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Mercenary contract system that is cheating free

Taxisk Unlimited
#1 - 2014-12-23 10:45:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Mikhem
Lots of people have made wish for mercenary contracts. No one has idea how make them functional. Problem is that mercenary contract target can claim his own mercenary contract with alt character.

Mercenary contract:
- Mercenary contract needs to have capsuleer / corporation / alliance who can claim contract.
- Mercenary contract is claimed when target is killed and kill mail contains one capsuleer name who can claim mercenary contract (member of corporation / alliance).
- Corporation contract money goes to corporation wallet(!) if member of corporation manages to kill mercenary contract target.
- Alliance contract money goes to alliance wallet(!) if member of alliance manages to kill mercenary contract target.
- All capsuleers can always view their own / corporation / alliance mercenary contracts. Mercenary contracts don't need to be accepted. Mercenary contracts are not visible to people who cannot claim them.
- Mercenary contracts could have fairly long time before they go old.
- Mercenary contract do not interfere with bounty system payments.
- One kill can claim several mercenary contracts.
- Completed mercenary contracts always show kill mail that completed them. This allows corporation / alliance leader to reward capsuleer who completed mercenary contract.

Comments are welcome for my idea.

As you noticed I tried to prevent cheating with this system so corporation contract money goes corporation wallet and alliance contract money goes alliance wallet. Statistical probability that you have assigned personal mercenary contract to targets alt is very minimal.


Here is addition to this idea:
- Personal mercenary contracts could have several capsuleers who can claim contract money. If more than one capsuleer is present in kill mail then contract money is divided between capsuleers.


Link library to EVE music songs.

Mharius Skjem
Guardians of the Underworld
#2 - 2014-12-23 10:56:13 UTC
All of this could easily be solved with the introduction of the mercenary marketplace that we were promised a few years ago.

A recovering btter vet,  with a fresh toon and a determination to like everything that CCP does to Eve...

Don't take me too seriously though, I like to tease a bit on the forums, but that's only because I love you...

Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2014-12-23 10:58:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
I think you are getting mixed up.

The bounty system is not abused by player alts claiming their own bounties, pointless because the payout is less than the cost of the loss (after insurance).

It is the Killrights system that is so abused. Whereby a public killright can be removed by an alt just killing a noob ship. Admittedly they might have to pay to activate the killright, but that cost is often trivial or free.

So are you suggesting a mercenary contract system whereby the contract grants you Concord immunity in high sec? In short a wardec on an individual character. That would be so totally abused.
Taxisk Unlimited
#4 - 2014-12-23 11:34:18 UTC
Major Trant wrote:
I think you are getting mixed up.

The bounty system is not abused by player alts claiming their own bounties, pointless because the payout is less than the cost of the loss (after insurance).

It is the Killrights system that is so abused. Whereby a public killright can be removed by an alt just killing a noob ship. Admittedly they might have to pay to activate the killright, but that cost is often trivial or free.

So are you suggesting a mercenary contract system whereby the contract grants you Concord immunity in high sec? In short a wardec on an individual character. That would be so totally abused.

Bounty system works well I think. This mercenary contract would just be addition to bounty system.

This mercenary contract would not effect concord immunity in any way. Same as with bounty. It does not give right to kill anyone in high sec.


Link library to EVE music songs.

Taxisk Unlimited
#5 - 2014-12-23 11:37:33 UTC
Here is addition to this idea:
- Personal mercenary contracts could have several capsuleers who can claim contract money. If more than one capsuleer is present in kill mail then contract money is divided between capsuleers.

I edited this text to original post too.


Link library to EVE music songs.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#6 - 2014-12-23 11:41:02 UTC
I'm pretty sure this is a system that has come up on the forums before but it was more understandably referred to as bounty contracts.

also their is no such thing as an alliance wallet....

and all they rely need to do is integrate it similar to current contracts where you can issue to individuals corps or if you want leave it open to the public
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2014-12-23 11:42:06 UTC
Merc contracts are already a thing and have been foe over a decade.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2014-12-23 14:07:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
The current bounty system is as it is, because if you set up a reward system that pays without regard to the value of the loss to the victim, it is going to be gamed.

For example a contract for 100M is issued to kill Player A. Corporation B takes the contract, talks to Player A and arranges for Player A to meet them in a noob ship. Win-Win for both, Player A gets rid of the contract for no real loss, Corporation B pockets 100M. Corporation B, doesn't have to carry out any Intel on the victim or camp anything. The two parties don't have to have known each other in advance for this to happen, or be an alt of one another.

So to avoid such gaming you have to balance the reward given, to the level of pain caused to Player A. Ultimately, if you go down this path you will end up at the current bounty system.

Alternatively, you can hire a mercenary corp, pay them a retainer to cover their wardec/suicide gank costs and agree a bonus system for kills achieved, analysis the kills and make the bonus payment only if you are convinced things haven't been gamed. That already exists, but can still be gamed or swindled by either party.

It seems you want some automated way to do this. Requiring no effort on anyone's part, just fill out an order form. Doesn't require the parties to know or trust each other. No need for anyone to analysis killmails, just a fixed calculated criteria that isn't open to dispute and is totally safe from gaming or scamming. Well you have got that already. It's called the bounty system, we have gone full circle.

Your suggestion lacks depth, basically is a round about way of asking for bigger rewards to make the profession more attractive. While at the same time making it easy for anyone new to the profession to get into it, without having to build a reputation first. It seems to suggest that the problem of paying an inflated reward that is out of proportion to the loss for the victim, will be solved just by being able to assign a contract to a specific corporation - who presumably will simply advertise themselves as 'Bounty Hunters'. That assumption is wrong, if there is a way to game a system, make Isk for the most minimal effort, EvE players will find and exploit it.
Taxisk Unlimited
#9 - 2014-12-25 10:36:29 UTC
- This system would force people to use their main character more and give them reason to undock. Some people have main character that never undocks. Main character is mainly used for trolling and holding large bounty.
- You could see your dream fighting partners to fight each other. You cannot claim contract money with alt. Contract says directly what capsuleers can claim contract money and their name needs to be on kill mail. If you don't undock you cannot claim contract money then.
Here is example:
"This Capsuleer A is a dirtbag and this capsuleer B is a scumbag. I make them fight each other with mercenary contract system HAHAHAA (evil laughter)."
- Those who can claim contract money can make deal with contract target and cheat ISK that way but that means contract claimer gets less ISK for himself. Contract claimer makes basically bad deal for himself. Both capsuleers still need to undock to make kill mail that claims contract money. EVE always have small cheating window open and it is part of EVE experience.


Link library to EVE music songs.

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#10 - 2014-12-25 13:40:14 UTC
So what happens when A and B have a chat, and gank one another in rifters to claim the money? Is your system in any way tied to the value of the ships involved, or is it a straight up 'I will pay you, and only you, $money to kill The Mittani'?

Why do you think this will make anyone undock?
Bob Maths
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-12-25 13:46:42 UTC
This can be done via verbal contracting i.e give me the killmail indicating a significant loss to the individual and I will pay you with lots of ISK. It's only on yourself not to get conned.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#12 - 2014-12-25 13:57:07 UTC
"CCP, help make it so people can't scam me, because I'm too dumb to do that myself."

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#13 - 2014-12-25 14:11:47 UTC
Not supported, removing sandbox only worsens eve.
As it is now merceneries have a reputation to uphold to get future contracts.

It works very well. You just have to hire those that are legit.

If you get scammed you didn't do your research and you deserve it.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.