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Graphics , no cockpit ...ok so.....what about windows and crew?

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Makari Aeron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2015-01-12 19:56:26 UTC
There's evidence of life in Minmatar Outposts. There's that "Girls, Girls, Girls!" sign. :P

CCP RedDawn: Ugly people are just playing life on HARD mode. Personally, I'm playing on an INFERNO difficulty.

CCP Goliath: I often believe that the best way to get something done is to shout at the person trying to help you.

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#22 - 2015-01-12 20:19:39 UTC
As I haven't seen this linked here in this thread you might want to take a look at this New Eden Crew Guidelines for reference.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#23 - 2015-01-12 20:35:28 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
CCP Darwin wrote:

If you have more ideas about what would make the world of the game seem more lived-in, please keep posting.

A go faster stripe for a Phoenix skin, I have my reasons.
Net 7
#24 - 2015-01-12 20:38:31 UTC
Jean Luc Lemmont wrote:
CCP Darwin wrote:
Seriously, some good ideas here, thanks for getting a discussion started.

My intention in pointing out the scale of the ships wasn't to shoot down the idea, but more to point out that there are issues of scale in trying to represent little people walking around inside ships somehow.

If you have more ideas about what would make the world of the game seem more lived-in, please keep posting.

Just off the cuff.

Make random NPC ships that look like they're going somewhere. So a ship would undock from a station, and autopilot to another station and then dock. Could be in the same system, could be in a different system. This would add more "background events" to the game.

Interfering with them would, of course, incur the same penalties as shooting the peddlar ships you see undocking occasionally (I forget what those are).

They used to do this. I dunno if its still there, its been a while, but back in the day you would see convoys of 3 haulers leave stations, slow boat off grid and then start heading into another station. You could attack these when they got outside of station gun range, and take there cargo. People used to do this all the time to make a little isk here and there

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Obscure Joke Implied
#25 - 2015-01-12 20:39:49 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
CCP Darwin wrote:

If you have more ideas about what would make the world of the game seem more lived-in, please keep posting.

A go faster stripe for a Phoenix skin, I have my reasons.

Already done.
Murkar Omaristos
The Alabaster Albatross
Unreasonable Bastards
#26 - 2015-01-12 21:43:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Murkar Omaristos
I too find it odd that there is no cockpit, walking in spaceships, stations, etc. At the time of eve's creation it might have made sense for reasons of CPU/graphics limitations. As someone pointed out though, it's 2015 - and games like Elite Dangerous are already implementing these things with great success. Some of these things drive immersion in the game, and might be a good idea for EVE to remain relevant and to compete with games like Elite and the up and coming star citizen.

Totally loving the new texture/model changes though, they look really good :P
Bullet Therapist
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#27 - 2015-01-12 22:06:07 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
CCP Darwin wrote:

If you have more ideas about what would make the world of the game seem more lived-in, please keep posting.

A go faster stripe for a Phoenix skin, I have my reasons.

Blap phoenix in the works?

In any event, I'd love more ship cosmetic features, but I don't want the addition of such features to detract from more important work, so, I'm content to wait until the game is perfect before they're added. Big smile
Ines Tegator
Serious Business Inc. Ltd. LLC. etc.
#28 - 2015-01-12 22:21:36 UTC
Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#29 - 2015-01-12 22:35:44 UTC
I other issue I see with all the windows is half the textures, even on stations, go off on weird angles and odd intersections. Are we to understand the windows or window sections are supposed to line up with floors and levels in the ships or are the orientations of the windows completely trivial and not relating to the actual floor plan?
Arla Sarain
#30 - 2015-01-12 22:39:37 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Someone made this neat video showing the scale of EVE ships in relation to human beings:

Bottom line: you probably could not make out the people inside even the smallest ships.


it's too difficult to put a rotating radar above the capital ships roofs (tecnically speaking ?

You mean like on the Dragoon?

I should point out that as we redesign ships we've been prone to add more animation to them, but there are a LOT of ships in the game, and generally that kind of treatment works better when it's part of the overall design plan for a hull rather than tacked-on.

Those textures are hawt.

Why can't we have those?

Shameless derail. Sorry.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#31 - 2015-01-12 22:40:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
eug3nio Anninen wrote:
Debora Tsung wrote:
Your frigate has a crew off possibly 2. If any.

And I don't think that your engine room has windows...

And what deck are you even talking about? We don't have any luxury cruise liners with open top deck for people to walk on.

ok sorry for frigate example ....what about capital ships^?

plus you know what i'm talking about ...your answer is easy answer ....and don't make any point...

Your capital ship is huge, as big as a small town, literally. What do you expect to see there? Tiny little pixels behind that tiny bright spots that are even tinier windows?

EDIT: It would all end up like those videos you still occasionally see of the burning World Trade Center and some conspiracy nutjob explaining to you how all this wasn't real because he can see people waving happily out of the windows and all you can see is a four stories high pixel sized blotch because the resolution of the video is 320 x 240...

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Antagonistic Tendencies
#32 - 2015-01-12 22:42:52 UTC
DaReaper wrote:

They used to do this. I dunno if its still there, its been a while, but back in the day you would see convoys of 3 haulers leave stations, slow boat off grid and then start heading into another station. You could attack these when they got outside of station gun range, and take there cargo. People used to do this all the time to make a little isk here and there

I saw one about 6 months back atleast, I've only seen them about 3 times total in ~6 years of playing Eve though.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#33 - 2015-01-12 22:55:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
FoxFire Ayderan wrote:

I concur.

The EVE universe seems rather dead without seeing ANY people anywhere. Other than floating corpses in space and ourselves in our captains quarters.
Well there's a point, where are all the corpses of my crew when my Raven got destroyed, would be cool if they'd float around the wreck as some kind of bio space dust... Straight

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Rolled Out
#34 - 2015-01-12 22:58:18 UTC
Rroff wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

They used to do this. I dunno if its still there, its been a while, but back in the day you would see convoys of 3 haulers leave stations, slow boat off grid and then start heading into another station. You could attack these when they got outside of station gun range, and take there cargo. People used to do this all the time to make a little isk here and there

I saw one about 6 months back atleast, I've only seen them about 3 times total in ~6 years of playing Eve though.

They're still out and about. I see them from time to time on resupply excursions to kspace. There are a number of people that shoot those convoys for the drops (market goods and minerals) so that might explain why they aren't seen.

As to the link posted by ISD Ezwal, that's a good resource. The program "EVE Mon" also shows that detailed number for each ship.

The table field is called 'maxPassengers' and here are some specific frigate examples:
Atron = 3
Maulus = 12
Navitas = 6

Bantam = 3
Griffin = 6
Bantam = 8

Magnate = 8
Executioner = 8
Tormentor = 10

Probe = 10
Rifter = 2
Slasher = 2

So while the Lore referenced in the link from ISD explains the main racial differences/considerations on ship passengers (i.e. crew)
Amarr: Mid-range
Caldari: Mid- to upper-range
Gallente: Lower-range
Minmatar: Upper-range
actual stats ingame don't seem to follow that too well at least in the admittedly small sample size of 3 frigates per race as above. Based on that link, ship passenger compliments would run lowest to highest in the following order: Gallente, Amarr, Caldari, Minmatar.

I'm right behind you

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#35 - 2015-01-12 22:59:26 UTC
WoD had some cool procedural shader technology that could make it look like TVs were on in rooms behind windows. Maybe something like that would work? With the new on-demand loading, you might even be able to situationally load only the relevant levels of detail only when the camera zoomed in on a particular ship. Then, there's essentially no risk of bringing everything down during a massive fight, because most people in that context aren't going to be zoomed in anyway.

Just a thought. It would be a cool level of detail, and more immersion is always good.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#36 - 2015-01-12 23:12:57 UTC
Also just thought of a bit of a mismatched mechanic. So for the few people who have CQ turned on, you get into your pod fully clothed right? You character goes down that short flight of stairs to the side at the end of the catwalk and sits in the open pod right?

But when you get podded, your body is naked and filled with cables and tubes... so seems there is a small disconnect between CQ and the pod itself. OOOoooooh, maybe thats why it takes eons for CQ to load every time you dock, your character has to get unplugged from the cables, out of the pod, dry off, and get dressed again.

I almost wish they would just change the lore of the "pod" to be more of an escape pod when seen in conjunction with CQ and fully clothed characters in pods to naked cable filled characters in space corpses.
Jon Dekker
Dekker Corporation
#37 - 2015-01-12 23:21:14 UTC
Yep, walking around and chatting with NPC crew would be pretty cool I think. I think CCP can construct some lore about being wirelessly connected to the ship just like they did with the Dust & Valkyrie tech.

Zooming in on a ship to see life... that's more of a technical issue that I'm not sure will give the bang for the effort involved.


I do think that they can create shaders that show civilian traffic around stations, around stargates, and little settlements around these things that eventually we can travel to.

But CCP then needs to have an army of devs and content creators to come up with NPC interactions and such. I think it would be totally rad though if they did. Even a "crew" hiring, upgrading, trading game mechanic. Anyone remember playing Baseball All Stars, where you could draft and trade or let go of players, and upgrade their stats? If you have a crew, you can take them on your ship with you, and if blown up without issuing the "abandon ship" command, then a bunch of your crew will die as a result. Perhaps you can train a skill that increases the odds of your entire crew surviving. Then you'd have a timer for how long that crew is out of commission.

Then you can trade with other pilots your crew members, or let them become free agents to make room for a better crew member, or someone that fits what you need. Each crew member will increase certain stats based on their abilities, etc.

When CCP merges Dust & Valkyrie & EVE into a single EVE game, where we can walk around stations and our ships, then you can finally chat with your crew, and give them gifts that helps them do their job better!

Like adorable puppies. How can you say no to puppies CCP???
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#38 - 2015-01-12 23:42:19 UTC
Alundil wrote:

The table field is called 'maxPassengers' and here are some specific frigate examples:
Atron = 3
Maulus = 12
Navitas = 6

Ship Passengers are obviously not crew. I suspect that stat dates to a Dev who had a theory about smaller ships acting as vip shuttles from A to B either for income, or moving other capsuleers, i.e. A concept way back in EVE Beta that never actually took place.

Since those numbers are totally wrong for crew for ships.
Frigates when fully fitted would have a crew of 10-40 depending on race.

Remember that the 'minimum' crew guideline listed is a Bare Hull. Zero Fittings, that's how many crew you need to have to un-dock and fly the hull to a new location like Jita to buy fittings. When you are fitting a gun, there is going to be a crew member associated with that gun (at least one) to do manual local tasks, deal with battle damage, and the like.

Battleships run 4-9 THOUSAND crew when fully fit.
Even if we assume those numbers are for non capsuleer ships, the capsuleer numbers are normally only about half to 2/3rds of the standard crew numbers. So a Capsuleer Battleship is still 3-7 thousand crew.
Obscure Joke Implied
#39 - 2015-01-12 23:45:13 UTC
Jon Dekker wrote:
Yep, walking around and chatting with NPC crew would be pretty cool I think. I think CCP can construct some lore about being wirelessly connected to the ship just like they did with the Dust & Valkyrie tech.
The important bit^

So let me get this straight, you want to talk to this guy?

Sirran The Lunatic
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#40 - 2015-01-12 23:45:49 UTC
I only support this idea if (and only after CCP art team develops graphically-represented hull breaches) you get to see people running around on fire once you're in structure.

Or perhaps a little number indicating how much crew is left on your ship as your armor starts to fail. Maybe even little escape pods (that can be smartbombed?)

All sadistic joking aside, I'd rather see the art team work on implementing other levels of detail to enhance realism, such as physically rendered turrets for modules like remote repair units, sensor damps... you know, all the stuff missing that makes it look like your ship is casting space-magic.

Additionally, shield and armor hardener effects really wash out (ie, ruining) all the detail CCP is putting into their new models/rendering schema. The obviously low resolution shield hardening effect pretty much negates all your efforts, friends.

To tie this back to main topic: There are other, better, more interesting things that would help immersion.

TLDR: Better things to do than waste time on this in the foreseeable future, in this little waffle's opinion.