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Tired Of Serious Corps? New Eden Renegades - Small Gang PvP BARBARIANS

First post
Space Men
#41 - 2014-12-17 02:43:03 UTC
Tbh I wasn't even there.

I would have rekt all these nerds, bad corp.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#42 - 2014-12-17 09:10:14 UTC
M8 are you dissin' me thunder?

Cyber Ten
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2014-12-18 00:50:01 UTC
Cyber Ten
Amarr Empire
#44 - 2014-12-19 01:18:02 UTC
Going Critical
#45 - 2014-12-19 06:15:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Traiori
Was fool enough to take out a fleet tonight. No one has links, but that isn't a barricade to PRO PVP.

There's a few heavy armor ships floating around a POS, but they prove unwilling to let us haze any light tackle they have. Feeling somewhat cheated, we jump over into the next system and see around twenty capitals on dscan. None of our business, and we watch as a POCO is reinforced. There's a cyno frigate on a wormhole that we investigate, just missing an orca. The cyno pilot sates our bloodlust with his pod. A corpse for my collection!

We find a cap fight on a gate and promptly get on as many kills as we can. A few pieces of light tackle take offence, so we engage anything that engages our flashy ships but somehow fail to kill anything but an atron. Forced off by sniping nagas, we destroy all the wrecks to deny looters before moving on.

We don't have much luck finding anything in the normal pipe (thank you capital fights), but a detour to Vard results in a skirmish with The Black Sails. They mention in local that they've always wanted to die to A Band Apart. because Rixx is apparently spacefamous (who knew?) and I see a chance to make NEW FRIENDS. A brief convo later and I now have a fleet that's twice the size (and still no links).

We clash a few more times with other parties with our supersize(TM) fleet, including killing a Navitas that permajams me throughout the entire fight despite having only one multispectral jammer. A fed navy comet doesn't pay enough attention to our new friends and their scrams, and a tristan hits approach instead of orbit.

As we finish up, someone finds a Vexor farming the fwar plexes. "Not today" he says in local as he warps away, our points failing to cycle. We reply "yes today" when he discovers frigates warp faster than cruisers. He doesn't comment as he warps his pod out.

Warping between systems, someone screams that there's a Vexor that they have tackled. Realising that we have nearly 100AU and a gatejump to make before we land on grid, I order them to continue not dying and turn the fleet around. It's actually a Vexor Navy Issue. I'm certainly not going to object, and it ends well, even if most of his friends escaped. I curse the lack of links once more as the everything came within linked-scram range of us during the initial stages of the fight.

The discovery of some ships in a dusty corp office lets us reship quickly... only to find an opportunity to welp gloriously. Once again, the single multispectral ECM jammer of the Navitas manages to permajam me throughout the fight. but we pickup a few kills and ensure our efficiency is amazing. Plz nerf Navitas. Jams too stronk.

I welp the remaining four-year-old-catalysts by finding bait dominix in Auner, which finally convinces me that I'm either too drunk or too tired to continue any further and we dock up after inviting all of our new friends to the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" for more shiptoasting, terrible chat and roaming opportunities.
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#46 - 2014-12-19 07:06:52 UTC
Removed some off topic posts.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Cyber Ten
Amarr Empire
#47 - 2014-12-19 12:41:37 UTC
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#48 - 2014-12-19 12:53:17 UTC
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode wrote:
Removed some off topic posts.

quality posting.

ty for bump!
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#49 - 2014-12-19 15:22:36 UTC
Please follow the Recruitment center rules to the letter.


* Bumping is allowed by any member of the corporation that is recruiting, however corporation members who are bumping must have their corporation affiliation clearly displayed under their forum avatar.
* It is the responsibility of the corporation recruiting to ensure that they do not bump excessively. If this rule is abused, the recruitment thread will be closed permanently.
* Bumping is only permitted once per day.

Thread locked for 48 hours to compensate.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Cyber Ten
Amarr Empire
#50 - 2014-12-21 18:45:06 UTC
It’s winter time, dark and cold nights are upon us and it is the time of year people look to spend with their families and friends. To bask in the warmth of the love those closest to you, give presents and eat way more food then is good for a person. New Eden Renegades decided to celibrate this time of year as well, by blowing **** the **** up. Over the course fo two days me and Lex hauled in over 2.5 bil worth of prizes and fitted 800 t1 frigates with meta 0 mods. Over the course of the next five hours all the prizes would be given away and all the t1 frigs would meet their end. This is the story of how on a fateful Friday evening 25 people with 800 frigates, created the biggest red blot on the EVE map.

At eight o’clock sharp the fateful fleet was formed, everyone was handed frigates and 25 honorable warriors lined up for an evening of shooting each other and anyone who tried to stop our fun. The first event was simple and meant to get everyone into a mood to kill, Free For All. We all clustered into a safe en set at it. The countdown was given and as the organizer of the event I was immediately webbed, scrammed and murdered before I even got to cycle my t1 repper. With me down the rest of the fighting started in earnest and frigates started dying left, right and centre, until only three remained: Cjunkies, Carez Vali and Rixx Javix (who for the life of me I can’t figure out how he survived that long.) Carez and RIxx are locked in honorable combat while Cj fags around at range waiting to pounce. Rixx dies first at which point Cj faggots in to kill of the surviving Carez, leaving only Cj standing as the victor. We all quickly dock up and the prizes are awarded: Rixx got 1000 warp core stabilizers, Carez a dramiel and Cj 300 civilian afterburners.

With all our combatants now hungry for blood we set up for the next event: Battleship Ball. The game is simple, I will be flying a battleship setup to kill frigates, with no neuts or active tank. With no way to repair myself or hinder the other combatans in any way besides just staright up murdering them I am bound to die. Whoever gets top damage and the final blow on my killmail wil win a prize. There is however one catch, while I try killing all the frigs and they try to kill me, there is no reason the frigs might not want to cull the competition as well. Reschipping was allowed and encouraged fir this events. Die and just get a new meta 0 fit frig and come back for more, all until the battleship dies. To further make it interesting no one was allowed outside of a 20k range of the battleship, so there was no escaping the carnage. My battleship of choice: a bufferfit Dominix armed to the teeth with lasers, light drones and more importantly Gecko’s. 200k of effective hitpoints and 619 applied dps to a webbed frig, **** just got real. Allowed to reship everyone went at it and frigates starting killing each other as well as the battleship, while anything that caught the ire of the dominix lasted less than two seconds. It takes the Dominix a full seven minutes to finally fall and the wonderous Great Larin gets both top damage as well as the killing blow. Twenty seven frigates gave their glorious lives for the battleship to fall and Great Larin earned himself a cynabal as the prize.

All the dead quickly reship and even more frigates are handed out. Onto the next event! This was a simple thing called The Hunt. A frigate crew hunt a single Coercer across the system, catch and kill him for prizes. With only a few seconds head start the Coercer sharged off to a random planet with the frigates in hot pursuit. A short hunt and a few frigate deaths later, the Coercer was caught and killed. We reshipped and went again. This time with two Coercers as Cjunkies joined me on our merry escape, this time we lasted longer and more frigates died but again we were eventually caught and killed. More prizes were awarded and we reshipped for the next event.

Now it was time to prove our superiority and turn brother on brother as we split up in two teams for a t1 frig team fight that would ring out through local. The setup was NER vs Alliance and randoms that showed up. I would be leading our glorious 10 man frig armada, while Mixu lead the dirty 15 man random flotilla. We both warped our respective fleet to the sun at a random angle and the countdown in local began. Both fleets postured a bit at around 20k from each other, before the enemy fleet seemed to split up a bit. In what we presumed to be confusion on our opposing fleets comms, we charged in with all our might. Primaries were called on both sides as frigate was traded for frigate and our outnumbered fleet became ever more besieged. In the end we were wiped out, our ten man armada, not enough to stand against the 15 man flotilla. In the end we killed 11 enemy frigs for 10 losses, our entire fleet. Still we killed more than we lost, moral victory was proclaimed ours and Mixu was awarded a Territorial Claim Unit so he could go take Sov somewhere as the superior fleet master.
Cyber Ten
Amarr Empire
#51 - 2014-12-21 18:45:53 UTC
After a reasonable serious event (hey it required some form of thinking) it was time for something more hilarious. Something as old as New Eden Renegades itself is: Newbship Roulette. Though the game has changed a bit to keep up to date ith the current aggression mechanics the random nature of it has not changed. Everyone reshipped into noobships fitted with civilian afterburners, which Cj graciously supplied, and headed off to a safe. Once there everyone shot a pod at range to get Concord aggression and the game was on. Fleetwarping to the highsec gate we all jumped on contact and were greeted with alarms stating that Concord would not tolerate our presence here. Exactly as planned we proceeded to Decloak and burned as far off the gate as we could before dying to Concord. With the one getting furthest from the gate before dying gaining a prize. Once again Great Larin proved to proficient and made it a full 28k off the gate before drawing Concords ire. To improve his resistance to Concord even Further he was awarded with 250 Reinforced Bulkheads.

At this point we had run through all the setup events and we still had 600 frigs left. We also had one more problem, I still had a Dominix left. Let the games begin again, time for a second round of Battleship Ball. Grand prize this time, a nice and shiny Machariel. Once more the Dominix trudged forth and frigates swarmed around it as the countdown was given. Frigates started exploding all over as anything within the Dominix’s gaze couldn’t last more than a few seconds. As last time the frigates started killing eachother as well and this time the Dominix lasted even longer, a full nine minutes. In the end though it was overcome by the dozens of frigs swarming it and it made a pretty (and fully insured) explosion. Final blow went again to ******* Great Larin (seriously screw you, stop winning) and top damage to Cjunkies. Larin gained the shiny Machariel for his efforts and Cj an Omen Navy Issue.

After all the organized events it was time for the finale. We still had well over 500 frigs left, time for a continuous Free For All with unlimited reships. Now the deathtoll would really start to rise. Borther turned on brother and corpmate on corpmate in a no holds barred slaughter, which started in a safespot but soon moved to the undock of the isho V station. After half an hour of killing The Batsards stirred, they had finally gotten bold enough to try and damp our fun. In the end all they did was raise it as first a crusader, twoTristans, twoCoercers and a thorax fell to our mighty meta 0 fit frig blob. The Bastards went to lick their wounds as we spammed #mastersoftheundock in local and continued killing each other in droves. In true NER fashion though, Lex had left his booster uncloaked and completely forgotten this fact. Lured out by the nice tech 3 ship, The Bastards ventured forth once more. After the shouting started on comms we rallied to save our besieged booster, but sadly to no avail. Vengeance however would be ours. Out might t1 blob hurled itself onto our attackers and for each one fallen two more took its place. We churned through the Vexor Navy Issue, Stabber and Brutix, before they warped in again. Unperturbed by the new challengers we continued hurling t1 ammo their way and killed twoTyphoons and a Myrmidon. After the this The Bastards seemed to have had enough of our endless supply of reships, but the large red dot we had made on the map started attracting others. We kept killing each other (and Mullet) and any new comers in true heroic fashion. Before the nights end our mighty blob of t1 awesomeness would kill a Hookbill, Drake, Crow, fourgoddamnCaracals and even a ******* smartbombing Rokh that tried to die out the fun. Before the blob finally self-destructed after running out of all 800 frigs at around half past one EVE time. With the last recorded kill being Ripper getting podded back to our home of Kamela. Final score shows over 900 recorded kills in Ishomilken that evening. Even more prizes then mentioned were awarded including 3500 miner I’s, 50 heatsinks, 1000 exotic dancers, 5 Omen Navy Issues, a Navy slicer, a Sovereignty Blockade Unit, 200 t2 veldspar mining crystals, 500 webbing drones, 1000 mining drones and much more. All in all I’d say we’d had fun.

NER Christmas OP success.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#52 - 2014-12-22 21:34:19 UTC

Cyber Ten
Amarr Empire
#53 - 2014-12-23 01:06:38 UTC
Bump for the US TZ nerds
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#54 - 2014-12-23 11:39:07 UTC
Going Critical
#55 - 2014-12-31 01:09:33 UTC
We are back from drunken debauchery and general lack of sobreity and back to attempting to PvP and generally be space barbarians.

Join New Eden Renegades in game to discover if you are the 1000000th visitor.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#56 - 2014-12-31 15:42:48 UTC
Traiori wrote:
We are back from drunken debauchery and general lack of sobreity and back to attempting to PvP and generally be space barbarians.

Join New Eden Renegades in game to discover if you are the 1000000th visitor. AND WIN A FREE LAPTOP

Going Critical
#57 - 2015-01-02 16:21:59 UTC
Are you lonely and/or desperate for sex? Join New Eden Renegades to find out if there's sexy singles in your area!
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#58 - 2015-01-04 21:09:40 UTC
Traiori wrote:
Are you lonely and/or desperate for sex? Join New Eden Renegades to find out if there's sexy singles in your area!

Confirming I am not a sexy single in your area =(
Going Critical
#59 - 2015-01-07 17:32:12 UTC
Yesterday we learnt that Bhaalgorns with lasers are used to support T1 cruisers by locals. This was an exciting moment and entirely unexpected as we thought that the Bhaalgorn was going to be with the Proteus/Sac/Guardian gang that we warped in on, but we still went isk positive because 4 augorors cost about half of what 1 guardian costs and we HAZED THE GUARDIAN.

Then they all went off to nullsec and died or some ****. I'm sure they'll post an update tomorrow if nothing exciting happens today.

Join ingame channel "New Eden Renegades" to talk to bored space barbarians who lost their headset whilst making the trip back to their house from holiday visits elsewhere.
Jayne Asanari
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#60 - 2015-01-13 23:51:51 UTC
these guys are silly (and fun)