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[Rhea] The Confessor

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almanac Omaristos
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#241 - 2014-12-04 13:02:48 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hello one and all! We are now ready to start the official thread for the first Tech 3 Tactical Destroyer, the Amarr Confessor.
The Amarr version of the Tactical Destroyers will be releasing first because the Amarrian loyalists won the recent ingame event involving sleeper components. The next Tactical Destroyer will be released by the Minmatar Republic.

The main feature of this ship is the ability to change between three distinct modes on the fly, with three different sets of dramatic bonuses. This represents another alternative approach to the versatility that sets Tech 3 apart.
You can switch between the modes using a new set of buttons beside the ship HUD, which can be hotkeyed. We are planning to set the default hotkeys to SHIFT 1, 2 and 3.

The modes are:
Defense Mode, with bonuses to armor resists and signature radius
Propulsion Mode, which improves speed and agility
Sharpshooter Mode, which increases laser optimal range and all aspects of the ship's sensors

The Tactical Destroyers do not use subsystems, and there is no skill loss on ship destruction.

The Confessor requires a new Rank 3 skill called Amarr Tactical Destroyer, which in turn only requires Amarr Destroyers level 5 to train.

Tactical Destroyers will have access to all acceleration gates that allow passage of Interdictors. This includes FW Small Complexes. If we begin to see a need to restrict their access further in the future (for instance if they start completely dominating FW) we'll adjust their gate access as necessary.

The ship itself is created using a similar process to Strategic Cruisers, using materials harvested in wormhole space and with blueprints invented from new Small Hull Section relics that can be obtained from derelict talocan ships in sleeper sites.
We expect the price to eventually settle somewhere around 40m isk, although of course any estimate at this time will be inexact and you can expect the price to be very high at first.

Alongside the new ship, we are also deploying some tweaks to pulse lasers and scorch ammo, as well as small beam lasers.


Amarr Tactical Destroyer Bonuses Per Level:
10% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
10% reduction in Small Energy Turret capacitor use
5% reduction in heat damage generated by modules

Role Bonus:
95% reduction in Scan Probe Launcher CPU requirements

Additional bonuses are available when one of three Tactical Destroyer Modes are active. Modes may be changed no more than once every 10 seconds.
Defense Mode:
33.3% bonus to all armor resistances whole Defense Mode is active
33.3% reduction in ship signature radius while Defense Mode is active
Propulsion Mode:
66.6% bonus to maximum velocity while Propulsion Mode is active
33.3% bonus to ship inertia modifier while Propulsion Mode is active
Sharpshooter Mode:
66.6% bonus to Small Energy Turret optimal range while Sharpshooter Mode is active
100% bonus to sensor strength, scan resolution and targeting range while Sharpshooter Mode is active

Slot layout: 7 H, 3 M, 5 L, 6 turrets , 0 launchers
3 Rig Slots, 400 Calibration
Fittings: 80 PWG, 190 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 600 / 800 / 750
Base shield resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 0 / 20 / 55 / 75
Base armor resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 50 / 35 / 43.75 / 60
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / average cap per second): 800 / 300s / 2.667
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / warp speed / align time): 280 / 2.15 / 2,400,000 / 4.5 / 7.15s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 45km / 350 / 7
Sensor strength: 13 Radar
Signature radius: 60
Cargo capacity: 400

SOoo Fozzie we already have a few people complaining the ship isn't worth it.. Are you guys gonna take another look at it or just leave it as is?
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#242 - 2014-12-04 15:50:06 UTC
Still not a single dev reply.

Honestly I would be good if the laser cap bonus was dropped for a tracking bonus. And it had a bit more base hp. But it will. Likely release as is.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#243 - 2014-12-04 16:04:52 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
The Confessor requires a new Rank 3 skill called Amarr Tactical Destroyer, which in turn only requires Amarr Destroyers level 5 to train.


Where and when will this skill become available, assuming this requirement doesn't evolve differently?
(Will it be available before release of the ship, etc)
Catherine Laartii
#244 - 2014-12-04 21:14:15 UTC
AnimeHeretic wrote:
Still not a single dev reply.

Honestly I would be good if the laser cap bonus was dropped for a tracking bonus. And it had a bit more base hp. But it will. Likely release as is.


Hoping this is the case. They could drop the cap usage bonus and up the cap regen a bunch and it'd be a helluva lot better than the current setup. Cap usage bonus=wasted, pointless bonus that can be rolled into the ship or eliminated entirely.
Jean Luc Lemmont
Carebears on Fire
Viral Society
#245 - 2014-12-04 21:48:28 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
The Confessor requires a new Rank 3 skill called Amarr Tactical Destroyer, which in turn only requires Amarr Destroyers level 5 to train.


Where and when will this skill become available, assuming this requirement doesn't evolve differently?
(Will it be available before release of the ship, etc)

Assuming you already have racial destroyer 5 you can be flying one of these in under a half hour. How fast do you need to be able to fly one given that they'll have to be invented and built before they even show up on the market?

Will I get banned for boxing!?!?!

This thread has degenerated to the point it's become like two bald men fighting over a comb. -- Doc Fury

It's bonuses, not boni, you cretins.

Capsuleer Industry
#246 - 2014-12-05 18:59:40 UTC
Make minmatar use light missiles so we can take advantage of speed mode the dirty way! YES!
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#247 - 2014-12-06 20:08:28 UTC
Seems we got forgotten about here in the confessor thread.

Hopefully the winmatar d3 is better thought out.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#248 - 2014-12-06 23:24:24 UTC
I think 6 pages of nerd sperge which was not well thought out is what's holding back the debate here. When CCP sees 6 pages of what amounts to an excited puppy wagging it's tail it' is easy for them to get complacent and not read the thoughts of people who actually have a brain and can put two and two together.

My opinion is that the Confessor is pretty sub-par, but that fact obviously won't stop people flying it for the first little while.

I foresee that this boat will become an expensive and sub-par alternative to the Retribution in AF fleets. It will be sent in to small FW plexes as heavy tackle just like a Vengeance, because it doesn't matter if you can't track anything if your job is just to tackle.

It will be favoured in wormholes because unlike most destroyers it won't evaporate at the drop of a hat and can catch some sick RR due to the resist profile - in W-R systems it will do a lot better thanks to the double armour buffer and maddening DPS buff. Which is a "no, duh" revelation, i am sure.

Solo meta is...well, why would you bother? just fly a Worm, it can tank more than a Confessor and has stupid drones.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#249 - 2014-12-07 00:47:16 UTC
I've been playing with Confessors on sisi for the last few days. They are really tight on fitting, mostly CPU.

As far as where to fit them on the power scale, I would say they are slight worse than T1 cruisers. I keep wanting to take on HACs and Recons. But they don't have the chops for it. They're kind of like a mini-Zealot, but better within their size category.

For a beam fit, if you want an MWD you get a rather poor buffer and still require 2-3 fitting mods/rigs. That being said, I like 50km range on small beams.

Swapping modes on the fly is really smooth and works well with a little practice.

Pulse fits are noticably easier. I think this has to do more with the differences between pulse and beams. Maybe reduce the fitting requirements for beams a little?

Once I got to Tactical Destroyer 4 I found my initial crappy cap was vastly improved.

I want to emphasize again that mode swapping is incredibly smooth and very easy to use. The 10 second cooldown between swapping modes is long enough to sometimes make me wish I hadn't swapped. But short enough to not feel like a penalty. Really good job on making this mechanic work right.

Demon Forth
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#250 - 2014-12-07 12:21:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Demon Forth
Jean Luc Lemmont wrote:
Assuming you already have racial destroyer 5 you can be flying one of these in under a half hour. How fast do you need to be able to fly one given that they'll have to be invented and built before they even show up on the market?

The laser buffs are tied to the Tactical Destroyer skill. So what you'll get in under a half hour is

10% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
10% reduction in Small Energy Turret capacitor use
5% reduction in heat damage generated by modules

So, flying an 8-gun Coercer with 50% versions of those first two numbers? You're not going to love the 6-gun Confessor's damage at Tactical Destroyer level 1.

So yeah I would've liked to have had the opportunity to put SP into this skill before Rhea.

Although even after the skill is at level 5, and your six guns are finally, individually, having the numbers you remember the Coercer having, all the Confessor gives you is a little bit of range in one mode, more heat, and, well, if mode-switching keeps you alive longer, then I guess you get to shoot longer. I guess living Confessors will sometimes out-damage dead Coercers.

Soldarius wrote:
Once I got to Tactical Destroyer 4 I found my initial crappy cap was vastly improved.

Well, yeah. But that 'initial crappy cap' is the very best capacitor of the Amarrian destroyers. It's even better than the Dragoon's cap, which is so good because it was a first-draft capacitor role bonus that got rolled into ship stats and replaced. If this ship ever seemed to have cap problems, it's only because its guns aren't bonused by the Destroyers skill.

EDIT: ignore this. The Coercer doesn't have a damage bonus >_< What can I say? I didn't resub for the Coercer.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#251 - 2014-12-07 15:51:38 UTC
so the last time that you guys "rebalanced" medium turrets we wound up with long range guns doing more damage than short. I'm not sure if this is still the case or if it has been fixed but my point is why are you messing with all small lazors in general just to introduce a new ship?

Most of the stuff you guys touch you break so I would suggest you mess with as little stuff as possible but you guys seem to be like teenagers on prom night and want to rub your pricks on everything.

May I suggest that before you start messing with something you have a clear well defined goal with specific metrics by which after implementation it can be checked to see if the desired results occurred and if not what needs to be adjusted. Further try to theory-craft on how this will affect similar things like other small turrets and small weapon systems in general as well as the balance between small versus medium and large etc.

So a while back you introduced sleeper AI to K space which was a defacto drone nerf for PvE since having to recall and redeploy drones more often in combat meant less seconds in combat so while not a dps nerf it was an "s" nerf which meant more time needed to kill **** which means lower bounty ticks for anyone using drones. So now if you Make lazors more effective then you "rebalance" projectiles and Hybrids to compensate where does that leave missiles and drones? Even if you could balance all of that where does that leave mining as compared to combat for isk earning?

IMHO the bounty tick is one of the most important numbers in game that you guys can look at for balance. While it's true that not everyone in game grinds anoms for hours on end to earn isk strictly from bounty ticks it does have a way of removing all the bullshit numbers and getting down to how much isk per hour can I earn.

Luckily I have enough skill points that I can fly what ever you decide to make the flavor of the month or should I say the flavor of the six week development cycle. However for newer players it's not the same. You change things around now and they start cross training to a different race or different combat system just so six weeks later before they can even use the FotM you change it up on them again. In the words of my grandfather "That's enough to **** off the pope".

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Eagle's Talon's
#252 - 2014-12-07 17:09:34 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
So looking forward to this and o ticked off that Gallente will be last.


Don't be so ticked off at the Gallente ship coming out means that the Gallente will be able to study the rest of the races ships for a longer period of time in order to better understand how to destroy the other three ships more effectively while reducing the Gallente cost of destroying such ships.

Being last doesn't me being in last place. Being last means that you know how everyone else around you has reacted to their placement.

4th is First.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#253 - 2014-12-07 20:52:46 UTC
This thing would be much more interesting if it wasn't so horribly limited in its fitting capability.
Catherine Laartii
#254 - 2014-12-07 21:36:23 UTC
I can say I'm going already going to be a lot more impressed by the caldari and minmatar destroyers when they come out; assuming the Caldari one does missiles and the minmatar one does projectiles, they likely won't see the same issues with capacitor and tracking speed that the Confessor will have. Pray that the gallente don't get a drone t3 destroyer.
Nou Mene
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#255 - 2014-12-08 04:20:25 UTC
im expecting active tanking bonus for minmie and gallente...

i thought speed mode would be something like ab or mwd bonus (depending on race)

expect them not to have the exact same bonus...

nice ship, :)
prolix travail
Blue Mountain Trails
#256 - 2014-12-08 18:22:33 UTC  |  Edited by: prolix travail
It would be overpowered if it got a tracking bonus and better fitting. As it is you can do 190dps at 45km all the way to 328dps at 7.5km with the same fit while tanking 123dps on its lowest ressit with 6.9k ehp (when its at 7.5km, not 45km). The only issue is in web / scram range you're going to be boned because of tracking, which is as it should be.

If you want immunity to scrams then you can do that but you lose fitting for tank. It seems nicely balanced in those respects.
almanac Omaristos
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#257 - 2014-12-08 19:02:18 UTC
prolix travail wrote:
The only issue is in web / scram range you're going to be boned because of tracking, which is as it should be.

If you want immunity to scrams then you can do that but you lose fitting for tank. It seems nicely balanced in those respects.

says the Caldari pilot
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#258 - 2014-12-09 17:31:01 UTC
AnimeHeretic wrote:
Hopefully the winmatar d3 is better thought out.

I'll just wait until they release the Gallente one, it's the only one which will be worth flying.
notha atfast
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#259 - 2014-12-09 17:55:17 UTC
Where can I build these things? It's not working in the subsystem there a new array or the small advanced ??
International Highsec Farming Corporation
#260 - 2014-12-09 18:01:54 UTC
Will it possible to recive tech 3 destroyers from LP shop?