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Wormhole PI questions.

Tear Jar
New Order Logistics
#1 - 2014-12-01 02:53:14 UTC
Hi, I am looking to set up a PI wormhole colony. I want something that I don't have to check every day though.

Are there any good PI setups that will let me check up on them infrequently(ideally something like once a week)? And how much isk do they give per month?
Aerie Evingod
Midwest Miners LLC
#2 - 2014-12-01 15:45:48 UTC
If you only want to check on them once a week then your best bet is probably to do P0 extraction through to P2 on each planet. P1 manufacturing will require you to move stuff more often than once a week and any sort of P3/P4 manufacturing planet will also need more than once a week of attention or have tons of wasted down time.
Tear Jar
New Order Logistics
#3 - 2014-12-01 17:43:03 UTC
Aerie Evingod wrote:
If you only want to check on them once a week then your best bet is probably to do P0 extraction through to P2 on each planet. P1 manufacturing will require you to move stuff more often than once a week and any sort of P3/P4 manufacturing planet will also need more than once a week of attention or have tons of wasted down time.

Approximately how much isk/month would I make doing that?
Aerie Evingod
Midwest Miners LLC
#4 - 2014-12-01 18:25:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Aerie Evingod
Edit: correction to my math. With two extractors, 4 basic factories and two advanced you can produce 240 P2 per day (48 cycles yielding 5 P2 each). Or about 7200 P2 per month. At the same conservative 5000 isk each that is 36m isk per month per planet. Or 180m for five planets.

Old post with bad math: With two extractors, 4 basic factories and two advanced you can produce 48 P2 per day or roughly 1440 per month. That's assuming you don't have any down time. P2 prices vary but let's say a conservative 5000isk each and you are looking at 7.2m isk per month per planet. 5 planets would net you 36m a month. The problem will be keeping the factories supplied with input materials.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#5 - 2014-12-01 19:55:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
I ran 3 characters doing extraction and processing. I had so much I had to haul out, once a month I'd use a freighter (C5) when we got a random hisec connection (D792 - not sure a freighter still fits though). I then made mostly P2 & some P3. I was using 3-day cycles.

Given BIF cycle twice an hour (40 units per hour), and AIF once an hour (5 units per hour), it isn't hard to figure out the earnings per day given the market prices and number of factories (21 and 19).

Example: Mechanical Parts = 6,864.99 In Jita
6,864.99 ISK Per Unit * 19 AIF (one planet) * 5 units Per AIF * 24 cycles per day = 15,652,177.20 per day
Minus any production & sale related costs, of course.

Tools and Info: [Community Spotlight: EVE Planets]
Planetary Interaction Material Diagram (official thread) [Shows paths to build all PI commodities.]

Pi Spew (references intended mostly for beginners):
Owen Levanth
Sagittarius Unlimited Exploration
#6 - 2014-12-01 23:50:50 UTC
Tear Jar wrote:
Hi, I am looking to set up a PI wormhole colony. I want something that I don't have to check every day though.

Are there any good PI setups that will let me check up on them infrequently(ideally something like once a week)? And how much isk do they give per month?

Search for some good P2 you can build with the materials in your system, then just extract and build on the planet. Just plan a bit ahead when you're placing extractors, storage and factories and you get a nice low-effort setup.

For example, I've two W-Space "parasites" sitting in a wormhole-system, both with six planets each and I:

-Have to restart the extractors every four days, so essentially once a week.
-Empty out the colonies about once a month.

In the end, when everything is sold and tallied up, I get consistently something around 300-400 million ISK per month. (More on the lower end when I'm too lazy and just leave the colonies alone because I don't want to log in and more to the higher end if I actually log in often enough per month to keep them running all the time.)

Also, as a safeguard in case you lose your POCOs or use other peoples' POCOs (who could lock you out one fine day), include your command center in your set up, so you can in an emergency just shoot stuff into space. Getting your stuff out slower is still better then not at all.
Derath Ellecon
Shadow Cartel
#7 - 2014-12-02 05:09:24 UTC
How many PI toons are you talking about?
Adhocracy Incorporated
#8 - 2014-12-02 15:20:03 UTC
Set up a P1 planet with an extra storage unit. You will get a hell of a lot more than 36 M per month for five planets.

Wormholes are good because of resource abundance and lack of taxes. Putting all-in-one planets down is sort of like dual tanking your ship. You easily have the ability to drop a single extractor with 10 heads which dumps to a storage unit. Have 6 to 8 P1 factories surrounding it which dump to a launchpad.

Several months ago, I set something up with 4 PI pilots. I was checking daily, but I pulled about 3B of PI out in 2 months.
Aerie Evingod
Midwest Miners LLC
#9 - 2014-12-02 17:30:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Aerie Evingod
Nitrah wrote:
Set up a P1 planet with an extra storage unit. You will get a hell of a lot more than 36 M per month for five planets.

This made me go back and reevaluate my math... I messed up my math and my numbers are off because I forgot to multiply output by 5 for P2. I will update my post.

Edit: corrected math for lazy P2 production is 36m per month per planet.
Andrew Indy
Cleaning Crew
#10 - 2014-12-05 04:30:48 UTC
Assuming good planets you can get a 2 Extractor, 36 Basic and 3 Advanced setup going with good skills. You might not make the full 360 unit per day however you can happily get around the 320 mark with most non gas planets.

Even at 5000isk per unit and 300 units per planet per day you are looking at 1.5mil per day per planet.

The problem is finding a WH with all good planets, a HS static , good Pocos ect.