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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.


First post
miguel Manjarrez
#1 - 2015-01-01 04:07:10 UTC
Dear EVE Players and Developers

With the up coming EVE update the EVE Community will gain new levels of gaming experience without question. But with that said one possible and promising aspect of EVE game play might have been over looked by the public. Though not popular or unknown to many of the EVE community. The Factory Work Teams have been given the pick slip. As a industry focus player. I have used Work Teams with many build projects if possible. It is an interesting aspect of EVE game play and has given the game it self in my opinion a face of the industrial side of EVE. Though at this moment many of the current Work Teams are available until their expiration date. The Idea of shorting or and improving build orders in EVE has made the game more interesting and has open the game to many new possible types of gameplay.

So I ask the EVE community to release The Work Teams to the Public. If possible that they could be Bought as for example as a passenger in the market or contracted in contracts from their current employers. That could be rented and transported though space as any market item to work at any station or crop. or faction. As if possible Work Teams could have special Skill Books that Focus on higher Work Team Skills in Player Work Projects Research or use the Player already used or learned skills that might be common to every industrialist that improve Work Team performance in ether Production or Research. Or for extra income Work Teams could be working for the players as a service for the EVE industrial market. If possible make it streamline and not making any addition to a players skill queue and make work teams with industrial invention or blueprints that improve Work Team skills which ever is the case.

If possible Work Teams as a wild card could if used in build Projects and Research with a add twist to the projects of ships equip etc. Unique to the Work team, Project, Player standing and many other factors which could add improvements against certain enemy ships or weapons and in research a higher level of tech or unknown out comes that might surprise inventors in Positive or Negative ways that might increase their use. Or for the extreme a Player Standing with a bought / rented Work Team that has a poor standing with the Player or corp. In which the Projects are now are at risk from sabotage. That might cause differences in time/cost or with small negative aspects during times of Combat with the sabotage Work team Corp or Allies. That might tip combat and or game play. Faction / Corp / Player Work Teams working in opposing faction space doing the same as an focus Team working to sabotage a specific type of enemy faction ship you might want to weaken against your warship / Corp / faction or other areas of interest which ever the reason Work Teams can operate in Eve.

If any or possible a future with Work Teams could ripple threw out the EVE Community and Game. Thank you for any replays neg or pos any feedback any interest that might get a conversation going about Work Teams. I would think if Work Teams have a future to stay in EVE is that at least a special item be made for the Mass firing of the EVE Work Teams made available so at least a few can remember.(Joke?Ugh) Even thought if what is written here the ideas for Work Teams noted or seen by any or none this was an attempt to save the man in the machine.

Thank you EVE Community
ISD Supogo
ISD Alliance
#2 - 2015-01-01 05:04:27 UTC
Thread has been moved to Features & Ideas Discussion.

ISD BH Supogo


Equipment Certification and Anomaly Investigations Division (ECAID)

Interstellar Services Department

Grand Admiral Simo-Hayha
Vigilante Carebears
#3 - 2015-01-01 08:22:04 UTC

However, with the recent dump that was taken on Industry, I doubt they will be getting around too it anytime soon.

Phenomenal Idea.
Komi Toran
Caldari State
#4 - 2015-01-01 09:52:04 UTC
miguel Manjarrez wrote:
If possible...

CCP could send us all unicorns and feed the world with their unending Skittle manure.

It's not like the market database and why it would preclude this "idea" has not been discussed to death already. It probably would have taken you less time to search for it and read up on it than to post.
miguel Manjarrez
#5 - 2015-01-01 10:49:21 UTC  |  Edited by: miguel Manjarrez
Thank you for your resent posts and opinions it shows that this topic has some potential to continue. Thought its been discuss in many industrial focus forums. A broad forum and continual exposer might gain a larger interest for this topic.