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Out of Pod Experience

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Post your rejections.

Tilde Duchateau
The Vendunari
End of Life
#61 - 2014-12-12 05:56:41 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Tilde Duchateau wrote:

Yus. It's nothing weird, I swear.

Sibs, you wanna grab some dim sum tonight?

Um, I'm sorry. I have to stay home and.. *looks around for an excuse* shave my eyebrows. Maybe some other time?

Aw yes. Got my story for the thread.

I asked Sibs to go out for dim sum. She said she has to shave her eyebrows. REJECTION ACHIEVED.

Jackhammer subtlety. Bitches love cannons. This Is My Jam.

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#62 - 2014-12-12 07:59:39 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
[lots of bowling...] picking up any miracle spares here after all. Sad

I honestly do not get that story. It sounds like you surrendered before she even had the chance to reject you... Shocked

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2014-12-12 10:51:51 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Parents do the darnedest things. Really, there ought to be a training course or license they have to get. Maybe through an advisory board of senile old easy-going great-grandmas and grandpas.Smile

Long-forgotten rejection tale:
For about 6 months, had been teaching English to every school kid in every school in a village in a country Japan mountain valley. Really kind and generous people, but the attention and lack of privacy were kind of intense.

One day there I met a Japanese-American guy from L.A. there. He had roots in the village, and was trying to learn Japanese and take care of some inherited land.

Another day a while later, my new compatriot bud and I decide to take a bus down the hill to the closest sizable town for some bowling. Yeah, bowling, because we'd both seen the bowling alley along the highway bus route, and it was the only place we could come up with to go to. Lo and behold, inside it's lot like an American bowling alley. Except it has about 30 20-year-old attendants. We get two setting up our scoring computer thing, shoes, etc.

Well, young male American bowlers being a first-time thing for them, and Japanese 20-yr-old bowling attendants being a first-time thing for us, we kind of get interested in each other. Things are going so well for me with one of them that I sort of start getting a high. Sort of a transcendental ardrenalin/satori excited state of mind. I knock down nine pins, leaving the one in the back right corner standing. Hard to pick up for a righty. But no problem, in my highly-charged yet focused bowling attendant state or Zenness, I shave that bastard and topple it.

Friend's two rolls-- don't remember. While he was rolling, my girl gave me number, a twinkling eye, and a naughty smile. I am no longer a novelty foreigner mountain school teacher-- I am a local player! So now I'm just flying in nirvana on hormones, dopamines, oxygen deprivation, or who knows. I just line up my shot, float toward the line, and launch the ball with my mind elsewhere. It musically plucks that left corner pin like a guitar string and sends it over to relaxedly knock down the one on the right.

"How did you do that!! Ha heh heh!" Ha, never mind that! Miracle shots by regular crappy guys out bowling-- pshaw!

OK, here's the rejection part, two days later:
K. Deserters (after some rehearsing, to whomever might pick up the phone, which turned out to be a mom, as feared: "Ah, hello. I would like to speak to Mayumi-san please."
Mom ::strangely amused and nice, as if expecting it:: "Hello, yes, here she is."
Mayumi: "Hello, how are you? It was very nice to meet you. Thank you so much for contacting me again. It's quite cold today, isn't it...? heh"
K. Deserters [soliliquy, to self] WTH, big surprise, ah damn, whatt? I think I get it-- yeah, it is, shot down in flames. Not picking up any miracle spares here after all. Sad

Oh japan and its nob blocking parents.

"I think you should buy a new Mayan calendar. Mine has muscle cars on it." - Kenneth O'Hara

"I dont think that can happen, you can see Gray has his invuln field on in his portrait." - Commissar "Cake" Kate

Eurydia Vespasian
Storm Hunters
#64 - 2014-12-12 14:19:42 UTC
I have some other rejection type tales but they aren't very funny. I was a good girl in high school and maintained my virtue (mostly) until I was 18. However, I was a severe cocktease. This caused some stress in my budding relationships. So, I got dumped a few times by guys that couldn't handle that or those that found someone that would give them what they wanted.

I have no regrets.

Though I was annoyed a lot at the time.
Adela Talvanen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#65 - 2014-12-12 15:00:02 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
i'm pretty damn selfish, but i see it as a matter of treating myself without fear of being betrayed.

To hug someone you have to put yourself within stabbing distance. Can't go through life without hugs, I think.

Just my two cents.

yes. yes I can. I hug me and am in very deep love with myself.

Here's your ideal end result.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#66 - 2014-12-12 15:02:52 UTC
This gal was into me for a couple weeks and we were hanging out together, when suddenly one day she started avoiding me. I tried to ask her why but she refused to speak with me, looked away from me, and acted like I wasn't there. Not sure what I did to **** her off, but several of her friends came after me like I had done something horrible. I even got accused of trash-talking the military, which is pretty messed up because I had just come from the military a few months prior to the event.

Anyway, this thread gives me an idea...

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#67 - 2014-12-12 18:35:10 UTC
Debora Tsung wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:
[lots of bowling...] picking up any miracle spares here after all. Sad

I honestly do not get that story. It sounds like you surrendered before she even had the chance to reject you... Shocked

I didn't tell the story very well. It was all in her voice over the phone. Very polite, courteous, pleasant-- and stiff. Wouldn't get into a conversation. She made it pretty clear that it was a rejection. Nice meeting you, see you never, don't bother calling again.

Man, you're making me relive a lot of buried traumatic memories here! Smile
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#68 - 2014-12-13 00:19:19 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
I didn't tell the story very well. It was all in her voice over the phone. Very polite, courteous, pleasant-- and stiff. Wouldn't get into a conversation. She made it pretty clear that it was a rejection. Nice meeting you, see you never, don't bother calling again.

Man, you're making me relive a lot of buried traumatic memories here! Smile
Ain't that normal for japanese? Or for a lot of outher countries, too...

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#69 - 2014-12-13 03:53:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Khergit Deserters
Debora Tsung wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:
I didn't tell the story very well. It was all in her voice over the phone. Very polite, courteous, pleasant-- and stiff. Wouldn't get into a conversation. She made it pretty clear that it was a rejection. Nice meeting you, see you never, don't bother calling again.

Man, you're making me relive a lot of buried traumatic memories here! Smile
Ain't that normal for japanese? Or for a lot of outher countries, too...

Yeah, but when a Japanese woman has decided to get out the not interested/REJECTED stamp, it's no different than with women anywhere else. The message comes through loud, plain and clear. It doesn't matter what particular words they happen to be saying. Know what I mean?

(Not meaning to be sexist. Maybe it's the same with men, cockatoos, armadillos, puffer fish, or whatever else mates up. "No matter what you say or do, it ain't happening." Then again, you read about those couples married 75 years, and the wife rejected the husband 10 times, but he just wouldn't quit.... Hmmm)
Goonswarm Federation
#70 - 2014-12-13 04:03:03 UTC
my response to the cosmo article

reasons you should be with me.
I'm my biggest fan

1. I always brag about me
2. relocating for me is never an issue
3. I share the same values as me.
4. even after years of being me i still do nice things for me
5. I don't try to change me, but he would if i asked
6. the best part about being with me isn't just right now, it's also being with me the rest of my life
7. even after years of being with me, every day is new and exciting
8. I don't have to miss me. sometimes i reminisce about how me used to be, though.
9. I can be with me for long periods and still feel like I have my space
10. I'm my go-to person to talk about what happened throughout my day.
11. I can make plans with me, but if i need to change them that's ok with me too.
12. I could cry in front of me, but i also help me get to the root of the issue.
13. when my friends complain about their SO, I think they should try being with someone like me.
14. I'm as close with my family as I like to be
15. I have the same friends as me
16. I let me vent
17. I tell me, out of the blue, i look hot. but also sometimes that i should go on a diet.
18. I can do things like travel with me without fighting all the time.
19. I always leave me satisfied. ...and involving someone else is automatically a menage
the only problem i can think of is... sometimes i'm not honest with me.
Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#71 - 2014-12-13 04:56:26 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:

I think, ok, it's never happened before (I don't know why but I've found guys are pretty apprehensive about riding shotgun on a crotch rocket) but what could possibly go wrong? So we get on and I zip out.

Wanna come over and watch Mad Max?

...that was actually what I lined up for the first "date" with a gal I was into a few years back. It didn't work out.

Actually it was the second date. The first she asked me out for a bite. It was a mutual attraction. But I made her lose interest fast. Cool

ShahFluffers wrote:

At least he hasn't fallen into the "cuddlebitch" zone. That place is painful!

Aww cuddlebuddies are great. Sometimes.

Valkin Mordirc wrote:

Apparently I was so bad I drove her to lesbianism.

My highschool sweetheart is a lesbian now. I try to take credit but she denies it. So I guess that is a rejection of sorts.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2014-12-13 05:33:09 UTC
Unezka Turigahl wrote:
Wanna come over and watch Mad Max?

...that was actually what I lined up for the first "date" with a gal I was into a few years back. It didn't work out.

Actually it was the second date. The first she asked me out for a bite. It was a mutual attraction. But I made her lose interest fast. Cool

The original, Road Warrior, or Beyond Thunderdome?

And your date wanted to bite you? Shocked

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#73 - 2014-12-13 10:20:43 UTC
Will not go into details, just will summarize my experiences as:

- married are the very worst. Never go after married, ever.
- foreign students learning your language are great. Unless it's their second month in your country and they barely speak your language, and your Chinese and German are rusty.
- if it looks too good to be true, it's a trap. Luckily I am not that stupid.
- in real life, the princess goes back to shag her do-nothing friends while the white knight figures what to do with a stupid dead dragon. Yes, I used to be that stupid.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2014-12-13 12:04:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
Eurydia Vespasian wrote:
I have some other rejection type tales but they aren't very funny. I was a good girl in high school and maintained my virtue (mostly) until I was 18. However, I was a severe cocktease. This caused some stress in my budding relationships. So, I got dumped a few times by guys that couldn't handle that or those that found someone that would give them what they wanted.

I have no regrets.

Though I was annoyed a lot at the time.

I don't understand why there aren't more women like you in this world. I grew up being told that all the girls would wait and all the boys were impatient, and I had high hopes because I don't like jumping into relationships. But every gal I've been with left me for a guy who would get her started more quickly. Usually within the first month or two.

Khergit Deserters wrote:
Yeah, but when a Japanese woman has decided to get out the not interested/REJECTED stamp, it's no different than with women anywhere else. The message comes through loud, plain and clear. It doesn't matter what particular words they happen to be saying. Know what I mean?

Most men actually just fail to interpret it. And then they get called a stalker.

Unezka Turigahl wrote:
Valkin Mordirc wrote:

Apparently I was so bad I drove her to lesbianism.

My highschool sweetheart is a lesbian now. I try to take credit but she denies it. So I guess that is a rejection of sorts.

I once turned a gal straight. Well more accurately, she claimed she was bi when we met (and had a girlfriend) but then later decided she was completely straight.

I'd love to take credit for it but I know that a lot of women just aren't sure where they stand until they explore a bit. Some men are that way too, but less often. For instance, her girlfriend (also claiming to be bi) later went for a guy but then decided she was definitely only gay.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2014-12-13 12:27:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
Eurydia Vespasian wrote:
Sure enough, a seeming enternity later, a knock came at our door. I gasped with excitement and darted out of the room. My dad stood at the door and beyond it was my love and HIS dad. His dad held a note. My note! I was completely petrified! How could this be? How could he betray my love like this. He looked visibly uncomfortable he clearly did not share my feelings.

The punishment my parents doled out to me was harsh. But I barely noticed. Nothing could compare to the emptiness of my heart. I listened to my rock albums and hated the cruelty of fate and life for weeks.

Stupid boys!

I remember well the days of being punished both for not understanding sex and for trying to understand it. I'm emotionally scarred over that and I've made a promise to myself never to punish my kids like that. They have enough to worry about. Another big hurt is that every time I explain how I would teach my kids about sex, people are outraged, as if my methods would somehow hurt them! The nerve! I don't see why they can't see they are causing all the harm! But one of the most annoying trends I see in humans is for them to copy what their parents did, even the most obvious mistakes.

Sibyyl wrote:
So the ride doesn't last 10 minutes and we reach the theater. We get off and my date is looking down on his cream khakis and there's a big wet spot around his crotch area. I immediately check my dress and my bike seat and he's gotten a tiny bit on us too. So I look at him and I'm dying to know what I did, but I offer to drive back so that he could change and we could come back and watch the movie or do something else. And to my complete surprise, he flat out refuses and says he'll find his way back and would like to call it an evening.


Nice! You made him pee himself!
If I peed myself on a ride with a gal, I'd have gained a certain respect for her. I might not get on the bike again right away, but if anything that would probably help solidify the relationship...if she weren't turned away.

Sibyyl wrote:
I try to stay away from using lies to telling someone that I'm not interested in them, but sometimes lies help insulate you from saying things you feel might hurt the person even more. It's not a perfect system..

I think it's the lies that hurt more. Maybe not at first, but later they do. The most pain I've felt in relationships was not knowing what I was doing wrong. How can I improve, even for someone else, if you won't tell me what mistake I made in the first place?

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Eurydia Vespasian
Storm Hunters
#76 - 2014-12-13 15:49:24 UTC
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Eurydia Vespasian wrote:
I have some other rejection type tales but they aren't very funny. I was a good girl in high school and maintained my virtue (mostly) until I was 18. However, I was a severe cocktease. This caused some stress in my budding relationships. So, I got dumped a few times by guys that couldn't handle that or those that found someone that would give them what they wanted.

I have no regrets.

Though I was annoyed a lot at the time.

I don't understand why there aren't more women like you in this world. I grew up being told that all the girls would wait and all the boys were impatient, and I had high hopes because I don't like jumping into relationships. But every gal I've been with left me for a guy who would get her started more quickly. Usually within the first month or two

it was just a personal choice for me. it's not like i didn't want to or that there was a lack of opportunity, but i was pretty determined to make sure it would be "right." i'm pretty happy with the way it all turned out eventually.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2014-12-13 17:21:35 UTC
Yeah there really should be more patient types out there. I feel like my chances of finding a good partner are greatly reduced by the impatience of others.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#78 - 2014-12-13 18:22:05 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Unezka Turigahl wrote:
Wanna come over and watch Mad Max?

The original, Road Warrior, or Beyond Thunderdome?

Lady's choice. Just don't say Thunderdome.

Sibyyl wrote:

And your date wanted to bite you? Shocked

A bite... to eat. A bite of food, not of me, she was vegetarian after all. Or so she claimed, she did devour my face pretty hard. But yeah, vegetarian, I think that's where things started to go wrong. If I coulda stuck my famous lemon chicken piccata in her mouth things might have gone differently.

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#79 - 2014-12-14 01:49:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Khergit Deserters
reaver glitterstem wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Yeah, but when a Japanese woman has decided to get out the not interested/REJECTED stamp, it's no different than with women anywhere else. The message comes through loud, plain and clear. It doesn't matter what particular words they happen to be saying. Know what I mean?

Most men actually just fail to interpret it. And then they get called a stalker. [quote reaver glitterstem

That reminds me of a joke:
My girlfriend thinks I'm a stalker. Well, actually she's not my girlfriend yet.
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#80 - 2014-12-14 01:54:57 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Unezka Turigahl wrote:
Wanna come over and watch Mad Max?

...that was actually what I lined up for the first "date" with a gal I was into a few years back. It didn't work out.

Actually it was the second date. The first she asked me out for a bite. It was a mutual attraction. But I made her lose interest fast. Cool

The original, Road Warrior, or Beyond Thunderdome?

And your date wanted to bite you? Shocked

Hey, you got your yellow jacket! Nice.