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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Features already available in other MMOs that EVE doesnt have.

First post
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2014-11-29 14:10:46 UTC
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Poje wrote:
And don't forget that, for exemple, i played the game for almost 8 years and i have X number of SPs. I have that number and it took all that time to have. If i would respec, that wouldnt change my amount of SPs and the time it took to get them and that's the important aspect here.

No it isn't. You can buy a lot of SP on the character bazaar.

Put a limit on how often it can be done? Makes sense.

Only available to older characters? No, let's at least make an effort not to uphold Malcanis' Law.

But the most important restriction for SP reallocation is that you should lose a large chunk of the total SP. I say 25%.

Those were just exemples of what they could do to limit the use of it.

I personaly thing the best would just be to make it a One-time only feature per character, that way, no abuse could be done.

Btw the loss of SPs is an old and stupid idea, thats why they are changing the Clone system in next patch and im sure that the T3 loss of SP will be removed in the futur too.
Qvar Dar'Zanar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#62 - 2014-11-29 17:47:37 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
#1: Is in account management

#2: Is in the NEX store right next to you

#3: Would be so terrible bad for EVE, I have nothing else to say


Not saying at all that OP is right in what he asks, but afaik only support can change a character name, and it will happen only if it's somehow offensive.

About character resculption, the Account management where you buy one says specifically "Please note that this service does not provide the ability to change a character's race, bloodline or gender." which is what OP was asking for.
Catherine Laartii
#63 - 2014-11-29 18:43:26 UTC
Here's a big one for me: Daily and monthly achievements. The other main MMO I like playing apart from EVE is Guild Wars 2, and they have a system of daily and monthly accomplishments to complete doing certain tasks for various rewards; ex. getting x number of npc or player kills, gathering crafting materials, completing events, etc. It's really fun and gives a good bit of direction if you haven't gotten on to do anything in particular. Here's what I would propose to adapt it to eve:

-For dailies, you'd have such achievements as daily (insert pirate type) killed), daily gatherer, daily FW plexes captured, daily pvp kills...the list goes on. Each of these would take a bit of doing to complete, and you'd have 5-10 categories to fill to complete your dailies with any number of options to choose from. The reward at the end would be a nice 100 million isk, and some (but not too much) SP on the side. Different types of dailies would crop up every 24 hours to complete, so one day you might have more industry stuff to work on to complete, and the other day you might have to some more kills in pvp, or have a 'variety' of kills.

-For monthlies, you'd have a few slightly different things like Incursion completion, cruiser or larger ships built, systems in FW defended or flipped, basically a few different larger items, but a lot of the same from dailies except having to do QUITE a few more to complete them. You'd have fewer categories to complete; probably 4-8, and large rewards along the lines of a full billion isk reward, and a decent amount of SP to allocate.

-The montlies in particular would take quite a bit of effort. Things like monthly pirates kills or monthly manufacturer would take more than a few thousand units to complete, and would take quite awhile to just grind. There would be a higher likelihood of pvp or group accomplishments being listed, to reflect the large long-term reward.

Both of these would go towards encouraging different play styles, being adventurous, and rewarding group cooperation. While the concept of grinding might seem antithetical to many of us in the game, I actually enjoy doing this in the other game quite a bit.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2014-11-29 20:06:34 UTC
It makes sense to give part of a player's SP revenue when you complete enough in-game stuff (although it would need to be vague and open-ended as to what counts toward it) but EVE has got by so long now with training by time*attributes now that it's really too late to change I think. Or if it did change, it would need to be very slow and gradual.

Poje wrote:
Btw the loss of SPs is an old and stupid idea, thats why they are changing the Clone system in next patch and im sure that the T3 loss of SP will be removed in the futur too.

The loss of SP as a punishment for not having enough ISK was considered draconian, but there's no need to shy away from using it as a counterbalance to a feature people don't have to use at all and in fact are being encouraged not to.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Gadget Helmsdottir
Gadget's Workshop
#65 - 2014-11-29 22:09:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Gadget Helmsdottir
Evora Pirkibo wrote:
You can find if a character has been sold through forum searching, though I understand this is an unutilized tool to the op from the three redundant ideas.

The only allowed way to exchange a character is for isk on the character bazzar forum. These are archived allowing you to find said information via the forum search tool. Try it. Really, it doesn't bite.

Now do this in the middle of combat.
Ya know, because that is leading reason for not allowing a name change. If a pilot is that interested in another pilot's history, and if histories were implemented correctly, then all a pilot would need to do is Show info--Pilot History (maybe chose a tab thereafter).

No one is saying that a pilot's history needs to be hidden. It would record a name change, maybe even sex and race changes, and honestly, if possible, it should record account changes (at the very least in API) as well as corp jumps.

If you choose to name a character something you later regret, or choose to buy a character with a name you don't like, or choose a race you later regret, or choose to train skills you later regret...

Notice a pattern yet? Perhaps the responsibility of choice and the consequences of those actions? I recognize an attempt to distance ones self from personal responsibility. "Other games do this..." Is a very poor justification indeed.

Yeah the pattern is paisley -- too convoluted to make any sense. I hate paisley.

The first three are completely cosmetic. I've purchased clothing that I came to hate a few weeks later. I've purchaced clothing that I still love to wear... but it's not the 1980's any more, and they are WAY out of fashion. As a non-cartoon character, I own more than just one repeated set of clothing.
How does choosing to wear a different set of clothing equate to distancing oneself from personal responsibility? News flash -- unless you're Mao era Chinese, or North Korean...It doesn't.

The last one I agree with you about, so that's why I don't endorse a skill change of this sort. In a game where you can potentially learn every skill, shifting SP around on command is far too much of an advantage, and quite honestly takes away from the nature of the game. This type of change to the pilot affects others, and -- especially if it were to be a paid service -- would just make EvE truly pay-to-win.

Changing a race has one in-game mechanic that might matter to some -- the NPC corp that you get stuck with. Either this corp would be permanently set for the pilot's original race, or it would be deemed that it doen't really matter all that much and would change with the pilot's new race. That's about the only effect of changing race would have upon other pilots, since there are no (mechanical) racial restrictions on joining a corp any more.

Changing sex would have even less of an effect.

Changing names, I've covered in an earlier post in this thread... please read that if you haven't already.

The bottom line is that if there were a readily available in-game history of pilot changes, then there should be no real reason to not allow cosmetic change for a pilot. This way, one pilot cahge change her "clothes" with the seasons if she so desires, and other pilots can easily look at her history to see who she has always been. That history won't bite either.


Work smarter, not harder. --Scrooge McDuck, an eminent old-Earth economist

Given an hour to save New Eden, how would respected scientist, Albertus Eisenstein compose his thoughts? "Fifty-five minutes to define the problem; save the galaxy in five."

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#66 - 2014-11-29 22:13:17 UTC
Qvar Dar'Zanar wrote:
elitatwo wrote:
#1: Is in account management

#2: Is in the NEX store right next to you

#3: Would be so terrible bad for EVE, I have nothing else to say


Not saying at all that OP is right in what he asks, but afaik only support can change a character name, and it will happen only if it's somehow offensive.

About character resculption, the Account management where you buy one says specifically "Please note that this service does not provide the ability to change a character's race, bloodline or gender." which is what OP was asking for.

Someone who actualy read the posts and understand them.

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2014-11-30 01:50:42 UTC
Howabout if EVE characters got a nickname? You could set the nickname to anything you want, and you can select if you display under real name or nickname on the forum. On the overview, you can choose to view pilots' real name, nickname, ship name, ship type, or any combination of those.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2014-11-30 14:04:12 UTC
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Howabout if EVE characters got a nickname? You could set the nickname to anything you want, and you can select if you display under real name or nickname on the forum. On the overview, you can choose to view pilots' real name, nickname, ship name, ship type, or any combination of those.

Good idea!

Or you can do a "Formely known as..."

If Prince could do it, i think we can. Big smile
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#69 - 2014-11-30 14:34:59 UTC
Poje wrote:
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Howabout if EVE characters got a nickname? You could set the nickname to anything you want, and you can select if you display under real name or nickname on the forum. On the overview, you can choose to view pilots' real name, nickname, ship name, ship type, or any combination of those.

Good idea!

Or you can do a "Formely known as..."

If Prince could do it, i think we can. Big smile

the problem of "formally known as" solutions is that you end up with one name at a time or another being in the history of 100+ pilots, so how the hell, after some time, will you be able to match up who the hell was who at what time without spending HOURS going through lists?

a name change would serve as NOTHING but a way to add HOURS onto a history check, making API checking an even more dark hell for recruiters than it is, back in my day i had whole teams of recruiters that still managed to burn themselves out of EVE going through dozens of recruitment requests a night for a lowsec corp, making it even harder would be cruel and unusual punishment.

Besides, the bad names are a way to encourage 1) thinking ahead, and 2) actually giving you an incentive to spend a couple hundred bucks playing a character to old age in subscriptions, rather than just spending 100 bucks and getting an 8 year old character right off the bat
Zan Shiro
#70 - 2014-11-30 15:09:37 UTC
Poje wrote:
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Howabout if EVE characters got a nickname? You could set the nickname to anything you want, and you can select if you display under real name or nickname on the forum. On the overview, you can choose to view pilots' real name, nickname, ship name, ship type, or any combination of those.

Good idea!

Or you can do a "Formely known as..."

If Prince could do it, i think we can. Big smile

iirc as he got more creative with names...he stopped. As it was creating royalty problems. As in he was in danger of losing them. Since the letter of the law said don't exist anymore, guess you don't want the royalty checks anymore if someone wanted to raise questions.

Now other artists show how this was done better. John Mellancamp as he got older lost the Cougar middle/nickname. But did not hit this issue. Since I am guessing the legal paperwork was signed with a more permanent name and no one was going I don't see a Cougar Mellancamp here, do you?

Moral to this story like I said in on page 1 I think, when putting the name down on permanent record best if you like to use it, its going to follow you for a bit. Not saying be uber serious, but is that the name you want to be called a month has to come into play.
This chars name is named after a japanese alcoholic beverage for example. Inside joke you'd only get with some time spent in the prefecture of Okinawa. And its in Japanese so it doesn't sound as cheesy as calling yourself say Budweiser or Coors light imo.

Adrie Atticus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#71 - 2014-11-30 15:10:36 UTC
Poje wrote:
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Poje wrote:
And don't forget that, for exemple, i played the game for almost 8 years and i have X number of SPs. I have that number and it took all that time to have. If i would respec, that wouldnt change my amount of SPs and the time it took to get them and that's the important aspect here.

No it isn't. You can buy a lot of SP on the character bazaar.

Put a limit on how often it can be done? Makes sense.

Only available to older characters? No, let's at least make an effort not to uphold Malcanis' Law.

But the most important restriction for SP reallocation is that you should lose a large chunk of the total SP. I say 25%.

Those were just exemples of what they could do to limit the use of it.

I personaly thing the best would just be to make it a One-time only feature per character, that way, no abuse could be done.

Btw the loss of SPs is an old and stupid idea, thats why they are changing the Clone system in next patch and im sure that the T3 loss of SP will be removed in the futur too.

The thing here is that you have still not produced one bit of reasoning why we should be able to reallocate all of our skill points. Remember, "fair" is not a thing in Eve.
Gadget Helmsdottir
Gadget's Workshop
#72 - 2014-11-30 15:22:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Gadget Helmsdottir
Nariya Kentaya wrote:

the problem of "formally known as" solutions is that you end up with one name at a time or another being in the history of 100+ pilots, so how the hell, after some time, will you be able to match up who the hell was who at what time without spending HOURS going through lists?

a name change would serve as NOTHING but a way to add HOURS onto a history check, making API checking an even more dark hell for recruiters than it is, back in my day i had whole teams of recruiters that still managed to burn themselves out of EVE going through dozens of recruitment requests a night for a lowsec corp, making it even harder would be cruel and unusual punishment.

Besides, the bad names are a way to encourage 1) thinking ahead, and 2) actually giving you an incentive to spend a couple hundred bucks playing a character to old age in subscriptions, rather than just spending 100 bucks and getting an 8 year old character right off the bat

Um... Nope.

First, the likelyhood of that many pilots in the game choosing the same name is low, especially since there will be a charge for this service. Should a player decide to "hide in the masses", then that player would either need to convince a "100+ pilots" to change their names, and then change the them to something else, or use a whole slew of PLEX to do this herself. Possible... and maybe someone will try that nonsense, but it's quite absurd, and will most definitely be the exception and not the rule if even tried at all.

Second, what is the recruiter looking for right now? Links to other corps. Use that instead of names... Oh, you have a specific pilot that you're looking for in the check... then I'm assuming that the officer has a list of names to look for. No the extra information will not add extra hours into a history check.

It will, however, add more depth into said check. More information is never a bad thing when you know how to filter the info into the right channels. Look for what you need, and ignore the rest. An experienced analyst can do this almost instictively. I would hope that your recruiter has some experience, even if it was just learned in game.

As for that last argument, there's an edit button here for a reason. The players are human. They make mistakes. They have interests that change. This game isn't designed to cater to the short term player. Ideally, pilots should be here for the long haul -- long enough for players to decide that maybe they would like to try something else in EvE. Some players solve that delimma by have a great number of alts. Some just keep the same character and shift skill training and maybe corps, alliance, and friends as well. These pilots are in essence remaking themselves.

And no matter your view on purchasing a pilot, CCP allows it if done by their rules. Pilot sales are there because there is a reasonable demand for this service, and because it can be controlled.

Name changes are the same. For those that wish it, for whatever reason, whether that's being "reborn", correcting a mistake, or even attempting to hide past misdeeds, renaming their pilots should be an option. As long as every change is recorded, then there shouln't be a problem for the vigilant.


Work smarter, not harder. --Scrooge McDuck, an eminent old-Earth economist

Given an hour to save New Eden, how would respected scientist, Albertus Eisenstein compose his thoughts? "Fifty-five minutes to define the problem; save the galaxy in five."

Blobskillz McBlub
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2014-11-30 15:46:47 UTC
Master Apollyon wrote:
Gadget Helmsdottir wrote:
Purchasing a character what has great skills but is named PIEFACEFREAK or some sillieness would probably be the number one reason to change ones name.

Theres another reason. Know a couple of friends that started Eve just to see what this was about and created a toon with a silly name but later as they got addicted to eve wished to change the name for a more "serious" name and couldnt...

why would anybody want a serious name in a video game? I never understood that.
Gadget Helmsdottir
Gadget's Workshop
#74 - 2014-11-30 15:52:37 UTC
Blobskillz McBlub wrote:
Master Apollyon wrote:
Gadget Helmsdottir wrote:
Purchasing a character what has great skills but is named PIEFACEFREAK or some sillieness would probably be the number one reason to change ones name.

Theres another reason. Know a couple of friends that started Eve just to see what this was about and created a toon with a silly name but later as they got addicted to eve wished to change the name for a more "serious" name and couldnt...

why would anybody want a serious name in a video game? I never understood that.

Immersion, personal preference, role-playing.


Work smarter, not harder. --Scrooge McDuck, an eminent old-Earth economist

Given an hour to save New Eden, how would respected scientist, Albertus Eisenstein compose his thoughts? "Fifty-five minutes to define the problem; save the galaxy in five."

Your Ex-Girlfriend
#75 - 2014-11-30 19:14:54 UTC
Blobskillz McBlub wrote:
Master Apollyon wrote:
Gadget Helmsdottir wrote:
Purchasing a character what has great skills but is named PIEFACEFREAK or some sillieness would probably be the number one reason to change ones name.

Theres another reason. Know a couple of friends that started Eve just to see what this was about and created a toon with a silly name but later as they got addicted to eve wished to change the name for a more "serious" name and couldnt...

why would anybody want a serious name in a video game? I never understood that.

This. ^^^

I'm baaaaaaack!!! Didja miss me?

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#76 - 2014-11-30 20:42:28 UTC
Blobskillz McBlub wrote:

why would anybody want a serious name in a video game? I never understood that.

Im not what anyone would consider a role player. but when it comes to char creation i get very role player geeky. I try to have a theme.

i guess its because it has no gameplay effect whatsover. so im free to indulge without consequence.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Bad Taste.
#77 - 2014-11-30 21:15:48 UTC
Is this a troll thread? Yeah it must be. Everyone knows EVE is unique. F*** other MMOs.
Kieron Krodmandouin
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#78 - 2014-11-30 22:08:38 UTC
Skill respecs would be stupid, and these changes together would just make it easy to buy a high skillpoint character and remap/rename it to whatever your tastes. With the new skill que, you would be creating a business that doesn't need to exist, loading up characters with a years worth of random skills and letting them tick away.

I would like to see the walking in stations overhauled. Include walking in ships, and include a ton of expensive vanity items. Let you show off your solid platinum Amaar battleship crewed with exotic dancers to your friends, or your favorite in-station den of hedonism and excess. The game feels a little too utilitarian sometimes, which is not how super rich immortal space gods should feel. Build on the social aspect more, as that is the only place the game is weak.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2014-11-30 22:30:21 UTC
Gadget Helmsdottir wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:

the problem of "formally known as" solutions is that you end up with one name at a time or another being in the history of 100+ pilots, so how the hell, after some time, will you be able to match up who the hell was who at what time without spending HOURS going through lists?

a name change would serve as NOTHING but a way to add HOURS onto a history check, making API checking an even more dark hell for recruiters than it is, back in my day i had whole teams of recruiters that still managed to burn themselves out of EVE going through dozens of recruitment requests a night for a lowsec corp, making it even harder would be cruel and unusual punishment.

Besides, the bad names are a way to encourage 1) thinking ahead, and 2) actually giving you an incentive to spend a couple hundred bucks playing a character to old age in subscriptions, rather than just spending 100 bucks and getting an 8 year old character right off the bat

Um... Nope.

First, the likelyhood of that many pilots in the game choosing the same name is low, especially since there will be a charge for this service. Should a player decide to "hide in the masses", then that player would either need to convince a "100+ pilots" to change their names, and then change the them to something else, or use a whole slew of PLEX to do this herself. Possible... and maybe someone will try that nonsense, but it's quite absurd, and will most definitely be the exception and not the rule if even tried at all.

Second, what is the recruiter looking for right now? Links to other corps. Use that instead of names... Oh, you have a specific pilot that you're looking for in the check... then I'm assuming that the officer has a list of names to look for. No the extra information will not add extra hours into a history check.

It will, however, add more depth into said check. More information is never a bad thing when you know how to filter the info into the right channels. Look for what you need, and ignore the rest. An experienced analyst can do this almost instictively. I would hope that your recruiter has some experience, even if it was just learned in game.

As for that last argument, there's an edit button here for a reason. The players are human. They make mistakes. They have interests that change. This game isn't designed to cater to the short term player. Ideally, pilots should be here for the long haul -- long enough for players to decide that maybe they would like to try something else in EvE. Some players solve that delimma by have a great number of alts. Some just keep the same character and shift skill training and maybe corps, alliance, and friends as well. These pilots are in essence remaking themselves.

And no matter your view on purchasing a pilot, CCP allows it if done by their rules. Pilot sales are there because there is a reasonable demand for this service, and because it can be controlled.

Name changes are the same. For those that wish it, for whatever reason, whether that's being "reborn", correcting a mistake, or even attempting to hide past misdeeds, renaming their pilots should be an option. As long as every change is recorded, then there shouln't be a problem for the vigilant.


Terranid Meester
Tactical Assault and Recon Unit
#80 - 2014-11-30 23:45:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Terranid Meester
Poje wrote:

In January, i will have 8 years done in EVE and i have 15 years of MMO experience.

If you guys opened your eyes to what is ALREADY going on in this game, you would know that all the features i proposed will be there in the futur.

Just a matter of time.

I doubt it, if so then eve will die [ I will certainly leave if you can just redistribute skill points as and when you like, Im not quite sure on character resculpture]. Despite being here 8 years you seem to have learned very little about eve. You just want whats best for you and not for eve.

No to name change, buy a new character if you were stupid enough to give your old one a crap name. Do you really think CCP will add name change and characters with a hundred formerally know as charactername clogging up the database? You could possibly be in the thousands of former names for one character, how would anyone be bothered to scope through a list to show they are not employing a bad?