conversation and a more fulfilling love life.

Much love.

Trolling? No...I challenged you on your points, though, I do admit I trolled a little at the start. I was having a bad hair day. That aside however, the reason I am concentrating on the balancing of the ships is because, its really the only thing I challenged that you have responded to in any depth.

But I have made my feelings on the matter quite clear. If CCP were to do things the way you would have ships balanced, well, me might as well all go play Rappels or something.

Anyway, Im gonna head off and run a few missions before I go to sleep, so, I will see you around EVE I am sure.
Nullbeard Rager
#106 - 2011-12-20 03:32:30 UTC

You are smoking some good **** if you think that CCP is suddenly catering to carebears rather than nullbears.

You were probably on Blizzard's WOW forums.Pirate

Field of Trolls:  "If you chum it, they will come."

flank steak
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#107 - 2011-12-20 03:41:25 UTC
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#108 - 2011-12-20 03:43:53 UTC
Definitely agree with the OP on every point.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#109 - 2011-12-20 04:35:31 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
Is your girlfriend good looking?

Dude plays EVE and is rage quitting, of course his GF is hot!
Anyway he will be back. 8 years invested is the equivalent of 25 years of hard drinking. No way he can go cold turkey.

Yeah CCP has made so many stupid mistakes it makes you wonder why we still play. Oh wait that's because there is no other space game with the same mechanics on a single shard with this much drama on and off the forums.

And yes some of the ships in this game blow chunks and should be deleted from the DB. And there are other problems with the game. But look at this way. When your hot GF compares you to another guy, she prolly has to justify sticking around too. Maybe your too tall or too fat or too small but hey she is still around so you must be doing something right.

See what I just did?
Dbars Grinding
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#110 - 2011-12-20 06:14:34 UTC
i am angry.

I have more space likes than you. 

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#111 - 2011-12-20 06:42:18 UTC

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Xoria Krint
The Angelic
#112 - 2011-12-20 17:02:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
Sallaria Gengod wrote:

But I have made my feelings on the matter quite clear. If CCP were to do things the way you would have ships balanced, well, me might as well all go play Rappels or something.

Now i would like you to answer me some questions. Do you believe its sustainable to release new ships while the old one is broken? Don't you think Assault Frigates should be balanced by now? And not the next expansion?

These things would be relative easy to fix. Not some rocket-science. And i do PvP everyday, and i love the complex feeling of it, so don't come here and tell me that i want to dumb it down, that's wrong.
Ladie Harlot wrote:

Fixed it for you <3
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#113 - 2011-12-23 12:29:55 UTC
Xoria Krint wrote:
Do you believe its sustainable to release new ships while the old one is broken? Don't you think Assault Frigates should be balanced by now? And not the next expansion?

AS rebalancing is not going to wait until the next expansion. It almost made it into the first cycle of Crucible, now it's going to be part of a later update: this is what we have already been told by CCP.
Max Flipper
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#114 - 2011-12-23 14:16:46 UTC
Xoria Krint wrote:

Now i would like you to answer me some questions. Do you believe its sustainable to release new ships while the old one is broken? Don't you think Assault Frigates should be balanced by now? And not the next expansion?

Sure it is sustainable, if it would lead to a better/more interesting game is a completely different story though Twisted

Anyway keep the Trolls comming Big smile
Callic Veratar
#115 - 2011-12-23 15:26:52 UTC
Every time I see one of these bittervet threads, I end up with a new name for my hide post filter.
Nullbeard Rager
#116 - 2011-12-23 15:44:04 UTC
Sallaria Gengod wrote:
Xoria Krint wrote:
Sallaria Gengod wrote:

But, if Eve were a game that was that simple, it wouldnt appeal to the audience that it does. Would it? And it would be a very empty game. Well, it would be emptier. Besides, Eve is thankfully NOT that simple. It would be boring. I applaud that CCP has tried to mix up the ships by giving some of them specific roles that dont fall along the simple lines of Attack Vs Defense. It means that you are required to adopt different strategies. I are looking at EVE far too simply.

Wow.. Now you are mixing things up. There is difference between Eve being complex. And ship balancing being complex. And even how complex it now can be (rocket scienceShocked). We have not seen any progress on even trying to balance it, some things has been broken for years and nothing changes, but new features comes out. Quite frustrating.

So, what you would prefer is maybe a Rock, Paper, Scissors style of balancing?

We have that, its called nearly every other MMO out there. Including WoW. What you want would bring about a game that makes every character feel generic. There will be one way to properly equip a ship. All the miners from a race would all be in the same ships, with the same modules, the same skill sets. Fleets of battlships would roam through nulsec, doing battle with fleets of identical battleships with the same modules. No, you can work balance like that in a game like eve. It actually REQUIRES that there be some imbalances in the game in order for it to work. It requires that there be numerous ways of doing things to keep it from feeling like every character is just a clone of every other.

WoW has this problem. Every Shaman is the same, and in the same gear. Every Paladin is the same...and in the same gear...etc, etc.

Because having an unbalanced game will clearly cause people to NOT use what is now even more clearly the best ship/equipment/setup/mix amirite?

Field of Trolls:  "If you chum it, they will come."

TD Strike Force SRP
#117 - 2011-12-23 16:22:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Spumantii
Solj RichPopolous wrote:
Of my time spent logged on I spend ~75% of it station spinning waiting for something to happen, definitely not worth $15/mon.

I believe the main reason for the disparity between the PVP inclined and the PVP adverse is in the experience.

If n00bs have to quickly learn to use scanner and be proactive in a constant PVP environment then there wouldn't be so many people who just utterly fail without constant FC direction.

IMO THIS is what is wrong with EVE.
Too many people thinking they are the bee's knees but they can't and won't do anything until someone spoonfeeds it to them.
In this quote the terms "75% of my time in station" "something about risk aversity and lack of experience" "needing constant FC direction" occur far too close together for your point to be taken seriously. All I heard was "another mindless git waiting for eve to happen to me rather than doing anything to make stuff happen"... By the way, as far as I know your station is not a constant PVP environment mr pvp pro.

"What today's gamers take for granted, we old timers ~worked~ to get done."

I don't mind plex as much, as long as something could be done with botting, and (wears flame retardant suit) yes high sec is currently the isk fountain of eve. Need money and don't want to rat in null? Fine, do lvl 4s using a bot. Tired of afk padding your wallet? Do some incursions. The EVE community has become fat stupid and lazy.
Xoria Krint
The Angelic
#118 - 2011-12-25 16:29:40 UTC
Spumantii wrote:
The EVE community has become fat stupid and lazy.

Calvin Roh
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#119 - 2011-12-25 17:10:43 UTC
Respect to the OP...

My only challenge to his request is that there are many in the Eve universe who really enjoy this game but also have RL commitments like families and jobs. As such if I did not have PLEX I would not be able to play eve and have to drop the game. An average of 2-3 hrs a day of game time is not enough to earn the idk required to fly the boats my skills are allow - throw in the odd mandatory OP and there is no way it could work for me. PLEX allow me to be an active participant in 0.0 life in the hour or two a day I have to play.

All the statements about a sandbox economy and the devaluation of ISK are true, but there are many true sataements on any subject, and in this case there would be many like me that would have to drop EVE with them; in fact I would say that it is one of the largest demographics in the game.

RMTers and BOTs are the real killers.... Don't kill my PLEX

Almost Dangerous
Wolves Amongst Strangers
#120 - 2011-12-25 17:44:29 UTC  |  Edited by: SmegB
I love it when people through out Bull Sh*t stats. Plz link your source.
Heres another BS stat
95% of all stats are made up on the spot.
or is this one true