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Looking for Apprentices to do the work of God for the Empire

First post
Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2011-12-08 19:51:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Thgil Goldcore
Greetings graduates;

my name is Thgil Goldcore, Legatus Commodore of the Amarr empire. I am currently seeking new Amarrian pilots to serve as my apprentices. I will provide ships and training for anyone who serves me and my beloved Empire. However, service to the Empire is not always safe as the enemies are numerous and cry for nothing other than our complete annihilation.

I can provide you with knowledge and training on how to fly and survive in New Eden. With my rank and status in the Amarr navy I can easily provide highly effective faction ships at extremely low costs. As my apprentice you may well earn your place within one of the oldest corporations in eve, PIE INC.

If your still reading this it means you may be interested, so I will list out my requirements so we don't waste eachothers time.

ArrowAmarrian born, (True amarr, Khanid, and Ni Kunni) Because of the rules and regulations of my corporation, I cannot accept any other race but the children of God. I am more than willing to offer advice and help to any pilot who servers the empire though. (if this requires restarting a new character I have a 60 day time code willing to hand out.)

ArrowLoyal to the Empire. I am training you to serve the Empire, not my enemies. This goes along with accepting the Amarrian religion as the one and only true religion in New Eden (obviously in character...).

ArrowFly Amarrian ships, There are better teachers of other hulls, I am an expert on craft of divine build. We at PIE fly a glorious golden fleet which shows our unity and dedication to our cause. Flying a bucket of bolts aside us would shame us as much as it would shame you.

ArrowRole play! Obviously it's kinda my stick. Not willing to get in character then it may not work out. Still, I know that as new players you may not know where to start (or be very good at roleplaying if you haven't done it before), thats fine! I understand as my apprentice you will learn these things.

ArrowUnderstands duty. We are at war my friends! the Empire is assailed by all sides from hordes of barbarians who would see you slaughtered. Your death is not only possible, but likely. This isn't about making money or the best move for 'me,' this is about duty to ones country and God!

I pray I have made myself clear on what I am looking for. If you're interested, open a com or send me an eve-mail. Also if you're just a new pilot needing answers to questions your not getting, feel free to drop me a line as well.
Karn Dulake
#2 - 2011-12-08 21:06:36 UTC

1.which sec are you
2. Whats your corp tax

3. Stay out of here and dont troll the noobs. Go to the main section for recruits

4. Everything in EVE is fair game apart from the new players. let them grow up a bit before we scam/kill/harass and ruin any fun they have here.

Otherwise you are just trolling the children

TLDR answer the first two questions

I dont normally troll, but when i do i do it on General Discussion.
Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2011-12-08 21:15:28 UTC
Karn Dulake wrote:

1.which sec are you
2. Whats your corp tax
3. Stay out of here and dont troll the noobs. Go to the main section for recruits
4. Everything in EVE is fair game apart from the new players. let them grow up a bit before we scam/kill/harass and ruin any fun they have here.

1. Members of PIE operate in many different areas. However they are commonly found either in Amarr sovereign space, the front lines against the Republic, or in CVA nulsec. If your asking what my security status is, 4.9. Pie maintains a strict code of ethics which does not allow for pirating.

2. almost non-existent. 1%

3. Although Corp application is preferred, I am not here just to actively recruit. I am looking for apprentices and have strict guidelines. Joining PIE is encouraged, but by no means required.

4. I was not aware that helping a player learn how to play, giving them a community of people who will help support them, and engaging them with the world was considered trolling.
Eliana Bandokar
Hideaway Hunters
The Hideaway.
#4 - 2011-12-10 10:00:38 UTC
Great opportunity for newbies to get themselves an experienced teacher, regardless of how you take the opportunity of joining PIE one day. Thiggy is great at explaining things (I speak from experience, being a bit of a simpleton), very patient with newbie questions, and generally a nice guy let down by his bizarre inability to spell.

I believe some people in this thread are looking for an ulterior motive, well this is it right here: More pilots for Amarr.

p.s. Thgil, remember we talked about the difference between "your" and "you're"? :)
Lazzoth Krin
#5 - 2011-12-10 11:07:00 UTC
Ah, shame this wasn't posted a few weeks ago. I could have gone for this, but a few weeks in now and just got to 1 mill SP :(

Just out of interest, is this faction warfare based or just a cool RP corp/alliance?
Asana Keikira
#6 - 2011-12-10 14:51:16 UTC
Lazzoth Krin wrote:
Ah, shame this wasn't posted a few weeks ago. I could have gone for this, but a few weeks in now and just got to 1 mill SP :(

Just out of interest, is this faction warfare based or just a cool RP corp/alliance?

Just to advise, you might want to turn around and walk away. Amarr and Mimmatar go together like fire and water, water and oil, Gallente and courage.....Just sayin'.
Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2011-12-10 19:33:17 UTC
Well, the assumption that Minmatar and Amarr can't go well together is not entirely correct. Within even the Amarr navy there are plenty of Minmatar service men whom stand bravly against their barbaric kin. In fact just a few nights ago I was in a fleet lead by a brave and noble Matari, proof that some have taken the teachings of the Amarr to heart.

I have nothing against the Matari who are faithful to the Amarr, however, I am looking to train symbols of faith for the Empire. In representing the best of what the Amarr has to offer, I need to work with Amarr.

However, I have no problem at all giving advice and guidance to a Matari who is loyal to the Empire.

In terms of the FW or RP corp... Both. We do all kinds of stuff, but PIE has been in the Amarr milita from the very onset of the elder attack. Before that PIE was doing helping the Empire out in other ways. So, as far as any apprentices I have, we will focus on may different aspects of life in new eden.

I hope that clears some things up.
Toshiro GreyHawk
#8 - 2011-12-10 20:07:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Toshiro GreyHawk
Mentoring and advertising for apprentices is something that is done in this forum ... and this thread is more of a mentor thread than a recruitment - especially since advice was offered to all comers even if they weren't eligible to join the corporation concerned.

On a historical note having to do with the role playing of Minmatar characters flying for Amarr ...

Slaves being loyal to their masters ... is something that is common place throughout history. In fact it is more common than them revolting ... it's just that the revolts were more noticeable. Slavery was wide spread up until the last few hundred years and a common human condition. Slaves were not just whipped and treated like animals. Mostly - if they were part of a house hold - they were treated like members of the family. You didn't want to be to mean to the people who were cooking your food and who were awake when you were asleep. Of course - animals as pets were also treated like members of the family and plantation slaves were not given the same considerations as house hold slaves.

Most human beings throughout history - have been fairly decent people - whatever type of social system they were brought up in - it's just that that fact didn't help you if you were stuck under a tyrant ... something many a veteran of military service is well acquainted with ...

The problem with slavery as an institution, was that it didn't work well. For the most part, slaves were simply there to carry out their masters wishes - rather than use their own brains. Now that wasn't always so, in fact the Romans had a lot of Greek slaves who were their teachers ... especially in Greek, which all Romans considered to be cultured knew how to speak. Still, in a large work force such as on a plantation - the slaves just did what they were told and weren't expected, for the most part, to use their brains. The same is true of many a modern day factory where such as the communists referred to the workers as "wage slaves" - and before unions - the workers in many a 19th century factory weren't materially much better off than slaves.

The other factor beside harnessing the brains of all your employees (as mentioned in all the TQM classes I had to take ...) was that - as with communism - the workers had no incentive to do a good job. In both Communism and Slavery - you pretty much had a large measure of job security. You could of course be in real trouble if you screwed up ... but as long as you did what you were told and made your quota's ... you weren't going to get fired and lose your "rice bowl". Thus, the poor production levels of slave run factories and plantations when compared to privately owned properties.


And ... that's the history lesson for today ...

As for myself ... I've got characters from all the factions and ... am not a role player - but I can see the entertainment value for those that are.

Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2011-12-11 21:21:45 UTC
((OOC stuff))

Very thoughtful look at the history of slavery. Thank you for that.

In terms of Amarrian slavery, there are two kinds of people...

Brutal slavers who find any excuse (religion in this case) to make a buck.


true believers who feel they are doing Gods work by being a Shepard to their flock.

Thgil falls under the later and finds that people who use God's word as a tool for evil as lowlife scum.
Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2011-12-12 07:45:07 UTC
Its nice to know I have 4 apprentices currently. Starting to settle in on how this works. Wish the new pilots some luck.

We started off pretty easy today with level 3 amarr navy missions. got very lucky in picking up skillbooks from one of the missions which netted one of my apprentices some 14m isk. not a bad haul.
Tango Hotel
4th Drake Squadron
#11 - 2011-12-12 17:42:32 UTC
Thgil Goldcore wrote:
((OOC stuff))
Thgil falls under the later and finds that people who use God's word as a tool for evil as lowlife scum.

Don't make me afraid to be alone with you.
Vexillum Virtutis
#12 - 2011-12-13 01:56:56 UTC
I can confirm this is brilliant for die-hard Amarr pilots.

Grab the cause and embrace it, fly navy faction ships and learn a lot.

I have!!!!

This is a brilliant opportunity for someone who wants some direction in their Eve life.
Telegram Sam
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2011-12-13 18:16:01 UTC
Lazzoth Krin wrote:
Ah, shame this wasn't posted a few weeks ago. I could have gone for this, but a few weeks in now and just got to 1 mill SP :(

Just out of interest, is this faction warfare based or just a cool RP corp/alliance?

For that, we're kicking you out of the Minmatar faction Lazzoth! Smile
Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2011-12-14 04:29:25 UTC
Thats fine, did good making an true Amarrian out of him. Besides, as Admiral Blake has said 'the republic is purely a temporary thing'
CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#15 - 2011-12-16 16:22:55 UTC
Moved from EVE New Citizens Q and A.

Off topic posts removed.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Odelya d'Hanguest
Order of St. Severian
#16 - 2011-12-20 00:07:13 UTC
((Nice idea! I wish you all fun and success!))