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Dev blog: A new Era of Clones

First post
Tyranis Marcus
Bloody Heathens
#281 - 2014-12-18 02:21:45 UTC
When I saw this I resubbed.

Do not run. We are your friends.

Caviar Liberta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#282 - 2014-12-19 15:26:21 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Mharius Skjem wrote:
Well patch day has been and gone and we're one day closer to

p u s s i e s online...

Next I predict

Zero penalty for implants loss
Ship's replaced in the hanger plus fittings
Free to Play Eve with MT Top ups
Removal of all skills so that noobs can fly all ships and use all weapons without training making Eve pay to win.

Takeover by EA Games...

So when do you predict this by....
And can I have all your stuff when none of this becomes true.

What we see there is hyperbole at its finest. The devs change clones to where there is no clone grades any more and suddenly the sky is falling right.
Dr Urchin
New Eden Network Solutions
#283 - 2014-12-24 18:35:51 UTC
To the Developers:

There are many features about the clone changes I like, and the reasoning you have had for the changes is sound. However, nothing is without consequences, and I hope to point out one that may or may not have been foreseen:

"Miner Bumping" is becoming a fairly common practice, in which criminals find a way to go to high sec systems to kill miners who are quietly doing their work. Heretofore, there have been two routes that the miners in high sec regions can take to defend themselves:
(1) teaming up with friends who guard you or monitor the system while you work. In short: never mine alone.
(2) pay large bounties on the ones who kill them, knowing that there may well be the satisfaction of the killer forgetting to upgrade his or her clone and losing badly when they get killed for the fourth or fifth time.

Since many miners are forced by real life circumstances to mine alone, the latter option is often the most satisfying one.

No doubt the Miner Bumpers are having fun, being pirates who get to immerse themselves entirely into the game, and kill miners that they could never get in real life. However, the high-sec mining group consists largely of many people who are having fun of a quiet game experience while in real life having to do boring paperwork or other similar drudgery. EvE mining thus becomes a release from drudgery for the miners, who could never immerse themselves fully in the game experience.

Alas that the bounty route no longer offers a satisfying means of revenge for people that have never developed PvP skills.

Of course, there's an interesting way that LAWSUITS could be incorporated into the game. I don't think the consequences of that change would be so good long term.