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Star Citizen can be inspiration for EVE

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2014-12-22 19:07:53 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
as long as it means we dont have to start instancing and limit the number of players in any one place then i dont really care how the transition between ship and avatar happens.

We should have 256-color .PCX sprites in 32x96 resolution so that there can be masses of players in one station without hurting anyone's GPU.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Mharius Skjem
Guardians of the Underworld
#42 - 2014-12-22 23:13:41 UTC
Ratchet Conway wrote:
I'm quite sure that this post about WiS has been around since Eve's release thanks to the Earth and Beyond players it grabbed up after sundown. (look it up, there's still a cult out there rallying EA to turn the servers back on and a few trying to buy it, others trying to make their own servers... Had 3M players at sundown/what was EA thinking)

Not new, been promised for a long time, but something must be holding them back-perhaps the ancient kernel.

To the guy that was chatting about the bug database, CCP is primarily based in Iceland, if they did create one -- most likely it would be in Iceland native language. Given this, I'm unsure it would fill your need even if implemented. Regardless, my experience with games that do this is that they tend to fold into the carebare legion rather than stay focused on their art and the vision. I've also joined a lot of betas... sometimes the players ruin a really great game.

I totally agree, if we see wis, then it's needs to be as harsh and ruthless as the space game to make it meaningful. It should also represent brand new game play. Thing is though it won't then have the mass appeal that CCP have been hankering over in recent years.

A recovering btter vet,  with a fresh toon and a determination to like everything that CCP does to Eve...

Don't take me too seriously though, I like to tease a bit on the forums, but that's only because I love you...

Net 7
#43 - 2014-12-22 23:23:46 UTC
I'll pipe in, TL;DR,

That was the one thing I liked about SC, the fact that games would be intergrated into one, its also something I think eve wants to do, just not in the same way.

I want the ability to play any of the New Eden games I want, if I want. I think they can be interigrated to give a varied experience, kinda like SC is going to try and do. For example:

New Eden has three games:

Eve Online
Eve: Valkyrie
Eve: Legion

E:O is the space opera, gameplay relatively the same.

E:V is te dog fighter, you can jump into a valk clone and fight and play around, shorter experience (like 20 min sesstions) could tie into legion and eve in various ways, like the Valk can be used to attack legionaries on planets or effect sov in eve, but in a way that not perm. But as an enhancement to the experience

E:L is the boots on the ground, session around an hour. They can be used to take over station and other such things. Eve can move there clones around, and valk can mess with them

All tied together with WiS, as the way to jump between experiences.

It could be cool, but still be uniqly eve, that you can pick and chose what you want to play, or don't want to play. and its not required to do all three. And can elimitate some.. mm boring aspects of what it looks like SC will be. Add in the fact of non sharded worlds and you have the makings for a ton of fun.

So yes, new eden as a whole can be epic. But I am not holding my breath

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#44 - 2014-12-23 00:42:59 UTC
I'll add this, after reading some of the replies i'll just randomly address a few things:

Mass appeal: this is a good thing. If EVE, or New Eden can find more of an audience, i.e. people try valk, like it and then try legion or eve, this means more money for CCP, which in turn means more resources available to make improvements. It also has he neat factor of giving us more people to shoot in the face.

Eve will never have mass appeal, we are the dark and scary game that hides in the alley waiting to kill you. Eve appeals to a certin type of person, the one who can write there own story without having to be told to ride these rides in this order to ride that giant mega fun ride! People can't seem to grasp what a sandbox is. That alone scares some away.

Having different experences for eve, or New Eden, can enhance or make your own experience better. If Dust and EVE had linked fully, we could be having totally different sov battles, we could be having more money flow between both games, we could be having wasy to claim outpost without firing a single shot in eve, thus making sov warfare a lot easier.

The possibilities of all the games linked are endless. Eve if its just so while I'm waititng for a fleet op, I can jump into a valk dog fight, kill a few guys and when the FC gives me a five min warning, log back into eve ready to go. Or imagine, your alliance is ready to attack alliance a. But you want to weaken them first, so you launch an atton on their planets, or the station. You have to send an eve scount in to drop the clone units, then your legionaries do there thing. If they win the planets then the defender will have a harder time defening in space, less timers, some sort of penalty. If you legionairs take the station, you own it without a single eve shot fired, making it much easier to take the system. There are tons of potential game play. There can also be plenty of non linked game play,so you can chose to play all three games, or 2 or one.

I do not want eve to be like star citzen. But this is one element where SC has a nifty idea. I doubt it will come out as CR thinks, or as people think. I doubt it will even come out. But one thing ccp has shown, is that they can link two games together, albeit with not much game play between them, but it is possible.

Besides, I think its time WiS got looked again, and I am very ready to give ccp more of my money.

Da, 11 years here and going strong.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

XS Tech
#45 - 2014-12-23 01:42:34 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
I'll add this, after reading some of the replies i'll just randomly address a few things:

Mass appeal: this is a good thing. If EVE, or New Eden can find more of an audience, i.e. people try valk, like it and then try legion or eve, this means more money for CCP, which in turn means more resources available to make improvements. It also has he neat factor of giving us more people to shoot in the face.

and more WoW-tards screaming for 100% safe hisec, more missions / on-rails gameplay, and everything else that makes the game "accessible to the masses". Remember that A LOT of what makes EVE unique is not even on the radar of other MMO type games that "the masses" are playing.

Yes, there are probably "some things" that CCP can take from those MMOs ... but overall, making EVE have more "mass appeal" would be a bad thing(tm).

Granted, the rest of your post also addresses that fact. I do agree that "more people to shoot in the face is a good thing", but it's a fine line -- too many changes to get something that "everyone" likes might water down the core game so much that the core playerbase (i.e. the diehard players who will ~always~ come back after a CCP SNAFU ... or who will never leave) leaves ... and EVE can't survive with the 90-second "ooh shiney" crowd.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Zan Shiro
#46 - 2014-12-23 02:18:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
DaReaper wrote:
I'll add this, after reading some of the replies i'll just randomly address a few things:

Mass appeal: this is a good thing. If EVE, or New Eden can find more of an audience, i.e. people try valk, like it and then try legion or eve, this means more money for CCP, which in turn means more resources available to make improvements. It also has he neat factor of giving us more people to shoot in the face.

Eve will never have mass appeal, we are the dark and scary game that hides in the alley waiting to kill you. Eve appeals to a certin type of person, the one who can write there own story without having to be told to ride these rides in this order to ride that giant mega fun ride! People can't seem to grasp what a sandbox is. That alone scares some away.

Having different experences for eve, or New Eden, can enhance or make your own experience better. If Dust and EVE had linked fully, we could be having totally different sov battles, we could be having more money flow between both games, we could be having wasy to claim outpost without firing a single shot in eve, thus making sov warfare a lot easier.

The possibilities of all the games linked are endless. Eve if its just so while I'm waititng for a fleet op, I can jump into a valk dog fight, kill a few guys and when the FC gives me a five min warning, log back into eve ready to go. Or imagine, your alliance is ready to attack alliance a. But you want to weaken them first, so you launch an atton on their planets, or the station. You have to send an eve scount in to drop the clone units, then your legionaries do there thing. If they win the planets then the defender will have a harder time defening in space, less timers, some sort of penalty. If you legionairs take the station, you own it without a single eve shot fired, making it much easier to take the system. There are tons of potential game play. There can also be plenty of non linked game play,so you can chose to play all three games, or 2 or one.

I do not want eve to be like star citzen. But this is one element where SC has a nifty idea. I doubt it will come out as CR thinks, or as people think. I doubt it will even come out. But one thing ccp has shown, is that they can link two games together, albeit with not much game play between them, but it is possible.

Besides, I think its time WiS got looked again, and I am very ready to give ccp more of my money.

Da, 11 years here and going strong.

This is how niche games work though. you see it as a scary aspect, well that's a recipe that sells. There were not so scary recipes that tried and it did not work. Star trek online among them.

External game tie ins are contentious. It breaks down one player class needing years to master their game (caps.mommy and titan and sov warfare) and another class of players who with a lot of free time and caffeine can bang out game unlocks and be uber in no time at all.

And my usual rant about disparity in the alliances. Goons and PL among some others are multigame entities for example. Some eve alliances are not, they exist in eve only and any outside game is just thrown together well what do you all play when you need a night off from eve. I am leery of this only because I don't want the clarion call for fps spammers on something awful bringing another aspect to goon swarm that would be hard as hell to counter. Their eve presence alone is enough to handle.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#47 - 2014-12-23 03:05:18 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
I'll add this, after reading some of the replies i'll just randomly address a few things:

Mass appeal: this is a good thing. If EVE, or New Eden can find more of an audience, i.e. people try valk, like it and then try legion or eve, this means more money for CCP, which in turn means more resources available to make improvements. It also has he neat factor of giving us more people to shoot in the face.

and more WoW-tards screaming for 100% safe hisec, more missions / on-rails gameplay, and everything else that makes the game "accessible to the masses". Remember that A LOT of what makes EVE unique is not even on the radar of other MMO type games that "the masses" are playing.

Yes, there are probably "some things" that CCP can take from those MMOs ... but overall, making EVE have more "mass appeal" would be a bad thing(tm).

Thats not a problem with adding more to the game that other players might be interested in. Thats the fault of CCP caving under pressure from players who dislike EVE's core gameplay.

You could add any amount of appealing features to the game and then just tell ppl to HTFU when it comes to basic eve values.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

XeX Znndstrup
#48 - 2014-12-23 10:08:02 UTC
You don't extend a game only to appeal mass gamers.
You do it to extend experience where community wants to discover more.

If you see planets and stations, of course, you would like it to be more than a picture.
Much more if you read Evelopedia where populations are often described on their planet.

Judge of The Law Organization and President of Stellar Order.

"Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light". John Milton, Lost Paradise.

@ /// f

colera deldios
#49 - 2014-12-23 10:51:04 UTC  |  Edited by: colera deldios
XeX Znndstrup wrote:
You don't extend a game only to appeal mass gamers.
You do it to extend experience where community wants to discover more.

If you see planets and stations, of course, you would like it to be more than a picture.
Much more if you read Evelopedia where populations are often described on their planet.

WiS was and still is a terrible idea. Should be the very last thing ever implemented when everything else has been done. There are so many things to fix, remove, add before WiS is even considered again. It's a cosmetic trash feature that makes no sense and belongs into Dust/Legion. Twitch based PVP won't work in EVE that's why you are getting it in Valkyrie.

If you wan't and easy cosmetic crappy game that most people will loose interest in 1-2 months than go play Elite Dangerous crap pay 60$ to play a game that's has ben rushed, half assed, terrible gameplay, no trial/demo, allways online DRM with a useless WiS.

Or if not that then go pay more money to Star Citizen scam. You will recieve a shiny turd game IF YOU will and IF it's ever completed. You will have everything in SC but it will really be nothing. If you enjoy cosmetics alone then EVE is not for you.
XeX Znndstrup
#50 - 2014-12-23 11:50:58 UTC  |  Edited by: XeX Znndstrup
colera deldios wrote:
XeX Znndstrup wrote:
You don't extend a game only to appeal mass gamers.
You do it to extend experience where community wants to discover more.

If you see planets and stations, of course, you would like it to be more than a picture.
Much more if you read Evelopedia where populations are often described on their planet.

WiS was and still is a terrible idea. Should be the very last thing every implemented when everything else has been done. There is so much things to fix, remove, add before WiS is even considered again. It's a cosmetic trash feature that makes no sense and belongs into Dust/Legion.
Twitch based PVP won't work in EVE that's why you are getting it in Valkyrie.

If you wan't and easy cosmetic crappy game that most people will loose interest in 1-2 months than go play Elite Dangerous crap pay 60$ to play a game that's has ben rushed, half assed, terrible gameplay, no trial/demo, allways online DRM with a useless WiS.

Or if not that then go pay more money to Star Citizen scam. You will recieve a shiny turd game IF YOU will and IF it's ever completed. You will have everything in SC but it will really be nothing. If you enjoy cosmetics alone then EVE is not for you.

I am not sure you understood what i wrote in fact.

If i remember, community was waiting for WiS. But so disappointed when it appeared so unrelevant.

It's not the best idea to speak always about extra functionalities which were not a success.
Let's try to speak about a functionality if it's a real success because well done.

And, last, please, it's little boring to make SC and Elite as references to play. For me, they are not.
I can live Eve alone, without thinking about games not to be compared because they are not the same.

Who will compare Eve to X-Universe for example ?
No one. They are games in Space. That's all.

SC seems to be a spaceshooter.
Elite is not a MMO.

Finally, i don't know about you, but i am waiting for more than fixing bugs in a game.
I want it to give me some "woop woop".
And CCP succeeded in this in game, in forums, in Evelopedia and in trailers.

A game only to fix is a bad game.
A game with no evolution is a game to die.
What would be Eve now if they didn't try to make planetary interactions ?
What would be Legion without a first step like Dust 514 ?

So let's accept some failures if we want the best after.
But, in any case, a failure will never justify that an extension wasn't a good idea at first.

Judge of The Law Organization and President of Stellar Order.

"Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light". John Milton, Lost Paradise.

@ /// f

XS Tech
#51 - 2014-12-23 12:02:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Velicitia
Daichi Yamato wrote:

You could add any amount of appealing features to the game and then just tell ppl to HTFU when it comes to basic eve values.

That would be awesome. Just think of all the carebear tears if CCP went back to HTFULol

edit -- fixing the link

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

colera deldios
#52 - 2014-12-23 12:35:12 UTC
XeX Znndstrup wrote:

I am not sure you understood what i wrote in fact.

If i remember, community was waiting for WiS. But so disappointed when it appeared so unrelevant.

It's not the best idea to speak always about extra functionalities which were not a success.
Let's try to speak about a functionality if it's a real success because well done.

And, last, please, it's little boring to make SC and Elite as references to play. For me, they are not.
I can live Eve alone, without thinking about games not to be compared because they are not the same.

Who will compare Eve to X-Universe for example ?
No one. They are games in Space. That's all.

SC seems to be a spaceshooter.
Elite is not a MMO.

Finally, i don't know about you, but i am waiting for more than fixing bugs in a game.
I want it to give me some "woop woop".
And CCP succeeded in this in game, in forums, in Evelopedia and in trailers.

A game only to fix is a bad game.
A game with no evolution is a game to die.
What would be Eve now if they didn't try to make planetary interactions ?
What would be Legion without a first step like Dust 514 ?

So let's accept some failures if we want the best after.
But, in any case, a failure will never justify that an extension wasn't a good idea at first.

No one wanted WiS safe for the select few people who go to FanFest and pretty much cheer on every shiny crap you show them. There were other problems with Incarna yes but WiS was a major one. We don't need WiS because it adds nothing to game play except simulating a character walking to a stupid room and interacting with NPCs instead of pressing a button.

There was anger because of the amount of work invested into WiS when people have been desparately calling for ship, equip and weapons rebalance, sov changes which have yet to come, super cap rebalance and a wast mayority of other things.

EvE need everything but WiS it adds no valuable component to eve but wasted visual effects whcih don't really matter because EVE is a game about spaceships a space-sim with other aspects of the game plugged into it.

SC is a scam as is Elite Dangerous. They are play and put away games that will never bring the level of satisfaction and sense of achivement as EVE does and they will never be able to match EVE on it's scale.

And no you are wrong on every account. Eve has been in state of constant evolving both due to players own initiatives and game changes. EvE does not need constant fixing but it does need constant rebalancing and that means less new content which is not a problem because EVE already has a metric **** ton of high quality content if you don't like that than move to World Of Shitcraft where you have **** quality content and every expansion is just adding more shiny **** content.

Or go play Star Trek Online that was sposoded to be a Spaceship Sim but they changed dev teams and focused on WiS part of the game and now they are broke with a horribly crappy game.

And what does PI have anything to do with WiS. They added PI as a valuable industry component they didn't add it to bring in more people it has purpose and value. Waling in station has no value having stupid bars and crap like that has no value and it's simply just wasted developer hours.

Legion has nothing to do with WiS and unlike WiS it has a lot of value to both CCP & Players a lot of EVE players also play BF or CoD or CS when there is nothing going on Legion may bring those people into fold so it has great value.

WiS was and still is a horrible idea with no value and no way you implement it will it be anything more than a cosmetic trash feature and a ton of wasted dev hours.
XeX Znndstrup
#53 - 2014-12-23 13:13:05 UTC
colera deldios wrote:
XeX Znndstrup wrote:

I am not sure you understood what i wrote in fact.

If i remember, community was waiting for WiS. But so disappointed when it appeared so unrelevant.

It's not the best idea to speak always about extra functionalities which were not a success.
Let's try to speak about a functionality if it's a real success because well done.

And, last, please, it's little boring to make SC and Elite as references to play. For me, they are not.
I can live Eve alone, without thinking about games not to be compared because they are not the same.

Who will compare Eve to X-Universe for example ?
No one. They are games in Space. That's all.

SC seems to be a spaceshooter.
Elite is not a MMO.

Finally, i don't know about you, but i am waiting for more than fixing bugs in a game.
I want it to give me some "woop woop".
And CCP succeeded in this in game, in forums, in Evelopedia and in trailers.

A game only to fix is a bad game.
A game with no evolution is a game to die.
What would be Eve now if they didn't try to make planetary interactions ?
What would be Legion without a first step like Dust 514 ?

So let's accept some failures if we want the best after.
But, in any case, a failure will never justify that an extension wasn't a good idea at first.

No one wanted WiS safe for the select few people who go to FanFest and pretty much cheer on every shiny crap you show them. There were other problems with Incarna yes but WiS was a major one. We don't need WiS because it adds nothing to game play except simulating a character walking to a stupid room and interacting with NPCs instead of pressing a button.

There was anger because of the amount of work invested into WiS when people have been desparately calling for ship, equip and weapons rebalance, sov changes which have yet to come, super cap rebalance and a wast mayority of other things.

EvE need everything but WiS it adds no valuable component to eve but wasted visual effects whcih don't really matter because EVE is a game about spaceships a space-sim with other aspects of the game plugged into it.

SC is a scam as is Elite Dangerous. They are play and put away games that will never bring the level of satisfaction and sense of achivement as EVE does and they will never be able to match EVE on it's scale.

And no you are wrong on every account. Eve has been in state of constant evolving both due to players own initiatives and game changes. EvE does not need constant fixing but it does need constant rebalancing and that means less new content which is not a problem because EVE already has a metric **** ton of high quality content if you don't like that than move to World Of Shitcraft where you have **** quality content and every expansion is just adding more shiny **** content.

Or go play Star Trek Online that was sposoded to be a Spaceship Sim but they changed dev teams and focused on WiS part of the game and now they are broke with a horribly crappy game.

And what does PI have anything to do with WiS. They added PI as a valuable industry component they didn't add it to bring in more people it has purpose and value. Waling in station has no value having stupid bars and crap like that has no value and it's simply just wasted developer hours.

Legion has nothing to do with WiS and unlike WiS it has a lot of value to both CCP & Players a lot of EVE players also play BF or CoD or CS when there is nothing going on Legion may bring those people into fold so it has great value.

WiS was and still is a horrible idea with no value and no way you implement it will it be anything more than a cosmetic trash feature and a ton of wasted dev hours.

WiS traumatized you too much.
Feel free to imagine it should be more than what you describe.

For ST, i even never wanted to test it. How did you feel in this game ?

BF, CS, COD... hum... why speaking about this ?
And i agree : nothing to compare between WiS and PI. Why do you make a link ?

And please, when i will need some advices where to play, i will ask.
That's funny, and for the first time, i see in this answer something we could find in some World of Warcraft gamers : youth and disrespect.

Let's stop here.
Some others are reading this interesting thread.

Thank you.

Judge of The Law Organization and President of Stellar Order.

"Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light". John Milton, Lost Paradise.

@ /// f

Stargate Perimeter
#54 - 2014-12-23 13:22:21 UTC
Arya Regnar wrote:
[quote=Omnathious Deninard]If you want to compare it to something try Elite: Dangerous.Well at least if you want to be taken seriously...

The thing I really like about elite is how it doesn't have highsec or any ridiculous penalties for ganking. Don't have to take into consideration omnipotent god-police with system wide warp scrams who one-volley your ship regardless of what you're packing.

While generally I think Eve does things better, Elite certainly has a number of aspects CCP could learn from.
colera deldios
#55 - 2014-12-23 13:34:05 UTC
XeX Znndstrup wrote:
colera deldios wrote:
XeX Znndstrup wrote:

I am not sure you understood what i wrote in fact.

If i remember, community was waiting for WiS. But so disappointed when it appeared so unrelevant.

It's not the best idea to speak always about extra functionalities which were not a success.
Let's try to speak about a functionality if it's a real success because well done.

And, last, please, it's little boring to make SC and Elite as references to play. For me, they are not.
I can live Eve alone, without thinking about games not to be compared because they are not the same.

Who will compare Eve to X-Universe for example ?
No one. They are games in Space. That's all.

SC seems to be a spaceshooter.
Elite is not a MMO.

Finally, i don't know about you, but i am waiting for more than fixing bugs in a game.
I want it to give me some "woop woop".
And CCP succeeded in this in game, in forums, in Evelopedia and in trailers.

A game only to fix is a bad game.
A game with no evolution is a game to die.
What would be Eve now if they didn't try to make planetary interactions ?
What would be Legion without a first step like Dust 514 ?

So let's accept some failures if we want the best after.
But, in any case, a failure will never justify that an extension wasn't a good idea at first.

No one wanted WiS safe for the select few people who go to FanFest and pretty much cheer on every shiny crap you show them. There were other problems with Incarna yes but WiS was a major one. We don't need WiS because it adds nothing to game play except simulating a character walking to a stupid room and interacting with NPCs instead of pressing a button.

There was anger because of the amount of work invested into WiS when people have been desparately calling for ship, equip and weapons rebalance, sov changes which have yet to come, super cap rebalance and a wast mayority of other things.

EvE need everything but WiS it adds no valuable component to eve but wasted visual effects whcih don't really matter because EVE is a game about spaceships a space-sim with other aspects of the game plugged into it.

SC is a scam as is Elite Dangerous. They are play and put away games that will never bring the level of satisfaction and sense of achivement as EVE does and they will never be able to match EVE on it's scale.

And no you are wrong on every account. Eve has been in state of constant evolving both due to players own initiatives and game changes. EvE does not need constant fixing but it does need constant rebalancing and that means less new content which is not a problem because EVE already has a metric **** ton of high quality content if you don't like that than move to World Of Shitcraft where you have **** quality content and every expansion is just adding more shiny **** content.

Or go play Star Trek Online that was sposoded to be a Spaceship Sim but they changed dev teams and focused on WiS part of the game and now they are broke with a horribly crappy game.

And what does PI have anything to do with WiS. They added PI as a valuable industry component they didn't add it to bring in more people it has purpose and value. Waling in station has no value having stupid bars and crap like that has no value and it's simply just wasted developer hours.

Legion has nothing to do with WiS and unlike WiS it has a lot of value to both CCP & Players a lot of EVE players also play BF or CoD or CS when there is nothing going on Legion may bring those people into fold so it has great value.

WiS was and still is a horrible idea with no value and no way you implement it will it be anything more than a cosmetic trash feature and a ton of wasted dev hours.

WiS traumatized you too much.
Feel free to imagine it should be more than what you describe.

For ST, i even never wanted to test it. How did you feel in this game ?

BF, CS, COD... hum... why speaking about this ?
And i agree : nothing to compare between WiS and PI. Why do you make a link ?

And please, when i will need some advices where to play, i will ask.
That's funny, and for the first time, i see in this answer something we could find in some World of Warcraft gamers : youth and disrespect.

Let's stop here.
Some others are reading this interesting thread.

Thank you.

You made the link lol. You mentioned PI. It's like you are stupid on a whole new level.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#56 - 2014-12-23 14:19:37 UTC
colera deldios wrote:
No one wanted WiS safe for the select few people who go to FanFest and pretty much cheer on every shiny crap you show them. There were other problems with Incarna yes but WiS was a major one. We don't need WiS because it adds nothing to game play except simulating a character walking to a stupid room and interacting with NPCs instead of pressing a button.

There was anger because of the amount of work invested into WiS when people have been desparately calling for ship, equip and weapons rebalance, sov changes which have yet to come, super cap rebalance and a wast mayority of other things.


This is not true.
You can certainly have the opinion that it is unwanted, but I sincerely doubt you have polled the playerbase to confirm your claim that only a few actually wanted it.

CCP had already confirmed interest from enough of us to go so far as to make the CQ the default log in aspect.
That was one heck of a leap, and it might have worked IF other factors had not been what they were.

We have no cause to doubt they were right about it being wanted, before this botched release, and I feel they screwed it up in two major ways:

1. They should NEVER try to force anything onto the players, and dumping us into the CQ at log-in felt VERY forced.
2. The whole monocle gate affair landing at the same time, made an unexpected negative backlash that tainted everything CCP did at the same period.

Playing a sandbox, and liking it, means you really can't speak for anyone else when you say players don't want something.
The sandbox concept is mutually exclusive to the idea that certain play interests are unwanted.

The sandbox wants every type it can get.
Net 7
#57 - 2014-12-23 17:08:54 UTC
colera deldios wrote:
XeX Znndstrup wrote:

I am not sure you understood what i wrote in fact.

If i remember, community was waiting for WiS. But so disappointed when it appeared so unrelevant.

It's not the best idea to speak always about extra functionalities which were not a success.
Let's try to speak about a functionality if it's a real success because well done.

And, last, please, it's little boring to make SC and Elite as references to play. For me, they are not.
I can live Eve alone, without thinking about games not to be compared because they are not the same.

Who will compare Eve to X-Universe for example ?
No one. They are games in Space. That's all.

SC seems to be a spaceshooter.
Elite is not a MMO.

Finally, i don't know about you, but i am waiting for more than fixing bugs in a game.
I want it to give me some "woop woop".
And CCP succeeded in this in game, in forums, in Evelopedia and in trailers.

A game only to fix is a bad game.
A game with no evolution is a game to die.
What would be Eve now if they didn't try to make planetary interactions ?
What would be Legion without a first step like Dust 514 ?

So let's accept some failures if we want the best after.
But, in any case, a failure will never justify that an extension wasn't a good idea at first.

No one wanted WiS safe for the select few people who go to FanFest and pretty much cheer on every shiny crap you show them. There were other problems with Incarna yes but WiS was a major one. We don't need WiS because it adds nothing to game play except simulating a character walking to a stupid room and interacting with NPCs instead of pressing a button.

There was anger because of the amount of work invested into WiS when people have been desparately calling for ship, equip and weapons rebalance, sov changes which have yet to come, super cap rebalance and a wast mayority of other things.

EvE need everything but WiS it adds no valuable component to eve but wasted visual effects whcih don't really matter because EVE is a game about spaceships a space-sim with other aspects of the game plugged into it.

SC is a scam as is Elite Dangerous. They are play and put away games that will never bring the level of satisfaction and sense of achivement as EVE does and they will never be able to match EVE on it's scale.

And no you are wrong on every account. Eve has been in state of constant evolving both due to players own initiatives and game changes. EvE does not need constant fixing but it does need constant rebalancing and that means less new content which is not a problem because EVE already has a metric **** ton of high quality content if you don't like that than move to World Of Shitcraft where you have **** quality content and every expansion is just adding more shiny **** content.

Or go play Star Trek Online that was sposoded to be a Spaceship Sim but they changed dev teams and focused on WiS part of the game and now they are broke with a horribly crappy game.

And what does PI have anything to do with WiS. They added PI as a valuable industry component they didn't add it to bring in more people it has purpose and value. Waling in station has no value having stupid bars and crap like that has no value and it's simply just wasted developer hours.

Legion has nothing to do with WiS and unlike WiS it has a lot of value to both CCP & Players a lot of EVE players also play BF or CoD or CS when there is nothing going on Legion may bring those people into fold so it has great value.

WiS was and still is a horrible idea with no value and no way you implement it will it be anything more than a cosmetic trash feature and a ton of wasted dev hours.

I'm not sure what you were playing at the time, and I have not checked your profile to see if you were actually playing eve when wis was first mentioned, but a lot, and I mean A LOT of people wanted it. And the Ambulation Project that CCP showed at fan fest 2007 had so much potential, I saw thread after thread of people who could not WAIT for it. The design, what we could do, it had people wanting it. Then CCP added the kicker "We will do some microtranactions here, all of which will be voluntary and cosmetic only, we will add new game play eliments exculsive to the Ambulation experience. You will be able to design your own clothes, own yoru own shops, imagine setting up a bar in jita that all the trades come and chill at. We can do so many things with this game play, you can even make yourself fat, like if you don't exercise your char can gain weight! The things we co do will be amazing. But like everything, this will be optional play, we will nto force anyone to usei it, it will just enhance your current play style. Imagine having a corp meeting where you can see 3d maps all at the same time and plan your battles, imagine coordinating troop movements (the very first hint that dust was in planning) we can have charitors recognize others and salute CEO's and alliance heads, we can do all sorts of things. Yes there will be micro transactions, that's the way the industry is going, but they are all cosmtic, and I say this again, Ambulation will be optional, you never have to leave your ship if you don't wish."

That was the pitch, the promise. You can play space Barbie, own things, make things, if you felt like it. Sometime after 07 that changed, and was scrapped. People WANT Ambulation, we did not want what Incarina gave us. Learn your eve history

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#58 - 2014-12-23 17:19:10 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
I'll add this, after reading some of the replies i'll just randomly address a few things:

Mass appeal: this is a good thing. If EVE, or New Eden can find more of an audience, i.e. people try valk, like it and then try legion or eve, this means more money for CCP, which in turn means more resources available to make improvements. It also has he neat factor of giving us more people to shoot in the face.

and more WoW-tards screaming for 100% safe hisec, more missions / on-rails gameplay, and everything else that makes the game "accessible to the masses". Remember that A LOT of what makes EVE unique is not even on the radar of other MMO type games that "the masses" are playing.

Yes, there are probably "some things" that CCP can take from those MMOs ... but overall, making EVE have more "mass appeal" would be a bad thing(tm).

Granted, the rest of your post also addresses that fact. I do agree that "more people to shoot in the face is a good thing", but it's a fine line -- too many changes to get something that "everyone" likes might water down the core game so much that the core playerbase (i.e. the diehard players who will ~always~ come back after a CCP SNAFU ... or who will never leave) leaves ... and EVE can't survive with the 90-second "ooh shiney" crowd.

I think you misunderstood.

There are ways that eve can appeal to a grander audience without losing its core. And Appeal just means someone will try it. It still takes a special person to get it. I for one am happy that eve is trying to appeal, for all we know, someone who heard eve was this 'evil place and was so hard to learn' could see something that makes them give a try anyway, and because of some changes to the NPE and some entry level content to run, could then decide that they want to try there hands at something else. This noobie could become the next CYVOK, Sir Molle, Mittiens, ETC. You just don't know. I want ccp to make changes to bring in new players, allow the 'shallow end' on eve to look fun and exciting. Then we, the players, lure them to the deep end where the sharks are with our stories, not ccp's, ours. EVE needs a storyline and progresstion to get that type of player interested, then we are the rich deeper meaning of eve. WE are what keeps people here. Causuals who don't join corps bail. The reason? Because WE the players, are what make eve awesome. Without us there is no story. There is no game. There is no excitement. But we have to keep fresh blood flowing into eve. Hoenstly, legion and valk will imo be a good thing for eve in the long run. But time will tell

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#59 - 2014-12-23 17:50:27 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
colera deldios wrote:
No one wanted WiS safe for the select few people who go to FanFest and pretty much cheer on every shiny crap you show them. There were other problems with Incarna yes but WiS was a major one. We don't need WiS because it adds nothing to game play except simulating a character walking to a stupid room and interacting with NPCs instead of pressing a button.

There was anger because of the amount of work invested into WiS when people have been desparately calling for ship, equip and weapons rebalance, sov changes which have yet to come, super cap rebalance and a wast mayority of other things.


This is not true.
You can certainly have the opinion that it is unwanted, but I sincerely doubt you have polled the playerbase to confirm your claim that only a few actually wanted it.

CCP had already confirmed interest from enough of us to go so far as to make the CQ the default log in aspect.
That was one heck of a leap, and it might have worked IF other factors had not been what they were.

We have no cause to doubt they were right about it being wanted, before this botched release, and I feel they screwed it up in two major ways:

1. They should NEVER try to force anything onto the players, and dumping us into the CQ at log-in felt VERY forced.
2. The whole monocle gate affair landing at the same time, made an unexpected negative backlash that tainted everything CCP did at the same period.

Playing a sandbox, and liking it, means you really can't speak for anyone else when you say players don't want something.
The sandbox concept is mutually exclusive to the idea that certain play interests are unwanted.

The sandbox wants every type it can get.

This. The summer of rage was a mix of three things happening at once. If any of the three had been alone, the players would of complained, but shrugged it off. All three combined, was like starting a fire in a fireworks factory. It was going to explode. And it did. And CCP saw what an awakened angry player base looks like, and it scared them. Its time to not be scared anymore, to try new things, to fix broken things, but always be cautious and always remember. We are your customers, and WE pay the bills. Don;t **** us off. And if you are not being stupid, and greedy, you won't **** us off.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

colera deldios
#60 - 2014-12-23 18:11:40 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
colera deldios wrote:
No one wanted WiS safe for the select few people who go to FanFest and pretty much cheer on every shiny crap you show them. There were other problems with Incarna yes but WiS was a major one. We don't need WiS because it adds nothing to game play except simulating a character walking to a stupid room and interacting with NPCs instead of pressing a button.

There was anger because of the amount of work invested into WiS when people have been desparately calling for ship, equip and weapons rebalance, sov changes which have yet to come, super cap rebalance and a wast mayority of other things.


This is not true.
You can certainly have the opinion that it is unwanted, but I sincerely doubt you have polled the playerbase to confirm your claim that only a few actually wanted it.

CCP had already confirmed interest from enough of us to go so far as to make the CQ the default log in aspect.
That was one heck of a leap, and it might have worked IF other factors had not been what they were.

We have no cause to doubt they were right about it being wanted, before this botched release, and I feel they screwed it up in two major ways:

1. They should NEVER try to force anything onto the players, and dumping us into the CQ at log-in felt VERY forced.
2. The whole monocle gate affair landing at the same time, made an unexpected negative backlash that tainted everything CCP did at the same period.

Playing a sandbox, and liking it, means you really can't speak for anyone else when you say players don't want something.
The sandbox concept is mutually exclusive to the idea that certain play interests are unwanted.

The sandbox wants every type it can get.

This. The summer of rage was a mix of three things happening at once. If any of the three had been alone, the players would of complained, but shrugged it off. All three combined, was like starting a fire in a fireworks factory. It was going to explode. And it did. And CCP saw what an awakened angry player base looks like, and it scared them. Its time to not be scared anymore, to try new things, to fix broken things, but always be cautious and always remember. We are your customers, and WE pay the bills. Don;t **** us off. And if you are not being stupid, and greedy, you won't **** us off.

No it was pretty much only WiS, players have been asking CCP to fix the standing issues for 2 years and then it all boiled up when Incarna came out and it showed how much time was wasted on developing this useless cosmetic feature. The monocle and the greed is good report trying to bring microtransactions into EVE was just the sprinkle on the top.

Noone cared about monocle being 1b because 99% knew they will never buy this trash at those prices. They were outraged that CCP ignored all the urgent requests and went with WiS and the key feature of the expansion. That's why you saw such a massive and rapid deployment of bug fixes and udpates since.

The smeared **** on top of everything was EVE financing DUST and DUST endign up being PS only. In any case if you want this trash experience go play SC & Elite while the rest of us will hope that for god sake CCP does not take any inspiration from two games that so far have been nothing but scams.