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Foolproof method to prevent the suicide gank

#21 - 2011-12-16 10:24:24 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
You forgot that IRL, the law actually works, and you are somewhat protected against these things.
Why do people always come up with this.

Laws do not protect anybody, they only punish people.
No law in the world can keep anybody from doing anything, if he really wants to do it.

That's why making stricter and stricter laws is a stupidity on it's own, too.

Besides, you can't get scammed IRL if you are not a gullible idiot.
In 5 years of playing this game, I've never been scammed or suicide ganked.
Bullshit. Everybody can and will get scammed and saying you never got scammed makes you look like a liar.

CCP should make an expansion that allows Eve players to be a part of Concord, and run around chasing criminals.

Eve Police FTW!
Well, hopefully yes, but without you.

Bro, the only way you can get scammed in Eve is if you don't ******* pay attention.

I tend to double and triple check the **** out of every contract, market transaction, direct trade, courier job, and everything else that could scam me.

If you were dumb enough to let it happen to you, don't assume people are lying when they say it never happened to them.

Inappropriate signature, CCP Phantom.

Obax Bannon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#22 - 2011-12-16 10:28:06 UTC
Sam Bowein wrote:
I tend to agree with OP…

Eve in its current state clearly favors 'bad' behaviours, because the punitions are too light (security status, come on Roll)

The removal of insurance for ships destroyed by Concord was a step in the right direction, but it's not enough.
There should be a penalty system, when you suicide gank someone, you have to pay an additional fine too.

A game I used to play a long time back dealt with players killing other players in a pretty decent way.
Maybe something along those lines could be integrated into eve.

If anyone ganks anyone in high sec they flash red to everyone for a set amount of time (not just the player and his corporation)
Anyone below a certain sec status in high sec also flashes red to everyone regardless of if they are in a ship or pod until they are above the required sec status

Might make things alot more fun in high sec and harder for the gankers too rather than having to wait for CONCORD to eventually show up

Obviously anyone targetting/popping someone thats flashing red would recieve no drop in sec status.

Just some thoughts on it anyway

#23 - 2011-12-16 10:32:57 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Oddly enough (correct me if I'm wrong) there are legal ramifications to scamming people IRL. Having a vibrant legal system affords protection enough to make it safe to sally forth and raise a little hell out of doors.

I'm surprised you didn't think of that before you posted what you did...or was I?

Legal ramifications? Vibrant legal system?
You mean those set of guidelines that they put up that makes lawyers/pen-pushers wealthy fencing with words (that sometimes approach the idiot level)?

So, does this mean you have a lot more faith with the mitigation processes in RL than in EVE?
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2011-12-16 10:51:56 UTC
Zimmy Zeta wrote:
There is an other foolproof way to evade suicide ganks: self destruct as soon as the ganker locks you. Works every time.

Big smile
won't work at all: 2 minutes of SD timer is enough for any ganker

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Hooch Flux
Flux Unlimited
#25 - 2011-12-16 11:20:32 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
After giving this a lot of intelligent consideration

You do realize this is the Eve online forum?
Decimus Octavius
#26 - 2011-12-16 11:52:40 UTC
TO the OP and all the other 'suicide ganking should be nerfed' people:

Obviously you are idiots. WHY? because you are obviously performing some action that is presenting yourself as a target to being ganked. ITS NOT THE GANKERS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, IT IS YOU.
Understand this.

If you decide to travel with valuable cargo in an untanked ship then YOU are the one making the wrong decision, not the person that is going to blast you to bits. Solution: fly an appropriate ship; divide the cargo and do multiple runs; set up a courier contract; dont fly through low sec etc etc. There are many solutions and many options for travelling. Lots of people do this and never get ganked, if you are getting ganked you are doing it wrong.

If you decide to repeatedly mine in gallente ice space while goons are actively and widely publicising their ganking interdiction then YOU are making the wrong decision. Here is an idea, mine another type of ice, sell it then buy gallente ice products with the isk. Infact make isk in the zillion other ways you can make isk in this game and buy your gallente ice products. To repeatedly go and mine in systems with active gankers is just ********. To do it in a totally untanked barge even more so. The cost of your barge could have bought lots of ice, the time spent mining elsewhere would have bought lots of ice, running missions, complexes, incursions, market trading holy **** so many ways to make isk to buy your **** instead of directly mining it. Its not the gankers or the system that is the problem IT IS YOUR POOR CHOICES.

Just use your farking brain. If i get in a shiny ship and go unscouted into 0.0 and get blown up is it my fault or the people camping the gates? Do i repeatedly go jumping through that gate losing ships then come crying on the forums to nerf gate camping or bubbles, NO I DONT because im NOT A ******* IDIOT. BUT you ******* repeatedly get your **** blown up by your own stupid actions and come crying rivers of tears wanting the game changed. A final word to you is get ****** you ******* fuckheads.

and there you go.
Russell Casey
#27 - 2011-12-16 12:31:39 UTC
Plenty of crimes get foiled before they are pulled off successfully----just like in EVE. Sometimes the guy's tank is better than you thought, sometimes your DPS isn't up to snuff.

And sometimes your corp gank fails.

Citizen Smif
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2011-12-16 12:38:22 UTC
Decimus Octavius wrote:
TO the OP and all the other 'suicide ganking should be nerfed' people:

Obviously you are idiots. WHY? because you are obviously performing some action that is presenting yourself as a target to being ganked. ITS NOT THE GANKERS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, IT IS YOU.
Understand this.

If you decide to travel with valuable cargo in an untanked ship then YOU are the one making the wrong decision, not the person that is going to blast you to bits. Solution: fly an appropriate ship; divide the cargo and do multiple runs; set up a courier contract; dont fly through low sec etc etc. There are many solutions and many options for travelling. Lots of people do this and never get ganked, if you are getting ganked you are doing it wrong.

If you decide to repeatedly mine in gallente ice space while goons are actively and widely publicising their ganking interdiction then YOU are making the wrong decision. Here is an idea, mine another type of ice, sell it then buy gallente ice products with the isk. Infact make isk in the zillion other ways you can make isk in this game and buy your gallente ice products. To repeatedly go and mine in systems with active gankers is just ********. To do it in a totally untanked barge even more so. The cost of your barge could have bought lots of ice, the time spent mining elsewhere would have bought lots of ice, running missions, complexes, incursions, market trading holy **** so many ways to make isk to buy your **** instead of directly mining it. Its not the gankers or the system that is the problem IT IS YOUR POOR CHOICES.

Just use your farking brain. If i get in a shiny ship and go unscouted into 0.0 and get blown up is it my fault or the people camping the gates? Do i repeatedly go jumping through that gate losing ships then come crying on the forums to nerf gate camping or bubbles, NO I DONT because im NOT A ******* IDIOT. BUT you ******* repeatedly get your **** blown up by your own stupid actions and come crying rivers of tears wanting the game changed. A final word to you is get ****** you ******* fuckheads.

and there you go.

With the emergence of the Fuhrer the hatred for the mining peoples is ever escalating.
Deltor Griffith
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2011-12-16 12:40:59 UTC
Avoid ganking? Mine more ice in Gallente space.
Mai Khumm
#30 - 2011-12-16 12:49:18 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Sturmwolke wrote:
Fool proof way of not getting scammed or ganked in RL is ...
... to just not live at all.

Don't you agree?

Oddly enough (correct me if I'm wrong) there are legal ramifications to scamming people IRL. Having a vibrant legal system affords protection enough to make it safe to sally forth and raise a little hell out of doors. I daresay, should someone suicide gank you, they would be convicted of murder posthumously and all their possessions would be forfeit to the gankee's family so they can afford the funeral.

I'm surprised you didn't think of that before you posted what you did...or was I?

Mai Khumm
#31 - 2011-12-16 12:52:28 UTC
Zimmy Zeta wrote:
There is an other foolproof way to evade suicide ganks: self destruct as soon as the ganker locks you. Works every time.

5 secs to gank, 2 mins to self destruct. Your math is off by 1min 55secs...
#32 - 2011-12-16 13:01:12 UTC
Outside the game, certainty of punishment against real life gankers is pathetic when compared to eve. Just ask your local PD how many drive by shootings they solved in the hood. If you say the hood is "low sec" the same can be applied to your posh upscale neighborhood. It may have a "ganker" punishment rate higher but not at Eve levels.

Eve is unrealistic.

Certainty of punishment by concord is 100 percent. The ganker will be destroyed for destroying your ship.

If you utilize EVERY precaution you can lower your chances of being a victim. When you get lazy you make it easier for the ganker and have no one to blame but yourself. Being a "hard" target is what Eve is all

Fly safe.

Eve Cluster Explorations
#33 - 2011-12-16 13:02:03 UTC
Sam Bowein wrote:
I tend to agree with OP…

Eve in its current state clearly favors 'bad' behaviours, because the punitions are too light (security status, come on Roll)

The removal of insurance for ships destroyed by Concord was a step in the right direction, but it's not enough.
There should be a penalty system, when you suicide gank someone, you have to pay an additional fine too.
I hope this is some kind of joke.

The 'harshness' of EVE has been nerfed in highsec so many times it is almost perfectly safe. For a competent player, it effectively is perfectly safe.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

Aedh Phelan
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2011-12-16 13:02:20 UTC
To the OP: You did know that all responses would be flames right. I hate to see these kinds of posts on the forums because as a hi-sec miner myself, I know it only adds fuel and incentive for those that hunt us. And, I dislike getting lumped into the image of terrified "carebears" crying for unfettered safety.

You know how a cat will freak and leap 10 feet if you mange to sneak up on it. Well, that's why I mine in hi-sec and avoid PvP. I'm that cat. The encounter is usually over by the time I find my mouse coursor again. And I love that rush!!! I DO NOT want to lose the anticipation and preparation that comes from knowing that "they" may come any moment and will eventually come to pop my ship.

I actually enjoy the decompression and tranquility that comes from mining, especially in an operation. However, without the knowledge that I'm just a little bunny in woods filled with wolves it would all become soul suckingly boring very quickly.

Train skills to survive
Tank your boat
Pay attention to what is going on around you
Make bots look more attractive than you
Be paranoid
Evaluate your mistakes when they get you and do better next time
Have fun, if you are not, why are you paying for it?

Beyond that, I'm afraid I have to agree with Decimus...
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#35 - 2011-12-16 13:13:47 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
I daresay, should someone suicide gank you, they would be convicted of murder posthumously and all their possessions would be forfeit to the gankee's family so they can afford the funeral.

Maybe, but you would still be dead.

Perhaps a little personal interest in your own security, in RL or in Eve, is wise?

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Almost Dangerous
Wolves Amongst Strangers
#36 - 2011-12-16 13:16:34 UTC
My shoes are getting wet from all the tears.
Jojo Jackson
Dead Red Eye
#37 - 2011-12-16 15:11:58 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:

Laws do not protect anybody, they only punish people.

That's the point ... where is the punishment?

Even -10 sec status Criminals have nothing to fear.

CONCORD destroys their ships over and over and over and over .... and over again and NOTHING happens.
Is CONCORD realy THAT stupid and can't catch them to arest them?
And even more, even if they catch them ... they let them keep the goods they stole.

Sorry CCP ... never in the past, not now and never in the future ANY police would allow this!

And now the funny part ..
When ever someone says: "In RL criminals ..." he get hardcore flamed :"EVE IS NOT REAL".
And now the exact same criminals cry: "In RL blabla".

This leads just to -> Gankers are a bunsh of pullshit talking trolls

Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

Kariel Lateef
Space Meanies Inc.
#38 - 2011-12-16 15:13:09 UTC
o fer the sake of tears, TANK YOUR DANG BOAT! I've had three gank attempts on me in each case I turned on my active tank (gallente) and watched concord blow them to kingdom come. I have never understood why suicide ganking even worked with a COMPETENT PILOT. If you play the game stupid stupid is gonna happen.
Jojo Jackson
Dead Red Eye
#39 - 2011-12-16 15:14:39 UTC
Aedh Phelan wrote:
To the OP: You did know that all responses would be flames right. I hate to see these kinds of posts on the forums because as a hi-sec miner myself, I know it only adds fuel and incentive for those that hunt us. And, I dislike getting lumped into the image of terrified "carebears" crying for unfettered safety.

So instead of trying to get some balance into this system or fix broken mechanics you just gave up?
Then they allready won :(.

Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

Jojo Jackson
Dead Red Eye
#40 - 2011-12-16 15:20:04 UTC
Kariel Lateef wrote:

Try to fit a MEDIUM shield extender on a MEDIUM size mining bark hull (Retriver).
Try to fit a CAPITAL repair system on a CAPTIAL industrial ship (Orca).
Try to creat a fit, where you do NOT gimp your job effectivnes (mining) by 50%.

And do it all WITHOUT billions of Officer or Deadspace equip but only using T2!

And while you try it allways remember: if you use JUST a medium extender on a normal cruiser ... you get flamed to oblivion from all this gank trolls!

Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!