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Every Capsuleer's Dream that EVE Destroys

Simon Victor
The Hornet's Nest
#1 - 2014-12-11 18:30:43 UTC
When I first began playing EVE Online, I had a certain set of expectations and desires for the experience that were quickly crushed throughout my time in-game. The failure to meet those expectations eventually lead me to quit playing for a couple of years.

Most capsuleers are looking for a couple of things specifically. Tell me if you agree.

First off...

...capsuleers want to create something in their gaming experience. Most capsuleers have been directors in small corporations at some point in time trying to feed this desire to be part of something that works and feeds a sense of purpose. In-turn, these small corporations just want a little piece of the pie. They want space of their own. A little outpost "in the woods" to call home.

Those dreams are quickly destroyed by the realization that large blobs of coalitions and alliances run this universe. The little man can't have that piece of pie because they'll have to fight off 3000 of the big man's guns to get even a taste. It's like a small start-up business trying to take on Microsoft. It's just not going to happen.

I have an idea that probably needs work-shopped a touch, but I'm sure there will be plenty of feedback in this thread to get some ideas on repairing the problem. I understand a null-sec revamp is coming, but this thread is about a bigger picture.

The first time I set up a POS, I was extremely disappointed in the result. I was expecting a dock-able structure; A miniature outpost for my crew. Instead, I got a bubble with some crap on the inside that could magically make my ship disappear and reappear in space, and do some other mystically magical things that I couldn't see. Logistically, it made sense, but it wasn't fun. It was more work than it was worth. To be fun, for me, a POS was going to have to be a modular outpost, fitted like a T3 with subsystems, dock-able, and with the same logistical capabilities and destructibility. In my reality, walking in stations should have started with walking in POS's, a smaller, more manageable GUI environment for a small group of people. It should have limited docking capability by limiting the space available for docking, but be able to accommodate 10-20 docked pilots with limited hangar space for ships and equipment. Nothing should change otherwise. The structure is just as fragile as before, the purpose is the same, but the execution is different.

I think this POS restructuring would make WH space a bit more inhabitable, and make it out to be what the capsuleers clearly desire. This would make high and low-sec more interesting as well, providing players with a small hangout for their corporation. Making them feel more connected to the game, and each other. That's just the beginning.

Secondly... the beginning, I wanted more control over my ships. This has begun to be a reality with Rhea, but the ship control needs to be much more intuitive than up, down, and side-to-side. I think this is a fit subject for another thread.

Lastly... ideas are short on this, but null-sec has historically been only for the EVE giant. The Apples and Microsofts of the EVE universe. I'd hate to take that away from the large coalitions. They've clearly earned it, but I think there needs to be an integration of the little man somehow. It needs to be maintainable for a small group, yet risky, and with a high possibility of profit. We may even be talking about a different system class all-together where the corporation "pays" CONCORD to provide a level of security within the system, essentially taking a null-sec system, player owning it, and raising the sec status of the system under the corporate flag. I'd also like to see outposts be completely destructible because, let's face it, what happens when outposts are in every null-sec system. There will be no more to be built.

These are all just basic ideas, and clearly need some further thought. I'd like to hear your ideas for further development on these topics. Maybe we can help EVE be the game that everyone wants it to be.

Arguing with strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they inevitably turn out to be, or are indistinguishable from, self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#2 - 2014-12-11 18:39:44 UTC
How does this destructible station square with your dream of a safe home for the little guy? If you really want what you are asking for, go live in a remote highsec system. There are plenty of them where you'll rarely see people. The only thing you won't have is your name on the station, which someone with your attitude will never have anyway.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#3 - 2014-12-11 18:42:03 UTC
Your POS complaint that is just a matter of you not doing research and building something up to what it wasn't and for game play reasons they should not be dockable.

as for wanting a a bit of space that a small start up corp can claim in eve a corporation of only a few people can claim a a system and hold it (one man can even do it with a few alts) you need to learn more about what can be done in eve head to a wiki i'll even give you a starting point and tell you to look into J-space
Simon Victor
The Hornet's Nest
#4 - 2014-12-11 18:45:13 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
How does this destructible station square with your dream of a safe home for the little guy? If you really want what you are asking for, go live in a remote highsec system. There are plenty of them where you'll rarely see people. The only thing you won't have is your name on the station, which someone with your attitude will never have anyway.

What I'm looking for is not a "safe" home for the little guy. I'm looking for a home maintainable by the little guy that is their own. They'll still have to hold it. EVE is not safe. Why would we want safety when the game is about fighting to survive? I'm simply stating some of my expectations getting into the game, however unrealistic some of them may have been.

Arguing with strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they inevitably turn out to be, or are indistinguishable from, self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.

Delkash Khan
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#5 - 2014-12-11 19:11:49 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
as for wanting a a bit of space that a small start up corp can claim in eve a corporation of only a few people can claim a a system and hold it (one man can even do it with a few alts) you need to learn more about what can be done in eve head to a wiki i'll even give you a starting point and tell you to look into J-space

This is probably the best course of action for a small corp wanting to claim space. There are plenty of day to day activities which are essential in J-Space that would which are not so much in K-Space to keep you guys occupied. Not to mention that it can be rather lucrative to live there.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-12-11 20:29:30 UTC
Simon Victor wrote:
In my reality, walking in stations should have started with walking in POS's, a smaller, more manageable GUI environment for a small group of people.

I'm all for walking in stations if the only way people can experience it is in a fully destructible station.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Komi Toran
Caldari State
#7 - 2014-12-11 20:47:03 UTC
Simon Victor wrote:
What I'm looking for is not a "safe" home for the little guy. I'm looking for a home maintainable by the little guy that is their own.

Welcome to WH space.

Other things:

-POSes are slated to be redone. Ideas for POSes have been bashed to death. Use the search function.
-Ship controls might--might--be expanded to include joystick control and throttle. Might. CCP is looking at it. That said, keep in mind the server only really pays attention to you once every second, and that's not going to change for the foreseeable future.
The Upside Down
#8 - 2014-12-11 21:21:50 UTC
I agree to the destroy-able station idea .. anything that can be created by players should be destroy-able by players. As to the complaint that the poor people in null sec can't be bothered to move their stuff when they go inactive for 6 months I say HTFU..

As to your own little place in space. You can look at NPC null some of it like the great wildlands is fairly unclaimed last time I was there. Or you can go in as a renter corp under the wing of a larger null sec block.

However the place to really have your own home is in wormhole space as others have suggested. Your still stuck with crappy pos mechanics but it's not so bad once you get use it and the isk is great.

Keep in mind in some ways WH space is more ruthless than null, Wormholers people will wait hours for a juicy orca to warp to a wormhole just for the satisfaction of giving you the quick ride back to high sec. My recommendations for WH space is to speak softly and carry a big stick.

If you have any questions shoot me an evemail and I can point you in the right direction.
Iain Cariaba
#9 - 2014-12-11 22:46:50 UTC
Welcome to the realization that you are an itty bitty fish in a really big pond. EvE is not like other MMOs. You get given pretty much nothing. If you want something, you need to prove you deserve it. Put on your big boy undies, go out, and take what you want from those who already have it. This is the spirit of EvE.

Can't do it alone? That's fine. There are dozens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of players who are after the same thing you want. Recruit their assistance. Keep in mind, however, that some of those are waiting for you to do all the work, then they will stab you in the back and take all that you've worked so hard for. This is also the spirit of EvE.
Ice Fire Warriors
#10 - 2014-12-11 23:02:47 UTC
Let me just toss this in here:

"Players are not entitled to success. The most aspirational goals are coveted by many but reached by few."
~ CCP Soundwave (Fanfest 2013)

As for the POS thing... yeah... CCP has plans for that, but last I heard they are untangling the base legacy code that POSs were designed under.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#11 - 2014-12-12 01:04:10 UTC
I too would like ownable, destructable and dockable stations to be a reality. And when the bad guys come along, they can sift through the ashes to scoop whats left of your stuff (and your corpses if you logged off in there).

Go for it. As long as you appreciate you can only update your trajectory once a second. With the way EVE works, down to its core code, even a frigate will not be twitching controls to avoid incoming fire.

No. If you cant take it yourself, and you cant defend it yourself, you dont deserve it. If the little guy wants something, hes going to have to do something about it himself.

Im not sure what you are imagining with this idea, but how are you supposed to retake a system when the invincible CONCORD turn up every time someone shoots a POS?...

Are we just supposed to leave the system in the hands of the first person who reaches it? thats not very fun.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Simon Victor
The Hornet's Nest
#12 - 2014-12-14 02:42:31 UTC
Im not sure what you are imagining with this idea, but how are you supposed to retake a system when the invincible CONCORD turn up every time someone shoots a POS?...

Are we just supposed to leave the system in the hands of the first person who reaches it? thats not very fun.

That's a good point.

In response to the other posts in this thread. I've done J-Space, I've even done null-sec, and I did a pretty decent job of organizing people to do all of that together. I understand EVE. You don't have to tell me "Welcome to EVE" because I already know all of those points. I wasn't trying to find something for myself to do. I was simply stating a certain number of expectations along with disappointments when I first entered the game years ago.

Anyway, there are a lot of good points here, and yes, there are options for little guys. I've done every one of them successfully. All I'm saying is that, after doing all of it, it could have been slightly more interesting in several ways.

I'm all for walking in stations if the only way people can experience it is in a fully destructible station.

I'm not sure if you're serious, but I am when I say 'Hell yes!'. Why not?

...and for game play reasons they should not be dockable.

Why not? Is it really that game-breaking of an expectation? What's the difference between keeping your ship in a bubble or docking with the structure? It accomplishes the same thing, but with a little more flare.

The only thing you won't have is your name on the station, which someone with your attitude will never have anyway.

What the hell is that supposed to mean, "Someone with your attitude?"

Arguing with strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they inevitably turn out to be, or are indistinguishable from, self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#13 - 2014-12-14 03:22:28 UTC
Simon Victor wrote:

The only thing you won't have is your name on the station, which someone with your attitude will never have anyway.

What the hell is that supposed to mean, "Someone with your attitude?"

The kind of person who suggests that Concord should help you hold your space will probably never own his own home.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Simon Victor
The Hornet's Nest
#14 - 2014-12-14 19:46:51 UTC
The kind of person who suggests that Concord should help you hold your space will probably never own his own home.

It's not the first time it's been suggested, and it's just an idea. It's probably not a mechanic I would even use, but that doesn't mean it lacks the potential to enhance gameplay for others in some way.

Plus, I have owned my own home. I've done J-Space and Null-Sec in the past. I didn't sign up yesterday. If you don't like the idea that's fine. Your opinion is noted.

Arguing with strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they inevitably turn out to be, or are indistinguishable from, self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.

Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2014-12-14 19:57:24 UTC
I have since I first started found my home system with my main station more cozy than any wormhole PoS I have encountered...
I don't think EVE is crushing anyone elses dreams, than yours. People shouldn't be handed anything on a silver platter... They need to learn the basics of the game. Rough times is what you learn from, and thrives you to do better...

I was overjoyed when I first hit my milestone of 200 million isk... I did that because I worked hard for it. I knew it was nothing compared to the biggest corportations, but you got to remember they started out from scratch as well. Especially those who first played this game at release who had nothing, and was unable to get anything better than a frigate or cruiser because it was expensive and there weren't as many miners and industrial players as there are today.

I believe new players nowadays are living in complete luxury. When I first started playing the game, you created a character whereafter you were given a ship in the middle of nowhere, where aura shortly after spawned two pirate ships that you had to kill.

Tough times makes you thrive for doing better... I understand if a lot of people quit because of that, so be it... I rather have more patient people continue to play the game than impatient little "beeps" who take things for granted.

So yeah...
Simon Victor
The Hornet's Nest
#16 - 2014-12-14 20:41:11 UTC
I'm not saying anyone should get everything for nothing. That's what makes the game interesting. Saying that "We had it worse in the beginning" seems like a remnant of angry-vet syndrome; Kind of like when old men tell you how they walked 5 miles up-hill, both ways, in the snow and rain to get to and from school everday.

Just because the game-play experience used to be rough doesn't mean it needs to stay that way. Gaming is and should be a luxury. I agree that the risk vs. reward system should remain intact, and I'm sure your wealth in-game has been well-deserved. This doesn't mean that the old ways are the best ways. There are plenty of ways to implement changes similar to the ones I have presented without removing the risk of said activities.

To sum this up, the game should remain difficult, but there are ways to enhance game-play while preserving difficulty. The idea of this thread was to grow ideas, not make the game painfully easy for everyone. Clearly I have failed at communicating that intention.

If nobody is interested in constructively discussing the ideas I've mentioned here, then let this thread die. Otherwise, I'm glad to hear suggestions and constructive criticism. I'm not asking for advice on how to play the game, and I'm not whining about how the game is played. It seems pretty simple, doesn't it?

Arguing with strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they inevitably turn out to be, or are indistinguishable from, self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.

Helios Panala
#17 - 2014-12-14 22:47:29 UTC
I like the idea of being able to dock at starbases, if it doesn't fit with the current lore then scrap the current lore and make starbases bigger and modular. I want to start with a tower and then stick labs and arrays on it rather than having them floating in space like a bunch of space litter.

As for the rest, well meh. I'm a little guy and I understand your frustrations but at the end of the day it's a sandbox and if you fight someone bigger and richer then unless you're a lot smarter you should expect to lose. On the other side once you've had your face kicked in and been forced to retreat to high-sec then it should be much harder to give you grief than it currently is, but that's for another topic really.
Jenshae Chiroptera
#18 - 2014-12-15 02:19:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenshae Chiroptera
Worm Holes are the incubators for corps and alliances.

Start in high sec, do your thing, get the skills and ISK you need. Get numbers.
Go into the Worm Hole, make a heck of a lot of ISK, keep getting skills and get some PVP experience.
At this point you might want to open a second worm hole that you basically administer. Get a bunch of high sec corps in there. POS for each at every moon.
Done right your alliance is large, hardened and ready to join a coalition in null sec.

What I would like to see is stations you can build in worm holes. Not like anyone will be controlling regions of worm holes and sitting in a little POS with so many assets makes you very paranoid.

Edit: I started playing EVE because I read a book. I still have assets in a Gurista station from when I was trying to join their corp. Blink
We all have expectations. It is still a good game. You can adapt quicker to it than you can ever hope to change it.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

#19 - 2014-12-15 10:15:05 UTC
Simon Victor wrote:
...and for game play reasons they should not be dockable.

Why not? Is it really that game-breaking of an expectation? What's the difference between keeping your ship in a bubble or docking with the structure? It accomplishes the same thing, but with a little more flare.

If they're effectively the same then what is your problem with the way it works now. YOU are the one proposing the change, the burden of proof is on YOU.

In fact a POS is functionally better than a dockable station the way you propose... I can D-scan in my POS, I can use probes in my POS, I can see my enemies' fleet compositions in my POS. If you make it dockable all of that goes away... and for what? to fulfill your expectations?
Simon Victor wrote:
Im not sure what you are imagining with this idea, but how are you supposed to retake a system when the invincible CONCORD turn up every time someone shoots a POS?...

Are we just supposed to leave the system in the hands of the first person who reaches it? thats not very fun.

That's a good point.

In response to the other posts in this thread. I've done J-Space, I've even done null-sec, and I did a pretty decent job of organizing people to do all of that together. I understand EVE. You don't have to tell me "Welcome to EVE" because I already know all of those points. I wasn't trying to find something for myself to do. I was simply stating a certain number of expectations along with disappointments when I first entered the game years ago.

The great thing is that CCP isnt all about catering to your desires or expectations...

the best part about this game is the dog eat dog mentality of everyone who plays. As you have already said there are several ways to play effectively as a small group, so go do those and quit asking CCP to provide additional content for you when you should be out there making the content for yourself.
Simon Victor
The Hornet's Nest
#20 - 2014-12-15 16:36:04 UTC
If they're effectively the same then what is your problem with the way it works now. YOU are the one proposing the change, the burden of proof is on YOU.

In fact a POS is functionally better than a dockable station the way you propose... I can D-scan in my POS, I can use probes in my POS, I can see my enemies' fleet compositions in my POS. If you make it dockable all of that goes away... and for what? to fulfill your expectations?

Those are valid points, and I appreciate the contribution to discussion. See, those are things that I didn't think of. That having been said, it doesn't eliminate my desire for a dockable structure similar to a POS.
The great thing is that CCP isnt all about catering to your desires or expectations...

the best part about this game is the dog eat dog mentality of everyone who plays. As you have already said there are several ways to play effectively as a small group, so go do those and quit asking CCP to provide additional content for you when you should be out there making the content for yourself.

Are you saying, as a paying customer, I don't have the right to express my desires for the service I pay for? I understand what makes the game. It's the people mostly. CCP has done a great job of bringing people into a game, but their involvement is limited to providing infrastructure for that sandbox. They're job is to make it more interesting to interact with those players.

Content is CCP's job. The interaction with that content is our job. I'm sure there are things you would like to have in-game that are also "Not CCP's job" to cater to, but as I stated, you too should have the right to voice those desires, as a paying customer. If your mentality was the correct one, we wouldn't have scheduled downtime for updates regularly, and content wouldn't be added because "It's not CCP's job to cater to the customer."

Arguing with strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they inevitably turn out to be, or are indistinguishable from, self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.

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