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Make rarest ores more valuable?

First post
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#21 - 2015-01-11 11:09:31 UTC
Ruinoso wrote:
Accounting for the fact that EVE is a sandbox game, and that everyone is therefore obliged to find value in their EVE time on their own terms, I'd suggest that CCP exercise its godly dev muscles to make the rarest ores more valuable—by increasing demand for them in manufacturing. Or make them rarer than they already are.

My desire for this is, I admit, selfish. As a solo player, I simply don't want to assume the risk of going after the rarest ores without the potential for a substantially-higher-than-mining-in-high-sec profit. Yes, I could adopt someone else's I-get-my-EVE-joy-by-doing-things-for-their-own-sake happiness metric (or another metric like the one just noted), and there will not doubt be some who post here (or who think about posting here) that very sermon. But I'd rather just see happen what, quite frankly, makes a great deal of sense in the first place. For there is no reason the rarest ores, which come with greater risk, should have lower market value than the most abundant ores, which come with negligible risk. After all, EVE, which is in many other respects very reflective of real-world markets and risks, where the greater the risk...the higher the payout, needn't have such a backward dynamic on this front (rare vs. abundant ores).

Or, are the rarest ores, indeed, worth more, per time invested, than the most abundant ones...and I'm just missing something?


The value of stuff in EVE isn't set by CCP, it is set by the players.

Want to make something more valuable, control the market (hint: Technetium CartelBlink) and make it more valuable yourself.

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Mar'Dur Taren
The Copernicus Institute
#22 - 2015-01-11 12:11:23 UTC
I've always been surprised that the low sec ores are move valuable per m3 than null sec or most high sec ore. However there is a understandable reason for it.

To mine effectively in Null you need facilities and transporters and most of all protection. I'm not talking about the constant guard of a CAP force. What I'm talking about is the buffer of 5-15 systems between you and the front lines through which hostiles need to pass. They also need to pass the watchful eyes of dozens of other pilots who report all that info in intel channels. Then there are the pilots that will sally forth to take on the intruders. The mining in a null sec system typically involves, indirectly, a lot of people. However under these circumstances its pretty safe.

Now high sec mining is no longer safe. People say all you have to do is be alert and watch local and this is true to an extent. A proper tank will defeat a single attacker. However the truth is that no matter how good your tank or how alert you are, you will at least be chased out of your belt a few times in your mining stint. The actions against miners in high sec have made those ores more valuable.

Now the last factor. The middle minerals are actually more valuable because they come from ores that you usually need to go to low sec to get. Sure you can get some from ore anomalies but not enough to support the demand. And PvPers create a huge demand for ships and materials. And this is where the problem lies. There are few ways to make low sec safe. There is no buffer of systems between you and potential enemies. You need close range scouts and a CAP force to be really safe mining in low. Lastly there is no easy way to get all your mined goods out of low. However compression arrays have made this much easier than in the past. however that means the overhead of a POS which requires a more substantial corp. If not to pay for and defend the POS, then to be taken seriously with your diplomatic efforts.

Another problem I have found in low sec is the ores don't spawn as often as the ones in high sec. Combine this with the fact you cannot upgrade the system to get more ore anomalies and you make those system pay less. If the Jaspet/Hemorphite/Hedbergite/Gneiss/Dark Ochre respawned more often then you could be constantly mining it and thus making the money worth it. At the moment the built in scarcity is making mining those ores only profitable while they exist. Then for the hours they are not there you have a deficit.

I don't know the answer to this problem. One thought is to make the Covetor/Retreiver/Mackinaw/Hulk easier to tank. Just up it enough to require teamwork from gankers. That would reduce the value of high sec minerals because there would be more produced. It may even make those ships more effective in low sec. At the moment its just not worth it for a mining corp to set up in a low sec system and mine. There is one simple reason for it. Guard duty is boring as hell. No PvPer wants to sit there watching people munch roids. Or they expect a huge fee for their effort.

Proud to be a Boffin!

Amarr Empire
#23 - 2015-01-11 17:39:28 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Posting in a stealth "nerf organized alliances / gimme on a silver platter" thread.

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#24 - 2015-01-11 18:36:04 UTC
Is it ever possible that people like the OP EVER post in the right forum?

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#25 - 2015-01-11 19:02:51 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Is it ever possible that people like the OP EVER post in the right forum?

There isnt a correct forum for 'miner entitlement' threads.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2015-01-11 20:53:18 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Is it ever possible that people like the OP EVER post in the right forum?

There isnt a correct forum for 'miner entitlement' threads.

I don't think this is that. I think this is this: (Which to me doesn't read as 'miner entitlement', but as 'prop up our rental business'.)
Sean Dunaway
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#27 - 2015-01-12 22:03:22 UTC
Ruinoso wrote:
Accounting for the fact that EVE is a sandbox game, and that everyone is therefore obliged to find value in their EVE time on their own terms, I'd suggest that CCP exercise its godly dev muscles to make the rarest ores more valuable—by increasing demand for them in manufacturing. Or make them rarer than they already are.

My desire for this is, I admit, selfish. As a solo player, I simply don't want to assume the risk of going after the rarest ores without the potential for a substantially-higher-than-mining-in-high-sec profit. Yes, I could adopt someone else's I-get-my-EVE-joy-by-doing-things-for-their-own-sake happiness metric (or another metric like the one just noted), and there will not doubt be some who post here (or who think about posting here) that very sermon. But I'd rather just see happen what, quite frankly, makes a great deal of sense in the first place. For there is no reason the rarest ores, which come with greater risk, should have lower market value than the most abundant ores, which come with negligible risk. After all, EVE, which is in many other respects very reflective of real-world markets and risks, where the greater the risk...the higher the payout, needn't have such a backward dynamic on this front (rare vs. abundant ores).

Or, are the rarest ores, indeed, worth more, per time invested, than the most abundant ones...and I'm just missing something?

Selling arknor in null is the same as selling plain veldspar in a 1.0 tradehub.

Elegance Beyond Your Dreams

Salvation Behind Your Screams

Argent Rotineque
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2015-01-12 22:14:09 UTC
Ruinoso wrote:
Good responses thus far (mostly). This in-game description of Arkonor gets to the heart of the matter, in my opinion:

The rarest and most sought-after ore in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time.

Really? If CCP is going to define Arkonor this way, wouldn't it be in CCP's interest to make the game parameters support this statement? They can. We players (the "market") influence trade, but only within the parameters CCPs sets. I don't think their parameters contribute to the kind of "gold rush" thinking that their description would seem to generate in players inclined toward mining careers. As it is, Arkonor can't enrich a miner faster than other ores, which are infinitely abundant and far less risky to harvest. It isn't even a contest.

Perhaps there is some cogent argument against this conclusion?

Keep in mind that lorewise 1 ISK is a tremendous amount of money to non-capsuleers.
Kousaka Otsu Shigure
#29 - 2015-01-13 02:49:32 UTC
Supply and demand. You have too much of them in your region? People will price them lower just to get rid of stocks. You overmine it (its not rare if you're overmining it LOL), you're part of the problem of why its so dirt cheap. 'CCP's' vision of making industry viable in nullsec that brought changes into the system - injected some lowends into null ores, better null refine rates, compression changes - is finally bearing fruit.

What's the saying... Be careful of what you wish for?

Also, there are open threads for this...'issue',

1 thread each from Science and Industry then Market Discussions

Archiver, Software Developer and Data Slave

Current Project Status: What can I make with these minerals?

Harrison Tato
Yamato Holdings
#30 - 2015-01-13 04:02:46 UTC
You gotta form a cartel then create artificial scarcity. Google De Beers.
Exotic Matters
Fried Liver Attack
#31 - 2015-01-13 05:12:50 UTC
Saying the coders couldn't make mining more profitable outside highsec is not true, all it would require is that addition of ore that has a denser concentration of minerals that can only be found out there. Instead of just the regular, dense, and concentrated versions of Veldspar (and other ore) you could have some super rich ore that is like produces 1.5x the minerals of the standard version. This would give miners greater incentive to leave the perceived safety of hisec.

Supply and demand could not change this ratio of value. Undoubtedly miners would suffer most because highsec ore would decrease in value compared to goods. So be careful what you ask for.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#32 - 2015-01-13 10:44:55 UTC
Exotic Matters wrote:
Saying the coders couldn't make mining more profitable outside highsec is not true, all it would require is that addition of ore that has a denser concentration of minerals that can only be found out there. Instead of just the regular, dense, and concentrated versions of Veldspar (and other ore) you could have some super rich ore that is like produces 1.5x the minerals of the standard version. This would give miners greater incentive to leave the perceived safety of hisec.

Supply and demand could not change this ratio of value. Undoubtedly miners would suffer most because highsec ore would decrease in value compared to goods. So be careful what you ask for.

Null Sec already has this. It's called vastly greater refining rates. Which are larger than the raw numbers suggest at first glance also, since it's not the percentages relative to 100% which matter, but the relative percent difference between the two maximum refining values.

Hence why it has become more profitable to sell raw/compressed ore in high sec rather than minerals, since Null sec can export it and get greater quantities of minerals out of the ore.
Which isn't great gameplay when it's only a capital investment and requires no maintenance (that wouldn't otherwise be paid anyway)
PoS's would make a much stronger case for the highest refines as this then presents more value to a corp based in highsec running a pos, as well as not simply packing it down every time a war dec comes along but actually continuing to use it regardless.

Anyway, back on topic, all of the ores are available in Null Sec, so Null Sec miners can always mine the most valuable ore no matter what it happens to be. In addition there are vastly more systems in Null Sec, so there are vast quantities more of this most valuable ore available. And Null Sec can get better boosts than high sec, meaning each miner brings more in. And then they can refine them fairly locally as well by using compression plus some haulers making two or three jumps to a refining station of the compressed ore, meaning that they get more minerals than high sec can for the same ore as well.

All up this gives them significantly more value mining the same ore in Null Sec already.
So any lack of profit by a Null sec miner is a failure to read the market and respond appropriately, nothing to do with game design.
Silver Talon
#33 - 2015-01-15 23:25:29 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Ruinoso wrote:
Opening up a forum discussion is "leading the change."


You want change, then take motivation from your selfishness and get other players to agree with you and follow.

Asking for CCP to change something is not leading. That's just whining.

Rubbish. The forum is comprised of players. Players who get ideas. At least one poster has already agreed with me on a point or two.
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2015-01-15 23:50:01 UTC
Why not triple the demand for trit instead, its way easier to get a hold of :D
Silver Talon
#35 - 2015-01-15 23:55:31 UTC
Yarda Black wrote:
Those ores are infact more rare. The risk factor of obtaining them (WH, nullsec & lowsec) is indeed there.


Currently the risk is being managed by group play. You're safer mining that ore with a group of players such as a nullsec empire block or WH group.
Safer, not safe mind you.

What you're really asking is for CCP to compensate you for not utilising all available methods. You want them to "pay" you for not mining in a group.

As for CCP helping; I'm pretty sure a few ISBoxer miners are going down starting this year.

No, I'm not asking them to pay me for anything. I'm making a suggestion that would align the idea that CCP sells in its in-game description to the market. And I'm doing so on the basis of an ISK/hr or ISK/load basis for the ore in question, factoring in risk.
Silver Talon
#36 - 2015-01-15 23:57:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Ruinoso
Serene Repose wrote:
So...who's gonna "make" the ore "more valuable"?
(What is "make"? What is "valuable?" What is "is"?)

The market value is established by the players, who respond (react?) to the parameters of the game, which are set by CCP. What I'm suggesting would clearly and directly have an effect on the value of a particular ore. Anyone who dismissed CCP's involvement in the market (and there are a number of them in this thread) is just a simpleton. They have sandboxgameitis.
Silver Talon
#37 - 2015-01-15 23:59:58 UTC
J'Poll wrote:
Ruinoso wrote:
Accounting for the fact that EVE is a sandbox game, and that everyone is therefore obliged to find value in their EVE time on their own terms, I'd suggest that CCP exercise its godly dev muscles to make the rarest ores more valuable—by increasing demand for them in manufacturing. Or make them rarer than they already are.

My desire for this is, I admit, selfish. As a solo player, I simply don't want to assume the risk of going after the rarest ores without the potential for a substantially-higher-than-mining-in-high-sec profit. Yes, I could adopt someone else's I-get-my-EVE-joy-by-doing-things-for-their-own-sake happiness metric (or another metric like the one just noted), and there will not doubt be some who post here (or who think about posting here) that very sermon. But I'd rather just see happen what, quite frankly, makes a great deal of sense in the first place. For there is no reason the rarest ores, which come with greater risk, should have lower market value than the most abundant ores, which come with negligible risk. After all, EVE, which is in many other respects very reflective of real-world markets and risks, where the greater the risk...the higher the payout, needn't have such a backward dynamic on this front (rare vs. abundant ores).

Or, are the rarest ores, indeed, worth more, per time invested, than the most abundant ones...and I'm just missing something?


The value of stuff in EVE isn't set by CCP, it is set by the players.

Want to make something more valuable, control the market (hint: Technetium CartelBlink) and make it more valuable yourself.

See my last post...
Silver Talon
#38 - 2015-01-16 00:01:24 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Is it ever possible that people like the OP EVER post in the right forum?

Is it ever possible that posters post on-topic? If you don't like where I posted my thread, don't post in it.
Echo Gengod
MaxGen Biotechnology
#39 - 2015-01-16 04:27:01 UTC
Let's also just completely rework the market while we're at it. Might as well keep going while we're ahead.

This is just like a minimum wage debate.

By increasing the price of the minerals you increase the cost of production. Producers will compensate for this by increasing the price of their produced goods. Marketers then see this as a hit to supply/demand and adjust their own buy/sell orders as well. Essentially the end-result is the value of ISK deflates due to new standard set. The average person with 1bil will soon have 3bil worth the same as it did before, just with a larger number.

Please don't do this.
It hurts us all.

Just look at post WW2 Germany.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#40 - 2015-01-16 10:13:39 UTC
Ruinoso wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Is it ever possible that people like the OP EVER post in the right forum?

Is it ever possible that posters post on-topic? If you don't like where I posted my thread, don't post in it.

Why not? Id post in it if it was in the RIGHT place too, silly boy.

But hey, like many have said, why actually do something in the game when you can ask CCP to do it for you?

Oh wait, I know

Because it wont happen

You want certain minerals to go up in price?

Starting ganking.

I can send you fits and tips if you like.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann