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Tips on buying an ORCA

Aucturis Arbosa
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2014-12-14 17:08:26 UTC
How long does it take to buy an Orca? Seriously....

I've got all the skills for it, save one. 50,000,000 isk for the skill price alone is astronomical, but the price tag for one ORCA....Unspeakable.

I need to re-think money generation. Not having that much luck in the market place and mining is going to take a long long long long LONG time in High Sec space....Shocked

Thoughts from some veterans?
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#2 - 2014-12-14 17:12:37 UTC
Aucturis Arbosa
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2014-12-14 17:54:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Aucturis Arbosa
Guess the problem is what is the best solution to ISK generation. Mine it low sec? Try to make some amazing deals on the Market? GANK ships? 700,000,000 is a long road...

Not afraid to work at it, just want to know what's the best route to take.
#4 - 2014-12-14 18:02:28 UTC
Aucturis Arbosa wrote:
Guess the problem is what is the best solution to ISK generation. Mine it low sec? Try to make some amazing deals on the Market? GANK ships? 700,000,000 is a long road...

Not afraid to work at it, just want to know what's the best route to take.

Do L4s for a month? Scams. Lots of ways to make isk. Some stuff is meant to be hard to get or do.

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#5 - 2014-12-14 18:41:22 UTC
Aucturis Arbosa wrote:
How long does it take to buy an Orca? Seriously....

I've got all the skills for it, save one. 50,000,000 isk for the skill price alone is astronomical, but the price tag for one ORCA....Unspeakable.

I need to re-think money generation. Not having that much luck in the market place and mining is going to take a long long long long LONG time in High Sec space....Shocked

Thoughts from some veterans?

Let's remove the whole concept of the orca from discussion and highlight the main question, making isk. Why you want an orca, don't really care, but you want to make the isk to get one ok. First off, you probably are not going to make it in highsec to any fast degree. You'll need to creep towards lowsec, nullsec, or Wspace. I would focus on these three areas assuming you are new.

1) exploration sites. Requires a covops and some hacking skills. Ran two a week ago, made 100 million, in a covops frigate, and level 4 skills. A faction pos mod dropped, I took it to Jita, and built it, sold it for 30 million a piece (bpc made 3).

2) gas mining in wormholes. It's faster than mining rock, can be done in a venture for under 2 million isk, and depending on gas, can pay out 10 to 100 million for 15 to 20 minutes of work.

3) planetary interaction. This is slow isk, and only requires a sub million isk hauler. Low skills on one guy, per month, can average 200 million, this is checking it once every 2 to 5 days, and haul once a month. Takes me 10 minutes to check my characters and reset extractors. It's slow isk though, and requires you to sell it, but after initial setup, it is essentially free (minus taxes).

Three options for you, one that is a type of mining but adventurous, another that is exploration and different, a 3rd that is consistent, requires no attention but is slow.

Do all three, you could pull in enough to buy your orca in a month.


Justin Zaine
#6 - 2014-12-14 20:33:37 UTC
Work for an hour IRL (Two if you make mimimum wage,) and buy a PLEX.

He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.

Aerie Evingod
Midwest Miners LLC
#7 - 2014-12-14 20:49:59 UTC
High sec incursions are profitable.
Cheese Crackers
Malfurion Mining
#8 - 2014-12-14 21:11:51 UTC
I would suggest you join a corp, even if its in hisec. lots of guys out there who are willing to help you get on the way. since you seem to want to get an orca, im assuming you want to get into mining/industry area, i would recommend looking into that. mining in hisec can be profitable if you have boosts and give it a good go. null sec is also a good way to make fast isk if you have access to ratting, if you want to mine out there you defs need to join a corp who will buy the ore as you dont want to have to deal with getting the ore out.
Vardaugas Family
#9 - 2014-12-14 21:28:12 UTC
Get a set of BPCs, mine and build it yourself. Nothing more satisfying than christening a ship you created through hard work.
Alastair Ormand
Mine all the things
#10 - 2014-12-15 04:33:20 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
Get a set of BPCs, mine and build it yourself. Nothing more satisfying than christening a ship you created through hard work.

Then having it blown up by gankers.

I discourage running with scissors.

Alastair Ormand
Mine all the things
#11 - 2014-12-15 04:37:53 UTC
I can help you mine up the ore to buy your Orca. Contact me in game if you wish.

I discourage running with scissors.

Bad Taste.
#12 - 2014-12-15 05:10:31 UTC
Just keep mining and eventually you will get your Orca and then you can mine more. That is your destiny.
Di-Tron Heavy Industries
#13 - 2014-12-15 05:29:14 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:
Aucturis Arbosa wrote:
How long does it take to buy an Orca? Seriously....

I've got all the skills for it, save one. 50,000,000 isk for the skill price alone is astronomical, but the price tag for one ORCA....Unspeakable.

I need to re-think money generation. Not having that much luck in the market place and mining is going to take a long long long long LONG time in High Sec space....Shocked

Thoughts from some veterans?

Let's remove the whole concept of the orca from discussion and highlight the main question, making isk. Why you want an orca, don't really care, but you want to make the isk to get one ok. First off, you probably are not going to make it in highsec to any fast degree. You'll need to creep towards lowsec, nullsec, or Wspace. I would focus on these three areas assuming you are new.

1) exploration sites. Requires a covops and some hacking skills. Ran two a week ago, made 100 million, in a covops frigate, and level 4 skills. A faction pos mod dropped, I took it to Jita, and built it, sold it for 30 million a piece (bpc made 3).

2) gas mining in wormholes. It's faster than mining rock, can be done in a venture for under 2 million isk, and depending on gas, can pay out 10 to 100 million for 15 to 20 minutes of work.

3) planetary interaction. This is slow isk, and only requires a sub million isk hauler. Low skills on one guy, per month, can average 200 million, this is checking it once every 2 to 5 days, and haul once a month. Takes me 10 minutes to check my characters and reset extractors. It's slow isk though, and requires you to sell it, but after initial setup, it is essentially free (minus taxes).

Three options for you, one that is a type of mining but adventurous, another that is exploration and different, a 3rd that is consistent, requires no attention but is slow.

Do all three, you could pull in enough to buy your orca in a month.

Add in some mission running, either level 3's or 4's, if possible. As stated above, nullsec exploration, in an inexpensive T1 frigate, can pay nicely, even with less than perfect skills. Just don't fit a Sister's Probe Launcher! You don't want to lose 40 million if you get blown up. Run around NPC nullsec, run some relic and data sites, and sell your loot on the local market - Outer Ring and Syndicate were very good for me. Sister's Core Probes, eight of them, and a standard Core Probe Launcher should work well.

Go to the Eve University Wiki, and learn about overview setup before venturing out, and also read up on using D-Scan. Fit your ship with one each of the T1rigs for Data and Relic hacking, they're very cheap.

Have fun, and good luck!
Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#14 - 2014-12-15 06:05:36 UTC
At the risk of seeming self aggrandizing, this may be of some help to you op. A 48hr quick start guide on how to get an explorer alt up and running.
Chainsaw Plankton
#15 - 2014-12-15 06:36:05 UTC
Orlacc wrote:
Aucturis Arbosa wrote:
Guess the problem is what is the best solution to ISK generation. Mine it low sec? Try to make some amazing deals on the Market? GANK ships? 700,000,000 is a long road...

Not afraid to work at it, just want to know what's the best route to take.

Do L4s for a month? Scams. Lots of ways to make isk. Some stuff is meant to be hard to get or do.

700m in a month, whats that one mission a day, sometimes two if you get some bad ones?

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Zetsubou Gakusei
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2014-12-15 09:38:13 UTC
join WTM or TVP incursions, you just need the starter capital for a BS and modules.
You'll be making more than 100 millions every hour, in about 3 hours you'll have repaid the ship, in a weekend you can make enough money to get an orca
Erehwon Rorschach
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#17 - 2014-12-15 13:18:20 UTC
I'd go back to the "Why do you want an orca?"

WIll it help you make isk?
What do you plan to use it for?

If it's not really going to help make more isk then hold off and focus on things that can help.

Because your mum just couldn't say no.

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2014-12-16 09:36:55 UTC
That awkward moment when OP gets into ISK making to buy Orca, then tries to compare what he makes in order to achieve that in comparison with mining...

By the way, if I understand it correctly, recent changes to Orca removed its functionality of boss bling hauler, so mining will be its primary purpose I think...
Jacob Holland
Weyland-Vulcan Industries
#19 - 2014-12-16 10:52:11 UTC
The question immediately after "Why does the OP want his Orca?" has to be "Does the OP understand what the Orca does?"

To clarify:
The Orca is a mining support ship. It is not, in and of itself, a mining vessel. It cannot fit mining modules and is therefore limited to a maximum yield of 5 unbonused mining drones.
Instead its role is to serve as a base for a mining operation and to buff miners in its fleet using warfare link modules (primarily the Mining Foreman modules).

If the OP intends to mount three strip miners and take advantage of the 50k m3 ore hold to mine AFK (or effectively AFK) then the Orca is not the ship he's looking for.

The most heavily used Mining Foreman link reduces the cycle time of the miners of associated ships - working on the basis of that link alone the Orca's benefits (with maximised skills and a very expensive Cybernetics [5] implant) are comparable to the Orca pilot being another miner in a fleet of three (two miners plus the Orca). If you're mining with one other person the Orca may offer other benefits but they are significantly less measurable. If the OP is mining alone, or with a single friend or alt, then the Orca is not the ship they need and the Skiff would be a better goal - Of course if the OP is mining as part of a substantial corp fleet there may well be others in that fleet more suited to training for and purchasing the Orca.
Xylem Viliana
homeless bum
#20 - 2014-12-16 15:12:10 UTC
To be honest ill give you a genuine tip.

Dont come to the forums and ask on tips on buying a ship you cant afford atm.

EVE is a harsh place and this forum post basically is (for a vindictive person) a case of add you to watchlist and check back on you in a few weeks, for nothing more than to take your orca off you knowing that you worked hard to get it and cant afford to replace it.

Welcome to EVE.
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