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Foolproof method to prevent the suicide gank

Space Mermaids
#41 - 2011-12-16 15:28:36 UTC
They are right CCP.

If I could use a 5 mill ship to farm 200 Mill PvE you would bring the servers down today to nerf it. Unless Sansha start paying your bills you might want to review high sec ganking.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2011-12-16 15:57:01 UTC
Notsureifserious.jpg ? OP stating it as quiting post or just making an observation ?
Serene Repose wrote:
Since management is firmly planted in the "Let the Sociopaths Rule" position (sort of bent over...hands on knees...pants know the drill)'s FOOLISH to play Russian Roulette (sorry all you Rooskies out there) with your hard-earned assets on an endless merry-go-round of replacing ships you can afford to lose.

Pretty much sums up how you get CCP to "bend" over to your will. Reach arounds as well...grabbing your wallet from the back pocket Roll and deciding if to pay CCP.

Sam Bowein wrote:
I tend to agree with OP…

Eve in its current state clearly favors 'bad' behaviours, because the punitions are too light (security status, come on Roll)

The removal of insurance for ships destroyed by Concord was a step in the right direction, but it's not enough.
There should be a penalty system, when you suicide gank someone, you have to pay an additional fine too.

Heh, I was thinking the same thing. Punishment is to light, because nothing discourages these guys from their rampant playstyle. If EVE were really harsh and I mean the repercussions would be so f*king painful that their actions cause their d*ck to shrivel up in into their stomach and pickles because they would fear trying to ganking another ship that didn't have enough justifable value (like shooting Rettys for lols, but if the cost was so high would they not go for something of real value instead?). Would never happen, but man it would be hilarious if the cost went up so high and whining how unfair their playstyle got changed Twisted. Or add a small micro transaction (like $.05 USD )for every ganked ship and pod on top of the normal subscription, being that its part of the game CCP would make a killing! Lol
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#43 - 2011-12-16 16:00:47 UTC
3 words for a solution:

Transferable Kill Rights.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

#44 - 2011-12-16 16:04:36 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
3 words for a solution:

Transferable Kill Rights.

Thomas Abernathy
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#45 - 2011-12-16 16:21:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Thomas Abernathy
This is the Sandbox that is Eve.
You can either learn to adapt, and use the game mechanics to your advantage, or you can post on the forums and embarrass yourself.
I never liked getting ganked when I was a new player, but I came to realize that this is a part of the game, you can either deal with it, or find another game. Try learning the game mechanics and using them against the gankers that bother you, it's actually a lot of fun. Cool

"Fighting CCD since 2139"

#46 - 2011-12-16 16:31:18 UTC
Thomas Abernathy wrote:
Try learning the game mechanics and using them against the gankers that bother you, it's actually a lot of fun.

That's all well and good.

Reminds me of the time my freighter/indy alt was travelling Amarr to Jita in a fast frigate. Warp to 0 on a gate and get taken out by a -10 sec nanophoon smartbombing the gate. Lost a billion worth of +5's and wires.

Spose I should've sought retribution by trying to ram him with a Charon. That'll learn him.
Serene Repose
#47 - 2011-12-16 17:50:07 UTC
Lyrrashae wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
After giving this a lot of intelligent consideration, I finally decided the FOOL proof way to avoid suicide ganks is.... not play at all.

When I log, I sort through all my valuables, look admiringly at my wallet balance, queue up some training...get frustrated at how LONG that takes...march myself around my quarters a while, drag my ships into the hangar to admire them, then I log off.

Since management is firmly planted in the "Let the Sociopaths Rule" position (sort of bent over...hands on knees...pants know the drill)'s FOOLISH to play Russian Roulette (sorry all you Rooskies out there) with your hard-earned assets on an endless merry-go-round of replacing ships you can afford to lose.

Now, I know that may not make sense to some of you out there. That's okay. It does make sense to a lot more of us than you might think, and for obvious reasons...which (of course) are lost on a LOT of people who think they're pretty smart.


I can haz ur stuffs?

Yeah. Look for it in a contract.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Thomas Abernathy
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#48 - 2011-12-16 18:11:12 UTC
Disdaine wrote:
Thomas Abernathy wrote:
Try learning the game mechanics and using them against the gankers that bother you, it's actually a lot of fun.

That's all well and good.

Reminds me of the time my freighter/indy alt was travelling Amarr to Jita in a fast frigate. Warp to 0 on a gate and get taken out by a -10 sec nanophoon smartbombing the gate. Lost a billion worth of +5's and wires.

Spose I should've sought retribution by trying to ram him with a Charon. That'll learn him.

If your that risk adverse, this is probably not the game for you....Shocked

Just sayin...

"Fighting CCD since 2139"

Pavel Bidermann
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2011-12-16 18:59:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Pavel Bidermann
Serene Repose wrote:
After giving this a lot of intelligent consideration, I finally decided the FOOL proof way to avoid suicide ganks is.... not play at all.

When I log, I sort through all my valuables, look admiringly at my wallet balance, queue up some training...get frustrated at how LONG that takes...march myself around my quarters a while, drag my ships into the hangar to admire them, then I log off.

Since management is firmly planted in the "Let the Sociopaths Rule" position (sort of bent over...hands on knees...pants know the drill)'s FOOLISH to play Russian Roulette (sorry all you Rooskies out there) with your hard-earned assets on an endless merry-go-round of replacing ships you can afford to lose.

Now, I know that may not make sense to some of you out there. That's okay. It does make sense to a lot more of us than you might think, and for obvious reasons...which (of course) are lost on a LOT of people who think they're pretty smart.


I know I have barely logged in at all. Just sh*t up the forums for a while, check skills and wait for sub to run out. I really have started regretting subbing p again. I know other regret me subbing too.

When my account ends, my two toons will be buried like Pharaohs. Faction ships and modules, deadspace modules and strategic cruisers will be placed around the pile of isk their bodies shall be placed upon. Capital ships shall line the entryway and the doors will be made from fully deadspace fit command ships. The floors shall be paved with the hulls of motherships.

edit: I don't have any mothership hulls so I can't actually do the flooring like I wantedCry
Pavel Bidermann
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2011-12-16 19:03:50 UTC
Thinking about space tombs, what would Chibba's look like? It would be AMAZING!!!!!!!

For I am but a lowly merchant in his shadow.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2011-12-16 19:11:51 UTC
Freezehunter wrote:
Sturmwolke wrote:
Fool proof way of not getting scammed or ganked in RL is ...
... to just not live at all.

Don't you agree?

You forgot that IRL, the law actually works

lol, concord always catches the perp while 20% of police cases are solved

concord > poliss
Vega Farscape
#52 - 2011-12-16 19:14:17 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
You forgot that IRL, the law actually works, and you are somewhat protected against these things.
Why do people always come up with this.

Laws do not protect anybody, they only punish people.
No law in the world can keep anybody from doing anything, if he really wants to do it.

That's why making stricter and stricter laws is a stupidity on it's own, too.

Besides, you can't get scammed IRL if you are not a gullible idiot.
In 5 years of playing this game, I've never been scammed or suicide ganked.
Bullshit. Everybody can and will get scammed and saying you never got scammed makes you look like a liar.

CCP should make an expansion that allows Eve players to be a part of Concord, and run around chasing criminals.

Eve Police FTW!
Well, hopefully yes, but without you.

Actulay its much harder to scam now than it used to be at least on contracts, you really need to not being attetion to camed via contract nowadays.

Only beem scammed once and it was my own dam fault for not paying attention (it was ye olde 6 mil shuttle scam).

Never been high sec ganked...
Nullbeard Rager
#53 - 2011-12-16 19:58:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Nullbeard Rager
Sam Bowein wrote:
I tend to agree with OP…

Eve in its current state clearly favors 'bad' behaviours, because the punitions are too light (security status, come on Roll)...when you suicide gank someone, you have to pay an additional fine too.


CCP: "Hey let's make a game where people can **** each other over 23.5/7 and let's cater to those people that really enjoy having fun at other peoples expense!!!
Trolls: "YAY!!!"

CCP: "Hey we need to get more people interested in our game, any suggestions?"
Trolls: /crickets

This irony is NOT priceless in fact it has almost certainly cost CCP millions of ISK.

Cue up video of Hilmar holding himself up at gunpoint and stealing his own wallet.Pirate

EVE is a good game. Does CCP really want more people to play it or not?

Field of Trolls:  "If you chum it, they will come."

Bisclavret Lais
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#54 - 2011-12-16 19:59:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Bisclavret Lais
First of all, i am not sure if you are serious. But for the sake of "intelligent consideration" i will intelligently consider giving you the benefit of the doubt.

You know, with all the "sociopath" nerfs we have seen lately, there has been quite a bit of joking around about how griefer tears are the most ironically delicious tears, etc.
And really, that is fine. CCP might be blatantly catering to the carebear population right now but that just means adapt or die. Those of us that enjoy what we do will still find a way to do what we do best. Keeping High Sec interesting.

What really irritates me though, is that you guys still keep on whining. CCP has thrown you almost any bone that was ever even remotely feasible. High Sec has been mollified to a degree that any half-competent player is for all intents and purposes untouchable. It has come to the point that it feels like we are only preying on the mentally challenged.

Seriously. I can't even enjoy these tears. It is just too pathetic.
Aedh Phelan
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2011-12-16 20:03:08 UTC
Jojo Jackson wrote:
Aedh Phelan wrote:
To the OP: You did know that all responses would be flames right. I hate to see these kinds of posts on the forums because as a hi-sec miner myself, I know it only adds fuel and incentive for those that hunt us. And, I dislike getting lumped into the image of terrified "carebears" crying for unfettered safety.

So instead of trying to get some balance into this system or fix broken mechanics you just gave up?
Then they allready won :(.

Who said anything about giving up. I mine almost everyday. The mechanics are working as intended. I don't want hi-sec to be utterly safe. I appreciate the fact that I have to pay attention to what I am doing and can't just passively and gradually produce wealth risk free. I saw what it did to UO with Renaissance and it was sad.

I do have an alternative if you simply can't abide getting hunted by players. Make belt rats in hi-sec at least as powerful as null-sec and make them react as fast as a person could. Then there is still risk for your reward. Personally, I feel better when I get outsmarted by a person rather than some code.
BBJ Shepard
#56 - 2011-12-16 20:08:08 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
After giving this a lot of intelligent consideration, I finally decided the FOOL proof way to avoid suicide ganks is.... not play at all.

When I log, I sort through all my valuables, look admiringly at my wallet balance, queue up some training...get frustrated at how LONG that takes...march myself around my quarters a while, drag my ships into the hangar to admire them, then I log off.

Since management is firmly planted in the "Let the Sociopaths Rule" position (sort of bent over...hands on knees...pants know the drill)'s FOOLISH to play Russian Roulette (sorry all you Rooskies out there) with your hard-earned assets on an endless merry-go-round of replacing ships you can afford to lose.

Now, I know that may not make sense to some of you out there. That's okay. It does make sense to a lot more of us than you might think, and for obvious reasons...which (of course) are lost on a LOT of people who think they're pretty smart.




Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2011-12-16 20:11:26 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Sturmwolke wrote:
Fool proof way of not getting scammed or ganked in RL is ...
... to just not live at all.

Don't you agree?

Oddly enough (correct me if I'm wrong) there are legal ramifications to scamming people IRL. Having a vibrant legal system affords protection enough to make it safe to sally forth and raise a little hell out of doors. I daresay, should someone suicide gank you, they would be convicted of murder posthumously and all their possessions would be forfeit to the gankee's family so they can afford the funeral.

I'm surprised you didn't think of that before you posted what you did...or was I?

unless your in america and you know, the scammer is a majority stock holder in congress.
Pavel Bidermann
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2011-12-16 20:19:45 UTC
Bisclavret Lais wrote:
First of all, i am not sure if you are serious. But for the sake of "intelligent consideration" i will intelligently consider giving you the benefit of the doubt.

You know, with all the "sociopath" nerfs we have seen lately, there has been quite a bit of joking around about how griefer tears are the most ironically delicious tears, etc.
And really, that is fine. CCP might be blatantly catering to the carebear population right now but that just means adapt or die. Those of us that enjoy what we do will still find a way to do what we do best. Keeping High Sec interesting.

What really irritates me though, is that you guys still keep on whining. CCP has thrown you almost any bone that was ever even remotely feasible. High Sec has been mollified to a degree that any half-competent player is for all intents and purposes untouchable. It has come to the point that it feels like we are only preying on the mentally challenged.

Seriously. I can't even enjoy these tears. It is just too pathetic.


I don't think you understand this whole "high sec" thing, or how it ties in with everything else.
Or maybe just a troll?
The Archetect
Toxic Squadron
Northern Coalition.
#59 - 2011-12-16 20:33:50 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Besides, you can't get scammed IRL if you are not a gullible idiot.
In 5 years of playing this game, I've never been scammed or suicide ganked.
Bullshit. Everybody can and will get scammed and saying you never got scammed makes you look like a liar.

Been playing this game since 2007.

I've never been scammed... You're stupid, and i'm not lying.

Never been suicide ganked.

What a lovely game this is for those who know how to play it....

And yes i undock. Quite frequently.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#60 - 2011-12-16 20:52:21 UTC
Aedh Phelan wrote:
To the OP: You did know that all responses would be flames right. I hate to see these kinds of posts on the forums because as a hi-sec miner myself, I know it only adds fuel and incentive for those that hunt us. And, I dislike getting lumped into the image of terrified "carebears" crying for unfettered safety.

You know how a cat will freak and leap 10 feet if you mange to sneak up on it. Well, that's why I mine in hi-sec and avoid PvP. I'm that cat. The encounter is usually over by the time I find my mouse coursor again. And I love that rush!!! I DO NOT want to lose the anticipation and preparation that comes from knowing that "they" may come any moment and will eventually come to pop my ship.

I actually enjoy the decompression and tranquility that comes from mining, especially in an operation. However, without the knowledge that I'm just a little bunny in woods filled with wolves it would all become soul suckingly boring very quickly.

Train skills to survive
Tank your boat
Pay attention to what is going on around you
Make bots look more attractive than you
Be paranoid
Evaluate your mistakes when they get you and do better next time
Have fun, if you are not, why are you paying for it?

Beyond that, I'm afraid I have to agree with Decimus...

This post should have ended the thread.

Pay particular attention to this sentence:

However, without the knowledge that I'm just a little bunny in woods filled with wolves it would all become soul suckingly boring very quickly.

It is the part of the equation that is usually completely overlooked, and cuts straight to the heart of the issue.

There is a reason why people don't just log onto the test server to bask in the radiance of undisturbed mining.

No consequence, no danger, no achievement, no value, no competition, no challenge, no meaning.

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