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Christmas is coming soon, prt 3 2014 EvEnt

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Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#121 - 2014-12-12 00:46:35 UTC
Liafcipe9000 wrote:
Santa Spirit wrote:
Liafcipe9000 wrote:
I keep Local open when in Hek so I can troll.

If Santa comes to Hek and post in Local I will be sure to suppprt his scam event Big smile

Actually, the first event we held was in Hek

It was a blast too


I'm afraid I missed that one, but if you ever come to Hek give me a shout... Blink

you can travel yes?

I will be posting the location in the OP on the morning of the 13th (eastern time) and that should give everyone time to come to the event location.



Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#122 - 2014-12-12 00:59:13 UTC
Kon Kre8r wrote:
I will donate AGAIN -- This time an entire 860 Million -- It would have been this number twice had someone not found a way to exploit the Wallet System….

Also -- I can donate piles of Tristans :)

Please let me know what else you could use and where I should make transaction

Your original donation was more than generous.

Thank you very much Sir.

PS. I do hope you are able to come to the event and have some fun with us

Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#123 - 2014-12-12 05:40:46 UTC
Goodnight everyone.


Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#124 - 2014-12-12 11:58:34 UTC
good morning all...

one day closer now



Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#125 - 2014-12-13 07:24:25 UTC
good night all, I'll be posting the event location in the morning when I get up. :)

Thanks all

Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Gilan Isana
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#126 - 2014-12-13 14:07:37 UTC
Hi Santa,

Couple of quick questions before you announce the venue and i leave home base to get there . . . . .

With regard to the frigate races - is any frigate valid? T1, T2, Faction? or will there be restrictions / different races for different classes? As im guessing a well fit T2 Interceptor will pretty much beat anything when it comes to a straight speed race. Wile Navy / other faction ships may or may not have such an advantage over other T1.

I also note your OP mentions there may be probing required to find certain prizes, but again, this would not stand a chance in a frigate race.

Basically, trying to work out what to bring along to maximise the options and the fun!!

see you tomorrow

Devman Hakaari
Chaos Dynamics Inc
#127 - 2014-12-13 16:36:38 UTC
Wake up Santa ! Lets get this party started ! Smile

How are you fit for Festival assets ? cant have a party without fireworks .

I have a few million units lying around , I'll bring a couple hundred thousand just in case Blink .
Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#128 - 2014-12-13 17:10:08 UTC
Gilan Isana wrote:
Hi Santa,

Couple of quick questions before you announce the venue and i leave home base to get there . . . . .

With regard to the frigate races - is any frigate valid? T1, T2, Faction? or will there be restrictions / different races for different classes? As im guessing a well fit T2 Interceptor will pretty much beat anything when it comes to a straight speed race. Wile Navy / other faction ships may or may not have such an advantage over other T1.

I also note your OP mentions there may be probing required to find certain prizes, but again, this would not stand a chance in a frigate race.

Basically, trying to work out what to bring along to maximise the options and the fun!!

see you tomorrow


Frigate race:

we require that all frigates used are t1 frigs in order to keep the event fairly balanced, however, a pilot's choice of fit is up to them.

The scanning event:

whatever ship you wish to scan in is fine.
information as to what the "can" is will be given out in system

Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Devman Hakaari
Chaos Dynamics Inc
#129 - 2014-12-13 18:42:09 UTC
oh ... ok . I'm a day early.

sure felt like a Sunday Ugh

standing at the door with the dom perignon and a chocolate babka ... no one answers . Roll

Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#130 - 2014-12-14 00:30:46 UTC
Devman Hakaari wrote:
oh ... ok . I'm a day early.

sure felt like a Sunday Ugh

standing at the door with the dom perignon and a chocolate babka ... no one answers . Roll

No worries, one of the elfs told me we had an early arrival *wink*


Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#131 - 2014-12-14 00:40:25 UTC
Good night all...
I'll see you all tomorrow i hope.

if not, my best and great Holiday wishes for each of you, and your families from me, my family, and my helpers; we hope that whatever deity you follow smiles upon you and keeps you safe through this and the coming years.


Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#132 - 2014-12-14 00:59:10 UTC
oh, before I go

here's what we have collected for this year's event

each container has an item, or "items" inside it.


Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Saint Celeste
#133 - 2014-12-14 01:34:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Saint Celeste
Santa Spirit wrote:
oh, before I go

here's what we have collected for this year's event

each container has an item, or "items" inside it.


if my donation is late consider it for next year or event you hold. whichever is convenient for you.

x4 vengeance and x1 navy vexor [some t1 frigate BPC, and x1 battle cruiser BPC me/te 10/20]

it seems i cannot read [dates that is] anyway hopefully this helps out somehow.
Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#134 - 2014-12-14 02:21:44 UTC
Saint Celeste wrote:
Santa Spirit wrote:
oh, before I go

here's what we have collected for this year's event

each container has an item, or "items" inside it.


if my donation is late consider it for next year or event you hold. whichever is convenient for you.

x4 vengeance and x1 navy vexor [some t1 frigate BPC, and x1 battle cruiser BPC me/te 10/20]

it seems i cannot read [dates that is] anyway hopefully this helps out somehow.

My haulers have told me they'll run till the very last minute if there's stuff to bring. :)

Thank you, and hope to see you there.


Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Epoch Veli
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#135 - 2014-12-14 03:14:35 UTC
So I have a question. When will this all go down. It is the 14th in eve now, and I am ready to roll, but when?
Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#136 - 2014-12-14 03:33:22 UTC
Epoch Veli wrote:
So I have a question. When will this all go down. It is the 14th in eve now, and I am ready to roll, but when?

We are on eastern time, so look for things to start around 3:30 pm EST

I don't have any GMT timezone helpers, or I'd have them start a little bit after DT



Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Daemon Barr
Warped Holes
#137 - 2014-12-14 15:33:15 UTC
Big smileBig smile
SOunds like a super sexy rattler. Curious I am panning through the OP and for the lyfe of me I cannot find the place, I see the time, 3:30 EST? But as far as locale, it' well, it escapes me.



Santa Spirit wrote:
OK, i'm going to give away my Rattlesnake.

I hope folks like it as much as I do...

[Rattlesnake, -=Santa's Snake=-]
Damage Control II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Ballistic Control System II

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Pithum C-Type Thermic Dissapation Amplifier
Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II

Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Drone Link Augmentor II

Large Core Defense Field Purger II
Large Core Defense Field Purger II
Large Core Defense Field Purger II

Medium Armor Maintenance Bot II x2
Light Hull Maintenance Bot II x1
Salvage Drone I x5
Curator II x2
Bouncer II x2
Acolyte II x5

Inferno Precision Cruise Missile x1000
Scourge Precision Cruise Missile x1000
Nova Fury Cruise Missile x1000
Scourge Fury Cruise Missile x1000
Mjolnir Fury Cruise Missile x1000
Nova Precision Cruise Missile x1000
Mjolnir Precision Cruise Missile x1000
Inferno Fury Cruise Missile x865

Plus 3 more modules in the cargohold so that the ship can be fit to specific types of rats/space

In addition to that another generous donation has been given to the event that's sure to find favor with whomever receives them.


Devman Hakaari
Chaos Dynamics Inc
#138 - 2014-12-14 16:25:14 UTC
Ghesis II - Inherent Implants Biotech Production
Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#139 - 2014-12-14 18:59:56 UTC
and CCP Leeloo has graced us with her presence in system

Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#140 - 2014-12-14 20:08:25 UTC
CCP Explorer too

Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made