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Hey CCP Rise a suggestion for T3s

Larkonis Trassler
#1 - 2014-12-19 17:42:28 UTC
So I was sitting down for a good bowel movement earlier and thinking about how OP t3s are. I know you're getting amongst it and doing some re-balances for the next expansion (after the one in mid January which noone is really working on because :christmas:).

My suggestion is (as I'm sure you've seen on the premier forums for eve discussion)

Or just have certain subs come with penalties to prevent 'OP' combinations.

Racial EWAR sub: -10% shield/armour/hull HP per level.
Buffer fit sub: -5% max velocity per level.

Followed by (suggested by someone else, although he is a corpmate of mine)

Or just remove rigs from T3s?

Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#2 - 2014-12-19 18:10:53 UTC
remove rigs is key factor too promote the versatility that is the point of the ship.. there are many other things they need, some being

- remove T2 resists .. they don't belong on T3's at all (tactical destroyers have partial for some reason)
- make subs cheap too make which links into rig removal and promoting the main point of strategic cruisers
- nerf the tanky subs
- 2 bonuses per sub max .. 3 is too many

- make subs bonus only , build stats/fittings etc. into hull..
-- makes comparing base hull stats possible in game
-- is more consistent with the rest of the ships in eve
-- makes swapping subs and fitting easier

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Tarsas Phage
#3 - 2014-12-19 18:25:07 UTC
The problem with changing T3s (note my deliberate avoidance of the word "rebalance") is that you risk them becoming a ho-hum jack-of-all-trades but masters of none.

And I really don't get why they're "OP" ... no one seems able to describe or articulate how they're OP in relative, practical terms. I don't mind the drawbacks of SP loss, or rigs limiting, or at least dissuading (from a monetary standpoint at least), full flexibility.
Tear Jar
New Order Logistics
#4 - 2014-12-19 18:35:36 UTC
Tarsas Phage wrote:
The problem with changing T3s (note my deliberate avoidance of the word "rebalance") is that you risk them becoming a ho-hum jack-of-all-trades but masters of none.

And I really don't get why they're "OP" ... no one seems able to describe or articulate how they're OP in relative, practical terms. I don't mind the drawbacks of SP loss, or rigs limiting, or at least dissuading (from a monetary standpoint at least), full flexibility.

They are currently OP because they have battleship level tank and cruiser level maneuverability.
Tarsas Phage
#5 - 2014-12-19 18:45:05 UTC
Tear Jar wrote:
Tarsas Phage wrote:
The problem with changing T3s (note my deliberate avoidance of the word "rebalance") is that you risk them becoming a ho-hum jack-of-all-trades but masters of none.

And I really don't get why they're "OP" ... no one seems able to describe or articulate how they're OP in relative, practical terms. I don't mind the drawbacks of SP loss, or rigs limiting, or at least dissuading (from a monetary standpoint at least), full flexibility.

They are currently OP because they have battleship level tank and cruiser level maneuverability.

So? Machariels have cruiser warp speed and maneuverability. They even have a double bonus.

Are you saying this is bad from a pure comparison point of view, where you're just debating numbers on paper? Or are you saying this is bad from an applied, how-it-really-goes-down real world point of view?

Eve does not have to be linear and mega-orderly, you know. Linear is boring. Orderly is sickeningly predictable.
Larkonis Trassler
#6 - 2014-12-19 18:48:21 UTC
Tarsas Phage wrote:
The problem with changing T3s (note my deliberate avoidance of the word "rebalance") is that you risk them becoming a ho-hum jack-of-all-trades but masters of none.

And I really don't get why they're "OP" ... no one seems able to describe or articulate how they're OP in relative, practical terms. I don't mind the drawbacks of SP loss, or rigs limiting, or at least dissuading (from a monetary standpoint at least), full flexibility.

If you don't rely on cost as a balancing issue.

T3s are better at being armour hacs than armour hacs.
They're more tanky with slightly less range than recons.

Add drawbacks to subs.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2014-12-19 18:51:48 UTC
Rigless t3's (assuming you changed nothing else) Would be basically useless.

Scanning t3's wouldn't scan as well as a rig fit t2 frigate.
Hacking t3's wouldn't hack as well as a frigate either.

PvP t3's would lose a massive amount of buffer instantly (3 t2 buffer rigs increases raw shield by around 73% from base).
Anyone want to guess the viability of any ship that suddenly loses over 40% of it's primary buffer?

We are not talking "No longer op" anymore, we are talking full on outclassed by t1 cruisers sort of bad.

And then you get all sorts of fun little shockwaves spreading out as the bottom drops out of the t3 market.

Sleeper salvage becomes nearly worthless, sleeper data sites and relic become nearly worthless. Gas sites also become nearly worthless. Suddenly you have all of WH-space becoming mostly reliant on the blue loot payouts (which is a bad mechanic in the first place tbh) Reasons to live in WH space, especially low level space drastically decrease (since low level sites are highly reliant on nanoribbons for income), and we see a migration away from WH en masse.

Remember that in your righteous crusade to get t3's nerfed into the ground that thousands of players rely on the continuing demand for these products to drive the WH lifestyle.

Whatever happens, the products needed to make t3's to stay in high demand or we risk losing thousands of players simply because you think that t3's are "OP". I don't agree btw.

Tarsas Phage
#8 - 2014-12-19 19:07:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarsas Phage
Larkonis Trassler wrote:
Tarsas Phage wrote:
The problem with changing T3s (note my deliberate avoidance of the word "rebalance") is that you risk them becoming a ho-hum jack-of-all-trades but masters of none.

And I really don't get why they're "OP" ... no one seems able to describe or articulate how they're OP in relative, practical terms. I don't mind the drawbacks of SP loss, or rigs limiting, or at least dissuading (from a monetary standpoint at least), full flexibility.

If you don't rely on cost as a balancing issue.

T3s are better at being armour hacs than armour hacs.
They're more tanky with slightly less range than recons.

Add drawbacks to subs.

I think cost is definitely a balancing point than most believe vis a vis T3s. With cost, there is also the requirement of availability. Even if I wanted to switch a shield Loki to an armor-oriented one on a whim, I still need to get the junk from Jita because, unless I want to T1 rig it, you can't really count on T2 trimarks and CDFEs being available in your area's corner store.

The alternative? I either pony up the ISK for separate armor and shield-rigged hulls, or I live with just having one of the two. Considering the amount of crap-fit T3s out there, I would wager that cost is definitely a consideration in the typical pilots' mind.

As for T3s vs. Armor HACs, people use T3s instead of Armor HACs where it makes sense - where a Zealot might get volleyed off the the field, a beam/rail T3 might not. The cost? Much higher, and if you do die, you'll need to skill again - especially if you lose SP that prevents you from flying the thing. You'll need to live with a higher sig and lower agility to boot.

Drawbacks are already present. You can't exactly mount up a covert+nullified Legion and expect to go out and pwn face anywhere near reliably as you could with a non cloaky+nullified one, or even just a cloaky one. What I see happening here is that people are too enthralled with absolutes.
#9 - 2014-12-19 20:10:19 UTC
Cost is a balancing factor, but it cant be the ONLY balancing factor which for T3s it is... they're overpowered in every other way.

Allow me to illustrate... I propose putting in a new Jove frigate, its completely invulnerable and does 10,000 DPS but it costs 30 trillion isk... Is it balanced? NO because cost cant be the only balancing factor.

My suggestion is as it has always been:
1. Allow T3 ships to swap subsystems in combat without a mobile depot.
2. Nerf all T3 combinations to worse than their T2 counterparts

I would give them an 8/8/8 slot layout, but only allow a certain number of slots to be "active" with a given subsystem layout. This would allow them to be flexible without being overpowered.

Picture this scenario:
Youre in a small to medium sized fleet of say 20 legions and 10 guardians and you get jumped by a battleship fleet of 40 ships, they have little to no RR support so you think you can take them, but they begin to put out far more DPS than your 10 guardians can keep up with. Luckily for you, your fleet was prepared for this and half of your legions are carrying RR subsystems with them. They refit mid combat and supplement your failing guardian force.

Your enemy, seeing that you are now tanking their damage calls in an archon which drops into triage and begins RRing the battleships. Again your fleet adapts and 4-5 of your remaining DPS ships switch to curse mode and begin cap draining the triage archon. Once it is cap dry 3 of them switch back to DPS mode and focus it down with relative ease then proceed to destroy the remaining battleship fleet.

Yes, T2 ships in those specific roles would be better, but your fleet doesnt know ahead of time what exactly it is going to be facing, so that point is moot; yes a zealot may do more DPS, and a guardian may rep more, and a curse may cap drain more, but the legion is the only one that can do all of those things on the fly as the fleet needs.
Tarsas Phage
#10 - 2014-12-19 20:15:41 UTC
I'd like to add something, regarding esteemed space pilot Larkonis's example of T3s and how they compare, from a performance POV, to Armor HACs. But what I'm going to say here disregards comparing numbers on hulls. It's more related to comparing numbers of hulls.

Throughout this whole rebalancing process, and especially with the many discussions around T3s in particular, I think people are getting too done up over A/B'ing specific ships and their stats relative to each other, and in the process are missing the broader picture.

We all care about fleet numbers, right? How many times throughout the many years of Eve have you seen Side A gripe about Side B not fighting because they didn't have enough to blob or whatever, right?

Let's take a current-day example. HERO/BNI's main doctrine are rail Eagles. It's a skilling goal for the entire coalition. They can, on a good weekday night, field over 100 of these and their lower-SP rail Moas counterparts if enough can be persuaded to log in. The ship aside, in pure numbers alone they can be very effective no matter what they're in. It could be arty Ruptures or Cerberuses. The point is, there comes a point when their numbers are more important than which particular ship they're sitting in.

So what do you do if you're 50 dudes looking take on ca. 150 of them? Most wouldn't, and we'd see yet another reddit post with someone gloating about how so-and-so docked up and didn't bring a fight. A fight with 50 Zealots vs. 150 Eagles isn't "interesting', it's a slaughter. Fancy footwork will get you only so far, but when you're trying to vey over an objective, cutting and running is not as easy a decision to make versus being in a just-for-fun fleet where making a tactical withdraw is nbd.

What do you do at that point? You look for a force multiplier, something that makes your smaller number of meatbags individually more effective than any one pilot of the opposing side. This is where T3s fit perfectly, and always have. They have their drawbacks (I would actually use the term "punishments" - for your SP and your wallet) but they serve as a balancer, and indeed, an enabler of fights. Otherwise this game will be about who can bring the most meatbags to the field, for sure.
Tear Jar
New Order Logistics
#11 - 2014-12-19 20:22:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Tear Jar
Tarsas Phage wrote:
Tear Jar wrote:
Tarsas Phage wrote:
The problem with changing T3s (note my deliberate avoidance of the word "rebalance") is that you risk them becoming a ho-hum jack-of-all-trades but masters of none.

And I really don't get why they're "OP" ... no one seems able to describe or articulate how they're OP in relative, practical terms. I don't mind the drawbacks of SP loss, or rigs limiting, or at least dissuading (from a monetary standpoint at least), full flexibility.

They are currently OP because they have battleship level tank and cruiser level maneuverability.

So? Machariels have cruiser warp speed and maneuverability. They even have a double bonus.

Are you saying this is bad from a pure comparison point of view, where you're just debating numbers on paper? Or are you saying this is bad from an applied, how-it-really-goes-down real world point of view?

Eve does not have to be linear and mega-orderly, you know. Linear is boring. Orderly is sickeningly predictable.

Machariels don't have anywhere near cruiser level manueverability. Its mass*inertial modifier is roughly 50% higher than a T1 cruiser. And it has considerably less movespeed than cruisers. If you made the Machariel 50% faster and 50% more manueverable then yeah it would be incredibly op.

T3s get the whole package. Battleship level tank and cruiser level manueverability and speed.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#12 - 2014-12-19 20:24:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
Loads of threads on removing rigs from T3s. Personally not a fan as you can't really roll the possibilities back into the sub-systems and personally the possibilities with T3s is one of the things that keeps me playing the game.

Do agree though that the main problem with T3s is the lack of appropriate penalties to match specific bonuses.

Tear Jar wrote:

T3s get the whole package. Battleship level tank and cruiser level manueverability and speed.

Mach still has BS sized sig (well almost) unless you go mad with halos and skirmish links while T3s often have big tanks and tiny sigs which IMO is a little too far - don't personally have a problem with T3s having big tanks but in that kind of configuration they should be more like battlecruisers/commandships for manoeuvrability and sig.
Shiva Furnace
#13 - 2014-12-19 20:43:26 UTC
Anhenka wrote:
Rigless t3's (assuming you changed nothing else) Would be basically useless.

Scanning t3's wouldn't scan as well as a rig fit t2 frigate.
Hacking t3's wouldn't hack as well as a frigate either.

PvP t3's would lose a massive amount of buffer instantly (3 t2 buffer rigs increases raw shield by around 73% from base).
Anyone want to guess the viability of any ship that suddenly loses over 40% of it's primary buffer?

We are not talking "No longer op" anymore, we are talking full on outclassed by t1 cruisers sort of bad.

That's basically what should happen, and no, rigless Prot still has HIC-level tank and same DPS, point range etc.

wh space is dead anyway so who gives a **** what happens to it
SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#14 - 2014-12-19 21:51:07 UTC
Larkonis Trassler wrote:
So I was sitting down for a good bowel movement earlier and thinking about how OP t3s are. I know you're getting amongst it and doing some re-balances for the next expansion (after the one in mid January which noone is really working on because :christmas:).

My suggestion is (as I'm sure you've seen on the premier forums for eve discussion)

Or just have certain subs come with penalties to prevent 'OP' combinations.

Racial EWAR sub: -10% shield/armour/hull HP per level.
Buffer fit sub: -5% max velocity per level.

Followed by (suggested by someone else, although he is a corpmate of mine)

Or just remove rigs from T3s?


Or how about fixing the real problems instead. It's not the poor Tengu's fault that it's the best choice in a universe of OP bomb mechanics, ISBOXER, and LOLBATTLESHIPS. At least with the upcoming resist and defense buffs that recons are getting, we will hopefully see more of them show up in fleet doctrines, and thus more variation.
Orange Star Coalition
#15 - 2014-12-19 21:52:27 UTC
T3's aren't in any way OP. They always have a weakness, and I'm guessing you've only been fighting T3's in ways *they* were made for.
Adrie Atticus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-12-19 21:54:30 UTC
Tarsas Phage wrote:
Tear Jar wrote:
Tarsas Phage wrote:
The problem with changing T3s (note my deliberate avoidance of the word "rebalance") is that you risk them becoming a ho-hum jack-of-all-trades but masters of none.

And I really don't get why they're "OP" ... no one seems able to describe or articulate how they're OP in relative, practical terms. I don't mind the drawbacks of SP loss, or rigs limiting, or at least dissuading (from a monetary standpoint at least), full flexibility.

They are currently OP because they have battleship level tank and cruiser level maneuverability.

So? Machariels have cruiser warp speed and maneuverability. They even have a double bonus.

Are you saying this is bad from a pure comparison point of view, where you're just debating numbers on paper? Or are you saying this is bad from an applied, how-it-really-goes-down real world point of view?

Eve does not have to be linear and mega-orderly, you know. Linear is boring. Orderly is sickeningly predictable.

Machariels are also easier to bomb and they track smaller targets fairly poorly at ranges where tengus volley them off the field. Machariels are also way more expensive even if you count into the possible skill loss as opportunity cost, they require longer training to become as effective and they cannot be fitted into slippery pete type of shenanigans.
Tarsas Phage
#17 - 2014-12-19 22:14:53 UTC
Adrie Atticus wrote:
Tarsas Phage wrote:
Tear Jar wrote:
Tarsas Phage wrote:
The problem with changing T3s (note my deliberate avoidance of the word "rebalance") is that you risk them becoming a ho-hum jack-of-all-trades but masters of none.

And I really don't get why they're "OP" ... no one seems able to describe or articulate how they're OP in relative, practical terms. I don't mind the drawbacks of SP loss, or rigs limiting, or at least dissuading (from a monetary standpoint at least), full flexibility.

They are currently OP because they have battleship level tank and cruiser level maneuverability.

So? Machariels have cruiser warp speed and maneuverability. They even have a double bonus.

Are you saying this is bad from a pure comparison point of view, where you're just debating numbers on paper? Or are you saying this is bad from an applied, how-it-really-goes-down real world point of view?

Eve does not have to be linear and mega-orderly, you know. Linear is boring. Orderly is sickeningly predictable.

Machariels are also easier to bomb and they track smaller targets fairly poorly at ranges where tengus volley them off the field. Machariels are also way more expensive even if you count into the possible skill loss as opportunity cost, they require longer training to become as effective and they cannot be fitted into slippery pete type of shenanigans.

Forest->Trees. It was an example of a ship of a larger class having innate properties of a smaller class as its core.

See, you guys tend way too much to look at the finger, and not what the finger is pointing at. This is why T3 rebalance discussions get nowhere and are myopic.
Lyra Gerie
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2014-12-19 23:18:31 UTC
Harvey James wrote:
remove rigs is key factor too promote the versatility that is the point of the ship.. there are many other things they need, some being

- remove T2 resists .. they don't belong on T3's at all (tactical destroyers have partial for some reason)
- make subs cheap too make which links into rig removal and promoting the main point of strategic cruisers
- nerf the tanky subs
- 2 bonuses per sub max .. 3 is too many

- make subs bonus only , build stats/fittings etc. into hull..
-- makes comparing base hull stats possible in game
-- is more consistent with the rest of the ships in eve
-- makes swapping subs and fitting easier

This is a decent list but I do have some things to say.

- T2 resists should be available but only to either one or a small handful of subs or be a bonus on a sub (which will be mentioned further in a sec)
- I agree with making the subs cheaper and removing rigs but with that should come some level of versatility that they currently don't have to offset the rig removal. An idea on that in a minute.
- I don't think they should necessarily be nerfed but rather put in line so that if a tanky build is chosen, a dps build is less viable. The issue isn't that the proteus has 450k ehp tank, but that it also deals around 1k dps while doing so. I wouldn't mind that 450k ehp if the ship could only do 500 max dps, or that it could deal 1k+ damage so long as its tank doesn't go above 75 or 100k ehp or something.
- I don't think so, depending on how they focus the rebalance more couldn't necessarily hurt. They could add role bonuses (like giving a sub T2 resists) or synergy bonuses when two or more sub systems are used together. The bonuses might be nice but the subs to group them would be set so that it wouldn't over power the ship. For instance boosting drone HP and damage but the offensive sub system only allows for a bay of 50m3 and control of 25mb.

- This not so much a good idea yes? Some sub systems provide a larger bonus then their skills allow and that is the addition of extra slots, either low, high or mid. This is one of the largest factors in what niches a T3 can fill if you really want it to. Though for the most part it couldn't hurt to jumble around the stats of some sub systems to lower their effectiveness if they are too... well effective. For instance a sub system with increased cap recharge bonus will likely have a larger capacitor then other subs which basically doubles the bonus compared to the others.

As for adding further versatility and with the rig slots being removed allow two mode slots. There could be a handful of these and they would function how destroyers currently do however instead of 10 second cool downs it would likely be closer to a minute or 30 seconds. The ship can already change into almost any role, it doesn't need to be able to adjust modes rapid fire in addition to that.

The downside with that idea however is that it would require far FAR more rebalancing to implement and would make it feel like a larger T3 destroyer instead of the unique thing it is now.

Overall I'm still just very curious as to how CCP will go about balancing these. It would be nice to hear at least how they intend to approach it otherwise threads like these are just pissing in the wind, guesswork and hopeful thinking.
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2014-12-19 23:21:29 UTC
Tarsas Phage wrote:
So? Machariels have cruiser warp speed and maneuverability. They even have a double bonus.

Are you saying this is bad from a pure comparison point of view, where you're just debating numbers on paper? Or are you saying this is bad from an applied, how-it-really-goes-down real world point of view?

Eve does not have to be linear and mega-orderly, you know. Linear is boring. Orderly is sickeningly predictable.

T3's also get BS sized DPS, and some times range as well, out of medium weapons. The Mach at least has issues with falloff and tracking small targets.
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2014-12-19 23:24:17 UTC
Anhenka wrote:
Rigless t3's (assuming you changed nothing else) Would be basically useless.

Scanning t3's wouldn't scan as well as a rig fit t2 frigate.
Hacking t3's wouldn't hack as well as a frigate either.

PvP t3's would lose a massive amount of buffer instantly (3 t2 buffer rigs increases raw shield by around 73% from base).

I don't see a problem with this.
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