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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Sex DRUGS and rock'n roll

New Eden Ferengi
#1 - 2015-01-07 16:29:29 UTC
I'll leave two ideas mentioned in the topic to others and want to focus on the one which could need some rework - boosters.
It's simply a shame that all kind of professions are reviewed/updated but this aspect of the eve market is not looked at at all. At least I believe it would offer a lot of new ideas for game styles when people would have some more options to try out.

So here are the ideas:

1) Add new flavors for boosters:
+ turret damage increase
+ drone damage increase
+ mining output/ cycle reduction
+ inertia and warp speed increase
+ probe scanning strength increase
+ electronic warfare enhancements (ecm strengths, target range,...)
+ warfare booster

2) Add new gas clouds for the flavors in Highsec, Low- and Nullsec, maybe also change the distribution so they are no longer limited to a specific region/system.

3) Review the gas reaction process.
The requirements are too hard (long reaction times require a POS with defense, gas only available in some regions) to make booster/drug production a viable play style for single persons/ small groups. Maybe at least allow the production of the pure standard booster in Highsec. I always wondered why something is forbidden in HS while all involved/required components (POS, gas, reaction, product) are legal.

4) Add a small container for smuggling booster in HighSec to enable the movements of boosters. A "smuggler frig" also would be interesting instead of the container. Currently you always have to suffer if you move these goods through high sec.
Jarlhettur's Drop
United Federation of Conifers
#2 - 2015-01-07 16:53:43 UTC
The stuff to make it is legal for more of less the same reason codeine is legal and meth isn't.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#3 - 2015-01-07 19:58:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Soldarius
Dustpuppy wrote:

    • turret damage increase
    • drone damage increase
    • mining output/ cycle reduction
    • inertia and warp speed increase
    • probe scanning strength increase
    • electronic warfare enhancements (ecm strengths, target range,...)
    • warfare booster
  • Add new gas clouds for the flavors in Highsec, Low- and Nullsec, maybe also change the distribution so they are no longer limited to a specific region/system.

  • Review the gas reaction process.
  • The requirements are too hard (long reaction times require a POS with defense, gas only available in some regions) to make booster/drug production a viable play style for single persons/ small groups. Maybe at least allow the production of the pure standard booster in Highsec. I always wondered why something is forbidden in HS while all involved/required components (POS, gas, reaction, product) are legal.

  • Add a small container for smuggling booster in HighSec to enable the movements of boosters. A "smuggler frig" also would be interesting instead of the container. Currently you always have to suffer if you move these goods through high sec.

      • No. We already have boosters for tracking, optimal, falloff, and explosion radius. TBH, I don't think a more dps booster is really needed in this day and age. But an Explosion Velocity Booster would be great.
      • Sweet Baby Jesus, no. Ishtars are already OP.
      • More mining output per hour. I doubt this would be cost efficient. But I'm not strictly against it.
      • There are currently no boosters for agility/align/etc. Sounds good. +1
      • Probing booster. A temporary consumable alternative to Virtue probing implants. +1
      • lel, that could be entertaining. These would be very popular with recon pilots. But do we really want exponentially stronger Falcons and Rooks rolling around? Strong boosters give +30%. Might be worth it just for the tears. +1 but conditionally upon careful balance considerations.
      • No. Links are already pretty strong. And other boosters mimic these effect on a local level anyway.
  • +1 for more Cytoserocin.
  • Technically not required. 1 person running a single large POS can produce thousands of units of standard booster per month, or a few hundred improved; enough to supply a large market hub. But that doesn't mean some tweaks aren't in order. More boosters produced per unit of gas would reduce the price of individual boosters. More gas would reduce the cost of operations. You can produce boosters in hisec stations. You just can't anchor a drug lab.
  • [*] Totally not required. Use a Blockade Runner. Don't sit on gates uncloaked. Never hand over your drugs unless the coppers have you scrammed.

    New Eden Ferengi
    #4 - 2015-01-07 21:34:44 UTC
    Well I didn't think about 30% damage increase for drones, but a lower percentage - why not?

    The booster also could be a bit more creative - like the "strong hooker knockout pill". When taken you might get some redeemable items 24 hours later (if the pill works) but find some strange bills about hookers in your journal if it fails. In both cases you have no idea what has happened Lol

    It's only a basic idea pulled together by looking at basic and important attributes to get a list with possible enhancements. More gas sites, a better/easier way to produce pills and then an improved way to transport it to the maarkets - voila we finally have another profession even a semi skilled single player could choose to try it out.

    The current situation is a nightmare. Trust me, I tried it Cool
    Trii Seo
    Goonswarm Federation
    #5 - 2015-01-07 23:38:20 UTC
    For starters, allow them to be contracted. And allow ships that contain them to be contracted.

    Proud pilot of the Imperium

    Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

    Zansha Expansion
    Brave Collective
    #6 - 2015-01-08 09:32:35 UTC
    And please make a change to the booster slots.

    It is fine that blue pills and exile pill go in slot 1 but maybe a quafe zero can go in slot 3 instead of 1 and X-tinct needs a stronger modifier - just a little, nothing too big.

    Say the current standard x-tince gives you an 8% modifier and I would suggest you round it up to 10% for the standard and a tiny tad for the improved one.

    Oh and please make 'neurotoxin control' and 'neurotoxin-recovery' available in the Intaki LP store.

    Eve Minions is recruiting.

    This is the law of ship progression!

    Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

    Test Alliance Please Ignore
    #7 - 2015-01-08 15:56:47 UTC
    elitatwo wrote:
    And please make a change to the booster slots.

    It is fine that blue pills and exile pill go in slot 1 but maybe a quafe zero can go in slot 3 instead of 1 and X-tinct needs a stronger modifier - just a little, nothing too big.

    Say the current standard x-tince gives you an 8% modifier and I would suggest you round it up to 10% for the standard and a tiny tad for the improved one.

    Oh and please make 'neurotoxin control' and 'neurotoxin-recovery' available in the Intaki LP store.

    Pretty sure they're available in the Serpentis LP store. Nope. My bad. Personally, I think they should be. It might go a long way towards getting people to use more boosters if they could get the reduction skills for something like a reasonable amount of isk, instead of 150-250M isk.

    The implants are widely available.

    Trii Seo
    Goonswarm Federation
    #8 - 2015-01-08 15:58:34 UTC
    elitatwo wrote:
    And please make a change to the booster slots.

    It is fine that blue pills and exile pill go in slot 1 but maybe a quafe zero can go in slot 3 instead of 1 and X-tinct needs a stronger modifier - just a little, nothing too big.

    Say the current standard x-tince gives you an 8% modifier and I would suggest you round it up to 10% for the standard and a tiny tad for the improved one.

    I approve of this message. Highly.

    To be honest, with more and more ships dropping split weapon systems in favor of just one, Crash could be moved to Slot 2 and Slot 3 booked for something else - like Quafe Zero.

    Or, speaking of Quafe Zero - they could make an actual speed booster for slot 3. I could also see scanres here, along with probing or ewar.

    Proud pilot of the Imperium

    Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

    M1k3y Koontz
    Speaker for the Dead
    Stay Feral
    #9 - 2015-01-08 17:17:46 UTC
    Trii Seo wrote:
    For starters, allow them to be contracted. And allow ships that contain them to be contracted.

    This would be good. Drug dealers can be honorable and make contracts same as legitimate people.

    How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

    Trii Seo
    Goonswarm Federation
    #10 - 2015-01-09 00:09:54 UTC
    Well, they can already be sold on open market. I imagine that in Jita, there's a bazaar full of people shouting "Exile! Fresh Exile!".

    Proud pilot of the Imperium

    Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

    New Eden Ferengi
    #11 - 2015-01-09 09:38:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Dustpuppy
    Additional thoughts:

    I know you can find boosters in Jita, just like almost everything else, but while every other aspect in the game is getting updates/changes (exploration, PI, ships and weapons) the whole drug industry is unchanged for I don't know how many years. If you search for the booster guide pdf you will find a posting in the forum from 2011 which is still valid in every important detail.

    On the other side when reading reddit/eve you can find several people who loved the idea of becoming a new booster/drug lord in EVE (yeah, as said: "Breaking bad" has attracted them) but turned away due to the logistic problems. I am pretty sure if the requirements both on the production and the consumption side could be reduced just a little bit it would attract a lot of players.

    Thx for the feedback concerning the slots, I din't take them into account. When thinking about it a similar approach like for the other slots (1-5 focus on learning imps and 9-10 for enhancements) 5 slots for booster pills would be another great enhancement.

    Gas compression also was mentioned in another thread, might be an option as an improvement, just like with the ore compression already in place.

    No need for an additional harvesting ship, the venture already does a fantastic job and can withstand the gas explosions without any problems (ask me for a fitting in case you require one). I also wouldn't remove the npcs from the gas sites, don't make thisprofession this another exploration like "gold rush" game style almost everyone wants to do now.

    Didn't think so far about the skill books for neurotoxin control and their availability in LP stores but the price for the books should drop automatically if new flavors and the corresponding production sites would become available. Maybe a LP store in a drug cartel or other npc groups might be an option.

    Still thinking about the smuggling and I still prefer the container approach. A ship designed for smuggling makes no sense to me. Why should customs avoid to scan a ship which is a dedicated smuggling ship and has the big sign "drugs inside!" pinned to it?
    Maybe a dedicated customs scan jammer module (mid slot, like other ECM modules) would be another option. When installed and activated it blocks any customs controls or delays their reaction time for some seconds. BPO/BPC for it could drop in the production sites where the BPCs for the boosters already drop.
    Trii Seo
    Goonswarm Federation
    #12 - 2015-01-09 18:58:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Trii Seo
    I don't think there's need for 5 slots, really.
    Slot 1: Defensive booster
    Sig, Active tank (Armour/Shield), Cap (more of a general enhancement)
    Slot 2: Offensive
    Tracking, Falloff, Optimal, Explosion Radius
    Slot 3: ???
    Speed? Probing? ECM?

    Also, booster production should be "easier", going Heisenberg shouldn't be for everyone - and really, not everyone has to be a booster-ganger either. Boosters are one of those specialized things that help you gain an edge - with risk.

    They are unique in a few ways - the cost (and actually scaling nicely - with low entry barrier and high ceiling!), being one-use and having a potential of blowing up in your face, giving you an actual choice - "can I, in the present battle, afford to use Frentix to bump up the optimal on my lasers or will the potential armour HP reduction hurt me too much?".

    The main reason for the lack of popularity is not that they have penalties/high entry level requirements. Certain standards it's possible to take without the skills and get away with it. It's the risk-adversity of players that didn't use them yet - once they get a free sample and actually end up doing something awesome using it, they switch from the clean kid to the cocaine bear.

    Let's face it, in most games you stay away from the stuff that says "possible penalty to X" in fear that it will hamper you somehow.


    Welp, there was an image here and the censoring of word "Cocaine" broke the link.

    Proud pilot of the Imperium

    Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

    New Eden Ferengi
    #13 - 2015-03-24 11:40:31 UTC
    Older idea, still like it - so here is a small update for 1) new flavors:

    - Reduce Jump fatigue time(r) pill
    Details about the percentage/time (e.g. 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 10%, 20%) requires review but the idea would be to allow only one pill per day and if it fails the timer goes up by the same time/percentage.

    And a possible change in production:
    add a bio lab as module/possible enhancements to NPC stations and player owned outposts so no POS is required for refining the gas. Why should it possible to do something in a player owned station but not a player owned outpost?