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Warp Bubbles - pulling you out of warp.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-12-12 12:38:35 UTC
When I first saw the description of warp "bubbles", I thought they were actually meant to disrupt warp tunnels, meaning that if I were to drop a bookmark in the middle of a warp route, and then warped to that bookmark, and then drop a bubble, I would actually pull someone out of warp who would use that warp tunnel.

Seems it worked a bit differently: you must drop them at gates... not a very interesting thing.
but still, what I thought about how it would work is a tactic I would very much enjoy become reality: drop a bubble in the middle of a warp tunnel, watch the enemy getting surprised they stop before they are at their destination.
The "pulling" out of warp also should provide some interesting effects for the victim: you are put to an immediate halt. You don't start slowing down with warp when you are still 3 AU away from the bubble. So this is definately also good for a "wut, wait, where the hell am I?" followed by *you are being locked* followed by "OMFG WAT"

Yeah, would be epic... and a nice way for small gangs, or even solo-PvPers, to troll the nullsec alliances a bit by disrupting their warp tunnels to POSes and whatever :P

Less yappin', more zappin'!

killorbekilled TBE
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-12-12 12:44:48 UTC
i have often thought about this too, and often wondered whether this has already been a feature and been removed from the game already

but if anyone remembers freelancer you could disrupt peoples warp tunnels and pull them out

if it were introduced / re-introduced to eve then could come in the form of a new variant of warp disruption bubble


State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2011-12-12 15:16:01 UTC
Can you imagine popular nullsec systems? like HED-GP? 200 bubles in space towards every celestial? Thats not good idea....
Hoplite Brigade
#4 - 2011-12-12 18:44:58 UTC
I think it was like that long time ago.

What did you say about CODE?

Elysian Space Navy - 1st Fleet
#5 - 2011-12-13 02:52:16 UTC
I seem to remember hearing or reading something about it being that way once. Didn't last long or something though.
el alasar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2011-12-15 18:13:16 UTC
+1, naively thinking it should work this way.

if it was common that there were 2000 bubbles constantly deployed around objects and it was changed because of that, it would favor instead raising the cost and/effort to deploy them.

check the moderated 10000 papercuts evelopedia page! comment, bump(!) and like what you like

Cold Moon Destruction.
#7 - 2011-12-15 19:50:57 UTC
As far as I know, it never was that way although when dictors first came out, that was the common belief (until they were used). Then again if they did that, then the name interdictor wouldn't really hold true.

Miles Obscura
#8 - 2011-12-16 12:50:06 UTC
They should probably just change the description.
Levo Harkonnen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2011-12-16 14:33:28 UTC
Kubiq wrote:
Can you imagine popular nullsec systems? like HED-GP? 200 bubles in space towards every celestial? Thats not good idea....

Mirima Thurander
#10 - 2011-12-16 14:48:25 UTC
Singoth wrote:
When I first saw the description of warp "bubbles", I thought they were actually meant to disrupt warp tunnels, meaning that if I were to drop a bookmark in the middle of a warp route, and then warped to that bookmark, and then drop a bubble, I would actually pull someone out of warp who would use that warp tunnel.

i thought the same thing, then was told other wise then i was sad

All automated intel should be removed from the game including Instant local/jumps/kills/cynos for all systems/regions.Eve should report nothing like this to the client/3rd party software.Intel should not be force fed to players. Player skill and iniative should be the sources of intel.

Admiral S3
Alpha Defense League
#11 - 2011-12-17 01:19:31 UTC
Singoth wrote:
When I first saw the description of warp "bubbles", I thought they were actually meant to disrupt warp tunnels, meaning that if I were to drop a bookmark in the middle of a warp route, and then warped to that bookmark, and then drop a bubble, I would actually pull someone out of warp who would use that warp tunnel.

Seems it worked a bit differently: you must drop them at gates... not a very interesting thing.
but still, what I thought about how it would work is a tactic I would very much enjoy become reality: drop a bubble in the middle of a warp tunnel, watch the enemy getting surprised they stop before they are at their destination.
The "pulling" out of warp also should provide some interesting effects for the victim: you are put to an immediate halt. You don't start slowing down with warp when you are still 3 AU away from the bubble. So this is definately also good for a "wut, wait, where the hell am I?" followed by *you are being locked* followed by "OMFG WAT"

Yeah, would be epic... and a nice way for small gangs, or even solo-PvPers, to troll the nullsec alliances a bit by disrupting their warp tunnels to POSes and whatever :P

It was true to some extent at one time... although it never worked (at least to my knowledge) in the middle of no where. Someone at least considered that at somepoint half-ish way you would be going too fast for it to bother you. However a few years back now it was possible to pull someone out of warp, roughly 100km from a gate, on either side of the warp.

Sorry to say i do not know, nor do I think you can still do that... reasonably if this was allowed it would be ok to me, as it makes sense to allow this... your speed is reducing or not yet sufficent enough to have moved through the bubble in the blink of an eye.... however if say your moving at even 1.5 AU's... then even a large bubble would be long gone before it had any effect on you at all, IE you would be well through and past it in the blink of an eye, so it should have 0 chance to effect you as your moving at such a high rate of speed to begin with.

Not to put too high a math thought into this... but.. well even a frigate would have a high mass to velocity ratio at 1.5 au's speed, and thus stopping it with a bubble mid system seems rather rediculous to me.
Spork Witch
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2011-12-17 01:36:55 UTC
You can still do it, and they perform as they always have.

Here's the thing about it: the bubble must be up when your ship enters warp (not aligning, but when it actually becomes untargetable and enters warp.) If the bubble is in a line with the flight path, within Xkm of your destination, then you will be pulled out of warp at the edge of the bubble. You can set this up as a drag bubble (bubble before the gate) or a sling bubble (bubble behind the gate, basically making you overshoot). This worked as recently as last year, and it's a major enough thing, I'd have heard of it if it had changed,even having been deployed all summer.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#13 - 2011-12-17 06:52:51 UTC
bubbles are by far the biggest load of **** in this game in all my years of playing. players might as well be able to put up billboards next to them that say your ****** as you drop out of warp. the CCP dev that came up with the idea of them should be beaten to death with a sack full of soap bars.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2011-12-17 07:33:14 UTC
Spawne32 wrote:
bubbles are by far the biggest load of **** in this game in all my years of playing. players might as well be able to put up billboards next to them that say your ****** as you drop out of warp. the CCP dev that came up with the idea of them should be beaten to death with a sack full of soap bars.

Bubbles are for PvP. You wont see any of them in your precious high sec, dont worry.

On topic, they could add a bubble module for heavy interdictors to do that. That way, to maintain a route blockade, you would need to actually have a pilot in there and a support fleet (an HI alone would'nt be able to move or defend itself.)

You could make it so turning these on automatically calls Concord to destroy the HI. In low sec i would allow them since low sec is supposed to be somekind of pirate space with a high rate of criminality and since the you can warp at 0, low sec is'nt really dangerous for someone just passing, even though it is supposed to be.