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Big Useless Ship : Titan

First post
Cassie Celestis
#21 - 2014-12-18 17:11:19 UTC
Was inclined to just say .. Death to all Supers!
But here goes..

As others mentioned Titans are not solo ships. They are supposed to be alliance flagships or whatever you want to call it, requiring a whole subcap fleet to support them. They have their uses when in the right group. And they can tip the balance when used properly in those situations. No fight big enough for them to be usefull in? Bring something else.

You would't hunt a fly with a bazooka would you? Yes even a big fly..Yes even if was a noob.. And solo.. And just sitting there..Oh well

They are supposed to be VERY specialized ship behemoths. Not indented to be able to jump x20 clicks away and then back or to force project without control. They were on the verge of that up untill Phoebe. Changes working as intended. Adaptation is an option.

New players should not aim for a titan unless they got 50mil skillpoints and can fly several other ships adequately, so they can actually contribute instead of waiting for their titan to be needed. Or train a Titan pilot as an alt, skipping whatever skill is not needed.

And as a wise man once said " Thats no moon...It's a Deathstar! " ffs.
May the force be with you and your Titan.. Ermm I mean fly safe o7
Iain Cariaba
#22 - 2014-12-18 17:18:05 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Why can't you appreciate all the hard work and training time he sacrificed to get into a titan. CCP owes him. I owe him. We all owe him.

I've set up a Disillusioned Titan Pilots fund. Anyone wishing to do the right thing and support these poor players in their time of need may send isk to me w/ the label "shattered dreams". Once I've gathered enough isk to do these folks some good - I'll repay them for the sacrifices they have endured on our behalf.

I keep all my isk in this turtle shaped piggy bank.
Id Tamta
State War Academy
Caldari State
#23 - 2014-12-18 17:35:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Id Tamta
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Id Tamta wrote:
Well my main point is titans are useless now, they should gain more role in game !

Titan bridges should cost less jump fatique, or none.

This is my point is it so hard to understand ?

So your giant epeen isn't so spectacular anymore? Buy/train a sitter, if you don't already have one, log off the titan, and try actually contributing to the game.

What you are experiencing is the Phoebe jump changes working as intended. Adapt, or unsub.

Thanks for the advice random guy in internet spaceships :)

And i own a titan for like 4 years i know how to use it . Please read the OTHER POST we are at :


Titan jump fatique should be removed for in region jumps
Id Tamta
State War Academy
Caldari State
#24 - 2014-12-18 17:43:39 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Why can't you appreciate all the hard work and training time he sacrificed to get into a titan. CCP owes him. I owe him. We all owe him.

I've set up a Disillusioned Titan Pilots fund. Anyone wishing to do the right thing and support these poor players in their time of need may send isk to me w/ the label "shattered dreams". Once I've gathered enough isk to do these folks some good - I'll repay them for the sacrifices they have endured on our behalf.

Oh please give me more,
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2014-12-18 17:56:38 UTC
Id Tamta wrote:
Well before phoebe titans are a little bit useable but after phoebe titans have no use, Work hard for the **** and the result is nothing now :)

Can i hunt other carriers ? NO -> I2m going to stuck at the system
Can i bridge fleets ? -> No
Can i move my titan elsewhere ? No

I think titans needs some love. Or a role in game both solo or fleet. No one wants to use them. Or ccp can just remove them from the game and return our isk :)

My OP lead me to this idea, please dont explain to me why titans are not solo ship. Which i think ridiciolus


Titan jump fatique has needs to be removed for "in region" titan bridge jumps

The best buff for Titans would be deleting them all.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Zavand Crendraven
Rolling Static
Wardec Mechanics
#26 - 2014-12-18 18:34:31 UTC
Id Tamta wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Id Tamta wrote:
Well my main point is titans are useless now, they should gain more role in game !

Titan bridges should cost less jump fatique, or none.

This is my point is it so hard to understand ?

So your giant epeen isn't so spectacular anymore? Buy/train a sitter, if you don't already have one, log off the titan, and try actually contributing to the game.

What you are experiencing is the Phoebe jump changes working as intended. Adapt, or unsub.

Thanks for the advice random guy in internet spaceships :)

And i own a titan for like 4 years i know how to use it . Please read the OTHER POST we are at :


Titan jump fatique should be removed for in region jumps

You cant actually be serious can you? Lets take a more worldly example.

USA is getting attacked on both the west coast and the east coast since USA controls their country they should naturally not have to move their troops from the west coast to the east coast where there happened to be more enemies. Instead of using things such as roads, trains and air transport, which takes time to arrive, they should just have the right to appear on the east coast, Cuz you know USA ownsits own region.....
Id Tamta
State War Academy
Caldari State
#27 - 2014-12-18 19:21:27 UTC
Hello this is a internet space ship game WHICH u play for fun ? So less travel time more fight time what is wrong with this ?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#28 - 2014-12-18 19:28:07 UTC
Id Tamta wrote:
Hello this is a internet space ship game WHICH u play for fun ? So less travel time more fight time what is wrong with this ?

The part where we dump a boot fleet on everything anywhere in the galaxy.
Id Tamta
State War Academy
Caldari State
#29 - 2014-12-18 19:40:09 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Id Tamta wrote:
Hello this is a internet space ship game WHICH u play for fun ? So less travel time more fight time what is wrong with this ?

The part where we dump a boot fleet on everything anywhere in the galaxy.

So what i want to say is POWER PROJECTION is BAD we should stop that, but more travel times reduces the joy of game, so they should fix that for one jump INSIDE the region ?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#30 - 2014-12-18 19:49:30 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Id Tamta wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Id Tamta wrote:
Hello this is a internet space ship game WHICH u play for fun ? So less travel time more fight time what is wrong with this ?

The part where we dump a boot fleet on everything anywhere in the galaxy.

So what i want to say is POWER PROJECTION is BAD we should stop that, but more travel times reduces the joy of game, so they should fix that for one jump INSIDE the region ?

Just use the gates, I can get a damn phoenix to warp fast enough for a tengu fleet.
Leoric Firesword
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#31 - 2014-12-18 19:53:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Leoric Firesword
Id Tamta wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Id Tamta wrote:
Hello this is a internet space ship game WHICH u play for fun ? So less travel time more fight time what is wrong with this ?

The part where we dump a boot fleet on everything anywhere in the galaxy.

So what i want to say is POWER PROJECTION is BAD we should stop that, but more travel times reduces the joy of game, so they should fix that for one jump INSIDE the region ?

here's the thing, by making you use gates you have more ships in space traveling, having more ships in space means having more opportunity for said ships to get pipe bombed, more pipe bombings mean more videos of ships getting piped bombed, which means I get to stay entertained at work.

Working as intended.

edit: also your tears? delicious!

/thread end.
Iain Cariaba
#32 - 2014-12-18 20:12:21 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Id Tamta wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Id Tamta wrote:
Hello this is a internet space ship game WHICH u play for fun ? So less travel time more fight time what is wrong with this ?

The part where we dump a boot fleet on everything anywhere in the galaxy.

So what i want to say is POWER PROJECTION is BAD we should stop that, but more travel times reduces the joy of game, so they should fix that for one jump INSIDE the region ?

One jump isn't much fatigue, even the second jump back once the jump timer expires isn't too bad. Note that you can jump from a central location to pretty much anywhere in a region in two jumps, allowing you to get your giant epeen out where attackers can see it swinging. It's when you try to jump beyond this that you start to really suffer from the jump changes. Again, this is the intended effect of the jump changes.

You're correct that this is a game played for fun. *Snip* Please refrain from personal attacks. ISD Ezwal.

In fact, your entire complaint is based on your issue with CCP's efforts to fix the problem that is supercapitals.
Alavaria Fera
#33 - 2014-12-18 20:19:23 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Id Tamta wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Id Tamta wrote:
Hello this is a internet space ship game WHICH u play for fun ? So less travel time more fight time what is wrong with this ?

The part where we dump a boot fleet on everything anywhere in the galaxy.

So what i want to say is POWER PROJECTION is BAD we should stop that, but more travel times reduces the joy of game, so they should fix that for one jump INSIDE the region ?

Just use the gates, I can get a damn phoenix to warp fast enough for a tengu fleet.

Yes, it's a big tengu.

I might also call my Erebus* "Big Dominix", but it can't use drones so :(

*I do not currently own an Erebus

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Shiva Furnace
#34 - 2014-12-18 20:23:55 UTC
Id Tamta wrote:

It's not good for eve to force people to jump over 20 systems in EMPTY nullsec to defend some structre in the same region, and please DD some carriers in your titan in hostile space.

This was exactly the whole point of the change

Ice Fire Warriors
#35 - 2014-12-18 20:43:47 UTC
Id Tamta wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Id Tamta wrote:
Hello this is a internet space ship game WHICH u play for fun ? So less travel time more fight time what is wrong with this ?

The part where we dump a boot fleet on everything anywhere in the galaxy.

So what i want to say is POWER PROJECTION is BAD we should stop that, but more travel times reduces the joy of game, so they should fix that for one jump INSIDE the region ?

Less travel time = Power Projection

You cannot separate the two.

If you want to jump around less... live closer to your enemies.
Raccoon's with LightSabers
#36 - 2014-12-18 21:04:05 UTC
Id Tamta wrote:
[quote=Iain Cariaba][quote=Id Tamta]



Titan jump fatique should be removed for in region jumps

I understand your point but must respectfully disagree. The whole idea of limiting power projection is to limit it across the map, both offensively and defensively, not just in areas you don't control (Offensive).

Fatigue isn't based on what space you own, only the distance traveled. That makes sense from a scientific point of view.

Whether they've gone too far or not far enough on limiting the ability to project power is up for debate with most people siding on how it affects them.

However, I do understand your frustration, it does mean you'll have to come up with new ideas to meet the threat, or risk losing space because it's now too big for you to defend.

Fly safe!
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#37 - 2014-12-18 21:19:45 UTC
The thread is cancer. No titans do not need any further of a buff.
#38 - 2014-12-18 21:41:12 UTC
Id Tamta wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Id Tamta wrote:
Hello this is a internet space ship game WHICH u play for fun ? So less travel time more fight time what is wrong with this ?

The part where we dump a boot fleet on everything anywhere in the galaxy.

So what i want to say is POWER PROJECTION is BAD we should stop that, but more travel times reduces the joy of game, so they should fix that for one jump INSIDE the region ?

Here's a great idea... Instead of living 3 regions away from your enemy because you're risk averse and dont want to lose anything, how about you fight the people who are right around you?

It's a brand new world; one where you cant have both safety and quick access to constant combat, and that's the way uh huh, uh huh I like it.

You want combat? go live near it!
You want safety? dont complain about travel times
You want both? go play WoW
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#39 - 2014-12-18 21:49:34 UTC
I removed a reply to an edited out part of the post it quoted.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2014-12-18 23:02:42 UTC
Death to all supers, best thing that could be done with them.

Plus Likes for ISD Ezwal too many of his posts end with "Thread Locked" and he doesn't get the likes he deserves.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.