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A Comprehensive POS Redesign and Retool

Admiral S3
Alpha Defense League
#1 - 2011-12-03 16:09:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Admiral S3
A Comprehensive POS Redesign and Retool

After having played now for many years, and during that time having had to deal with POSes either as an operator, or in combat actions to take them down, it has occurred to me that no one in Eve likes POSes as they are now, and when I say “No One”, I mean NO ONE at all.

The complaints about POSes are endless. Ranging from everything such as... “POSes are butt ugly” to …. “There is never enough Power / CPU to use them properly.” to.... “They take too long to take down.” and of course the ever present “They are just too weak to use.”

Lets face it no matter who you are in Eve if you have had to deal with a POS in one capacity or another you have some complaint about them, and I am no different.

The Primary Problems with a POS

Honestly the largest problems with a POS are as follows:

1. They are ugly. No doubt about that. A stick floating in space with a bunch of parts floating in a 30km or better range of that stick.

2. They lack any real expandability to allow it to preform more then one true function at a time. IE it can not be well defended and be designed to build ships at the same time, or do Research and Manufacture at the same time.

3. In some cases they do take far too long to take down. Some people have taken it upon themselves to build POSes that literally take hours to remove with a fleet of capitals. They do nothing other then soak up damage due to the shear number of Shield Hardening Arrays attached to the POS.

4. Yes they are also weak. Easily destroyed, a small fleet of well fit battleships can often easily take down Small and Medium POSes. Large ones are more often then not easily dealt with by a handful of Dreads, and maybe an hours time.

5. Last but not least, they lack multiple user functionality, and have none beyond that of the corporation or alliance.

Well ladies and gentlemen, I have scoured the forums, I have talked with people for years, and I have at long last come up with the answer to most of the issues surrounding the use of a POS.

Ways to Fix POSes.

1. We must start somewhere so why not at least make them look better:

There are a number of ideas about making POSes look better. They address some of the issues, but in most cases not all. As an example of some good ideas I point to Evelgrivion's post which was started back in 2006.

In Hist post he details and even makes a few basic 3d models showing his concept for repairing the looks of a POS. Honestly its a very good start, but I have to say in my opinion it does not go far enough. His suggestion involves using a 4 point system of inter-connectivity (sort of like a plus sign ( + ). To me this is a fine idea, but the POS its self should start with 8 connection points (More like a number sign ( # ) with the POS at its center.) This will allow for more parts closer to the POS tower its self. Sadly I am not a graphics designer, but I believe you get the idea.

All other parts would contain the 4 Connection points, thus allowing you to connect a virtually endless array of arrays to the POS. Now all that would be required is for corporations to simply snap fit arrays into place around the POS. Instead of the current method, a similar launching system would be used, but the array would simply mate with a close by connection point that's open, either directly off of the POS or an array that has an open connection point.

The only exception to this 4 point connection method for parts would be a Place to put weapons. Lets call them for lack of a better name “Weapon Mounts”. Think of them as end caps for the POS connectors. They would take no power them selves, but serve as a place to put weapons arrays onto.

I know some of you are already going.... “but weapons are outside the shields.” My answer to that is.. are your ships weapons outside its shield?... no their not. If you were to right now build a POS in real life, assuming you had the technology, don't you think the guns would be... attached to the station.. inside the shield... ya know like those on your ship are. Invariably someone will say... “but this is not RL this is a game.” Yes your right its just a game, but it is a game the Devs them selves have said they wish to give elements allowing everyone to easily immerse them selves into the game, as if it were RL. Putting the guns on the POS would be a good place to start with that, allowing everything to attach up nicely would also be a good start as well.

With this solution, the POS now at least looks like a single complete structure. It may be ugly, but at least it looks functionally ugly. Not just some group of disassociated parts.

To effect this change, simply give all towers that are deployed 7 days of invulnerability, put them all offline during this 7 days time leaving all the parts anchored, obviously replace all the parts with the new versions of them, but offline until its owners have redeployed all the changed parts. If after 7 days time, a POS has not been redeployed, well then its free game.

Those that are not yet deployed sitting in some station hanger, and their BPOs / BPCs change them to the new versions and simply leave them where they were.
Admiral S3
Alpha Defense League
#2 - 2011-12-03 16:09:51 UTC
2. They lack expandability enough to allow them to do more then one thing well.

That's actually an easy solution. I give to you the concept of the “Command Hub” yes thats right a new array.

Command Hub Array: Generates additional Power and CPU for a tower.
** Note: ** Only Command Hubs of the same race as the tower may be used.
** Note 2: ** No more then 3 Command Hubs may be attached to a POS.

As well as providing additional power and CPU for a tower, each Command hub grants an additional bonus related to the tower bonuses.
Example Amarr towers provide Racial Bonuses of 50% bonus to Energy Sentry Optimal Range, 25% bonus to Energy Sentry Damage and 50% bonus to Silo Cargo Capacity. An Amarr command Hub would provide an additional 1/10th of those bonuses. IE 5% Sentry Optimal Range, 2.5% Damage, and 5% Cargo Cap.

Structure 10,000hp
Volume 2,000m3

Generates ½ a small same racial type towers power, and CPU.

Fuel Usage:
As it generates additional power and CPU the tower will need more fuel per hour then before. This should not be a devastating amount, as after all the tower is the only thing with the jets that are keeping it up and in place, but it should be more then nothing. Using the new fuel block system, I am going to suggest 2 to 3 additional blocks per Command Hub in use.

This will allow POSes to have a few extra weapons, but not great tons more of them. Or allow an R&D POS to have some defenses or be capable of doing more then one thing reasonably well.

Adding this, especially in conjunction with the above concept of a tower that at least looks useable, will allow for at least some expandability, and eliminate that complaint. This will allow smaller corporations to expand their tower as they grow, and larger corporations to build complex towers that suit more then just one of their needs.

To effect this change simply seed a BPO around space somewhere. Obviously one BPO for each race.
Admiral S3
Alpha Defense League
#3 - 2011-12-03 16:10:52 UTC
3. POSes take too long to take down. POSes are too easy to destroy.

Lets face it some POSes just take forever, even with a well equipped capital fleet to take down. No one, no matter how much they wish to destroy the enemy wants to spend all day sieging a D*&K Star POS. We do have other things to accomplish, such as destroying enemy ships.

For this answer I will suggest the following:

A. Limit the number of Shield Hardeners to a total of 12. This would allow for 3 of each type, and still a decent amount of resistances for a POS, but not a virtually endless amount of resistances. Plus it would force POS owners to do something with such towers other then just waste gas. If you need an excuse, well... “the POS computer can not handle more of that type of system.”

To effect this change, send an Eve mail to all corporations that own towers, advising them of this coming change, then simply offline any hardeners that exceed max.

B. Shrink the bubble as it receives fire. I do not just mean shrink it, I mean really shrink it. The POS bubble shield is the towers shield. So its primary job is to keep the tower safe. As it shrinks, it will not loose power, but it will then leave arrays open to attack. There by allowing fleets to destroy / put into reinforced mode parts of the POS, thus making it easier to shrink the bubble faster, and kill it faster. At last when the POS bubble has collapsed into a normal shield surrounding just the tower, then the tower its self can be taken on and disabled.
This one change will allow fleets assaulting a POS to feel as if they are accomplishing something for their time and ammo, but allow the corporation effected to have a chance to save the POS.

C. All parts should be reinforcable. I have seen it said that POSes should not be able to do X thing as they only cost a few million isk. To this I can only say, you are seriously smoking something good man. POSes are expensive as hell. Sure the tower is reasonably cheap, but now add some parts, weapons, fuel, time and effort to put one up, ammo, etc, etc, etc.... POSes can easily cost Billions by the time one is done erecting it. Needless to say with the investment a corporation, certainly a small corporation should be able to have a chance to hang onto the bulk of their investment. Thus I suggest each part should receive reinforcement mode, and take a portion of the towers Strontium once it reaches this mode.

All of these changes will allow a POS to be more easily disabled, but also more easily kept from being destroyed.

To effect these changes just do them. LOL
Admiral S3
Alpha Defense League
#4 - 2011-12-03 16:11:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Admiral S3
4. They lack multiple user functionality and have no functionality beyond the alliance or corporation.

Essentially no matter what you do, only one item can be used by one person at a time. To resolve this, I bring some revolutionary ideas to the table.

1st. Its a station. POS = Personally Owned Station. Like any other station in Eve you should have to dock with it to interact with it. Mind you as its essentially only pieces and parts, it should not have a dock that your ship fits in, but more something like a connection link, allowing your ship to become just one more piece of the station.

Thus the tower its self should have a docking port. 1 for a small tower, 2 for a medium tower, and 4 for a large, Make them part of the bottom of the tower. You enter the bubble, close with the dock, and then initiate the dock. Your ship then becomes part of the station, and a window showing the stations functions opens, much like when you dock with a fully functional station in Empire or an alliance owned station in 0.0.

This does 3 things, 1... makes it more realistic. 2. makes your ship safer, as now its docked with the station tower its self. So its protected by the bubble right up till the end of the bubble's shrinking. Also it leads up to the future possibility of walking around your corporations POS.

At this point the Devs simply need to replace the POS code, with that of a normal station code. Allowing anyone docked to use any open and available service that the POS has. Want to build a ship, use one of the ship assembly arrays. Want to do some research use a lab space. Simply drag and drop your minerals/BPO/BPC into the cargo bay for that section of the station. Obviously if its already in use, you would be placed into a Que, So long as there is sufficient space in that sections cargo bay to handle the Que.

Station under attack, no problem, dock with your station, wait for the window to open and select the weapons button, and wallah, get a view as if your ship is now the station. Lock and fire away my friend, its a target rich environment and you have got guns galore. That is provided you have the skills to operate the weapons.

2nd. The dock is full? Need more connections for more members of your corporation. Well thats simple, like everything else about your POS, go out and buy a Corporate Hanger Array, and allow not only for more storage that your various parts and Add-ons can now tap into, but also allows for more pilots to access your systems. I would suggest removing the standard Corp hangar though and making 3 of them. Small, allowing 2 more pilots, and about ¼ the storage of the current Corp hangar, a Medium sized Hangar allowing for 4 more Pilots to dock, and about ½ the storage of the current Corp hangar, and a large, storage equal or greater to to the current hangar, and allowing up to 8 more pilots to dock with the station.

3rd. Want to allow alliance personnel the ability to access your stations abilities. Change your setting as you can now, and bingo now they can dock as well and use your stations services.

OK you solved the multiple user issue, but what about the beyond corp and alliance usage.

Be patient, I can only type so fast.

4th. Want to go a step further, and allow a friendly corporation access... select allow use for those set to ( input the number) or greater. Set that corporation to that value or greater in your corporation contacts menu, and bingo they can now access the station.

5th. Want to rent that lab space out, finally, at long last to anyone. Flip the Lab to public use, and shrink the bubble to cover only the tower and its docking bay. Now the lab has less protection, Only its shields, armor, and structure, but now someone can remotely use it from a station in system. Or optionally, flip the corp hangar to public use and shrink the bubble, now someone can dock directly and use any system thats open to the public.

6th Need to make repairs to a section from some previous battle. Well as mentioned above there should be a switch for the POS bubble... maybe a few settings to it, Secure all, Secure Tower and its dock only, Secure 1st level connections.... IE securing anything directly connected to the tower... etc, etc, etc.... simply flip the switch, and take your favorite remote rep system out to make said repairs.

To effect such changes... replace probably 90% of the code that runs POSes as they are now, mostly with normal station like code, and add a switch allowing the bubble size to be controlled.

Taking all of the above into account, your POS is now complete, it does everything its suppose to do. Its a functional station, reasonably realistic, not totally invincible, but more easily held onto. It has functions and uses, can be expanded sufficiently to be used for more then just one thing, can be used by anyone you want to allow to use it, with a reasonable amount of people able to use it at anyone time, and it still looks ugly as sin, but at least it looks functionally ugly.
Admiral S3
Alpha Defense League
#5 - 2011-12-03 16:14:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Admiral S3
Well... So suggestions? Problems issues... lets talk about this.
Admiral S3
Alpha Defense League
#6 - 2011-12-06 22:52:02 UTC
47 views and not a single comment, arguement, or complaint that my idea sucks?
Tahna Rouspel
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2011-12-07 00:03:33 UTC
The ideas are interesting. There's really not much to add since I actually agree with most of them. Those idea are also very similar to the one discussed with the Dead Horse thread.

There's one that caught my attention though; the one about the shield diminishing as it lost health. I'm concerned about the effect that would have on the different modules connected to the tower. What will happen when the ship hangar is destroyed? Or the Science Lab - would all the ships/Blueprints be dropped as of now? That would leave no time to respond from the owner of the POS if it all happened in a few hours while he was offline.

I think one of the other concern with POS is the way every items in it is shared. Ships and items alike can easily be stolen because players have no individual hangar. If there was a redesign, it would be interesting to see this change.

Otherwise, there's an idea I'd like to discuss; being able to dock into POS in the same way as stations. This would change the way POS are seen. It will also be a shock to see it change, but I think it will improve the way we interact with POS. I actually miss the station view when I live in wormholes, and inside a station it's just so convenient. You get to do the research, refining, etc without having to bounce around the floating structures.
You would lose the ability to see inside or outside a POS though. I think it might be worth it - we can adapt to that change.
Admiral S3
Alpha Defense League
#8 - 2011-12-16 00:40:14 UTC
There's one that caught my attention though; the one about the shield diminishing as it lost health. I'm concerned about the effect that would have on the different modules connected to the tower. What will happen when the ship hangar is destroyed? Or the Science Lab - would all the ships/Blueprints be dropped as of now? That would leave no time to respond from the owner of the POS if it all happened in a few hours while he was offline.

And the answer is...

C. All parts should be reinforcable. I have seen it said that POSes should not be able to do X thing as they only cost a few million isk. To this I can only say, you are seriously smoking something good man. POSes are expensive as hell. Sure the tower is reasonably cheap, but now add some parts, weapons, fuel, time and effort to put one up, ammo, etc, etc, etc.... POSes can easily cost Billions by the time one is done erecting it. Needless to say with the investment a corporation, certainly a small corporation should be able to have a chance to hang onto the bulk of their investment. Thus I suggest each part should receive reinforcement mode, and take a portion of the towers Strontium once it reaches this mode.

I think one of the other concern with POS is the way every items in it is shared. Ships and items alike can easily be stolen because players have no individual hangar. If there was a redesign, it would be interesting to see this change.

I can see that being a problem... at least to some degree, however its been my general experiance to not allow someone access to the POS I do not trust, regardless if they are in my corp or not.

However... if my plans for varations in size for the corp hangers are adopted... then perhaps other changes could be added allowing a corp to say list only certain users for certain hangers. Beyond that I would be at a loss to fix that issue.

Otherwise, there's an idea I'd like to discuss; being able to dock into POS in the same way as stations. This would change the way POS are seen. It will also be a shock to see it change, but I think it will improve the way we interact with POS. I actually miss the station view when I live in wormholes, and inside a station it's just so convenient. You get to do the research, refining, etc without having to bounce around the floating structures.
You would lose the ability to see inside or outside a POS though. I think it might be worth it - we can adapt to that change.

That is a fine concept, but sadly... a POS is small in comparision to say an Outpost, or Empire Station.... as such a Battlecruiser, or BattleShip and certainly captial class vessles would have a hell of a time parking. LOL... Thus my suggestion for allowing the ship to more or less mesh with the station... Kinda like how the Space Shuttle docks with the ISS. It pulls up along side and simply parks its door at the access way, I think they call it a "docking collar"... but what ever they call it, It simply makes the shuttle like a part of the station for the time its there.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2011-12-16 05:03:07 UTC
I like number 1 and 3 and somwhat number 2.

For number 4, i think youre getting the wrong idea about what "POS" truly means. It means Player Owned Starbase, not station since this is the role of outposts.

A star base gives some of the features of the outposts/stations but on a far much smaller scale. It act as a staging areas for ships when far from the home outpost or station, i.e. in wormholes or in contested space, in null sec.

So, giving them a docking feature would'nt make any sense. They are made so that everything is done while the ship stays in the space around the starbase. You would'nt be able to know what's happenning just outside it if you were docked in one of the arrays anyway.

Admiral S3
Alpha Defense League
#10 - 2011-12-17 00:49:55 UTC
Thank you for your post.

I must however point out that my idea is not to be docked INSIDE, for as you pointed out that would be like a regular outpost or empire station.... However to be docked WITH IE attached to via a docking port, or futurisitc method not yet devised. There by your ship becomes essentially another component of the station.

After all and I must stress this, even if CCP were to allow someone to dock INSIDE a POS it would be rather foolish to have even a BattleCruiser sized craft, which often are longer, taller, fatter.. etc, etc... then most POS towers are, at least in terms of width.

My main thought on this is that by doing so, you eliminate the need to fly around to the various structures, and as they are all (again if my ideas are accepted by CCP) interconnected via tubes and access ways... technically you should be able to access any part of the POS from your docking point.

Think of it this way...

There you are in your favorite Battleship, or Industrial Hauler... Out in null sec, or your favorite WH..... Suddenly you need to refit, or process some ore, maybe build something you need. As it is now you warp to the POS, find the structure part you need, fly to that, unload to that, Process, build or fit from that, in some cases having to go from one POS structure to another to get all the needed items into one spot... and then finally wrapping up what you were doing.

On large POSes with multiple options and add on parts this can be somewhat time consuming depending on exactly what you are doing, where the structures are placed, etc, etc.....

However if they are all interconnected, such as is my proposal, then you would simply warp to the POS, dock alongside a hatch on the POS, (and yes use your imagination here somewhat) walk off your ship, grab what you need or drop off what you need, and then return to your ship. Again as I pointed out in my last post, this would be inline with what current spacecraft such as the NASA Space Shuttle or Russian Soyuz space capsul does at the ISS. Such a method would allow for some sense of reality.