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Amarr or Gallente?

Provence Tristram
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-01-17 08:47:11 UTC
Hi all,

I recently returned to the game after many years, and rather than going back to my original character (she didn't have that many SPs anyway -- it's a few months hangup at most), I elected to reroll.

I plan to make this a battle-oriented character first and foremost, and since resubbing, I've largely been training generic combat skills (targeting, gunnery, drones, etc, etc). However, I can only 'kick the can' of having to specialize down the road for so long, and at some point I'm going to have to choose between my two favorite races: Amarr or Gallente (at least in the short to middle term).

In the interests of full disclosure, looks matter to me... a lot -- I don't make any bones about it. Unfortunately, I like the appearance of both races' ships pretty much equally. When it comes down to gameplay, I am similarly stymied: I like the broad usefulness of tech II pulse lasers, but find drones just a handy (not enormously fond of rails -- gotta say). If I were going to label a long-term goal I would be shooting for if training for one race or the other, it would either be this for Gallente, or this for Amarr -- both auspiciously for PvE use, though I would hope to get into PvP (probably in very different ships) in a serious manner around the 6 million skillpoint marker, give or take.

And, yes, while it doesn't really matter, I like the lore of both sides, too. While I'm not a supporter of slavery, I am an ardent monarchist. But I also believe in a free society governed by a constitution! So, yeah! I'm flummoxed!

Please... throw me a bone or two. Is there a reason I shouldn't lean one way or the other? Yes, eventually I can fly both, but it may be upwards of 6 months to a year before I can circle back around and seriously reconsider the choice, so I really do need to pick the right thing.
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#2 - 2015-01-17 09:01:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Parud
Rails have been buffed massively to a point where they're almost a menace so if your concern is about performance then you won't need to worry. If you're going to do PVE then it's also very much about where you want to live; in gallente space you'll mostly run into gallente based npc which is pretty much going to suck if you fly laser ships. It'll work but having to fight Serps with lasers on a continued basis just doesn't make sense, and it's the same the other way round; using hybrids in Amarr PVE just doesn't make good sense.

Generally, Amarr laser ships are a ***** to fit and use but they can make up for that with massive dps (if fitted correctly) albeit with limited damage types. Hybrid damage types are more allround and work pretty good against most stuff, just not amarr based npc.

Oh btw, those fits are really really bad, don't use Battleclinic for fits.
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-01-17 10:02:16 UTC
go with what looks and feels better to you.

Both races have their strengths and weaknesses, though I can say that drones are remarkably powerful in the current meta and gallente ships make better use of them in most cases.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2015-01-17 10:20:50 UTC
why choose ?

train for both, yes it takes more time, but it makes you more versatile

versatile is good for pvp options
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2015-01-17 10:41:18 UTC
Gallente is probably the most versatile yet competitive race, I'd start with them.
There are little fleet comp they can't fit in.
Catherine Wolfisheim
Caldari State
#6 - 2015-01-17 13:43:10 UTC
Lasers are overall suboptimal to alternative weapons. That is usually the killer with most Amarr ships. In the case you are looking purely at damage output based on laser weapons, that is.
To mare
Advanced Technology
#7 - 2015-01-17 17:15:08 UTC
Catherine Wolfisheim wrote:
Lasers are overall suboptimal to alternative weapons. That is usually the killer with most Amarr ships. In the case you are looking purely at damage output based on laser weapons, that is.

lol, ever tried autocannons especially mediums and small ones?
Paranoid Loyd
#8 - 2015-01-17 17:35:16 UTC
IMO you will want both, Astero and Stratios are both too useful to not max both at least up to cruiser. But you should train Gallente first as mentioned medium rails and drones are quite good right now.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Justin Zaine
#9 - 2015-01-18 03:20:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Justin Zaine
I also vote Gallente. Amarr have some great ships as well, but don't bother cross training until you get about a year's worth of SP under your belt. Better to be good with one race than be okay with two.

Having said that, Loyd is right. You'll wanna check out the SOE ships sooner or later.

Why Gallente?

Taranis: 300 dps combat interceptor
Incursus: Insane tank
Ishkur: 300 dps AF
Ishtar: Because Ishtar
Proteus: Currently the best WH gank ship

Drones and Hybrids are in a great place atm and Gallente are masters of the undock.

A lot of Gallente ships have been remodeled to look even sexier in the last few patches with more redesigns on the way. Reference the Incursus and Exequeror. Domi is also getting a new model sometime soon.

Also, hull tanking.

He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.

Novah Soul
#10 - 2015-01-18 06:21:09 UTC
I 2nd the suggestion to train both. There will be a lot of crossover too. Amarr has a few drone focused boats and both will use armor tanks primarily and take advantage of your core gunnery skills.

A man is known by the quality of his friends. - Lex Luthor