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Character Bazaar

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.


Vereinte gesteinigte Fachkraefte
#1 - 2015-01-09 04:54:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyrastarr
WTA self:

Buy this versatile PVP pilot today!

70+m SP

+5 Implants (no Charisma)

1 Remap available

100k unallocated SP

No kill rights against

Jump clone located in Amarr

Located in HS

Positive Wallet

Skill Highlights:
4.8+m Leadership Skills

8.3+m Drone Skills

10+m Gunnery Skills

24+m Spaceship Command Skills
- All Battlecruiser 5
- All Cruiser 5
- Amarr Battleship 5
- Caldari Freighter 4
- Industrial Command Ships 5
- Logi 5
- Recons 5

I will pay the transfer fee.

Starting bid and reserve:


Auction begins as of posting and will run for 3 days or until b/o is reached.
Auction end and transfer time Eve time: 12/1/2015 5:00

Feel free to convo/mail offers but I will mainly respond and check here.

All CCP rules to be followed; I reserve the right to cancel this sale at any time but will follow through if the starting bid/reserve is met within the auction time.

Happy bidding!
Zino Ti
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2015-01-09 10:51:02 UTC
23 b
Vereinte gesteinigte Fachkraefte
#3 - 2015-01-09 15:16:48 UTC
Reserve/minimum bid met. Char will sell! Received a couple ingame mails but no official bids higher than 23b.

Zino with the high bid so far.

Happy Friday and happy bidding!
Vereinte gesteinigte Fachkraefte
#4 - 2015-01-10 00:53:44 UTC
Online now, reply with bids or convo with an offer!
Vereinte gesteinigte Fachkraefte
#5 - 2015-01-11 19:13:14 UTC
10 hrs left to bid

Zino still has the current high bid with 23b.

Char will sell to him if no other bids!

Best of luck to those interested
Mia Venom
#6 - 2015-01-11 20:16:16 UTC
25b for fast transfer
Vereinte gesteinigte Fachkraefte
#7 - 2015-01-11 20:44:13 UTC
Will give Zino/others until 22:00 Eve time to respond.

If they do not respond in the next ~1hr consider the 25b b/o offer accepted. Will mail you at 22:00. Will you be around at that time to complete sale/transfer?
Mia Venom
#8 - 2015-01-11 20:47:48 UTC
Lyrastarr wrote:
Will give Zino/others until 22:00 Eve time to respond.

If they do not respond in the next ~1hr consider the 25b b/o offer accepted. Will mail you at 22:00. Will you be around at that time to complete sale/transfer?

Yes, i will be available at this time. Thx
Mia Venom
#9 - 2015-01-11 22:04:30 UTC
Ingamemail with accept Received.

ISK and Account Name sent.
Vereinte gesteinigte Fachkraefte
#10 - 2015-01-11 22:18:44 UTC
11 Jan 2015 22:18

EVE Character transfer

Enjoy me!