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Huola is burned

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#21 - 2014-11-30 21:34:06 UTC
Havohej wrote:
Eran Mintor wrote:
The lack of fighting is making Amarr weaker.


Is that so? Maybe Midular did have it right after all.

I told you...

Ava Starfire
Khushakor Clan
#22 - 2014-12-01 01:05:31 UTC
Remember like two years ago, when we had control of the entire warzone, and like, the Gallente had to come save you all from losing Kamela (Or Kourm, or whatever system it was, who cares)? Yeah?

Remember what a huge difference that made in the grand scheme of... oh. ****.

"There is no strength in numbers; have no such misconception." -Jayka Vofur, "Warfare in the North"

Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#23 - 2014-12-01 02:11:31 UTC
Eran Mintor wrote:
Havohej wrote:
Eran Mintor wrote:
The lack of fighting is making Amarr weaker.


Is that so? Maybe Midular did have it right after all.

I told you...


No need to gloat, Divine Commodore Mintor.

Now that the Empyrean War seems to have come to a close, I'd fly with you again any time.

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

OOC Forums @ Backstage

Eli Hakomairos
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#24 - 2014-12-01 02:21:44 UTC
Shame Your state protectorate can't get any praises these days, Kim. Any ground you do gain, just remember Bohica Allows it.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#25 - 2014-12-01 02:32:15 UTC
well, hate to say it but I guess the calamari war effort is finally at least working at half efficiency..... one side had to pull their weight.... I almost wish it was the other way around... meh...
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#26 - 2014-12-01 06:06:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Pieter Tuulinen
Eli Hakomairos wrote:
Shame Your state protectorate can't get any praises these days, Kim. Any ground you do gain, just remember Bohica Allows it.

Why even bother fighting for the State Protectorate? Heth managed to muddy the waters so much with his threats of nationalisation that no sane corporation would invest in Black Rise anyway! It's a disenfranchised corporation headed by a discredited political faction offering dirty money for dubious ends.

And I say this as someone who's fought on both sides of the 'Calamari War Effort' - long enough to know that the phrase is a joke. There's no cooperation. No grand strategy. Just disconnected groups at alliance size, at best. As much as I would like it not to be so, I've come to the conclusion that the Gallente/Caldari zone is largely wasted effort - there hasn't been serious Caldari investment in that area to guard since the Auctions fell through and the Gallente citizens were denied their voting rights.

It's a different story on the Amarr/Matari front, where the systems that switch sides (however regularly and briefly) actually contain colonies with populations and resources.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Taraki Orani
BERSA Shipping Trading and Mining Co.
#27 - 2014-12-01 08:22:31 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Taraki Orani wrote:
So you really hink that State just take Houla?

Well Federation just did not defended that space.. So you simply claimed it with low resistance.. and saying this a good fight and showing this like a hard won fight...

Just another flip show from state...

Diana Kim you are a good peon of state.. I salute you


For Maker's sake, who teaches gallenteans about environment? What do they know besides democracy, freedom and hedonism?...
Huola is the system of Amarr Empire, not of Caldari State, and was liberated from Minmatar occupation, not Gallentean.

You know, not the whole world is rotating about Gallente Prime, right? There are minmatars, amarr, and many others.

I cannot blame you as I am the one who cannot express myself clearly.

I respect you and your dedication Kim. Whenever I look at you, I see Heth and his acts of relevancy Previously, federation forces defended houla along with republic.. Wanted to make it a reference to that...

Any way. It is good to see that you too are aware that there are other worlds rotating around different suns.

This is a start.
Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#28 - 2014-12-01 09:32:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Eran Mintor
Havohej wrote:
Eran Mintor wrote:
Havohej wrote:
Eran Mintor wrote:
The lack of fighting is making Amarr weaker.


Is that so? Maybe Midular did have it right after all.

I told you...


No need to gloat, Divine Commodore Mintor.

Now that the Empyrean War seems to have come to a close, I'd fly with you again any time.

Not gloating at all, I apologize if you took it that way. I did tell you that Midular had it right though, so I am just reconfirming my earlier opinion.

With that said, this war isn't coming to a close. Like Ms. Starfire said, this war has gone from one extreme to the other, and it doesn't actually make much of a difference in the just makes a big difference for the few people still living in this god-forsaken space.

Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#29 - 2014-12-01 10:59:02 UTC
Exactly the point I was sarcastically making.

Still, your fleets were quite enjoyable... and profitable... back when I earned my Blade Commander's badge. I won't be getting a Valklear General's badge any time soon, though. I'm too busy working for True Power for cheap Slave implants.

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

OOC Forums @ Backstage

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#30 - 2014-12-01 11:25:22 UTC
Eli Hakomairos wrote:
Shame Your state protectorate can't get any praises these days, Kim. Any ground you do gain, just remember Bohica Allows it.

If your words are true and these Ishtar fleets that were slaughtered were allowed to be slaughtered, this is the worst case of incompetence I ever saw.

Please undock more.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

KaRa DaVuT
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2014-12-01 11:51:45 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:

Please undock more.

Well I admire your honesty in words, as also your dedication.

And strong posture is very.. charming?... I wish those lips were not caldarian..

It reminds me of many past pains from my old captors...

With saying that, I see you are a reasonable person. Then why a special specimen like you simply chose to be a slave of capitalist ideals instead of choosing freedom?

Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What God desires is in your heart and on your mind... And what you decide to do every day, makes you - not your race - a good man - or not.

Wendrika Hydreiga
#32 - 2014-12-01 13:36:58 UTC
Well, if anyone is not going to do it, might aswell be the first...

Good job in capturing Huola! Liberating a system is always a big deal, I think. I remember not a few weeks back how Huola was a hotspot for conflict, but I'm glad peace has finaly arrived.

Judging by the lack of current interest in the recapturing Huola, maybe it will remain peaceful for a while! That's good!

Jennifer Maxwell
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#33 - 2014-12-01 16:04:25 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Eli Hakomairos wrote:
Shame Your state protectorate can't get any praises these days, Kim. Any ground you do gain, just remember Bohica Allows it.

Why even bother fighting for the State Protectorate? Heth managed to muddy the waters so much with his threats of nationalisation that no sane corporation would invest in Black Rise anyway! It's a disenfranchised corporation headed by a discredited political faction offering dirty money for dubious ends.

And I say this as someone who's fought on both sides of the 'Calamari War Effort' - long enough to know that the phrase is a joke. There's no cooperation. No grand strategy. Just disconnected groups at alliance size, at best. As much as I would like it not to be so, I've come to the conclusion that the Gallente/Caldari zone is largely wasted effort - there hasn't been serious Caldari investment in that area to guard since the Auctions fell through and the Gallente citizens were denied their voting rights.

It's a different story on the Amarr/Matari front, where the systems that switch sides (however regularly and briefly) actually contain colonies with populations and resources.

Often enough Mr. Tuulinen, I find that though I may not always agree with your opinions, I can at least respect your wisdom and can see your point of view.

However, where it concerns Black Rise, the political landscape, and your apparent view of the people living and breathing on the worlds that make up the cluster, I can find nothing to respect.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#34 - 2014-12-01 16:27:19 UTC
KaRa DaVuT wrote:
Then why a special specimen like you simply chose to be a slave of capitalist ideals instead of choosing freedom?

First, I am not a "special specimen", I am just a regular soldier.
Second, being or choosing to be a slave is against the law in the State, and I am not a criminal.
And third, freedom is the most disgusting concept human mind has developed.

Those, who want freedom can just land on some indigenous planet, leave all their possessions and clothes behind, and run into woods naked to live with animals like an animal.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#35 - 2014-12-01 16:48:50 UTC
Jennifer Maxwell wrote:

Often enough Mr. Tuulinen, I find that though I may not always agree with your opinions, I can at least respect your wisdom and can see your point of view.

However, where it concerns Black Rise, the political landscape, and your apparent view of the people living and breathing on the worlds that make up the cluster, I can find nothing to respect.

I'd like to think you can still respect someone who's wrong about something.

I spent a year fighting in Black RIse, during which time I converted a lot of FDU frigates, destroyers and cruisers into expensive debris and their crews to frozen meat. During my service the warzone pendulum'd from us controlling most of it to them controlling damn near all of it. Nothing changed at either extreme or at any middle point in the process. With the benefit of hindsight, I realise that my motivation for the work I put in was hatred of the Federation because of Home, stoked by effective political officers and redirected to the FDU.

Now I'm curious. You apparently have no respect for my view of ANYONE in the cluster? I'm not one of these nihilistic people who hates all life. My thoughts on people are generally fairly mainstream and middle of the road - so your statement has confused me.

Can you explain why I'm not only wrong about Black RIse, Politics and all human life in the cluster but apparently SO wrong I've lost your respect?

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Capital Allied Industrial Distribution
#36 - 2014-12-01 17:04:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Vizage
I think Mr. Tuulinen (and Ms. Maxwell is free to correct me if I'm wrong) that while you may not be nihilistic inherently, your viewpoint on Black Rise (which includes it's colonies and people) is in fact nihilistic. The approach that the state of the region is either pointless or hopeless and as such simply not worth the effort is of cold comfort to the population living there. That being said the toll on our baseliner crew weights equally on my mind and I find myself deeply conflicted on the matter.

Again, Ms. Maxwell. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#37 - 2014-12-01 17:26:09 UTC
It was my understanding that there WAS virtually no population there.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Jennifer Maxwell
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#38 - 2014-12-01 18:46:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jennifer Maxwell
My apologies, I used the term "cluster" to refer to the Black Rise region when I had forgotten, in common vernacular, it is used to describe the whole of civilized space. Forgive me that, if you will.

Indeed, Ms. Amsel, you are right. There are most definitely people living in the Rise, whether they came from outside or were born from people already inhabiting those worlds. Samanuni, Ichoriya, Onnamon, all have large populations of colonists and foreigners making their lives in the area. And that's not even considering the scattered planets whom hold native populations from before the Gallente or Caldari found a way to traverse the spacial anomalies.

The system where I was born is under constant threat of attack and occupation from the Federation. The first time they occupied my homeworld, when they left due to military pressure from the Caldari Navy, they destroyed as much infrastructure and production facilities as they could, almost crippling a world with already low resources and population. It took years to rebuild. I am a part of the Protectorate because I wish to try and prevent this from happening again. Not from a desire to see the Federation destroyed.

I still respect you. But as they stand now, I can not respect your views about my Home.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#39 - 2014-12-01 18:55:14 UTC
First of all, my profound sympathies regarding what happened to your planet. I'd like to think that such 'Scorched Earth' strategies simply do not happen anymore but the sad truth is that they were all too common during my period of service there. I've been on both ends of this, too, both moving into a system where the smoke is still rising into the upper atmosphere and also carrying out 'asset denial' operations - even as our orbital fell.

Fortunately Ichoriya and Samanuni are not within the CEWPA area and can no longer be lost (although raids do happen, from time to time). I used Ichoriya as a logistics store for much of my time.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Jennifer Maxwell
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#40 - 2014-12-02 14:56:33 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
First of all, my profound sympathies regarding what happened to your planet. I'd like to think that such 'Scorched Earth' strategies simply do not happen anymore but the sad truth is that they were all too common during my period of service there. I've been on both ends of this, too, both moving into a system where the smoke is still rising into the upper atmosphere and also carrying out 'asset denial' operations - even as our orbital fell.

Fortunately Ichoriya and Samanuni are not within the CEWPA area and can no longer be lost (although raids do happen, from time to time). I used Ichoriya as a logistics store for much of my time.

I appreciate that.

Perhaps some day, the war will end, and large swaths of the Rise will gain the protection of Concord and the Navy. But until that day comes, many will still need to lay down their lives. We may not be as numerous as the peoples caught between the Empire and the Republic, but we'll fight just as hard.