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Unidentified Structures: an attempt to cause a change in cloaking.

Feu dAstres
Nox Draconum Holding Corp
#1 - 2015-01-19 14:05:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Feu dAstres
2015.01.19 - Aunia - Unidentified Structure

A group of assorted battleships and smaller vessels tested the effect of energy cap-transfer on the unidentified structure.

After a couple of hours, we could see that the cloaking field was pulsing and a vaguely visible ghost structure could be seen in flashes amidst the pulses.

We would like to test again on 2015.01.25 with a larger fleet and more-specialized fittings for cap transfer.

Location to be determined based on unidentified structure known locations on that day.

Watch the Live Events channel for updates.

Alternative study:

Energy Neutralization using an alternate fleet of battleships equipped to apply energy neutralization.

Feu dAstres - the ever-curious

Edit / Addendum:

We will also need science vessels equipped with probes and analyzers.

P.S.: Please set your Safety to Green before joining the research fleet.
Jandice Ymladris
Aurora Arcology
#2 - 2015-01-19 18:02:50 UTC
You can count me in for this, will be neat to put my energy neuting skills to use! Been too long!

Providing a new home for refugees in the Aurora Arcology

Zanza Mechonis
What is tax
#3 - 2015-01-20 19:08:41 UTC
I should be able to come, depending on the time. Because of kill rights I am hesitant to bring a Bhaalgorn, though I could bring one if they are popped. (Along with cap transfers ofc to potentially pair with another bhaalgorn)

((Message me if you want to assist with the kill right, I will of course pay the fee on it after the deed is done))

On a side note, I've had quite some time in the New Eden system lately with it's structure, and the outline was visible at times without too much issues. Granted I am playing at max graphical settings, but could you elaborate why you think what you saw to be different from it's usual flickering visibility?

"On the internet you can be anything you want... It's strange that many people choose to be stupid."

Frenjo Borkstar
#4 - 2015-01-20 19:10:47 UTC
I'll be there.

Jandice and I are putting something together and alerting our fellows at A'J to see what can be done.

I'll hopefully be able to organise a fleet and use some pull I have to get some more ships.


Borkstar Laboratories,

The Borkstar Initiative.

Matt Faithbringer
YOLO so no taxes please
#5 - 2015-01-21 10:19:21 UTC
Feu dAstres wrote:

We will also need science vessels equipped with probes and analyzers.

Could bring my Helios
Feu dAstres
Nox Draconum Holding Corp
#6 - 2015-01-21 17:52:45 UTC
As I really have not spent a lot of time in the vicinity of these unidentified structures, what I perceived to be a change in visibility may have been due simply to a different distance or angle of the camera drones amidst the dust cloud surrounding the structure.

It remains to be seen if we can make some change with more ships performing cap-transfer to overload the structure ... or neuts to remove it's power.
typhoon Rinah
Heavily Redacted
Sky Daddy Ranch
#7 - 2015-01-22 04:48:07 UTC
As much as I would love to attend and I still will if I can. But my alliance has a war declarations which makes high sec difficult to navigate. Could I have the name of the region where you plan to do this so I can scout it out and make sure that it is safe for myself.

Have Fun and Fly Safe.
Feu dAstres
Nox Draconum Holding Corp
#8 - 2015-01-22 13:11:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Feu dAstres
My current base of operations for the ships involved in this is the SoE station in Gicodel.

On Wednesday, I noticed the structure in Aunia was no longer detectable.

I found another structure nearby in Eglennaert ... but I have no certainty this structure will be detectable on Sunday.

So ... we'll take a look in the area on Sunday to see what we can find.

When under war declaration, there is even less safety than within the illusion of safety some capsuleers seem to enjoy in high sec space.

Please do not join research fleets while under a war declaration. You are still welcome to observe the efforts, perhaps from a cloaked ship.

The unidentified structure in Eglennaert is undetectable on Thursday.

Friday Update: Both Aunia and Eglennaert structures can be detected today.

Saturday: Aunia and Athinard available, Eglennaert hidden.
Dradis Aulmais
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2015-01-23 13:17:37 UTC

Dradis Aulmais, Federal Attorney Number 54896

Free The Scope Three

Lil' Brudder Too
Pistols for Pandas
#10 - 2015-01-25 03:03:03 UTC
rough time for this? I might be interested, though i feel the change you saw was just from a different angle/view as CCP isn't smart enough to code something like that...this really falls within the realm of Role Play...try looking there for more bodies?
Celgar Thurn
Department 10
#11 - 2015-01-25 09:32:14 UTC
This sounds very interesting. I would have been able to participate but unfortunately we have been wardecced so we stuck in dock and so will just be doing trading and contracts. Sad
Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#12 - 2015-01-25 17:34:27 UTC
Today is the day...what is the time?    < Unified Inventory is NOT ready...

Caldari State
#13 - 2015-01-25 17:50:49 UTC
Is this still on? If so where should I meet the rest of the fleet?
Feu dAstres
Nox Draconum Holding Corp
#14 - 2015-01-26 11:26:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Feu dAstres
Final Report:

After hours of cap-transfer (energy to the structure) and then hours of neut/nos (energy from the structure) effort: no visibile change.

We did notice the Circadian Seekers stopped making their rounds and, after midnight, we went looking for them.

Apparently Seekers can get confused by "grid fu" when members of their group get seperated by it. They stop moving and scanning. If destroyed, a new group spawns some time later and the cycle continues.

My thanks to those who participated for hours and to those who stopped by to visit the effort:

Marius Martaar
Jandice Ymladris
Gaia Ma'chello
Frenjo Borkstar

Feu dAstres - the still curious
Jandice Ymladris
Aurora Arcology
#15 - 2015-01-30 20:45:43 UTC
All in all, Science was getting done!

My (late) report on it: 'The Athinard Science Expedition'

Nothing new was found out about the Pillars, but this is also part of science, to confirm it has no effect. This is as crucial as knowing if something has an effect!

Providing a new home for refugees in the Aurora Arcology