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Foolproof method to prevent the suicide gank

#81 - 2011-12-17 11:46:54 UTC
Actually it is a sound philosophy. Action through non-action, whole Chinese philosohies built around it. Good stuff.
Sharise Dragonstar
Big Strong
#82 - 2011-12-17 11:58:20 UTC
This argument is pointless. You will never convince suicide gankers that there are no real penalties for what they do and suicide gankers will never convince those against suicide ganking that there are suitable penalties.

My belief there are no penalties for suicide ganking. There are consequences but no penalties. For example, no insurance for suicide ganking is not a penalty, its a consequence of your action. If after the gank you were fined by concord then that would be a penalty. Amuses me also that many consider it a penalty that the one who has been ganked can kill the ganker, he loses 1 ship worth hundreds of millions and the ganker loses 2 ships barely worth ten. I know which one I would prefer.
Mnemonic Enterprises
#83 - 2011-12-17 12:57:57 UTC
The real 'problem' with the act of suicide ganking is that its an action inside of a game system. One thats not responding to the increased threat activity of late in a more active fashion. The solutions, as they were, should be examined thru an in character point of view, IMO.

Simple fact is that any real local authorities/governments would not put up with these brazen acts of piracy. They would step up policing action in hot spots and be more proactive in defending law abiding citizenry. Things we should be seeing would be active patrolling of locations where there is mining and an increased amount of criminal activity as well as a more robust police response.

The other in character action I could easily see happening - and am surprised I haven't seen it posted yet - is some sort of class action lawsuit by pilots against the manufacturers of the Hulk, or at least a demand for a new and improved model.

As advertised, the hulk is supposedly "...far more resilient, better able to handle the dangers of deep space..." . This, in light of recent events, would seem to be a gross over estimation of its capabilities. If a vessel thats totted as being 'resilient' is being dismantled by a few million ISK worth of low tech frigates and the sort, then maybe the Hulk needs to be sent back to the drawing board ?
Jojo Jackson
Dead Red Eye
#84 - 2011-12-17 15:40:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Jojo Jackson
Thomas Abernathy wrote:
use the game mechanics to your advantage

No thx, I refuse to use game exploids and cheats when playing games.

And the Sandbox of gankers seam to contain just one part: destroy and **** as many Sandboxes from other people as posible.
Anti sozial behavior in perfection.

Good work @CCP suporting this :(.

Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

The Greater Goon
#85 - 2011-12-17 15:43:40 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
After giving this a lot of intelligent consideration, I finally decided the FOOL proof way to avoid suicide ganks is.... not play at all.

When I log, I sort through all my valuables, look admiringly at my wallet balance, queue up some training...get frustrated at how LONG that takes...march myself around my quarters a while, drag my ships into the hangar to admire them, then I log off.

Since management is firmly planted in the "Let the Sociopaths Rule" position (sort of bent over...hands on knees...pants know the drill)'s FOOLISH to play Russian Roulette (sorry all you Rooskies out there) with your hard-earned assets on an endless merry-go-round of replacing ships you can afford to lose.

Now, I know that may not make sense to some of you out there. That's okay. It does make sense to a lot more of us than you might think, and for obvious reasons...which (of course) are lost on a LOT of people who think they're pretty smart.


there's the small matter of your stuff.....
Jojo Jackson
Dead Red Eye
#86 - 2011-12-17 16:55:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Jojo Jackson
All the ganking reminds me to
neutral RR + thief looter = girls in this video
ganker = the one who try to steal the bag
94 woman (victim) = defensles industrial

and CCP suport it!

100% same anti sozial and criminal behavior !

Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

Mashie Saldana
#87 - 2011-12-17 18:17:38 UTC
Engage brain, don't get suicided.

I have yet to die to one after playing nearly 6 years.
#88 - 2011-12-17 19:13:43 UTC
Mashie Saldana wrote:
Engage brain, don't get suicided.

I have yet to die to one after playing nearly 6 years.


Inappropriate signature, CCP Phantom.

Serene Repose
#89 - 2011-12-17 19:39:07 UTC
Morganta wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
After giving this a lot of intelligent consideration, I finally decided the FOOL proof way to avoid suicide ganks is.... not play at all.

When I log, I sort through all my valuables, look admiringly at my wallet balance, queue up some training...get frustrated at how LONG that takes...march myself around my quarters a while, drag my ships into the hangar to admire them, then I log off.

Since management is firmly planted in the "Let the Sociopaths Rule" position (sort of bent over...hands on knees...pants know the drill)'s FOOLISH to play Russian Roulette (sorry all you Rooskies out there) with your hard-earned assets on an endless merry-go-round of replacing ships you can afford to lose.

Now, I know that may not make sense to some of you out there. That's okay. It does make sense to a lot more of us than you might think, and for obvious reasons...which (of course) are lost on a LOT of people who think they're pretty smart.


there's the small matter of your stuff.....

I'm so pleased to see you're still preoccupied with small matters. How fitting.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Pavel Bidermann
Gallente Federation
#90 - 2011-12-17 19:45:37 UTC
Nope! Keep your stuff, don't biomass and the character is buried with all your stuff like a Pharaoh! That's my plan. Amass tons of wealth in isk, ships and mods and then just denigh it to others. Sweetness!
Jita Alt666
#91 - 2011-12-17 19:52:09 UTC
Monomorium wrote:

Simple fact is that any real local authorities/governments would not put up with these brazen acts of piracy. They would step up policing action in hot spots and be more proactive in defending law abiding citizenry. Things we should be seeing would be active patrolling of locations where there is mining and an increased amount of criminal activity as well as a more robust police response.

The simple real life fact is that if 10000 people decided to invade a community of 500 it would be stomped out of existence before any authorities could intervene.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#92 - 2011-12-17 20:48:38 UTC
I've been playing EVE nearly 3 years now (2009-02-23), and I've never had any problems with people in the game. I've never been scammed or ganked.

Sure, I've lost billions of ISK of ships, and will undoubtedly lose billions of ISK more as I continue to have fun and play the game.

Every loss has been my fault. Apparently I am doing it wrong, as it seems I supposed to be blaming everybody else.
4S Corporation
Goonswarm Federation
#93 - 2011-12-17 21:16:03 UTC
Disdaine wrote:
Thomas Abernathy wrote:
Disdaine wrote:
Thomas Abernathy wrote:
Try learning the game mechanics and using them against the gankers that bother you, it's actually a lot of fun.

That's all well and good.

Reminds me of the time my freighter/indy alt was travelling Amarr to Jita in a fast frigate. Warp to 0 on a gate and get taken out by a -10 sec nanophoon smartbombing the gate. Lost a billion worth of +5's and wires.

Spose I should've sought retribution by trying to ram him with a Charon. That'll learn him.

If your that risk adverse, this is probably not the game for you....Shocked

Just sayin...

I have no problem with the risk. It's the suicide gankers that are risk averse. They know full well that the miners they're blowing up aren't going to come hunting them down.

In fact weren't there lots of complaints recently when their insurance payout was taken away making their endeavours just that little bit more risky?

Of course I can imagine the outrage at the thought of a suicide ganker being hunted down by a miners combat alt on their way to their next "fight".

I agree, it's absolutely the miners that won't work together or put effort into their endeavors that are to blame for suicide gankers getting to blow up massive amounts of ships "risk" free.

In light of this "revelation" it seems rather pointless for someone to start a thread to complain about a situation they have themselves helped create, doesn't it?
Vyl Vit
#94 - 2011-12-18 07:06:24 UTC
Gorefacer wrote:
I I agree, it's absolutely the miners that won't work together or put effort into their endeavors that are to blame for suicide gankers getting to blow up massive amounts of ships "risk" free.

In light of this "revelation" it seems rather pointless for someone to start a thread to complain about a situation they have themselves helped create, doesn't it?

Interesting. Where in the OP did you find a 'complaint?" I see no "complaint" there. I do see an amusing observation, but if you think not being quiet and just taking something is complaining...well....I know a shrink that could use another yacht. Why do people resort to mischaracterization to make their slam dunks? It's probably because the "opposition" doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

4S Corporation
Goonswarm Federation
#95 - 2011-12-18 07:39:14 UTC
Vyl Vit wrote:
Gorefacer wrote:
I I agree, it's absolutely the miners that won't work together or put effort into their endeavors that are to blame for suicide gankers getting to blow up massive amounts of ships "risk" free.

In light of this "revelation" it seems rather pointless for someone to start a thread to complain about a situation they have themselves helped create, doesn't it?

Interesting. Where in the OP did you find a 'complaint?" I see no "complaint" there. I do see an amusing observation, but if you think not being quiet and just taking something is complaining...well....I know a shrink that could use another yacht. Why do people resort to mischaracterization to make their slam dunks? It's probably because the "opposition" doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Hmm I suppose you are right. I guess this thread bled in with all the other suicide gank threads I've skimmed which did contain complaints. I humbly apologize and retract my last post.

Furthermore, the OPs observation that not playing the game IS a foolproof way of not being suicide ganked, is sound. However as an observation of my own, his observation is so obvious on it's face value I question why he thought it at all valuable to make it in the first place.
K Suri
#96 - 2011-12-18 07:55:49 UTC
Alpheias wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Sturmwolke wrote:
Fool proof way of not getting scammed or ganked in RL is ...
... to just not live at all.

Don't you agree?

You forgot that IRL, the law actually works, and you are somewhat protected against these things.

Besides, you can't get scammed IRL if you are not a gullible idiot.

Same for Eve.

In 5 years of playing this game, I've never been scammed or suicide ganked.

All it takes is some ******* precaution.

CCP should make an expansion that allows Eve players to be a part of Concord, and run around chasing criminals.

Eve Police FTW!

Personally I'd like an expansion where I, as a player, can permanently remove players from the game by killing them in the game.

It is time to cull the weak. Let them by devoured by the strong.

You didn't think that through very well did you?
Amarr Empire
#97 - 2011-12-29 19:03:45 UTC
Ganking is such a hot topic it's certain to get the trolls out in force.

Personally I see nothing wrong practice short of it being unsporting and in bad form, however preying on the week and defensless (ignorant, stupid, careless) is just Darwin's way of sorting out the bulls from the cows. In this way CCP has the right of the mechanic. I would suggest Concord should POD in High Sec and it would likely cut down on some of ganking. I won't suggest it becuase frankly I refuse to coddle those which Darwin would so readily dispose of.

Being ganked is lesson that must be learned by some and I imagine those who have been ganked are likely to remember being taught. As Tippia has stated in this thread there are many ways to avoid the unpleasantness of being ganked too many to bother listing frankly. The fault is not in the mechanic but in the user, this is where most problems lie IMO. Its not usually the app but the 8 inches between ones ears that tend cause the most problems for folks.
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."   --H.L. Mencken
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#98 - 2011-12-29 19:41:39 UTC
Sharise Dragonstar wrote:
My belief there are no penalties for suicide ganking.

Getting your ship killed and losing sec status are penalties for suicide ganking. You might not believe they are harsh enough but to say there are no penalties at all is dumb.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#99 - 2011-12-29 19:43:56 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Sharise Dragonstar wrote:
My belief there are no penalties for suicide ganking.

Getting your ship killed and losing sec status are penalties for suicide ganking. You might not believe they are harsh enough but to say there are no penalties at all is dumb.

But for someone those are promotions .. so go figure.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#100 - 2011-12-29 19:48:45 UTC
I managed to carebear about highsec for more than a year without ever being ganked. I survived two botched attempts (ECM drones make a hilarious surprise) and evaded several more. I struggled with my own ignorance of the game far more than I did the anti-social behavior of others.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.